Why does Elon Musk want to own Twitter?

Even if he does, so what? If you don't like it, create your own twitter.
i'm all for freedom of speech and allowing everyone to use Twitter but I think Trump should be in prison for the attack on our capitol.
i'm all for freedom of speech and allowing everyone to use Twitter but I think Trump should be in prison for the attack on our capitol.
That's because you're a dumb asshole. Trespassing is normally a misdemeanor. Furthermore, the capital police invited them in.
That's because you're a dumb asshole. Trespassing is normally a misdemeanor. Furthermore, the capital police invited them in.
fact check fail

Fsct check sites are fake news, moton.
fact check dot org has "very high" factual rating, and they are least biased.

addtionaly, politifact also says the capitol police had to back off because they were completely overwelmed by the crowed
Compared to what the Leftist Floyd rioters did for months all across our major cities including to govt buildings, and with the blessing and encouragement of the Democrats, the Jan 6 protesters were angels. The entire episode latest about 4 hours.
fact check dot org has "very high" factual rating, and they are least biased.

addtionaly, politifact also says the capitol police had to back off because they were completely overwelmed by the crowed
Who determined their "factual rating," another fact check site? Don't bother me with your fact check sites.
Who determined their "factual rating," another fact check site? Don't bother me with your fact check sites.
factcheck.org doesnt give a factual rating, they only summarize facts.

politifact gives a rating, but what matters is their summary and explanation with references.
Look at one of their ratings on Biden, where he claimed Trump held a bible upside down. Trump held the bible improperly but not upside-down.
Another one is rudy is unqualified. Why pants on fire instead of false? the facts are still there.
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factcheck.org doesnt give a factual rating, they only summarize facts.

politifact gives a rating, but what matters is their summary and explanation with references.
Look at one of their ratings on Biden, where he claimed Trump held a bible upside down. Trump held the bible improperly but not upside-down.
Another one is rudy is unqualified. Why pants on fire instead of false? the facts are still there.
Factcheck.org and politifact give their opinions, which are no better than anyone else's.
Anyone who heard Obama speak at Stanford yesterday knows exactly why Musk feels that buying twitter is crucial to maintaining free speech. I can see dumb people falling for Obama's smoothly spoken bullshit, but I can't believe that Stanford kids aren't able to see through his blatant attempt to curtail free speech on the basis of political ideology. Obama is a racist and a bigot who should be ignored, lest he screws this country up more than he already has.
love this

100% agree
Factcheck.org and politifact give their opinions, which are no better than anyone else's.
Nah. Elin isn’t a Leftist commie fascist cult member so he knows it’s it’s only a matter of time before the Democrat thugs turn their guns against him just to make an example, so this is his way of preventing these mental cases from taking over our country.

Why does Elon Musk want to own Twitter?​

I guess he doesn't. Unless this is another negotiating ploy. I saw a hilarious montage of right wing talking heads spinning the hysterical nonsense that Elon was literally saving free speech in America by buying Twitter. Presumably because he was going to allow the former Liar-in-Chief to spew his poison on the platform again. Gosh, they got so upset when Don was flagged for lying.

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