Why does Congress prevent the CDC from studying gun-related violence?

CDC studies dog bites. Dogs don't commit violence - asshole owners who don't control their dogs do.

People are killed by drunk drivers. Cars don't commit violence. But we collect data on drunk driving in order to form better policies.

I'll let this part stand for posterity.

Dogs are violent, whether through intent or instinct. They are dogs after all.

Dogs are not violent. They are dogs, as you say.

People control them.

Drunk drivers are people. See? People killing people.

Drunk drivers are using a tool: cars. A tool, like guns, to kill people.

Wild dogs are violent too, yet without the influence of a human being. So there goes that.

Cars don't drive themselves, Coyote. People die because of the negligence of the person, not the car. This isn't Knight Rider.
The only person who has addressed this directly is RetiredGYSgt (and thank you for that) - by saying the reason the CDC should be banned from studying this is because they are biased. While I totally disagree - kudos to you for actually giving a direct answer.

Everyone else is trying to make it about gun control - ie - if you support research into gun vioilence you support gun control (or the total irradication of guns).

The thing is - without research - how can you formulate any sort of policy that is not based upon blind emotion: either "OMG they're coming to take our guns" or "OMG they're going to shoot us".

The CDC carries a lot of clout. Their research is extensive and thorough. Maybe they'll find that having a 48 hr waiting period has some impact on gun related suicide or impulse shootings. That's just a guess. But if you squash research - then you'll never know. And instead wonder why it was politically squashed.

Who said anything about it being "sacred"?

Don't let your emotions overcome you.

Can't give a straight answer can you?

Why should the CDC be barred from studying mortality from gun violence?

Uhhh, because the FBI does?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Thank you for not answering the question.

Why should the CDC be barred from studying mortality from gun violence?

Who said anything about it being "sacred"?

Don't let your emotions overcome you.

Can't give a straight answer can you?

Why should the CDC be barred from studying mortality from gun violence?

Uhhh, because the FBI does?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Thank you for not answering the question.

Why should the CDC be barred from studying mortality from gun violence?

Because the FBI does?
CDC studies dog bites. Dogs don't commit violence - asshole owners who don't control their dogs do.

People are killed by drunk drivers. Cars don't commit violence. But we collect data on drunk driving in order to form better policies.

I'll let this part stand for posterity.

Dogs are violent, whether through intent or instinct. They are dogs after all.

Dogs are not violent. They are dogs, as you say.

People control them.

Drunk drivers are people. See? People killing people.

Drunk drivers are using a tool: cars. A tool, like guns, to kill people.

Wild dogs are violent too, yet without the influence of a human being. So there goes that.

Wild dogs aren't responsible for many - if any - dog bites or dog bite fatalities.

Cars don't drive themselves, Coyote. People die because of the negligence of the person, not the car. This isn't Knight Rider.

Exactly. That is what I am trying to say. Just like guns. Except - the CDC is allowed to study automobile fatalities but banned, by Congress from studying gun fatalities.
And to recite what GYsgt said, the study can be biased

I might add that any study done on gun violence can be influenced by politics. You'll never get a straight out fact based analysis.
And to recite what GYsgt said, the study can be biased

I might add that any study done on gun violence can be influenced by politics. You'll never get a straight out fact based analysis.

EVERY study can be biased.

But Congress doesn't ban that research...unless it's the CDC trying to study gun violence.
Wild dogs aren't responsible for many - if any - dog bites or dog bite fatalities.

But their capacity for violence remains the same, whether it be influence from humans or not.

Actually not really....wild dogs avoid human interaction.

Domestic dogs, those responsible for the majority of dog bites and fatalities, are under the control and responsibility of a human.
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.

Because gun violence isn't a disease.

Neither are dog bites.

Why does Congress want to prevent research into gun violence mortality?


Because guns don't commit the violence, people do.

All the more reason to study it.
What are they afraid of? Is the CDC barred from scientifically examining any other causes of death? Why this?

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violenc

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Dr. Fred Rivara, a professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology at the University of Washington at Seattle Children's Hospital, has been involved with injury research for 30 years. He was part of a team that researched gun violence back in the 1990s and personally saw the chilling effects of the NRA’s lobbying arm. Rivara says that the NRA accused the CDC of trying to use science to promote gun control.

