Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.

The entire plan was two-fold: one, create as many new government dependents as they could, because government dependents generally vote Democrat, and two, to take care of their current crop of voters so they continue to vote Democrat.

If you are a working stiff like I am, the cost of Commie Care was completely unaffordable. They wanted nearly 20% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions, no dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It cost more than my two mortgages combined. HTF am I supposed to afford that while still buying my own life sustaining medications?

Do you know we are the only country without national healthcare of all the developed countries and we have the worst healthcare and the most expensive. Wrong if you are a working stiff it went by your income. One shouldn't get the cheapest plan they offer.

Penelope, let me tell you how well ACA worked. My brother was unemployed. He was on Medicaid. Whenever he went to the doctor his office visit was free, his lab tests were free, and his prescriptions were free. When he did get a job, they dropped him from Medicaid and he went on "Obamacare" proper. His premiums were $700 a month, which was well over half his income, plus he had a $4000 deductible. If he had fallen and broken a bone, he would pay every penny out of pocket that he would have paid even if he had no insurance at all. Then he would STILL have to pay $700 month.

Who can survive on that? He just took the penalty and paid it because that was NOTHING compared to his premiums that got him zero coverage for the first $4000 out of pocket.

Made too much money I guess to get a higher subsidy. Obviously your brother was highly uninformed.

He made $11.00 an hour. You are a typical libtard, You are so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid your are!

She is as ignorant as a person could be.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

Your premise is that Right Wing judges share the notion of legislating from the Bench as their Left Wing colleagues, Sotomayor and Ginsburg.

You forgot Kagan.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

Things like abortion or even Homosexual Marriage were NEVER voted in by the people, its an affront to our democracy that a group of unelected lefties gave us this crap that the people didn't agree with.

But because of that, the fight against the Abortuaries and Gay Marriage will never end, because it was never voted in properly by the peeps.

The people recognize it as illegitimate.

Last year, Ireland voted to legalize the butchery of the Abortion Mills. Pro-life people might not like it, but they will accept it as the people voted for the atrocity. You don't get that in the United States.

Its a right to marry whoever you want and get the benefits just like heterosexuals. And abortion is a females right. What people find it as illegitimate??

So why should it be a right to get married?

Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.

Try reading the f1st Amendment if you can still see through the shit stains on it where you wiped your ass. Then maybe you can tell me what the hell gay marriage has to do with the 1st Amendment. You don't even know that equal protection is covered under the 14th Amendment, dumbass!
Things like abortion or even Homosexual Marriage were NEVER voted in by the people, its an affront to our democracy that a group of unelected lefties gave us this crap that the people didn't agree with.

But because of that, the fight against the Abortuaries and Gay Marriage will never end, because it was never voted in properly by the peeps.

The people recognize it as illegitimate.

Last year, Ireland voted to legalize the butchery of the Abortion Mills. Pro-life people might not like it, but they will accept it as the people voted for the atrocity. You don't get that in the United States.

Its a right to marry whoever you want and get the benefits just like heterosexuals. And abortion is a females right. What people find it as illegitimate??

So why should it be a right to get married?

Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.

So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?

Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.

Gay marriage was not legal either, dumbass!
Stops left wing Judicial Activism

What stops right wing judicial activism?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Hiring Constitutionalist..................Kav is a by the book on past rulings Judge...........his case history confirms that.

Yet constitutional republicans don't mind sending our military to attack other countries without a declaration of war.

Ha! Did you type that with a straight face? Obama is the king of attacking countries without even consulting Congress, much less asking for authorization. You changed the rules so now you can live with it!
Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.

The entire plan was two-fold: one, create as many new government dependents as they could, because government dependents generally vote Democrat, and two, to take care of their current crop of voters so they continue to vote Democrat.

If you are a working stiff like I am, the cost of Commie Care was completely unaffordable. They wanted nearly 20% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions, no dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It cost more than my two mortgages combined. HTF am I supposed to afford that while still buying my own life sustaining medications?

Do you know we are the only country without national healthcare of all the developed countries and we have the worst healthcare and the most expensive. Wrong if you are a working stiff it went by your income. One shouldn't get the cheapest plan they offer.

