Why Does Drumph......

.......keep saying that protesters at his events are "swinging" at people? There is no video of that. Nobody has ever seen a protester get violent at any Trump rally.

Fucking dude lies every fucking day. It's got to mean something to you nutbags.
So wait. . .

You were at these rallies?

Since you haven't seen this on video, you think he is lying? Are you serious?

There have been no reports. There are journalists at every event.

Try harder.
I've watched the videos. In every incident, the protesters are ASKING FOR IT.

They are there to start shit. And shit they have received.

If right wingers did this shit at Bernie's rallies, folks would be losing their heads over the injustice of it all. They would probably call the protesters anti-Semites and Nazi's. :badgrin: I still, for the life of me, do not understand why Tea party folks have NOT gone and repaid Bernie with some protests in kind. This shit has got to end. It is insane.

It is like the little brother putting his foot in his big sisters room and then crying to his parents when his big sister clobbers him.

Sure, his big sister used force, but it's called, Aggravation.

Look it up you dim wit.

This is typical behavior. This is what they a looking for.

These rallies have the right to go on unmolested. What about their right to free speech and their safe spaces?

These protesters know what they are doing, they are committing psychic violence, and they are getting what they are asking for.

"Psychic violence"?

That's a new one.

Yeah, well so are "Social Justice Warriors" and "Safe Spaces"

It's a brand new world Homie. Catch up.
.......keep saying that protesters at his events are "swinging" at people? There is no video of that. Nobody has ever seen a protester get violent at any Trump rally.

Fucking dude lies every fucking day. It's got to mean something to you nutbags.
So wait. . .

You were at these rallies?

Since you haven't seen this on video, you think he is lying? Are you serious?

There have been no reports. There are journalists at every event.

Try harder.
I've watched the videos. In every incident, the protesters are ASKING FOR IT.

They are there to start shit. And shit they have received.

If right wingers did this shit at Bernie's rallies, folks would be losing their heads over the injustice of it all. They would probably call the protesters anti-Semites and Nazi's. :badgrin: I still, for the life of me, do not understand why Tea party folks have NOT gone and repaid Bernie with some protests in kind. This shit has got to end. It is insane.

It is like the little brother putting his foot in his big sisters room and then crying to his parents when his big sister clobbers him.

Sure, his big sister used force, but it's called, Aggravation.

Look it up you dim wit.

This is typical behavior. This is what they a looking for.

These rallies have the right to go on unmolested. What about their right to free speech and their safe spaces?

These protesters know what they are doing, they are committing psychic violence, and they are getting what they are asking for.

"Psychic violence"?

That's a new one.

Yeah, well so are "Social Justice Warriors" and "Safe Spaces"

It's a brand new world Homie. Catch up.

I love it. You are afraid of psychic violence.

What really gets me is the Left has been saying they want Trump Trump Trump.......and when he's winning they attack the Trump Trump Trump...........

Why can't they make up their minds............

You misunderstand.
How so............early on with no results your side said WE WANT TRUMP..........to run against Hillary.........and now the attack machine from your side and the GOP are trying to stop his lead..........

Which is it....................You want him.....You want him not.

I'm a Bernie supporter. I'd prefer Trump to Cruz. But...I don't believe Trump has a prayer in the general against either Sanders or Clinton.

Now...my interest is in getting Trump to stop egging on nutbags to act like assholes at these Trump events.
And how would you feel if a bunch of Tea party folk unfurled a banner and protested Sanders?

What if they all started chanting down with Communist Dictators?

Would you want the police to take them away?

It happens all the time. The police or event security often do that. What I don't want is the guy on stage telling the crowd to harm the protesters. That's what happened in Trump events. Period.
meh. . . if they were asking for it. . . .

So wait. . .

You were at these rallies?

Since you haven't seen this on video, you think he is lying? Are you serious?

There have been no reports. There are journalists at every event.

Try harder.
I've watched the videos. In every incident, the protesters are ASKING FOR IT.

They are there to start shit. And shit they have received.