“As a result of that, many, many people stopped doing gun research, [and] the number of publications on firearm violence decreased dramatically," he told The Takeaway in April. "It was really chilling in terms of our ability to conduct research on this very important problem.”

In 2013, some 34,000 Americans died from gunshot wounds. So Takeaway Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich decided to ask House Speaker John Boehner why his party is trying to block research on gun violence.

“The CDC is there to look at diseases that need to be dealt with to protect public health,” Boehner said at a press conference last week. “I’m sorry, but a gun is not a disease. Guns don’t kill people — people do. And when people use weapons in a horrible way, we should condemn the actions of the individual and not blame the action on some weapon.”

But does the CDC research blame the public health issue of gun violence on the weapons themselves?

“The original concern from the National Rifle Association back in 1996, which Dr. Rivara mentioned, made that very implication,” says Zwillich. “The NRA complained to Congress that the CDC was using the results of its research to essentially advocate for gun control. They called it propaganda. And back at that time, Congress slashed the CDC’s funding by the exact amount that was used for gun-related public health research.”

Rivara and his team discovered that having a gun in the home is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of a homicide — they released this information in a series of peer-reviewed articles that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The CDC both funded Rivara’s original research and stood by the findings.

But after Congress seemingly retaliated against the CDC for publishing Rivara’s findings, Zwillich says researchers with the agency have shied away from conducting gun research.

Because gun violence isn't a disease.

The CDC isn't limited to 'diseases' you idiot.
So, given the link posted above, Coyote, that destroys your entire case. They have the ability but not the funding, and Obama hasn't been helping. He proposed cutting funding himself. If you want links I can give you more.
And to recite what GYsgt said, the study can be biased

I might add that any study done on gun violence can be influenced by politics. You'll never get a straight out fact based analysis.

EVERY study can be biased.

But Congress doesn't ban that research...unless it's the CDC trying to study gun violence.

To keep you in the loop:

Why the CDC still isn’t researching gun violence, despite the ban being lifted two years ago

From July, 2015: Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.
And to recite what GYsgt said, the study can be biased

I might add that any study done on gun violence can be influenced by politics. You'll never get a straight out fact based analysis.

EVERY study can be biased.

But Congress doesn't ban that research...unless it's the CDC trying to study gun violence.

To keep you in the loop:

Why the CDC still isn’t researching gun violence, despite the ban being lifted two years ago

From July, 2015: Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence

In the immediate aftermath of the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, the US House of Representatives Appropriations Committee quietly rejected an amendment that would have allowed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study the underlying causes of gun violence.

Why the CDC still isn’t researching gun violence, despite the ban being lifted two years ago
So, given the link posted above, Coyote, that destroys your entire case. They have the ability but not the funding, and Obama hasn't been helping. He proposed cutting funding himself. If you want links I can give you more.

No, it really doesn't "destroy" the case but rather confirms it - from your source:

Fear and funding shortfalls remain at the CDC, even though the agency was ordered to resume firearm studies after Newtown shooting.

Two years ago this week, President Obama ordered the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to get back to studying “the causes of gun violence.”

The CDC had not touched firearm research since 1996 — when the NRA accused the agency of promoting gun control and Congress threatened to strip the agency’s funding. The CDC’s self-imposed ban dried up a powerful funding source and had a chilling effect felt far beyond the agency: Almost no one wanted to pay for gun violence studies, researchers say. Young academics were warned that joining the field was a good way to kill their careers. And the odd gun study that got published went through linguistic gymnastics to hide any connection to firearms.

....But today the CDC still avoids gun-violence research, demonstrating what many see as the depth of its fear about returning to one of the country’s most divisive debates. The agency recently was asked by The Washington Post why it was still sitting on the sidelines of firearms studies. It declined to make an official available for an interview but responded with a statement noting it had commissioned an agenda of possible research goals but still lacked the dedicated funding to pursue it.

Your article makes my point - without funding, which Congress controls, they can't conduct research.

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