Why do wingnuts unquestionably make sweeping generalizations about the opposition?

Corporatism doesn't exist, cant exist and wont exist for a few reasons, A) its against the law (monopoly laws), B) economically it would make no sense considering you need a consumer and a consumer needs money and the whole point of the fucking business in the first place is to make money so you need to pay your consumer a decent market wage to make money to have money C) The Tenth Amendment...
Why do wingnuts unquestionably make sweeping generalizations about the opposition?

Cause they are morans.

Know what sucks? When you try to accuse others of being morons and you misspell morons......kind of moronic ain't it?:lol:
There are people called ideologues, who cannot accept any ideals or values but their own. No other point of view can have any credence, and anyone who disagrees is a fool or a villain. Such people can make sweeping generalizations without thinking twice. Maybe without thinking once. It's easier that way, no critical thinking required.

Wow! You have described yourself so well, I am really impressed! Well Done!
I guess that's what makes them wingnuts.

Just out of curiosity, what about your statement is not a sweeping generalization?

Attaching a trait, via definition, is not a "sweeping generalization" in the sense that the phrase is used within the context of this discussion. That context being one of inappropriate generalization. If I said that all dogs are mammals, that would certainly be a "sweeping" generalization, technically speaking. But such a declaration identifies a defining quality of dogs, and as such is a quite different thing then an inappropriate generalization about dogs. For example, saying "all dogs are filthy and dangerous animals."

Here's my response to the OP:

Many people make inappropriate generalizations. Those who do, do so for a variety of reasons. There's prejudice, bigotry and hatred, accidental ignorance, willful ignorance, intellectual laziness, intentional incitement, grandiosity of self, and others I'm sure. As you'll note, most of these characteristics are not what most would consider "nice" and generally speaking we don't find a great deal of these qualities in people we would consider rational minded people. And most reasonable people tend to make attempts to minimize these undesirable qualities in themselves to some degree.

Of course, nobody is perfect and there are plenty of people who are rationally minded, yet might also have some prejudices of some kind. Or, they might have a mild arrogance about themselves. Or they might have several of these characteristics but in mild doses. As the saying goes, everything in moderation. It's when such characteristics become very pronounced in a person that we have real problems. If a person lets these demons go unchecked they can become extreme. Consequently, their thinking will become extreme. If they have a bad experience with a few black people over the course of their lives, they may come to extreme conclusions. Inappropriate over-generalizations are always extreme conclusions.

Because these people, whose thinking has become extreme, are not thinking rationally in regards to the subject about which they are being extreme, they are likely to further become wrapped up in those generalizations if/when they fail to identify logical flaws in their reasons for settling upon their conclusions, such as fallacies, causal factors, etc. This all creates a self perpetuating cycle by which the person continually arrives at their extreme conclusions on a regular basis. It is, in many ways, very similar to addiction. The out of control demons fuel inappropriate generalizations, which then fuel fangled logical faculties, which then fuel continued expression of those personal demons by providing a sense of self actualization and validation.

When people reach this point, where they regularly take extreme positions on many things, and are unwilling/unable to engage in cognitive dissonance or offer the kind of fair and rational evaluation of their own self and their positions or beliefs, we tend to call them wing nuts. Ironically, the term is meant as a pejorative and may often be used in hopes of pointing out to a person that they have reached a level of extremism and irrationality in their thinking that they might want to reexamine their selves, yet such self reflection is generally extremely difficult for a "wing nut."

In conclusion, the habit of making inappropriate generalizations is indirectly a defining characteristic of a "wing nut." However, from a causal point of view, I think this should be viewed within the appropriate context. Perhaps, instead of saying "'wing' nuts make inappropriate generalizations" it is better to say "people who make inappropriate generalizations often become 'wing nuts.'"

Referring to anybody with a pejorative, let's use "wingnut" as one example, is in itself and on its face a sweeping generalization. It implies both the categorization and the prejudgement of one person based on the bias and prejudice of another.