Penelope, let me tell you how well ACA worked. My brother was unemployed. He was on Medicaid. Whenever he went to the doctor his office visit was free, his lab tests were free, and his prescriptions were free. When he did get a job, they dropped him from Medicaid and he went on "Obamacare" proper. His premiums were $700 a month, which was well over half his income, plus he had a $4000 deductible. If he had fallen and broken a bone, he would pay every penny out of pocket that he would have paid even if he had no insurance at all. Then he would STILL have to pay $700 month.

Who can survive on that? He just took the penalty and paid it because that was NOTHING compared to his premiums that got him zero coverage for the first $4000 out of pocket.

Made too much money I guess to get a higher subsidy. Obviously your brother was highly uninformed.

He made $11.00 an hour. You are a typical libtard, You are so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid your are!

You know I hate to comment, so much goes unsaid, what state do you live in ? and how many hours did he work. Also what plan was he on, how much money do people who live with him, how many are on his ins, all these questions make a different. You just can't tell me what he makes and that it and expect me to think he knows what he is talking about.

Ha Ha, nothing can get me down , I just watched the Lions beat the Packers. Love it.
The entire plan was two-fold: one, create as many new government dependents as they could, because government dependents generally vote Democrat, and two, to take care of their current crop of voters so they continue to vote Democrat.

If you are a working stiff like I am, the cost of Commie Care was completely unaffordable. They wanted nearly 20% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions, no dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It cost more than my two mortgages combined. HTF am I supposed to afford that while still buying my own life sustaining medications?

Do you know we are the only country without national healthcare of all the developed countries and we have the worst healthcare and the most expensive. Wrong if you are a working stiff it went by your income. One shouldn't get the cheapest plan they offer.

Penelope, let me tell you how well ACA worked. My brother was unemployed. He was on Medicaid. Whenever he went to the doctor his office visit was free, his lab tests were free, and his prescriptions were free. When he did get a job, they dropped him from Medicaid and he went on "Obamacare" proper. His premiums were $700 a month, which was well over half his income, plus he had a $4000 deductible. If he had fallen and broken a bone, he would pay every penny out of pocket that he would have paid even if he had no insurance at all. Then he would STILL have to pay $700 month.

Who can survive on that? He just took the penalty and paid it because that was NOTHING compared to his premiums that got him zero coverage for the first $4000 out of pocket.

Made too much money I guess to get a higher subsidy. Obviously your brother was highly uninformed.

He made $11.00 an hour. You are a typical libtard, You are so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid your are!

She is as ignorant as a person could be.

Stops left wing Judicial Activism

What stops right wing judicial activism?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Hiring Constitutionalist..................Kav is a by the book on past rulings Judge...........his case history confirms that.

Yet constitutional republicans don't mind sending our military to attack other countries without a declaration of war.

Ha! Did you type that with a straight face? Obama is the king of attacking countries without even consulting Congress, much less asking for authorization. You changed the rules so now you can live with it!

Which countries did we attack under Obama that the UN was not involved in???
Its a right to marry whoever you want and get the benefits just like heterosexuals. And abortion is a females right. What people find it as illegitimate??

So why should it be a right to get married?

Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.

So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?

Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.

Gay marriage was not legal either, dumbass!
Falls under civil rights.
I wanna see the Communist and NWO Globalist Agendas ended. They've done enough damage to our country. Time to get back to protecting our Nation and preserving our Constitution.

Communists and NWO Globalists despise that notion, but i truly believe most Americans support it. Let's just hope Trump can get one more Justice in there. One more Judge, the Communists and Globalists are finished for a long time.
Last edited:
The entire plan was two-fold: one, create as many new government dependents as they could, because government dependents generally vote Democrat, and two, to take care of their current crop of voters so they continue to vote Democrat.

If you are a working stiff like I am, the cost of Commie Care was completely unaffordable. They wanted nearly 20% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions, no dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It cost more than my two mortgages combined. HTF am I supposed to afford that while still buying my own life sustaining medications?

Do you know we are the only country without national healthcare of all the developed countries and we have the worst healthcare and the most expensive. Wrong if you are a working stiff it went by your income. One shouldn't get the cheapest plan they offer.

