Why do you want right wing judges on the bench, what do you want

from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

I'm still a registered Democrat but doubt I ever vote for one again. The only time I ever voted Republican was Reagan 2nd term and Bush 2nd term. When Trump came along it was a breath of fresh air to me, finally a president that does what he says. Obama and Obamacare started my doubts and now this total change to socialism and open borders makes me loath Democrats. I'm not a staunch conservative, mostly horrified of the new Democratic party. I need to go down and change parties, I want no part of socialistic policies.

To answer your question. It's not that I want right wing judges it's that the left wing is Un-American and they scare me to death.

What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering your health status. Take away it all. They can also deny and take away your coverage.

While we are at it, decrease out of pocket what Medicare pays, say make it 50/50. Increase the deductible and copayments.

Only fair isn't it.
Last edited:
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The concept of this country was to have individual states operate themselves without the federal government. The federal government was only to intervene when it came to national issues like the defense of this country and interstate commerce.

Since that time, the federal government has turned into a massive control center of the people. It is partially the judges that allowed this to happen. Now we rely on the federal government to take care of our poor, healthcare, housing, marital issues, race issues, environmental issues, retirement, food, water, you name it and the federal government has it's hands in it.

This is something I hope will stop in the future, and perhaps reverse itself. But that can never happen with Democrats in power be they in the Congress or in the courts.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress 1794
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Another ignorant person, of course the SC makes laws.

You have got to be one DUMBEST people on this board….

There of three branches of Government DIP SHIT….

Executive, Judicial, and Legislative…...

I would explain it but you are too STUPID to understand it.

You are a perfect example of the ignorance on the left…
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

I'm still a registered Democrat but doubt I ever vote for one again. The only time I ever voted Republican was Reagan 2nd term and Bush 2nd term. When Trump came along it was a breath of fresh air to me, finally a president that does what he says. Obama and Obamacare started my doubts and now this total change to socialism and open borders makes me loath Democrats. I'm not a staunch conservative, mostly horrified of the new Democratic party. I need to go down and change parties, I want no part of socialistic policies.

To answer your question. It's not that I want right wing judges it's that the left wing is Un-American and they scare me to death.

What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income.

LOL, it's obvious have no product knowledge kid. There is no cost sharing at the bronze level, they owe the max out of pocket period.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.
To end all policies and laws that puts restraints on the corporate/wealth class --- property rights over civil rights, employer rights over worker rights -- that is the only way our country will be great again, to make it as libertarian as possible, God Bless Koch
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

I'm still a registered Democrat but doubt I ever vote for one again. The only time I ever voted Republican was Reagan 2nd term and Bush 2nd term. When Trump came along it was a breath of fresh air to me, finally a president that does what he says. Obama and Obamacare started my doubts and now this total change to socialism and open borders makes me loath Democrats. I'm not a staunch conservative, mostly horrified of the new Democratic party. I need to go down and change parties, I want no part of socialistic policies.

To answer your question. It's not that I want right wing judges it's that the left wing is Un-American and they scare me to death.

What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

I'm still a registered Democrat but doubt I ever vote for one again. The only time I ever voted Republican was Reagan 2nd term and Bush 2nd term. When Trump came along it was a breath of fresh air to me, finally a president that does what he says. Obama and Obamacare started my doubts and now this total change to socialism and open borders makes me loath Democrats. I'm not a staunch conservative, mostly horrified of the new Democratic party. I need to go down and change parties, I want no part of socialistic policies.

To answer your question. It's not that I want right wing judges it's that the left wing is Un-American and they scare me to death.

What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.

Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

1) pass a law
2) violates freedom of religion
3) 2 nd ammendment, there are plenty of gun laws
4) no clue what that is
5) wrong, separation of church and state, stop fear mongering
6) public schools are up to local municipalities
7) Nixon would be pissed, huh?
8)God willing, but that’s legislative

I don’t think you understand what the court is for.
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?

You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

I'm still a registered Democrat but doubt I ever vote for one again. The only time I ever voted Republican was Reagan 2nd term and Bush 2nd term. When Trump came along it was a breath of fresh air to me, finally a president that does what he says. Obama and Obamacare started my doubts and now this total change to socialism and open borders makes me loath Democrats. I'm not a staunch conservative, mostly horrified of the new Democratic party. I need to go down and change parties, I want no part of socialistic policies.

To answer your question. It's not that I want right wing judges it's that the left wing is Un-American and they scare me to death.

What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.

Lets go back to ins before the ACA:

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering your health status. Take away it all. They can also deny and take away your coverage at every whim. No rules, just what the insurance companies make up.

While we are at it, decrease out of pocket what Medicare pays, say make it 50/50. Increase the deductible and copayments.

Only fair isn't it.
I'm still a registered Democrat but doubt I ever vote for one again. The only time I ever voted Republican was Reagan 2nd term and Bush 2nd term. When Trump came along it was a breath of fresh air to me, finally a president that does what he says. Obama and Obamacare started my doubts and now this total change to socialism and open borders makes me loath Democrats. I'm not a staunch conservative, mostly horrified of the new Democratic party. I need to go down and change parties, I want no part of socialistic policies.

To answer your question. It's not that I want right wing judges it's that the left wing is Un-American and they scare me to death.

What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.

Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.