If right wingers did this shit at Bernie's rallies, folks would be losing their heads over the injustice of it all. They would probably call the protesters anti-Semites and Nazi's. :badgrin: I still, for the life of me, do not understand why Tea party folks have NOT gone and repaid Bernie with some protests in kind. This shit has got to end. It is insane.

It is like the little brother putting his foot in his big sisters room and then crying to his parents when his big sister clobbers him.

Sure, his big sister used force, but it's called, Aggravation.

Look it up you dim wit.

This is typical behavior. This is what they a looking for.

These rallies have the right to go on unmolested. What about their right to free speech and their safe spaces?

These protesters know what they are doing, they are committing psychic violence, and they are getting what they are asking for.

"Psychic violence"?

That's a new one.

Yeah, well so are "Social Justice Warriors" and "Safe Spaces"

It's a brand new world Homie. Catch up.

I love it. You are afraid of psychic violence.


And I can't believe you are so stupid that you think folks can just piss on one another and not expect to get their asses kicked.

What really gets me is the Left has been saying they want Trump Trump Trump.......and when he's winning they attack the Trump Trump Trump...........

Why can't they make up their minds............

You misunderstand.
How so............early on with no results your side said WE WANT TRUMP..........to run against Hillary.........and now the attack machine from your side and the GOP are trying to stop his lead..........

Which is it....................You want him.....You want him not.

I'm a Bernie supporter. I'd prefer Trump to Cruz. But...I don't believe Trump has a prayer in the general against either Sanders or Clinton.

Now...my interest is in getting Trump to stop egging on nutbags to act like assholes at these Trump events.
Too bad you don't have a say so in who your nominee is. Plantation boy
So wait. . .

You were at these rallies?

Since you haven't seen this on video, you think he is lying? Are you serious?

There have been no reports. There are journalists at every event.

Try harder.
I've watched the videos. In every incident, the protesters are ASKING FOR IT.

They are there to start shit. And shit they have received.

If right wingers did this shit at Bernie's rallies, folks would be losing their heads over the injustice of it all. They would probably call the protesters anti-Semites and Nazi's. :badgrin: I still, for the life of me, do not understand why Tea party folks have NOT gone and repaid Bernie with some protests in kind. This shit has got to end. It is insane.

It is like the little brother putting his foot in his big sisters room and then crying to his parents when his big sister clobbers him.

Sure, his big sister used force, but it's called, Aggravation.

Look it up you dim wit.

This is typical behavior. This is what they a looking for.

These rallies have the right to go on unmolested. What about their right to free speech and their safe spaces?

These protesters know what they are doing, they are committing psychic violence, and they are getting what they are asking for.

"Psychic violence"?

That's a new one.

Yeah, well so are "Social Justice Warriors" and "Safe Spaces"

It's a brand new world Homie. Catch up.

I love it. You are afraid of psychic violence.


Well the BLM movement is up in arms in Chicago now.........threatening physical violence..........Trump cancelled the event............Perhaps they will burn down the town now, or another KFC.............
What really gets me is the Left has been saying they want Trump Trump Trump.......and when he's winning they attack the Trump Trump Trump...........

Why can't they make up their minds............

You misunderstand.
How so............early on with no results your side said WE WANT TRUMP..........to run against Hillary.........and now the attack machine from your side and the GOP are trying to stop his lead..........

Which is it....................You want him.....You want him not.

I'm a Bernie supporter. I'd prefer Trump to Cruz. But...I don't believe Trump has a prayer in the general against either Sanders or Clinton.

Now...my interest is in getting Trump to stop egging on nutbags to act like assholes at these Trump events.
Too bad you don't have a say so in who your nominee is. Plantation boy

Plantation boy? Weird.

I actually don't have a say. I'm registered independent. I don't have a primary vote.

Look at you....right for once in your life.
What really gets me is the Left has been saying they want Trump Trump Trump.......and when he's winning they attack the Trump Trump Trump...........

Why can't they make up their minds............

