Why do you think PROGS believe it was Trump who created a polarizing country?

Tramp copied the lying scum POS who proudly takes credit for the partisan divide,.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Trumpybear didn't create Rushes Partisan Divide, he just made it better. They both changed the way the Republicans look at the Democrats. They are not seen as loyal competition anymore, nope, they are the evil enemy on par with Saddam Hussein and other opponents of Liberal Democracies.
Well, give Trump credit: He saw where the opportunity was, and he acted on it. He knew that virtually all energy in the party was with the talk radio crowd, and he focused his message like a laser from Day One. He spoke to them, and them alone, from Day One. And he still is.

I don't know if he was aware of the depth of frustration, anger and paranoia that existed in that group, but he absolutely nailed it. And on top of that connection, his childish behaviors were the perfect vehicle for their rage. This was an absolutely perfect match, a perfect storm.
Tramp copied the lying scum POS who proudly takes credit for the partisan divide,.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Trumpybear didn't create Rushes Partisan Divide, he just made it better. They both changed the way the Republicans look at the Democrats. They are not seen as loyal competition anymore, nope, they are the evil enemy on par with Saddam Hussein and other opponents of Liberal Democracies.

at this point............. a very accurate discernment (I am
a lapsed registered democrat)
It wasn't Trump who created the division ... and the Democrats are not free of guilt either ... but boy, Trump really didn't make it any better, did he?
It isn’t Trump condoning cancel culture and re-education camps it’s the left.

But it was Trump who called people angry over police violence "terrorists", even the huge majority of them who was peaceful, and it was Trump who insulted and mocked handicapped people or veterans, it was Trump who turns avoiding Covid deaths into a political matter, it was Trump who encouraged his supporters to turn violent if he loses the election during the debate, it was Trump who refused to condemn white supremacists and conspiracy myth nuts even when directly asked about them, it was Trump who constantly called any kind of free press who reported in a way he didn't like "fake news", it was Trump who constantly fired even people who had previously supported him, just because they disagreed with him on one single point ... and of course, there was no interview with him without Trump praising himself and blaming all others for anything that went wrong.

I could go on and on.

Yeah, left people whining about identity issues and perceived victimhood all the time are certainly not helping the matter. But they're not in power. I haven't heard Biden say any of these things. Trump, on the other side, wasn't just some random internet troll, but the **** President, even if he behaved like one.
Tramp copied the lying scum POS who proudly takes credit for the partisan divide,.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Trumpybear didn't create Rushes Partisan Divide, he just made it better. They both changed the way the Republicans look at the Democrats. They are not seen as loyal competition anymore, nope, they are the evil enemy on par with Saddam Hussein and other opponents of Liberal Democracies.
Well, give Trump credit: He saw where the opportunity was, and he acted on it. He knew that virtually all energy in the party was with the talk radio crowd, and he focused his message like a laser from Day One. He spoke to them, and them alone, from Day One. And he still is.

I don't know if he was aware of the depth of frustration, anger and paranoia that existed in that group, but he absolutely nailed it. And on top of that connection, his childish behaviors were the perfect vehicle for their rage. This was an absolutely perfect match, a perfect storm.

Trumpybear may not have understood the depths of the anger but Steve Bannon did.
Tramp copied the lying scum POS who proudly takes credit for the partisan divide,.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Trumpybear didn't create Rushes Partisan Divide, he just made it better. They both changed the way the Republicans look at the Democrats. They are not seen as loyal competition anymore, nope, they are the evil enemy on par with Saddam Hussein and other opponents of Liberal Democracies.
Well, give Trump credit: He saw where the opportunity was, and he acted on it. He knew that virtually all energy in the party was with the talk radio crowd, and he focused his message like a laser from Day One. He spoke to them, and them alone, from Day One. And he still is.

I don't know if he was aware of the depth of frustration, anger and paranoia that existed in that group, but he absolutely nailed it. And on top of that connection, his childish behaviors were the perfect vehicle for their rage. This was an absolutely perfect match, a perfect storm.