Penelope, let me tell you how well ACA worked. My brother was unemployed. He was on Medicaid. Whenever he went to the doctor his office visit was free, his lab tests were free, and his prescriptions were free. When he did get a job, they dropped him from Medicaid and he went on "Obamacare" proper. His premiums were $700 a month, which was well over half his income, plus he had a $4000 deductible. If he had fallen and broken a bone, he would pay every penny out of pocket that he would have paid even if he had no insurance at all. Then he would STILL have to pay $700 month.

Who can survive on that? He just took the penalty and paid it because that was NOTHING compared to his premiums that got him zero coverage for the first $4000 out of pocket.

Made too much money I guess to get a higher subsidy. Obviously your brother was highly uninformed.

He made $11.00 an hour. You are a typical libtard, You are so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid your are!

You know I hate to comment, so much goes unsaid, what state do you live in ? and how many hours did he work. Also what plan was he on, how much money do people who live with him, how many are on his ins, all these questions make a different. You just can't tell me what he makes and that it and expect me to think he knows what he is talking about.

Ha Ha, nothing can get me down , I just watched the Lions beat the Packers. Love it.

Why should I give you another chance to spread your ignorance? I wish they would come up with a vaccine for ignorance and that would eradicate liberalism forever!

I know of only one sure fire cure for liberalism, but that involves expending one round from a sufficient caliber weapon directly into the cranium.

Just FYI, he worked 40 hours a week in Kentucky. I have other numerous friends and relatives who simply could not afford Obamacare because the costs were so exceptionally high. My grandsons were on the state's insurance program for years and it cost them almost nothing for coverage. Now that my daughter has insurance, my grandson's medication is $300.00 per month. The problem with you libtards is you don't live in the real world where people are getting hammered by your stupid solutions to problems that did not exist before.
So why should it be a right to get married?

Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.

So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?

Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.

Gay marriage was not legal either, dumbass!
Falls under civil rights.

Really? Quote the part of the Constitution that applies.
Its a right to get the same benefits as heterosexuals marriages. That is why they legalized it.
You know the first amendment.

So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?

Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.

Gay marriage was not legal either, dumbass!
Falls under civil rights.

Really? Quote the part of the Constitution that applies.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Quote the constitution that abortion is illegal.
So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?

Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.

Gay marriage was not legal either, dumbass!
Falls under civil rights.

Really? Quote the part of the Constitution that applies.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Quote the constitution that abortion is illegal.

It's not about whether it''s legal or not. It's about if it's constitutionally protected or not. Nowhere in the Constitution will you find the words Marriage, Church and State, or Abortion.
The entire plan was two-fold: one, create as many new government dependents as they could, because government dependents generally vote Democrat, and two, to take care of their current crop of voters so they continue to vote Democrat.

If you are a working stiff like I am, the cost of Commie Care was completely unaffordable. They wanted nearly 20% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions, no dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It cost more than my two mortgages combined. HTF am I supposed to afford that while still buying my own life sustaining medications?

Do you know we are the only country without national healthcare of all the developed countries and we have the worst healthcare and the most expensive. Wrong if you are a working stiff it went by your income. One shouldn't get the cheapest plan they offer.

Penelope, let me tell you how well ACA worked. My brother was unemployed. He was on Medicaid. Whenever he went to the doctor his office visit was free, his lab tests were free, and his prescriptions were free. When he did get a job, they dropped him from Medicaid and he went on "Obamacare" proper. His premiums were $700 a month, which was well over half his income, plus he had a $4000 deductible. If he had fallen and broken a bone, he would pay every penny out of pocket that he would have paid even if he had no insurance at all. Then he would STILL have to pay $700 month.

Who can survive on that? He just took the penalty and paid it because that was NOTHING compared to his premiums that got him zero coverage for the first $4000 out of pocket.

Made too much money I guess to get a higher subsidy. Obviously your brother was highly uninformed.

He made $11.00 an hour. You are a typical libtard, You are so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid your are!