See how easy this is? I dislike the way that one may pigeon hole a person into a group of people with whom they may disagree. I do not need to to include one in any group to do this and do not even need to condemn one as a bad person for doing this. I can cite only this one action and thought as being disagreeable to me. I am no better than, but simply in disagreement with what was said.

Assigning a person that you dislike to a group that you dislike and then assigning all of the unsavory traits of all in the group to that one individual is a standard and very devious debating technique.

It is not accurate, is usually inexact and is a lazy tool of categorization that leads to things like racism and anti-semitism.

I dislike labels, those like mammal excluded, as they are not specific and usually are and intended to be, cruel and hurtful.
Generalization is the whole Pub platform and argument- Small gov't, family values, cut taxes and regulations, strong defence. Too bad it's flag and bible waving crap cover for pandering to the rich and screwing everyone else...
Fact is not involved in the greedy rich's propaganda, and their bought off salesmen's itinerary...or the dupes' BS. Worst party in the modern world.

That he can make a criticism of the Right and then support it with the exact thing that he is criticizing is amusing.
Luckily I don't give a damn about your brainwashed dittohead/Foxbot opininions/insult generalizations lol. I have the facts and the rest of the world on my side. Pub dupes! see signature- all fact.

Signature from the logic of francoHFW:

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

This is the logic of this person: In the USA the workers are so under paid that they live in poverty.

I'm guessing that franco is a member of the Left and is probably a sympathizer of the OWS crowd who are continuously charging that we are exporting jobs to countries where the workers work more cheaply than American workers.

If this is the only country where full time workers live in poverty, then what country can be paying less than the USA?

What's wrong with this picture?
Why do libtards condone shitting in the streets? (just kidding xotoxi - welcome back) :lol:
Why do wingnuts unquestionably make sweeping generalizations about the opposition?

1. Because they believe those generalizations; or

2. Because they are attention seeking trolls; or

3. Because they want us to believe those generalizations; or

4. Some confused mixture of the aforementioned.

Lay off of the sugar Francis. You might make a valid point.

well one thing for certain.....every Country has a Frankie or two....and this is the kinda person the other countries always see and judge the rest of us by these PetaQ's....
Why do wingnuts unquestionably make sweeping generalizations about the opposition?
Quite simply.....there's no thinking required.

Why labor yourself with all those messy details, when you can simply regurgitate what Sean Hannity & Porky Limbaugh insist are the real issues? Such White-Wing efforts allow you to sound informed....without conflicting with The Majority! After all....there's no need to defend your position, when you're part o' The Majority!!! It works the same in any (other) lynch-mob.

Besides....What would the neighbors say....if you were identified as "One o' THEM"??!!!! :eek:

(See: Red Scarehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monsters_Are_Due_on_Maple_Street)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZTe4SJnxPc]Epilog for "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" - YouTube[/ame]


Everyone has an opinion on What's wrong with this Country.

It's simple-enough:


"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform."
- Mark Twain

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke



"The whole nation loves him, because it feels safe in his hands, like a child in the arms of his mother."
- Josef Goebbels, on Adolf Hitler
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I guess that's what makes them wingnuts.

When you spend 15 years debating with the fucks and learning them you can make assessments - especially with progressives because they're all the same - they're all violent socialist fucks...

I can for the same fucking reason a shrink can allegedly do the same....

Progressivism is more of a mental disorder than it is a political philosophy... If I was wrong then progressives would disagree with one another on many issues - they don't... This means they're either brainwashed or suffer from some psychosis or disease.

When people run out of ideas they fall back on personal insults.

It is the right that loves war and guns.
you sure about that Chris?.....
Why do wingnuts unquestionably make sweeping generalizations about the opposition?

Cause they are morans.

Know what sucks? When you try to accuse others of being morons and you misspell morons......kind of moronic ain't it?:lol:


If you are going to be on the internet, you will be required to know the most basic of political internet memes.

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