Zone1 Why do you need gods?

Hollie, we think differently. Because I see green, am I any more special than the blind? In many ways, the blind have the higher rank. There are many people of faith who have no other knowledge or experience. They are of higher rank than the latter.

Do you know what I cannot grasp, but still push toward the possibility: It is all energy, therefore illusion...that there is no reality, although that concept of reality is undeniably persistent.

This being the case, all of us--those who cannot perceive green, who cannot perceive God, who cannot perceive reality as illusion--are in the exact same and equal rank. Am I welcoming you to the club, or am I welcomed into your club? Equal and the same.
The color green, like other colors is a function of light in the visible spectrum with an identifiable wavelength. There’s no illusion about wavelengths of light. There are photons of energy which are measurable. Electrical current to power a table lamp is the flow of electrons along a wire. Yes, that’s a difficult concept to understand but it doesn’t suggest that the gods are herding those electrons along the wire. What is unique about the god energy that makes it is impossible to measure so we have to rely on a relatively few people who have a claimed ability to “perceive” the energy?

Your claimed perceptions of a partisan god are remarkably similar to others who have perceptions of different gods. Could the illusion of the Christian God be yours and Amun Ra be the true God your perceptions have misinterpreted?

I don’t accept the purely philosophical argument that reality is an illusion. Our actions have here and now consequences. The whole “brains in a jar” thing is fun at a late night dorm party but when you have an 8:00 am class the next morning… not so much.
It’s just an illusion you’re experiencing.
True! And the follow-up questions to be mulled...Is the illusion an illusion?

That is why I continually go back to green and the doesn't matter because...I matter...(am matter); we all matter...(all are matter).
The eyes can't be deceived, but the brain wants to be ...

My eyes saw the floor was a good half foot up and down, and that the foundations was ruined ... but my brain said "dead level", so I bought ... we all do this, just forgive yourself and try to trust your eyes more ... your brain lies to you ...

I know. I used to have this illusion about Freedom of Speech and innocent until proven guilty. I guess I should say delusion. Those are myths and talking points. Those aren’t real things.

You eyes have been telling you only the Rich get justice ... it's your brain that deluded you, too lazy to work hard ... maybe take some classes at your local community college ... make some new friends ... look for opportunities to get Rich ... THEN worry about justice ...
Many Christians believed in the Curse of Ham.
Sadly, Western Christians interpreted the Scripture in extremely Racist way. According to Judaism, the original 70 peoples have been lost and mixed up.

In East Europe and Russia, most nobles and some serfs believed that peasants descended from Ham. Both nobles and peasants were white.
Sadly, Western Christians interpreted the Scripture in extremely Racist way. According to Judaism, the original 70 peoples have been lost and mixed up.

In East Europe and Russia, most nobles and some serfs believed that peasants descended from Ham. Both nobles and peasants were white.
Yeah...........No..........the scriptures are clear, the God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures is anything but RACIST or BIGOTED.

You can't blame God because some men have corrupted the truth as revealed in scripture......there have been many evil people who have claimed to be Christian, and that reality still exists today. There are many wolves pretending to be Shepherds.

"And He (God) has made from ONE BLOOD every nation of men to dwell upon on all the face of the earth..........." -- Acts 17:16

What does God desire in realation to all men's salvation? "...........Who desires ALL PEOPLE to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." -- 1 Tim. 2:4

Anywhere, anyone........find a single passage in the Holy Scritpures that expresses the desire that any race of peoples on earth be excluded from God's plan to find salvation for mankind through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, which has existed from the beginning of time, before the earth was created. (1 Peter 1:20, 2 Tim. 1:9)

In fact the opposite rings true. "There is neither Jew nor Greek (gentile), there is neither slave nor free, there is no male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, and heirs according to the promise." -- Gal. 3:28-29

What is that promise made to Abraham? The promise to make His offspring into one nation, a kingdom, a never ending kingdom, whose brothers and sisters would number like the stars in the heavens. That all nations on earth would be blessed through His Seed as a promise from God (Genesis 22:18). Jesus is that Seed (Genesis 3:15, Rom. 16:20)

Clearly with no ambiguity whatsoever, Christ is the Seed/Offspring of Abraham though which that promise could be fulfilled. (Gal. 3:16) There is no exclusion due to race, gender, social status...etc., The God of Creation is the ultimate equal opporunity proponent.
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God’s chosen people? Hmmm. That sounds racist AF to me.

