Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

I want the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution and come to decisions that keep America free of tyranny.

Good luck, the alt right SC and the Potus are pro tyranny.

That is your opinion, and a very uneducated one, you asked a question, I answered and you answered with a snide comment.

So it just shows how disingenuous you are and that you aren’t interested in discussion you are just a butt hurt, crybaby lefty that didn’t get their way.:boo_hoo14:
Yep ^^
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

Things like abortion or even Homosexual Marriage were NEVER voted in by the people, its an affront to our democracy that a group of unelected lefties gave us this crap that the people didn't agree with.

But because of that, the fight against the Abortuaries and Gay Marriage will never end, because it was never voted in properly by the peeps.

The people recognize it as illegitimate.

Last year, Ireland voted to legalize the butchery of the Abortion Mills. Pro-life people might not like it, but they will accept it as the people voted for the atrocity. You don't get that in the United States.

Its a right to marry whoever you want and get the benefits just like heterosexuals. And abortion is a females right. What people find it as illegitimate??

So why should it be a right to get married?

Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.

So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?
I want the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution and come to decisions that keep America free of tyranny.

Good luck, the alt right SC and the Potus are pro tyranny.

That is your opinion, and a very uneducated one, you asked a question, I answered and you answered with a snide comment.

So it just shows how disingenuous you are and that you aren’t interested in discussion you are just a butt hurt, crybaby lefty that didn’t get their way.:boo_hoo14:

I truly believe Trump loves power and is working his way to be a dictator, with all loyal people. Nixon thought he had loyal people as well.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

Things like abortion or even Homosexual Marriage were NEVER voted in by the people, its an affront to our democracy that a group of unelected lefties gave us this crap that the people didn't agree with.

But because of that, the fight against the Abortuaries and Gay Marriage will never end, because it was never voted in properly by the peeps.

The people recognize it as illegitimate.

Last year, Ireland voted to legalize the butchery of the Abortion Mills. Pro-life people might not like it, but they will accept it as the people voted for the atrocity. You don't get that in the United States.

Its a right to marry whoever you want and get the benefits just like heterosexuals. And abortion is a females right. What people find it as illegitimate??

So why should it be a right to get married?

Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.

So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?

Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.
Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.
You mean like the right to adopt anywhere? See, the problem with that is, no adults may bind a child to their contract for life if that contract contains onerous and damaging terms to the child. Gay marriage uniquely promises via contract to banish any children involved from either a mother or father for life. The lack of a father or mother in life to a child is unarguably overall damaging to that child (we're not talking about rare exceptions, we're talking about a statistical rule). And also remember, single parents who adopt DO NOT possess a contract that banishes all hope of a mother or father for life. ONLY gay marriage does this. And it's a thing the Infancy Doctrine clearly prohibits "onerous terms binding a child".

Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

Short answer: To overturn any decision that was arrived at where one or more of the Justices went to the press in short advance of the Hearing, and told the American public how they were going to cast AFTER the Hearing. (Any cases where Justices OPENLY FLAUNTED their bias on a case and did not recuse themselves as required by Caperton v A.T. Massey Coal USSC 2009).
So why should it be a right to get married?

Individuals have a right to enter into whatever kind of contract they want, with whomever they want.
Not when the contract binds onerous terms to children without their consent. In fact even if you gain a child's consent, they/you cannot create or bind them to a contract that has terms that harm them. That's one exception. You also cannot contract to kill someone. That's another example.
from them?? What do you think they will do??
Right wingers want conservative Supes to empower and enable a conservative agenda.

Left wingers want liberal Supes to empower and enable a liberal agenda.

We all know the individual issues contained within those agendas. This really isn't a mystery.

What is the liberal agenda?
Oh gawd, come on.

Play this game with someone else.

No I really want to know. Even Brazil who the Potus was praising the other day has free healthcare. Are you aware that Open Society is not about open boarders?? Probably not.

You don’t know what the liberal agenda is? You sound like a typical lefty. Uniformed and blindly following the left wing agenda because they you to. Such a sheeple.
from them?? What do you think they will do??
Right wingers want conservative Supes to empower and enable a conservative agenda.

Left wingers want liberal Supes to empower and enable a liberal agenda.

We all know the individual issues contained within those agendas. This really isn't a mystery.