Do you know there are something called silver plans on it.
I'm still a registered Democrat but doubt I ever vote for one again. The only time I ever voted Republican was Reagan 2nd term and Bush 2nd term. When Trump came along it was a breath of fresh air to me, finally a president that does what he says. Obama and Obamacare started my doubts and now this total change to socialism and open borders makes me loath Democrats. I'm not a staunch conservative, mostly horrified of the new Democratic party. I need to go down and change parties, I want no part of socialistic policies.

To answer your question. It's not that I want right wing judges it's that the left wing is Un-American and they scare me to death.

What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.

Lets go back to ins before the ACA:

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering your health status. Take away it all. They can also deny and take away your coverage at every whim. No rules, just what the insurance companies make up.

While we are at it, decrease out of pocket what Medicare pays, say make it 50/50. Increase the deductible and copayments.

Only fair isn't it.

Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?

You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?

No never have, what is a legislator?
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Another ignorant person, of course the SC makes laws.

You have got to be one DUMBEST people on this board….

There of three branches of Government DIP SHIT….

Executive, Judicial, and Legislative…...

I would explain it but you are too STUPID to understand it.

You are a perfect example of the ignorance on the left…
Deno, I appreciate that post on the 3 branches of Gov. What we are seeing lately with the 'Deep State' is a perversion and melding of the not so separate & not so equal branches, IMHO.
What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.

Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.

Do you know there are something called silver plans on it.

LOL, do you know that many/most can't afford Silver or Gold? I do this every day honey.
from them?? What do you think they will do??

Just list them:

like repealing Roe v. Wade

Allow insurance companies to opt out of birth control?

Make no laws concerning guns.


Start saying prayers in public schools.

Get rid of public schools.

End the EPA.

End ACA for good.

End all social programs , except for vets.

1) pass a law
2) violates freedom of religion
3) 2 nd ammendment, there are plenty of gun laws
4) no clue what that is
5) wrong, separation of church and state, stop fear mongering
6) public schools are up to local municipalities
7) Nixon would be pissed, huh?
8)God willing, but that’s legislative

I don’t think you understand what the court is for.

There are many reasons you do not need to carry health ins under the ACA. Read them.
I'm still a registered Democrat but doubt I ever vote for one again. The only time I ever voted Republican was Reagan 2nd term and Bush 2nd term. When Trump came along it was a breath of fresh air to me, finally a president that does what he says. Obama and Obamacare started my doubts and now this total change to socialism and open borders makes me loath Democrats. I'm not a staunch conservative, mostly horrified of the new Democratic party. I need to go down and change parties, I want no part of socialistic policies.

To answer your question. It's not that I want right wing judges it's that the left wing is Un-American and they scare me to death.

What didn't you like about the ACA, that one has to insure their body??

The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.

Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.

The entire plan was two-fold: one, create as many new government dependents as they could, because government dependents generally vote Democrat, and two, to take care of their current crop of voters so they continue to vote Democrat.

If you are a working stiff like I am, the cost of Commie Care was completely unaffordable. They wanted nearly 20% of my net pay for a plan with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions, no dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It cost more than my two mortgages combined. HTF am I supposed to afford that while still buying my own life sustaining medications?
When it comes to politics, I'm rather stoic. Personally, I've been involved in races close to home like governor and US senator. When it comes to governor, Tony Evers (D) is in a dead heat with Scott Walker (49 vs 44) Leah Vukmir (R) is getting blown away by democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin.

I don't particularly like the democratic party but anything is better than the republicans, at least locally.

You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?

You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?

No never have, what is a legislator?

Good lord. Which Branch WRITES laws?
The funny part of this is that YOU think it's viable. Tell me, if a family CAN only afford a Bronze Plans because of the subsidy what makes you think they can afford to pay those shy high out of pockets?

Its obvious you do not know the ACA goes by income. I insist on a complete abandonment of the ACA, take away pre existing conditions, and kids up till 26 are allowed on parents ins. No more preventative health benefits, and caps put back on health insurances. They can charge whatever they want , considering what is your health status. Take away it all.

Correct, it does go by income.

If you are a french fry maker, you likely vote Democrat, therefore the subsidies make it extremely affordable.

If you are middle-class, you likely vote Republican, and the little subsidy you get (if any at all) makes insurance unaffordable.

Yup, their income determines their subsidy but does NOT help them with their max out of pocket. She's being very disingenuous. Go figure.

Do you know there are something called silver plans on it.

LOL, do you know that many/most can't afford Silver or Gold? I do this every day honey.

So lets give the insurance companies free rein. You sell ins. I bet you make lots of money hey. Do you sell off the ACA or marketplace so its cutting into your pocket, I see. That's it, it has decreased your income.
You have to pick one or the other, I understand that. The SC can make laws that affect all of us down to the water we might drink and the air we breathe and the killing of workers rights and access to affordable healthcare.

The SCOTUS cannot, according to the Constitution make laws.
That's what is wrong with you people. You either don't understand the Constitution, or you want to ignore it.
We want SC justices that follow the Constitution and the law.
If you want federal laws changed, only Congress can make laws.

Really only Congress can make laws. Are you kidding me?

You ever heard of a legislator DUMB ASS?

No never have, what is a legislator?

Good lord. Which Branch WRITES laws?

You tell me?

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