Why does China get a free pass from some?

It’s their virus. It’s their fault. If they reported this three weeks earlier then none of this happens.

It is a once in 100 year event that nobody thought would turn into global pandemic. Most nations did not react or were slow to react even after China but virus genome
online first week of January.

Ironically, they are the worlds manufactures and so best suited to manufacture the supplies we need!!
But, but, but, it's Trump's fault !

At least 5 people in China have disappeared, gotten arrested, or been silenced after speaking out about the coronavirus — here's what we know about them

Chinese law professor Xu Zhangrun recently posted a scathing review of the way president Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have handled the coronavirus outbreak.

"They all blithely stood by as the crucial window of opportunity to deal with the outbreak of the infection snapped shut in their faces," he wrote, suggesting that government censorship of information about the coronavirus hampered China's ability to control its spread.

Xu, who teaches at Beijing's Tsinghua University, added: "The cause of all of this lies with The Axlerod [that is, Xi Jinping] and the cabal that surrounds him."

But, but, but, it's Trump's fault !!

Did China downplay the coronavirus outbreak early on?

A new study shows the virus took off weeks earlier than Chinese officials have suggested.

In late December, when China first announced the outbreak of a mysterious pneumonia, officials in the country were quite clear on a few things.

Most of the patients had been exposed to a food market in Wuhan, the city that’s still the epicenter of the outbreak, according to local health authorities. The earliest case had symptoms just two weeks earlier, on December 12. There was also “no clear evidence” of human-to-human transmission, meaning the virus wasn’t yet spreading from one person to another. That suggested people might have been getting sick directly from animals in the market.

Together, the details — while concerning — were somewhat reassuring for global health experts: They suggested that this outbreak of a deadly new coronavirus began very recently and might not spread very far, and that the general population was not at risk of serious illness.

But, but, but, it's Trump's fault !

Chinese social media censoring 'officially sanctioned facts' on coronavirus
Wide range of speech about virus and Covid-19 references is being tightly controlled, report finds

Chinese social media censors blocked neutral information about the coronavirus outbreak when they targeted references to the outbreak on WeChat and other platforms, a report has found.

Hundreds of keywords and keyword combinations, including “Wuhan seafood market” and “Sars variation” were censored in late December, as doctors sought to warn about the new virus.

While even China was warning the world"
Yes, your heroes were warning us !!

Yes, in late January, and through February,, China was warning the world of the danger of the virus. Meanwhile, you slobs were sucking trump's little peepee at his rallies, where he was telling you it was a hoax.
Back in January Trump declared COVID-19 a national medical emergency, closed flights from China, and instituted quarantine procedures. Sorry charlie, those are not consistent with the man who you claimed viewed the virus as a hoax.

He also called it a hoax, said it was contained when it wasn't, said that this problem would be resolved when the weather got warmer, claimed we had a vaccine that was going to be available any day now.

Trump never said COVID-19 was a hoax, don't be a fool

Do you even read your own links, or do you just cut and paste crap from wacky sources and think it makes you look smart?

From one of the first items in your link:

The most egregious false claim: The availability of coronavirus tests
On March 6, as doctors and health officials around the country were reporting a shortage of coronavirus tests, Trump said, "Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That's what the bottom line is."
In reality, Americans needed authorization from a doctor to get tested -- and even many people who did have a doctor's order could not get access.

Even now doctors are not going to use up resources to test every curious person who would like a test. They test health care providers as a priority, then they test people who appear sick, then they test people who are known to have in contact with a person who tested positive. So your source is stupid, and you look like a fool for reposting their idiocy.

In truth all Trump was doing was repeating the assurances the so called experts told him that they could deliver on. Here is the conversation from the press conference your stupid link cited:

DR. MONROE: And then, in relatively short order, as the information coming out of China indicated that this was more serious than was originally thought — originally seven cases — we stood up our incident management system here at CDC so that we would have all the right components together — the epidemiology, the laboratory, the communications, the policy folks.