What is the liberal agenda?
Oh gawd, come on.

Play this game with someone else.

No I really want to know. Even Brazil who the Potus was praising the other day has free healthcare. Are you aware that Open Society is not about open boarders?? Probably not.

You don’t know what the liberal agenda is? You sound like a typical lefty. Uniformed and blindly following the left wing agenda because they you to. Such a sheeple.

Of course they don't know the "real" left-wing agenda. That's why they vote Democrat. Those of us who do know their agenda vote against them.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

All I want is someone who will regard the Bill of Rights as sacrosanct protection of individual liberties to be interpreted literally.
You mean like Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly for starters?
Things like abortion or even Homosexual Marriage were NEVER voted in by the people, its an affront to our democracy that a group of unelected lefties gave us this crap that the people didn't agree with.

But because of that, the fight against the Abortuaries and Gay Marriage will never end, because it was never voted in properly by the peeps.

The people recognize it as illegitimate.

Last year, Ireland voted to legalize the butchery of the Abortion Mills. Pro-life people might not like it, but they will accept it as the people voted for the atrocity. You don't get that in the United States.

Its a right to marry whoever you want and get the benefits just like heterosexuals. And abortion is a females right. What people find it as illegitimate??

So why should it be a right to get married?

Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.

So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?

Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.

It would have to be. You said it yourself. It's all about government benefits. The court didn't rule that gay marriage had to be included, they ruled that you cannot deny two people of the same government benefits as a normal couple.
I want the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution and come to decisions that keep America free of tyranny.

Good luck, the alt right SC and the Potus are pro tyranny.

That is your opinion, and a very uneducated one, you asked a question, I answered and you answered with a snide comment.

So it just shows how disingenuous you are and that you aren’t interested in discussion you are just a butt hurt, crybaby lefty that didn’t get their way.:boo_hoo14:

I truly believe Trump loves power and is working his way to be a dictator, with all loyal people. Nixon thought he had loyal people as well.

I heard the same thing about Reagan, Clinton, Bush II, Obama and now Trump. It will never happen, the Constitution is to strong and the vast majority of Americans aren’t going to let it happen, you extreme nuts on both the left and the right buy into a lot of BS.
Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

Short answer: To overturn any decision that was arrived at where one or more of the Justices went to the press in short advance of the Hearing, and told the American public how they were going to cast AFTER the Hearing. (Any cases where Justices OPENLY FLAUNTED their bias on a case and did not recuse themselves as required by Caperton v A.T. Massey Coal USSC 2009).

There, I reposted this sans any reference to any particular case at all in order to not appear biased myself. But all would agree that if a case had one of the Justices doing an interview with the press making it completely clear to the American Public well in advance of any Hearing how they would cast after the Hearing, that Hearing would not be a legal one and would have to be revisited. We cannot have exceptions to law and order and due process in Justices or our country will unravel. Redo all cases that fit this description.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

All I want is someone who will regard the Bill of Rights as sacrosanct protection of individual liberties to be interpreted literally.
You mean like Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly for starters?

Yep, like every one of those.
So why should it be a right to get married?

Individuals have a right to enter into whatever kind of contract they want, with whomever they want.

But where is that right written that the public or government has to accept that contract?

Yes, Polygamists could have a contract too. Doesn't make polygamy marriage legal.

And did you know that if adults have a contract that also binds children to its terms, if those terms are damaging to a child (like banishing them for life from a mother or father), the contract isn't merely voidable; it is ALREADY VOID before the ink dries. In other words, there's no challenge. The only challenge to rescind all power of said contract where the child is concerned is to prove that it is harmful to a child. When you look at a contract that says "this child must allow me to anally rape them daily" or "this child must agree to be starved 5 days out of 7" or "this child must never know regular contact with a mother or father in their formative years"...that contract upon its face is unarguably damaging to a child and isn't and never has been valid--ever.

That's going to be a bugger for this case particularly as it makes its way to the now conservative-heavy USSC: Dumont v Lyons 2017 : Will Fathers (or Mothers) Be Judicially-Legislated Into Irrelevance?
Right-wingers seem to hate anyone who is not a heterosexual white Christian guy, but only if he practices the "correct" brand of Christianity. Their attack approach depends on what issue they can use to screw anyone who doesn't fit the above description. It's pure identity politics played by the power-hungry.

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