You misunderstand.
How so............early on with no results your side said WE WANT TRUMP..........to run against Hillary.........and now the attack machine from your side and the GOP are trying to stop his lead..........

Which is it....................You want him.....You want him not.

I'm a Bernie supporter. I'd prefer Trump to Cruz. But...I don't believe Trump has a prayer in the general against either Sanders or Clinton.

Now...my interest is in getting Trump to stop egging on nutbags to act like assholes at these Trump events.
Too bad you don't have a say so in who your nominee is. Plantation boy

Plantation boy? Weird.

I actually don't have a say. I'm registered independent. I don't have a primary vote.

Look at you....right for once in your life.
I was also right when I called you a moron and a dumbfuck. So that just means you are wrong. AGAIN.
I would ask you to add 2 and 2 but I'm tired of embarrassing you. But I am also considerate. I am sure you are tired of being wrong as well..
Probably best for you to just log off an masturbate to your misery..
You misunderstand.
How so............early on with no results your side said WE WANT TRUMP..........to run against Hillary.........and now the attack machine from your side and the GOP are trying to stop his lead..........

Which is it....................You want him.....You want him not.

I'm a Bernie supporter. I'd prefer Trump to Cruz. But...I don't believe Trump has a prayer in the general against either Sanders or Clinton.

Now...my interest is in getting Trump to stop egging on nutbags to act like assholes at these Trump events.
Too bad you don't have a say so in who your nominee is. Plantation boy

Plantation boy? Weird.

I actually don't have a say. I'm registered independent. I don't have a primary vote.

Look at you....right for once in your life.
I was also right when I called you a moron and a dumbfuck. So that just means you are wrong. AGAIN.
I would ask you to add 2 and 2 but I'm tired of embarrassing you. But I am also considerate. I am sure you are tired of being wrong as well..
Probably best for you to just log off an masturbate to your misery..

Say what? Did you just claim victory as a means of excusing your desire to stop getting embarrassed? I think you did. That's a common nutbag tactic. Well done.
How so............early on with no results your side said WE WANT TRUMP..........to run against Hillary.........and now the attack machine from your side and the GOP are trying to stop his lead..........

Which is it....................You want him.....You want him not.

I'm a Bernie supporter. I'd prefer Trump to Cruz. But...I don't believe Trump has a prayer in the general against either Sanders or Clinton.

Now...my interest is in getting Trump to stop egging on nutbags to act like assholes at these Trump events.
Too bad you don't have a say so in who your nominee is. Plantation boy

Plantation boy? Weird.

I actually don't have a say. I'm registered independent. I don't have a primary vote.

Look at you....right for once in your life.
I was also right when I called you a moron and a dumbfuck. So that just means you are wrong. AGAIN.
I would ask you to add 2 and 2 but I'm tired of embarrassing you. But I am also considerate. I am sure you are tired of being wrong as well..
Probably best for you to just log off an masturbate to your misery..

Say what? Did you just claim victory as a means of excusing your desire to stop getting embarrassed? I think you did. That's a common nutbag tactic. Well done.
You said I was right dumbfuck..
I swear, try to help a guy an you get shit on..
I'm a Bernie supporter. I'd prefer Trump to Cruz. But...I don't believe Trump has a prayer in the general against either Sanders or Clinton.

Now...my interest is in getting Trump to stop egging on nutbags to act like assholes at these Trump events.
Too bad you don't have a say so in who your nominee is. Plantation boy

Plantation boy? Weird.

I actually don't have a say. I'm registered independent. I don't have a primary vote.

Look at you....right for once in your life.
I was also right when I called you a moron and a dumbfuck. So that just means you are wrong. AGAIN.
I would ask you to add 2 and 2 but I'm tired of embarrassing you. But I am also considerate. I am sure you are tired of being wrong as well..
Probably best for you to just log off an masturbate to your misery..

Say what? Did you just claim victory as a means of excusing your desire to stop getting embarrassed? I think you did. That's a common nutbag tactic. Well done.
You said I was right dumbfuck..
I swear, try to help a guy an you get shit on..

