Why do you think this NY Times Op-Ed was written?

If this person really exists and is outed, the left will take care of him. It is likely he would be a hero to those on the left, and immediately get a high level position at CNN or MSNBC.

Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.

Sure but protect from whom? Those on the right who wish to silence and destroy them?
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.

Possible reasons:

This person was going to quit anyways so they made some extra cash from the alt-left. This person was trying to hurt Trump before the mid-terms. This person was trying to help promote Woodwards book. This person doesn't exist and it's just a ruse to turn Trump paranoid in the WH.
Good reasons, but I suspect Trump became paranoid and rightly so, long ago. The establishment wants him gone and he knows it.

Trump's book on what it's like to face that kind of irrational hatred will be fascinating. Also how the back stabbers work.
If this person really exists and is outed, the left will take care of him. It is likely he would be a hero to those on the left, and immediately get a high level position at CNN or MSNBC.

Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However, it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.
Correction, the left will do whatever it takes to take Trump out. Including writing this op/ed and attributing it to someone in the administration.
It's tough to imagine the name won't come out at some point.

So the motivations will probably be pretty obvious.
When the NY Times wants to keep a source hidden -- regardless of motivation -- they often manage to do so. In this case, I think it may actually be an employee of the NY Times who wrote it so they'll go to court over it.

That way they can keep these hit pieces coming as long as they want to.
That means so very much coming from a mindless Trump sheep.

It is not my fault your head is too far up Trump's ass to understand that "I did not write that" does not mean the same thing as "That is untrue".

You are demonstrating more mindless crap than I am. I never suggested it was true or bullshit, and you're the one attempting to suggest something never said means something.

As long as no one puts their name to it, the Administration's position is pretty clear. They aren't going to answer your stupid question, or address open speculation as to whether or not it means anything. If and when someone does put their name to it, that person will be dealt with, and any concerns the Administration has will be addressed accordingly at that time.

You can believe whatever you want to believe, but don't blame me for being as narrow-minded as you are.
You cannot twist it (not even back on me) no matter how hard you try. :21:
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Something doesn't fit here, but hopefully they'll be outed.

Why do you hope they'll be outed?

You seem more upset that Trump's staff thinks he's crazy than Trump being, you know, a Crazy Nazi who throws children into concentration Camps.
"...Trump is a Crazy Nazi who throws children into concentration Camps." Really now...who's crazy?

Godwin aside, the comparison is apt.
They are concentration camps.
The admin just made a new rule to hold minors indefinately.
If this person really exists and is outed, the left will take care of him. It is likely he would be a hero to those on the left, and immediately get a high level position at CNN or MSNBC.

Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However, it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.
Correction, the left will do whatever it takes to take Trump out. Including writing this op/ed and attributing it to someone in the administration.

That's not likely.
The identity will be known eventually and this isn't exactly ground breaking information.
It's just further confirmation of what we've known about Trump since the beginning.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
Unless The NY Times plans to rat this person out after the damage is done, there is no way this person is real.

Oh, it was a real person and what they claimed is at least partially true because after it came out Trump's closest advisers were jumping all over each other to be the first one to deny they wrote it. None of them called it BS, they just said "it was not me".

That's because they don't know if it's from a real spy in the administration or just a pathetic attempt by a newspaper to take down a president. The press has been trying to relive Nixon for decades.
That's because they don't know if it's from a real spy in the administration or just a pathetic attempt by a newspaper to take down a president. The press has been trying to relive Nixon for decades.

But they know if the content is accurate or not.
What an interesting question, I wish I'd thought of it. Off hand I can think of two answers; one, that the author is doing some private arse covering to alleviate the shame of belonging to the current administration; two, that the author has an agenda he/she believes will be advanced by this letter.
I don't know what that agenda may be but it seems obvious to be negative to Trump. Whether it's to shame the relevant parties into Art 25 action, to influence the mid-term elections, to undermine Trump for 2020, to encourage Congress to legislate limits on Trump's options, or all or none of the above is beyond me.
Holy crap, hadn't thought of that, and it should be at the top of the list: Some kind of personal professional agenda.

This is DC, after all.

Surely this person would know they would be outed, and is anticipating/hoping for some kind of reward or advancement.

I have to wonder about the hope for advancement. Just like someone who is willing to cheat on their spouse to have an affair with you, this person has publicly revealed that they cannot be trusted.
Well, people can be nuts.


