Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

Made too much money I guess to get a higher subsidy. Obviously your brother was highly uninformed.

He made $11.00 an hour. You are a typical libtard, You are so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid your are!

You know I hate to comment, so much goes unsaid, what state do you live in ? and how many hours did he work. Also what plan was he on, how much money do people who live with him, how many are on his ins, all these questions make a different. You just can't tell me what he makes and that it and expect me to think he knows what he is talking about.

Ha Ha, nothing can get me down , I just watched the Lions beat the Packers. Love it.

Why should I give you another chance to spread your ignorance? I wish they would come up with a vaccine for ignorance and that would eradicate liberalism forever!

I know of only one sure fire cure for liberalism, but that involves expending one round from a sufficient caliber weapon directly into the cranium.

Just FYI, he worked 40 hours a week in Kentucky. I have other numerous friends and relatives who simply could not afford Obamacare because the costs were so exceptionally high. My grandsons were on the state's insurance program for years and it cost them almost nothing for coverage. Now that my daughter has insurance, my grandson's medication is $300.00 per month. The problem with you libtards is you don't live in the real world where people are getting hammered by your stupid solutions to problems that did not exist before.

Two Years Later: How Kynect Has Impacted Kentucky’s Healthcare System | THCB

Well they have a state run plan so I don't know but it insured lots of people:
Kentucky and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits

Kentucky health insurance marketplace: history and news of the state’s exchange: Obamacare enrollment

Even though the subsidies are getting a lot smaller now, Trump made sure of that. So if you have a problem look at TRump and his ACA, and its blank.

It's Kentucky's version of Medicaid, dumbass!

No its their marketplace but it switched over the ACA marketplace but still theirs.
Politics today depends on television and radio ads. The concern is not about political junkies that watch the MSM. It's to reach out to people that don't follow politics. Those are the people who will make the difference in elections.

which is why it's kind of bad that a few rich people are dominating that discussion, dummy.

sorry you don't get this.

I get it just fine. So do the courts. It's you that doesn't get it.
I get it just fine. So do the courts. It's you that doesn't get it.

again, this is a guy whose boss cheats him on health insurance, and he thinks it's wonderful rich people have bought our politics...

Battered Housewife Republican, everyone.

He made $11.00 an hour. You are a typical libtard, You are so stupid that you don't even realize how stupid your are!

You know I hate to comment, so much goes unsaid, what state do you live in ? and how many hours did he work. Also what plan was he on, how much money do people who live with him, how many are on his ins, all these questions make a different. You just can't tell me what he makes and that it and expect me to think he knows what he is talking about.

Ha Ha, nothing can get me down , I just watched the Lions beat the Packers. Love it.

Why should I give you another chance to spread your ignorance? I wish they would come up with a vaccine for ignorance and that would eradicate liberalism forever!

I know of only one sure fire cure for liberalism, but that involves expending one round from a sufficient caliber weapon directly into the cranium.

Just FYI, he worked 40 hours a week in Kentucky. I have other numerous friends and relatives who simply could not afford Obamacare because the costs were so exceptionally high. My grandsons were on the state's insurance program for years and it cost them almost nothing for coverage. Now that my daughter has insurance, my grandson's medication is $300.00 per month. The problem with you libtards is you don't live in the real world where people are getting hammered by your stupid solutions to problems that did not exist before.

Two Years Later: How Kynect Has Impacted Kentucky’s Healthcare System | THCB

Well they have a state run plan so I don't know but it insured lots of people:
Kentucky and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits

Kentucky health insurance marketplace: history and news of the state’s exchange: Obamacare enrollment

Even though the subsidies are getting a lot smaller now, Trump made sure of that. So if you have a problem look at TRump and his ACA, and its blank.

It's Kentucky's version of Medicaid, dumbass!

No its their marketplace but it switched over the ACA marketplace but still theirs.

It was also closed a long time ago. You are back to normal. You don't know shit!
You know I hate to comment, so much goes unsaid, what state do you live in ? and how many hours did he work. Also what plan was he on, how much money do people who live with him, how many are on his ins, all these questions make a different. You just can't tell me what he makes and that it and expect me to think he knows what he is talking about.

Ha Ha, nothing can get me down , I just watched the Lions beat the Packers. Love it.

Why should I give you another chance to spread your ignorance? I wish they would come up with a vaccine for ignorance and that would eradicate liberalism forever!

I know of only one sure fire cure for liberalism, but that involves expending one round from a sufficient caliber weapon directly into the cranium.

Just FYI, he worked 40 hours a week in Kentucky. I have other numerous friends and relatives who simply could not afford Obamacare because the costs were so exceptionally high. My grandsons were on the state's insurance program for years and it cost them almost nothing for coverage. Now that my daughter has insurance, my grandson's medication is $300.00 per month. The problem with you libtards is you don't live in the real world where people are getting hammered by your stupid solutions to problems that did not exist before.

Two Years Later: How Kynect Has Impacted Kentucky’s Healthcare System | THCB

Well they have a state run plan so I don't know but it insured lots of people:
Kentucky and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits

Kentucky health insurance marketplace: history and news of the state’s exchange: Obamacare enrollment

Even though the subsidies are getting a lot smaller now, Trump made sure of that. So if you have a problem look at TRump and his ACA, and its blank.

It's Kentucky's version of Medicaid, dumbass!

No its their marketplace but it switched over the ACA marketplace but still theirs.

It was also closed a long time ago. You are back to normal. You don't know shit!