Yes....but I think even you understand that you were right....for the wrong reason. I may have overestimated you.
Too bad you don't have a say so in who your nominee is. Plantation boy

Plantation boy? Weird.

I actually don't have a say. I'm registered independent. I don't have a primary vote.

Look at you....right for once in your life.
I was also right when I called you a moron and a dumbfuck. So that just means you are wrong. AGAIN.
I would ask you to add 2 and 2 but I'm tired of embarrassing you. But I am also considerate. I am sure you are tired of being wrong as well..
Probably best for you to just log off an masturbate to your misery..

Say what? Did you just claim victory as a means of excusing your desire to stop getting embarrassed? I think you did. That's a common nutbag tactic. Well done.
You said I was right dumbfuck..
I swear, try to help a guy an you get shit on..

Yes....but I think even you understand that you were right....for the wrong reason. I may have overestimated you.
Can you actually think enough to "overestimate"?
Plantation boy? Weird.

I actually don't have a say. I'm registered independent. I don't have a primary vote.

Look at you....right for once in your life.
I was also right when I called you a moron and a dumbfuck. So that just means you are wrong. AGAIN.
I would ask you to add 2 and 2 but I'm tired of embarrassing you. But I am also considerate. I am sure you are tired of being wrong as well..
Probably best for you to just log off an masturbate to your misery..

Say what? Did you just claim victory as a means of excusing your desire to stop getting embarrassed? I think you did. That's a common nutbag tactic. Well done.
You said I was right dumbfuck..
I swear, try to help a guy an you get shit on..

Yes....but I think even you understand that you were right....for the wrong reason. I may have overestimated you.
Can you actually think enough to "overestimate"?

Oooooh! Zing!
.......keep saying that protesters at his events are "swinging" at people? There is no video of that. Nobody has ever seen a protester get violent at any Trump rally.

Fucking dude lies every fucking day. It's got to mean something to you nutbags.
So wait. . .

You were at these rallies?

Since you haven't seen this on video, you think he is lying? Are you serious?

Trump lies all the time. But Trump supporters are playing dumb.

Donald Trump Dominates List Of 2015's Biggest Lies
.......keep saying that protesters at his events are "swinging" at people? There is no video of that. Nobody has ever seen a protester get violent at any Trump rally.

Fucking dude lies every fucking day. It's got to mean something to you nutbags.
1) Just because an event isn't on video doesn't mean it didn't happen.

2) Just because you didn't didn't see the video doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

You simply lack the ability to think logically.
What really gets me is the Left has been saying they want Trump Trump Trump.......and when he's winning they attack the Trump Trump Trump...........

Why can't they make up their minds............

You misunderstand.
How so............early on with no results your side said WE WANT TRUMP..........to run against Hillary.........and now the attack machine from your side and the GOP are trying to stop his lead..........

Which is it....................You want him.....You want him not.

I'm a Bernie supporter. I'd prefer Trump to Cruz. But...I don't believe Trump has a prayer in the general against either Sanders or Clinton.

Now...my interest is in getting Trump to stop egging on nutbags to act like assholes at these Trump events.
And how would you feel if a bunch of Tea party folk unfurled a banner and protested Sanders?

What if they all started chanting down with Communist Dictators?

Would you want the police to take them away?

It happens all the time. The police or event security often do that. What I don't want is the guy on stage telling the crowd to harm the protesters. That's what happened in Trump events. Period.
Fucking liar. Are you allergic to the truth, or what?
All one has to do is watch and listen to what Donald Drumph said yesterday in St. Louis regarding protesters. Go ahead and take a look. It was far from presidential.

The man has consistently whipped up those who attend his events and demonized the people who have gone there to protest.

When you attend an event with the intention of disrupting things, you can expect to be escorted out and possibly charged with disturbing the peace. You can rightfully be labeled a troublemaker and an asshole. However, this is America. You should not expect to be assaulted.

I realize that there are a good number of USMB members who are enjoying this. Look inward.

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