Trumpybear may not have understood the depths of the anger but Steve Bannon did.
Yeah, great point. He was right in the middle of it with Breitbart.
Democrats make everything about race because they are racist.
Which race are they racist too?

Blacks, Latinos and white people. Asians too, just not a severe. Indians as well, yeah they played that game didn't they, while they through a young WHITE boy under the bus. What are the odds it was primarily democrat admin. who put Indians on reservations? Anyone?
Democrats make everything about race because they are racist.
Which race are they racist too?

Blacks, Latinos and white people. Asians too, just not a severe. Indians as well, yeah they played that game didn't they, while they through a young WHITE boy under the bus. What are the odds it was primarily democrat admin. who put Indians on reservations? Anyone?
So you are saying that Democrats are racist to their own races while the Repubs are angels from Heaven who love and embrace every type of human?
Democrats make everything about race because they are racist.
Which race are they racist too?

Blacks, Latinos and white people. Asians too, just not a severe. Indians as well, yeah they played that game didn't they, while they through a young WHITE boy under the bus. What are the odds it was primarily democrat admin. who put Indians on reservations? Anyone?
So you are saying that Democrats are racist to their own races while the Repubs are angels from Heaven who love and embrace every type of human?

Nope, I said it's YOUR PROGS who twist reality and in their words and actions are racist.

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Wasn't it the Obama/Clinton era that separated Democrats from RACISTS? Pretty sure. Quite sure Biden and Harris played that hand, evidenced by their dirty mouths.

Here's the front page of left news, this is just how they do things. Must be Trump's fault.

I wonder why they don't mention (approx.):

13.6% of white victims are killed by blacks.
7.5% of black victims are killed by whites.
90.1% of black victims are killed by blacks.

PROGS tell me I'm wrong, the left really doesn't entertain the lowest common denominators bending us over for a false reality.

Conservatives had already polarized and divided the country with their ignorance, hate, and lies.

Trump further exploited it.
Wasn't it the Obama/Clinton era that separated Democrats from RACISTS? Pretty sure. Quite sure Biden and Harris played that hand, evidenced by their dirty mouths.

Here's the front page of left news, this is just how they do things. Must be Trump's fault.

I wonder why they don't mention (approx.):

13.6% of white victims are killed by blacks.
7.5% of black victims are killed by whites.
90.1% of black victims are killed by blacks.

PROGS tell me I'm wrong, the left really doesn't entertain the lowest common denominators bending us over for a false reality.

Conservatives had already polarized and divided the country with their ignorance, hate, and lies.

Trump further exploited it.

You sound like
Wasn't it the Obama/Clinton era that separated Democrats from RACISTS? Pretty sure. Quite sure Biden and Harris played that hand, evidenced by their dirty mouths.

Here's the front page of left news, this is just how they do things. Must be Trump's fault.

I wonder why they don't mention (approx.):

13.6% of white victims are killed by blacks.
7.5% of black victims are killed by whites.
90.1% of black victims are killed by blacks.

PROGS tell me I'm wrong, the left really doesn't entertain the lowest common denominators bending us over for a false reality.

How exactly does this relate to the article or the article to politics?
Tramp copied the lying scum POS who proudly takes credit for the partisan divide,.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Trumpybear didn't create Rushes Partisan Divide, he just made it better. They both changed the way the Republicans look at the Democrats. They are not seen as loyal competition anymore, nope, they are the evil enemy on par with Saddam Hussein and other opponents of Liberal Democracies.
To CON$ervoFascists there are only two sides, their side and the enemy, there is no room for compromise.

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I'd tell 'em what my problems with him were and it was like talking to a brick wall. They didn't get it. These are the people who fall for this notion, "We gotta compromise, gotta bring everyone together!" Hell, at this golf tournament I was talking to a guy. He said, "The biggest problem we have, Rush, is we gotta make everybody Americans again. We gotta bring people together." I said, "Aw, crap," except I didn't say "crap;" I said something else.
And I got up, and I went back to the lavatory, and I practically threw up."Gotta bring people together," my ass!