This is true. If this is from a real person, I'd have to review their security clearance pretty carefully. I mean, who knows what classified info they'd blurt out after hearing something scary?
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
It can't be real. I think it's clear that journalists are going to be releasing opinion pieces from roughly 300 different publications to influence the election. They tipped it off a couple of weeks ago. This is just a story that supposedly reinforces a false narrative that Trump is nuts. The Democrats keep repeating this lie in every speech, every hearing, every time they can get cameras to focus on them. They're trying to act like they're saving us from a dangerous dictator. The problem with that is Trump is trying to protect us from THEM.

This op-ed crossed the line. If true, it shows an actual espionage operation is ongoing inside the WH.
It also proved, if true, that there is a Deep-state willing to do anything to stop him.
So on one hand you have people spying on Trump, despite the Deep-State claiming that they aren't.
All of the leaks are either BS or there is some janitor listening in on Trump meetings.

Here's the rub.....if there was any truth to Russian Collusion, a spy or a mole would have been able to prove it by now.
Any Democrat that tries to take advantage of this fake story is pretty stupid, because it only proves that Trump was right all along.
Whoever it is, they're guilty of sedition/treason. If this person really exists, then they are not only undermining the lawful operation of the government, but this person is subject to not only firing, but a long prison term. Course Liz Warren has already foolishly jumped on it. Everyone else, so far, has tried to stay clear of it, because they know how dangerous this situation can become if true.
I think it's fair to wonder if it's real. It's definitely fishy in some ways.

At the same time, we've completely lost our shit, and I don't think I'd be surprised by any name, if it were real.

But given Trump's behaviors since the day he came down the escalator - behaviors proudly cheered on by his followers - any of this is possible.
I don’t think his behavior warrants a spy in the WH. Do you?


This person was hired by Trump.
That's because they don't know if it's from a real spy in the administration or just a pathetic attempt by a newspaper to take down a president. The press has been trying to relive Nixon for decades.

But they know if the content is accurate or not.

Which is why that's all they're saying. Don't stick your necks out any further than you have to.
If this person really exists and is outed, the left will take care of him. It is likely he would be a hero to those on the left, and immediately get a high level position at CNN or MSNBC.

Lets start...

The disarray in the White House is not the Left's fault. I know there are people here that believe everything bad in the world must be from the Left and every good from the Right...

The NYT op-ed was written by a conservative... He said it in the article... He was chosen by Trump to serve the country not Trump...

Bob Woodward is not from the Left... He is one of the best investigative journalists ever in America.

Trump erratic behaviour is not caused by the Left...

The Left arrange a meeting with Russians to 'get dirt on Clinton'...

The Left didn't numerous campaign members break the law. The laws are serious and carry serious time...

The Left didn't triple inflation and increase borrowing to over a trillion a year...
I didn't blame the left in my prior post. However, it is my opinion that the left will do what they can to protect this person, whoever it is.
Correction, the left will do whatever it takes to take Trump out. Including writing this op/ed and attributing it to someone in the administration.

That's not likely.
The identity will be known eventually and this isn't exactly ground breaking information.
It's just further confirmation of what we've known about Trump since the beginning.
Confirmation bias at its best.

Most thinking people understand that those things you know, aren't actual facts but are information that has been cherry-picked to meet a specific narrative.
What an interesting question, I wish I'd thought of it. Off hand I can think of two answers; one, that the author is doing some private arse covering to alleviate the shame of belonging to the current administration; two, that the author has an agenda he/she believes will be advanced by this letter.
I don't know what that agenda may be but it seems obvious to be negative to Trump. Whether it's to shame the relevant parties into Art 25 action, to influence the mid-term elections, to undermine Trump for 2020, to encourage Congress to legislate limits on Trump's options, or all or none of the above is beyond me.
Holy crap, hadn't thought of that, and it should be at the top of the list: Some kind of personal professional agenda.

This is DC, after all.

Surely this person would know they would be outed, and is anticipating/hoping for some kind of reward or advancement.

I have to wonder about the hope for advancement. Just like someone who is willing to cheat on their spouse to have an affair with you, this person has publicly revealed that they cannot be trusted.
Well, people can be nuts.


This is true. If this is from a real person, I'd have to review their security clearance pretty carefully. I mean, who knows what classified info they'd blurt out after hearing something scary?

There are leaks everywhere from the White House through the FBI and CIA. People, political parties, and the internet in general are getting hacked left and right (funny how that translates). To suggest there is any semblance of security in our existing structure that is not polluted by political interests is almost laughable.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.

It’s not true. Trump did it to deflect from the Kavanaugh hearings. That’s his get out of jail free card.

On the federal level. Nobody can help him at the state level.
You're saying TRUMP did this?

No, I’m saying John Miller did.

Or John Barron.
This is true. If this is from a real person, I'd have to review their security clearance pretty carefully. I mean, who knows what classified info they'd blurt out after hearing something scary?