And you son doesn't because many people went on health care in Kentucky.
I want rulings like this

"Kavanaugh believes in a very vigorous Second Amendment right to bear arms," UCLA law professor Adam Winkler told Totenberg, "and he thinks there is little room for constitutionally permissible gun control."

In this respect, Kavanaugh's position has been clearly defined.

"In disapproving D.C.'s ban on handguns, in approving a ban on machine guns, and in approving longstanding regulations such as concealed-carry and felon-in-possession laws, Heller established that the scope of the Second Amendment right — and thus the constitutionality of gun bans and regulations — is determined by reference to text, history, and tradition," he wrote in 2011.

The comment was part of his 52-page dissent from a federal appellate court ruling that backed a ban on assault weapons in Washington, D.C. He carved out a position that is strongly in favor of gun rights — and strongly skeptical of any new or novel limitations on gun ownership that break with "tradition."

In this respect, he argued, the Second Amendment should be treated much like the First.

"A ban on a class of arms is not an 'incidental' regulation," he wrote. "It is equivalent to a ban on a category of speech."
There are no Right Wing judges on The Bench. There is however a card carrying ACLU member who falls asleep at State of The Union Addresses.

Someone who is a Constitutionalist really is not beholden to any party. The Constitution is who they are beholden too.

So a better question for you is, why do you want Left Wing Activist Judges on The Bench who want to Legislated From The Bench?
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Rule according to the Constitution.

Imagine that.

Please list them, rule according to the constitution means squat.
Thanks for exposing yourself as an Activist Constitution Hating Liberal.

If a Supreme Court Justice doesn't rule according to The Constitution, what is he supposed to use?

His Feelings? That is for Left Wing Activists who ignore The Law.
Why should I give you another chance to spread your ignorance? I wish they would come up with a vaccine for ignorance and that would eradicate liberalism forever!

I know of only one sure fire cure for liberalism, but that involves expending one round from a sufficient caliber weapon directly into the cranium.

Just FYI, he worked 40 hours a week in Kentucky. I have other numerous friends and relatives who simply could not afford Obamacare because the costs were so exceptionally high. My grandsons were on the state's insurance program for years and it cost them almost nothing for coverage. Now that my daughter has insurance, my grandson's medication is $300.00 per month. The problem with you libtards is you don't live in the real world where people are getting hammered by your stupid solutions to problems that did not exist before.

Two Years Later: How Kynect Has Impacted Kentucky’s Healthcare System | THCB

Well they have a state run plan so I don't know but it insured lots of people:
Kentucky and the ACA’s Medicaid expansion: eligibility, enrollment and benefits

Kentucky health insurance marketplace: history and news of the state’s exchange: Obamacare enrollment

Even though the subsidies are getting a lot smaller now, Trump made sure of that. So if you have a problem look at TRump and his ACA, and its blank.

It's Kentucky's version of Medicaid, dumbass!

No its their marketplace but it switched over the ACA marketplace but still theirs.

It was also closed a long time ago. You are back to normal. You don't know shit!

And you son doesn't because many people went on health care in Kentucky.

Pardon me but your liberalism is showing. Go back and rewrite that sentence in English, with proper punctuation. It's a train wreck!
How about federal judges that simply uphold the constitution versus legislate? For some reason upholding the Constitution and laws of the land no longer apply. Regretfully those on the left just can’t grasp the concept.
How about federal judges that simply uphold the constitution versus legislate? For some reason upholding the Constitution and laws of the land no longer apply. Regretfully those on the left just can’t grasp the concept.

As far as the left is concerned, anybody who rules based on the Constitution is a right-leaning judge.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
I want a proper constructionist. They interpret the constitution as it was originally intended, rather than making shit up to avoid the amendment process.

Democrat appointees DO NOT interpret the constitution properly. They are a bunch of manipulating communist traitors.

Never vote democrat.

Of course, never vote Republican, if you can avoid it.
like repealing Roe v. Wade
I would like to see Roe v. Wade reversed, just as a matter of principle. A reversal would have virtually no impact on the rate of abortion, however.

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

End ACA for good.
Absolutely. The government has no business, literally, telling businesses what perks they MUST offer to their employees, nor does the government have any business telling insurance companies they must provide birth control coverage.

Make no laws concerning guns.
Only a tiny, tiny fraction of Americans believe we should have NO gun laws. It has long been decided by both "liberal" and "conservative" judges that some gun regulations are well within Constitutional limits.

Start saying prayers in public schools.
Okay, we'll all get down on rugs and pray to Allah in public school every day. ;)

End all social programs , except for vets.

As with gun regulations, only a tiny, tiny number of Americans think we should not have any social welfare programs. And you will never see anything close to a majority in support of such nonsense. Nor will you ever see more than a single lone judge ever say they are unconstitutional. You probably won't even see one.
Protect the rights of the citizen and limit the power of the federal government.
This is a completely meaningless throwaway expression. It's about as useful to the conversation as saying, "Freedom, duh!"

Be more specific, and I would wager there are people who believe the laws you would abandon "protect the rights of citizens".
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
I want a proper constructionist. They interpret the constitution as it was originally intended, rather than making shit up to avoid the amendment process.

Democrat appointees DO NOT interpret the constitution properly. They are a bunch of manipulating communist traitors.

Never vote democrat.

Of course, never vote Republican, if you can avoid it.

Proper constructionist, what is that? I am voting all Democrats in my state and for Potus in 2020.

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