What other fairy tales do you like?
Tribal people often viewed outsiders as lesser and / or the enemy; often both. Why would the tribal gods they created believe otherwise.
Christianity is a mental disease.
Christianity is a misnomer. Very little of it is about Christ's teaching. Far too much of it ( the worst parts ) are based on Old Testament tribal laws and teachings and is in direct conflict with what Christ taught.
Yeah...........No..........the scriptures are clear, the God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures is anything but RACIST or BIGOTED.

You can't blame God because some men have corrupted the truth as revealed in scripture......there have been many evil people who have claimed to be Christian, and that reality still exists today. There are many wolves pretending to be Shepherds.

"And He (God) has made from ONE BLOOD every nation of men to dwell upon on all the face of the earth..........." -- Acts 17:16

What does God desire in realation to all men's salvation? "...........Who desires ALL PEOPLE to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." -- 1 Tim. 2:4

Anywhere, anyone........find a single passage in the Holy Scritpures that expresses the desire that any race of peoples on earth be excluded from God's plan to find salvation for mankind through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, which has existed from the beginning of time, before the earth was created. (1 Peter 1:20, 2 Tim. 1:9)

In fact the opposite rings true. "There is neither Jew nor Greek (gentile), there is neither slave nor free, there is no male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, and heirs according to the promise." -- Gal. 3:28-29

What is that promise made to Abraham? The promise to make His offspring into one nation, a kingdom, a never ending kingdom, whose brothers and sisters would number like the stars in the heavens. That all nations on earth would be blessed through His Seed as a promise from God (Genesis 22:18). Jesus is that Seed (Genesis 3:15, Rom. 16:20)

Clearly with no ambiguity whatsoever, Christ is the Seed/Offspring of Abraham though which that promise could be fulfilled. (Gal. 3:16) There is no exclusion due to race, gender, social status...etc., The God of Creation is the ultimate equal opporunity proponent.

God's book is reality itself. Your conscience, your ability to observe, analyze and judge. that is God's holy book. No written book is inerrant or divinely revealed. What makes a book profitable or effective in guiding you closer to God is its principles, the patterns of thought and behavior that a book commands or at least encourages the reader to adopt. That's what makes a "holy book" good. If the book encourages people to adopt destructive patterns of thought and behavior, that undermine life, increasing chaos i.e. entropy, then that book is evil (leading to a chaotic, worthless state and death).
God's book is reality itself. Your conscience, your ability to observe, analyze and judge. that is God's holy book. No written book is inerrant or divinely revealed. What makes a book profitable or effective in guiding you closer to God is its principles, the patterns of thought and behavior that a book commands or at least encourages the reader to adopt. That's what makes a "holy book" good. If the book encourages people to adopt destructive patterns of thought and behavior, that undermine life, increasing chaos i.e. entropy, then that book is evil (leading to a chaotic, worthless state and death).
The bible was written by men, subject to their primitive beliefs, that's why it's faulty.
The bible was written by men, subject to their primitive beliefs, that's why it's faulty.
Imagine a time in the future, where ages have gone by with no books or social media. Then two things are discovered...a Bible and a social media site. Which one do you think our future descendants would judge more primitive?

Not only is the wisdom and insights of our ancestors amazing, they know how to tell great stories. Can you name a literary device we use today that was not already used in the Bible?
Imagine a time in the future, where ages have gone by with no books or social media. Then two things are discovered...a Bible and a social media site. Which one do you think our future descendants would judge more primitive?

Not only is the wisdom and insights of our ancestors amazing, they know how to tell great stories. Can you name a literary device we use today that was not already used in the Bible?
If you believe the original works weren't tweeked to create a more concise, cohesive storyline you are a fool. Common People were forbidden to read the Bible for ages. Take the single story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The version everyone knows is Josephus from the first century and, the original story was full, he totally jazzed it up to make it very impressionable.

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