March 5, 2008
RUSH: I think, if I may be serious for a moment, we're in a war, a political war in this country, and only one side is fully engaged and that's the enemy, and our enemy happens to be liberalism which is found in the Democrat Party.
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Wasn't it the Obama/Clinton era that separated Democrats from RACISTS? Pretty sure. Quite sure Biden and Harris played that hand, evidenced by their dirty mouths.

Here's the front page of left news, this is just how they do things. Must be Trump's fault.

I wonder why they don't mention (approx.):

13.6% of white victims are killed by blacks.
7.5% of black victims are killed by whites.
90.1% of black victims are killed by blacks.

PROGS tell me I'm wrong, the left really doesn't entertain the lowest common denominators bending us over for a false reality.

How exactly does this relate to the article or the article to politics?

Subject is: Why do you think PROGS believe it was Trump who created a polarizing country?

Point of video is PROGS entertain the lowest common denominator to commit themselves toward the goal of racism.

Check the data, blacks are killed by blacks over 90% of the time, blacks are killed by whites approx. 9% of the time, and whites are killed by blacks over 13% of the time.

LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR to puke up the left's dubious agenda and story books, get it now?
Wasn't it the Obama/Clinton era that separated Democrats from RACISTS? Pretty sure. Quite sure Biden and Harris played that hand, evidenced by their dirty mouths.

Here's the front page of left news, this is just how they do things. Must be Trump's fault.

I wonder why they don't mention (approx.):

13.6% of white victims are killed by blacks.
7.5% of black victims are killed by whites.
90.1% of black victims are killed by blacks.

PROGS tell me I'm wrong, the left really doesn't entertain the lowest common denominators bending us over for a false reality.

How exactly does this relate to the article or the article to politics?

Subject is: Why do you think PROGS believe it was Trump who created a polarizing country?

Point of video is PROGS entertain the lowest common denominator to commit themselves toward the goal of racism.

Check the data, blacks are killed by blacks over 90% of the time, blacks are killed by whites approx. 9% of the time, and whites are killed by blacks over 13% of the time.

LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR to puke up the left's dubious agenda and story books, get it now?

So exactly how does that relate to black man lynched by a couple of white vigilanties?
I believe it was the Birthers such Sheriff Joe that crossed the line.
He only built onto the framework that Atwater/Limbaugh/Gingrich/Rove created.
Wasn't it the Obama/Clinton era that separated Democrats from RACISTS? Pretty sure. Quite sure Biden and Harris played that hand, evidenced by their dirty mouths.

Here's the front page of left news, this is just how they do things. Must be Trump's fault.

I wonder why they don't mention (approx.):

13.6% of white victims are killed by blacks.
7.5% of black victims are killed by whites.
90.1% of black victims are killed by blacks.

PROGS tell me I'm wrong, the left really doesn't entertain the lowest common denominators bending us over for a false reality.

How exactly does this relate to the article or the article to politics?

Subject is: Why do you think PROGS believe it was Trump who created a polarizing country?

Point of video is PROGS entertain the lowest common denominator to commit themselves toward the goal of racism.

Check the data, blacks are killed by blacks over 90% of the time, blacks are killed by whites approx. 9% of the time, and whites are killed by blacks over 13% of the time.

LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR to puke up the left's dubious agenda and story books, get it now?

So exactly how does that relate to black man lynched by a couple of white vigilanties?

Ah I get it, you must know something I don't, the whites were fully responsible, maybe so. What does your response have anything to do with mine to yours, I layed it out clearly for you, here it is again, and here's a hint, where are the stories for blacks killing black and whites, considering that occurs far more often? PROGS wouldn't mislead us into believing in their race narratives for political power would they?

Subject is: Why do you think PROGS believe it was Trump who created a polarizing country?

Point of video is PROGS entertain the lowest common denominator to commit themselves toward the goal of racism.

Check the data, blacks are killed by blacks over 90% of the time, blacks are killed by whites approx. 9% of the time, and whites are killed by blacks over 13% of the time.

LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR to puke up the left's dubious agenda and story books, get it now?

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