You know I hate to comment, so much goes unsaid, what state do you live in ? and how many hours did he work. Also what plan was he on, how much money do people who live with him, how many are on his ins, all these questions make a different. You just can't tell me what he makes and that it and expect me to think he knows what he is talking about.

Ha Ha, nothing can get me down , I just watched the Lions beat the Packers. Love it.

The problem YOU have is that I know exactly what I am talking about so deflection will be thrown back in your face.
Do you know we are the only country without national healthcare of all the developed countries and we have the worst healthcare and the most expensive. Wrong if you are a working stiff it went by your income. One shouldn't get the cheapest plan they offer.

Penelope, let me tell you how well ACA worked. My brother was unemployed. He was on Medicaid. Whenever he went to the doctor his office visit was free, his lab tests were free, and his prescriptions were free. When he did get a job, they dropped him from Medicaid and he went on "Obamacare" proper. His premiums were $700 a month, which was well over half his income, plus he had a $4000 deductible. If he had fallen and broken a bone, he would pay every penny out of pocket that he would have paid even if he had no insurance at all. Then he would STILL have to pay $700 month.

Who can survive on that? He just took the penalty and paid it because that was NOTHING compared to his premiums that got him zero coverage for the first $4000 out of pocket.

Made too much money I guess to get a higher subsidy. Obviously your brother was highly uninformed.

He made $11.00 an hour. You are a typical libtard, You are so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid your are!

You know I hate to comment, so much goes unsaid, what state do you live in ? and how many hours did he work. Also what plan was he on, how much money do people who live with him, how many are on his ins, all these questions make a different. You just can't tell me what he makes and that it and expect me to think he knows what he is talking about.

Ha Ha, nothing can get me down , I just watched the Lions beat the Packers. Love it.

Why should I give you another chance to spread your ignorance? I wish they would come up with a vaccine for ignorance and that would eradicate liberalism forever!

I know of only one sure fire cure for liberalism, but that involves expending one round from a sufficient caliber weapon directly into the cranium.

Just FYI, he worked 40 hours a week in Kentucky. I have other numerous friends and relatives who simply could not afford Obamacare because the costs were so exceptionally high. My grandsons were on the state's insurance program for years and it cost them almost nothing for coverage. Now that my daughter has insurance, my grandson's medication is $300.00 per month. The problem with you libtards is you don't live in the real world where people are getting hammered by your stupid solutions to problems that did not exist before.

Two Years Later: How Kynect Has Impacted Kentucky’s Healthcare System | THCB

Well they have a state run plan so I don't know but it insured lots of people:
Kentucky and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits

Kentucky health insurance marketplace: history and news of the state’s exchange: Obamacare enrollment

Even though the subsidies are getting a lot smaller now, Trump made sure of that. So if you have a problem look at TRump and his ACA, and its blank.
So I should be able to marry my father because he's 87, and I could use his SS benefits after he passes along?

Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.

Gay marriage was not legal either, dumbass!
Falls under civil rights.

Really? Quote the part of the Constitution that applies.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Quote the constitution that abortion is illegal.

The Civil Rights Act is a part of the Constitution?
Get your own SS, the marriage would not be legal.

Gay marriage was not legal either, dumbass!
Falls under civil rights.

Really? Quote the part of the Constitution that applies.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Quote the constitution that abortion is illegal.

It's not about whether it''s legal or not. It's about if it's constitutionally protected or not. Nowhere in the Constitution will you find the words Marriage, Church and State, or Abortion.

Well then they can't make any laws concerning them can they? I guess the founders didn't find them imp. enough to stick in it.
Gay marriage was not legal either, dumbass!
Falls under civil rights.

Really? Quote the part of the Constitution that applies.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Quote the constitution that abortion is illegal.

It's not about whether it''s legal or not. It's about if it's constitutionally protected or not. Nowhere in the Constitution will you find the words Marriage, Church and State, or Abortion.

Well then they can't make any laws concerning them can they? I guess the founders didn't find them imp. enough to stick in it.

Making laws were stopped by the constitutional protection the court gave abortions at the time. You can't make laws against the Constitution. However if Roe is ever reversed, then it goes back to the states how they want to handle abortion. And yes, then the states could make laws against it or some of it.

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