There are leaks everywhere from the White House through the FBI and CIA. People, political parties, and the internet in general are getting hacked left and right (funny how that translates). To suggest there is any semblance of security in our existing structure that is not polluted by political interests is almost laughable.

Looking at the approval bring expressed by some for this leak proves your point.
There's something that isn't making sense to me on this.

Let's assume that this whole thing is true, that an important person at the White House wrote this editorial as an account of this group of people who are manipulating as much as possible around Trump to protect the country.

Why would they expose this plot, one which they seem to think is working? Surely the person who wrote this knew they'll ultimately be exposed. Surely they know this will change things at the White House. So why would they let the cat out of the bag at this time?

The only two reasons I can come up with are (a) that they want to influence the November elections for some help in decreasing Trump's overall power, and (b) that they're hoping that we take a serious look at the 25th. What are your guesses?

I was going to start this in the CDZ, but let's see if we can get some serious thought here.
It can't be real. I think it's clear that journalists are going to be releasing opinion pieces from roughly 300 different publications to influence the election. They tipped it off a couple of weeks ago. This is just a story that supposedly reinforces a false narrative that Trump is nuts. The Democrats keep repeating this lie in every speech, every hearing, every time they can get cameras to focus on them. They're trying to act like they're saving us from a dangerous dictator. The problem with that is Trump is trying to protect us from THEM.

This op-ed crossed the line. If true, it shows an actual espionage operation is ongoing inside the WH.
It also proved, if true, that there is a Deep-state willing to do anything to stop him.
So on one hand you have people spying on Trump, despite the Deep-State claiming that they aren't.
All of the leaks are either BS or there is some janitor listening in on Trump meetings.

Here's the rub.....if there was any truth to Russian Collusion, a spy or a mole would have been able to prove it by now.
Any Democrat that tries to take advantage of this fake story is pretty stupid, because it only proves that Trump was right all along.
Whoever it is, they're guilty of sedition/treason. If this person really exists, then they are not only undermining the lawful operation of the government, but this person is subject to not only firing, but a long prison term. Course Liz Warren has already foolishly jumped on it. Everyone else, so far, has tried to stay clear of it, because they know how dangerous this situation can become if true.
I think it's fair to wonder if it's real. It's definitely fishy in some ways.

At the same time, we've completely lost our shit, and I don't think I'd be surprised by any name, if it were real.

But given Trump's behaviors since the day he came down the escalator - behaviors proudly cheered on by his followers - any of this is possible.
I don’t think his behavior warrants a spy in the WH. Do you?
I don't like any of this, really. Nor would I like it if it happened with Obama.

This is ugly. But it's also a reflection of us.
It is all an ongoing effort by the establishment/ruling class to remove a President.

I can’t recall an effort like this in all of US history. All while the economy is humming and we are at peace.

Can you recall such a flawed man as president?
This is true. If this is from a real person, I'd have to review their security clearance pretty carefully. I mean, who knows what classified info they'd blurt out after hearing something scary?

There are leaks everywhere from the White House through the FBI and CIA. People, political parties, and the internet in general are getting hacked left and right (funny how that translates). To suggest there is any semblance of security in our existing structure that is not polluted by political interests is almost laughable.

Looking at the approval bring expressed by some for this leak proves your point.

All I can say is that when I dealt with secure materials in the military, if I had treated those materials as carelessly, or for the same personal gain, I would have been making big rocks into little rocks at Fort Leavenworth for an very long time. Perhaps we need to address enforcement and consequences.
But they know if the basic content is accurate or not. If the piece was total BS and did not match reality, then the logical thing to do is say so, not claim you did not write it.

your devotion to Trump keeps you from using logic
there's more than 1 flow to logic as it is also derived from our own experiences. to pin it to 1 way or you're wrong seems rather convenient.

If you claim you did not write it, then that does not address the content at all.

If you claim it is untrue, that addresses both the content and the fact that you did not write it.

Which is the more logical way to go if the content is untrue?

For the last fucking time.

They are part of the day to day operations of the White House, they would know if the basic content of the piece was accurate or not. How could they not know?

They would know if meetings with Trump veer off topic and off the rails, and if he engages in repetitive rants or not.
None of that is important.

The only thing that is important is whether there is actually a “resistance” in the White House staff and whether that “resistance” talked to the New York Times.

They talked to Woodward. The op-ed backs him and every previous report of chaos in the WH.
Help me out here-- why do people think an anonymous White House insider wrote it?
I mean, it could have been Mary Poppins in Timbuctoo for all we know, couldn't it?

That would require the Times to be willing to trash their reputation so easily. The logical position is to believe it is true until proven otherwise.

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