And then once it became clear that it was even more serious, that’s when we started to work with our colleagues at FDA to say, “We need to make this test available to the larger public health laboratory community.”

And so, worked with FDA to get what we call “emergency use authorization” so that we could distribute the test to our — originally to our public health laboratory counterparts.

And now, working with the commercial manufacturers, we’re in position to scale up that production beyond what we can do with our own facility here, so that there’s the capacity to test more and more Americans. And we are — as we work today to qualify more of those materials to go out.

And it’s important to note that at no time during this response has CDC ever denied a request that came from a public health official, either state or local, to test a patient. So all the patients who needed to be tested, in the opinion of the public health officials, have been tested.

THE PRESIDENT: They have plenty of materials is what you’re saying.

DR. MONROE: And, yeah, all of our state labs now have the ability to — to test for this virus —

DR. REDFIELD: I’ll stand right here. We continue — our first responsibility — CDC — as I said, was to develop the eyes — the lab test. The second responsibility is to get that out to the public health community. And we have now shipped out — I think it was enough to test 75,000 people into the public health labs now.

THE PRESIDENT: Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is.
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While even China was warning the world"
Yes, your heroes were warning us !!

Yes, in late January, and through February,, China was warning the world of the danger of the virus. Meanwhile, you slobs were sucking trump's little peepee at his rallies, where he was telling you it was a hoax.
Funny, on Jan 14th the W.H.O. told the world, that the Chinese government declared that COVID-19 was not contagious between humans. so much for your false narrative that the Chinese were warning the world, they were doing the opposite. China even expelled journalists who dared report the truth of what was going on inside China.
Biased is not “wrong” it’s biased.
Until you reject something out of hand because "media is biased
Funny, on Jan 14th the W.H.O. told the world, that the Chinese government declared that COVID-19 was not contagious between humans.
False. They reported that preliminary Chinese tests showed no evidence of human to human transmission. Not the same statement.

About 1 week later, China released its studies, showing human to human transmission. Was China lying earlier? Sure, maybe. Probably. And that's not okay.

But even China quickly realized the jig was up. Then they were warning the world. Meanwhile, Trump was downplaying it and calling it a political hoax.
Biased is not “wrong” it’s biased.
Until you reject something out of hand because "media is biased
Funny, on Jan 14th the W.H.O. told the world, that the Chinese government declared that COVID-19 was not contagious between humans.
False. They reported that preliminary Chinese tests showed no evidence of human to human transmission. Not the same statement.

About 1 week later, China released its studies, showing human to human transmission. Was China lying earlier? Sure, maybe. Probably. And that's not okay.

But even China quickly realized the jig was up. Then they were warning the world. Meanwhile, Trump was downplaying it and calling it a political hoax.

So tell us, how does Chinese dick taste ? Like Chicken ?
False. They reported that preliminary Chinese tests showed no evidence of human to human transmission. Not the same statement.

About 1 week later, China released its studies, showing human to human transmission. Was China lying earlier? Sure, maybe. Probably. And that's not okay.

But even China quickly realized the jig was up. Then they were warning the world. Meanwhile, Trump was downplaying it and calling it a political hoax.
The Chinese were claiming the disease was not transmittable between humans on Jan 14, Trump banned all flights from China, declared a national public heath emergency and mandated quarantine procedures for incoming travelers, two weeks later. So stop with the false claims, and lies that Trump called it a hoax, or was downplaying it.

If you're using 20/20 hindsight to claim President Trump was downplaying the seriousness of this virus, all you need to do is look back at what his trusted CDC experts were telling him.

Listen to this podcast at the 40 second mark Dr. Anthony Fauci – National Institute of Health (NIH) Infectious diseases. Coronavirus.. in the US

Fauci was the one downplaying the virus, Trump believed him, and why not, Trump's not a doctor.
While even China was warning the world"
Yes, your heroes were warning us !!

Yes, in late January, and through February,, China was warning the world of the danger of the virus. Meanwhile, you slobs were sucking trump's little peepee at his rallies, where he was telling you it was a hoax.

"What's False"

"Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax."


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