Why do wingnuts unquestionably make sweeping generalizations about the opposition?

Generalization is the whole Pub platform and argument- Small gov't, family values, cut taxes and regulations, strong defence. Too bad it's flag and bible waving crap cover for pandering to the rich and screwing everyone else...
Fact is not involved in the greedy rich's propaganda, and their bought off salesmen's itinerary...or the dupes' BS. Worst party in the modern world.
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I guess that's what makes them wingnuts.

Just out of curiosity, what about your statement is not a sweeping generalization?

Attaching a trait, via definition, is not a "sweeping generalization" in the sense that the phrase is used within the context of this discussion. That context being one of inappropriate generalization. If I said that all dogs are mammals, that would certainly be a "sweeping" generalization, technically speaking. But such a declaration identifies a defining quality of dogs, and as such is a quite different thing then an inappropriate generalization about dogs. For example, saying "all dogs are filthy and dangerous animals."

Here's my response to the OP:

Many people make inappropriate generalizations. Those who do, do so for a variety of reasons. There's prejudice, bigotry and hatred, accidental ignorance, willful ignorance, intellectual laziness, intentional incitement, grandiosity of self, and others I'm sure. As you'll note, most of these characteristics are not what most would consider "nice" and generally speaking we don't find a great deal of these qualities in people we would consider rational minded people. And most reasonable people tend to make attempts to minimize these undesirable qualities in themselves to some degree.

Of course, nobody is perfect and there are plenty of people who are rationally minded, yet might also have some prejudices of some kind. Or, they might have a mild arrogance about themselves. Or they might have several of these characteristics but in mild doses. As the saying goes, everything in moderation. It's when such characteristics become very pronounced in a person that we have real problems. If a person lets these demons go unchecked they can become extreme. Consequently, their thinking will become extreme. If they have a bad experience with a few black people over the course of their lives, they may come to extreme conclusions. Inappropriate over-generalizations are always extreme conclusions.

Because these people, whose thinking has become extreme, are not thinking rationally in regards to the subject about which they are being extreme, they are likely to further become wrapped up in those generalizations if/when they fail to identify logical flaws in their reasons for settling upon their conclusions, such as fallacies, causal factors, etc. This all creates a self perpetuating cycle by which the person continually arrives at their extreme conclusions on a regular basis. It is, in many ways, very similar to addiction. The out of control demons fuel inappropriate generalizations, which then fuel fangled logical faculties, which then fuel continued expression of those personal demons by providing a sense of self actualization and validation.

When people reach this point, where they regularly take extreme positions on many things, and are unwilling/unable to engage in cognitive dissonance or offer the kind of fair and rational evaluation of their own self and their positions or beliefs, we tend to call them wing nuts. Ironically, the term is meant as a pejorative and may often be used in hopes of pointing out to a person that they have reached a level of extremism and irrationality in their thinking that they might want to reexamine their selves, yet such self reflection is generally extremely difficult for a "wing nut."

In conclusion, the habit of making inappropriate generalizations is indirectly a defining characteristic of a "wing nut." However, from a causal point of view, I think this should be viewed within the appropriate context. Perhaps, instead of saying "'wing' nuts make inappropriate generalizations" it is better to say "people who make inappropriate generalizations often become 'wing nuts.'"

For fucks sake its Friday night. Keep it pithy
LMFAO @ posts #2 and #21

re #17:
How in the hell did that turtle get up there on that fence??

they want the world to be simple.

They cant live in the adult world

I think it goes both ways; both sides pick the most extreme morons on the other side of the fence to lampoon. Laziness is evident on both sides and there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.
is there a difference?

Yup- there are 20-30% RWingnuts rush/fox/Moonbots. The far left- communists, socialists, anarchists- are almost nonexistant- no matter what the Pub propaganda Machine says....
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I'm not sure. That's a good question.

But I want to know why all doctors from New England seem to be shorter than 5'5"?

And why are all Canadians so gosh darn smart and handsome?
Luckily I don't give a damn about your brainwashed dittohead/Foxbot opininions/insult generalizations lol. I have the facts and the rest of the world on my side. Pub dupes! see signature- all fact.
Luckily I don't give a damn about your brainwashed dittohead/Foxbot opininions/insult generalizations lol. I have the facts and the rest of the world on my side. Pub dupes! see signature- all fact.

Just passing by and taking a quick glance at your sig. The part about the "rich/poor gap" to be specific ... The US does not hold the title for that honor.

I question your proclaimed "facts"
I guess that's what makes them wingnuts.

Let's see, hmmm, isn't the word "wingnut" part of a "sweeping generalization"? The assumption that the right makes "sweeping generalizations" is a sweeping generalization itself.

You don't travel much do you Francis?

Frankie likes to tell everyone to change the Channel they are on.....he doesnt seem to realize.....he should do likewise.....

That was my first impression... :lol:

Tell me a modern country with a lower one, dingbats- or one with a worse rich/poor gap- join the 21st century, your BS heroes' voodoo has ruined us...that's Canada, Oz ($15), NZ ($13), Japan, Scan. Ger, Fr, It, old EU...arrogant Pubdingbats...lol.

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