Why does everyone hate Jews?

Jericho was in the land of Shinar first established by Nimrod son of Cush.

I love the way you just avoided reading the Bible.
I know nothing about this site except for the fact that it also avoids Genesis 10.

Whatever little respect I had for you is flushed down the toilet.
At least become an atheist.
When I used the bible you claimed I lied but you could never showed any evidence of a lie. I thought maybe a Jewish organization saying the same thing would help you. So I ask again. If it says in the bible or Torah that the Hebrews founded or were the first to settle in Israel why cant you provide the passage that says that? Could it be its because it never says anything like that?

Looking at Genesis 10

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 10 - New International Version

Verses 21 through 31

21 Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was Japheth; Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber.

24 Arphaxad was the father of Shelah,

and Shelah the father of Eber. because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

26 Joktan was the father of

Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Havilah and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.

30 The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country.

31 These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

Where does it say the Hebrews founded Israel like you claimed?
You need an on-line map and match the families to the map and you’ll see.
That’s what I did.
The area is not referred to as Israel at this point because Yaakov, later to be named Yisroel by the angel, has not yet been born.
Israel is not a random name, it’s Yaakov’s name.
Well show us your map. Show us something. All you've been doing is claiming my links werent true. Lets see some evidence. We know the name Israel comes from god giving the name to Jacob. However the physical piece of land was included in the land the Canaanites ruled. It was called Jericho.
How boring...
Are you that lazy?
Find a biblical map.
They’re all over the web.
If I Link to one, you’ll say I made it up.

Yericho was settled by Shem and conquered by Canaan.
The Children of Israel took it back at God’s command.
I'll make it easy for you. Show us where it says Jericho was settled first by Shem?
I get it...
You think God’s word is a comic book.
I’m sorry, you have to study the chapter against a map of the period.
It’s been a year since I looked at the map so it may not have been called Yericho during Noach’s lifetime.
If that’s too much work for someone such as yourself who claims to be a genius then there’s nothing I can do for you.
When I used the bible you claimed I lied but you could never showed any evidence of a lie. I thought maybe a Jewish organization saying the same thing would help you. So I ask again. If it says in the bible or Torah that the Hebrews founded or were the first to settle in Israel why cant you provide the passage that says that? Could it be its because it never says anything like that?

Looking at Genesis 10

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 10 - New International Version

Verses 21 through 31

21 Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was Japheth; Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber.

24 Arphaxad was the father of Shelah,

and Shelah the father of Eber. because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

26 Joktan was the father of

Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Havilah and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.

30 The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country.

31 These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

Where does it say the Hebrews founded Israel like you claimed?
You need an on-line map and match the families to the map and you’ll see.
That’s what I did.
The area is not referred to as Israel at this point because Yaakov, later to be named Yisroel by the angel, has not yet been born.
Israel is not a random name, it’s Yaakov’s name.
Well show us your map. Show us something. All you've been doing is claiming my links werent true. Lets see some evidence. We know the name Israel comes from god giving the name to Jacob. However the physical piece of land was included in the land the Canaanites ruled. It was called Jericho.
How boring...
Are you that lazy?
Find a biblical map.
They’re all over the web.
If I Link to one, you’ll say I made it up.

Yericho was settled by Shem and conquered by Canaan.
The Children of Israel took it back at God’s command.
I'll make it easy for you. Show us where it says Jericho was settled first by Shem?
I get it...
You think God’s word is a comic book.
I’m sorry, you have to study the chapter against a map of the period.
It’s been a year since I looked at the map so it may not have been called Yericho during Noach’s lifetime.
If that’s too much work for someone such as yourself who claims to be a genius then there’s nothing I can do for you.
Youre deflecting. Its sad that you cant provide one single thing to support your claims. If its in the bible like you claimed why cant you point out the passage?
You need an on-line map and match the families to the map and you’ll see.
That’s what I did.
The area is not referred to as Israel at this point because Yaakov, later to be named Yisroel by the angel, has not yet been born.
Israel is not a random name, it’s Yaakov’s name.
Well show us your map. Show us something. All you've been doing is claiming my links werent true. Lets see some evidence. We know the name Israel comes from god giving the name to Jacob. However the physical piece of land was included in the land the Canaanites ruled. It was called Jericho.
How boring...
Are you that lazy?
Find a biblical map.
They’re all over the web.
If I Link to one, you’ll say I made it up.

Yericho was settled by Shem and conquered by Canaan.
The Children of Israel took it back at God’s command.
I'll make it easy for you. Show us where it says Jericho was settled first by Shem?
I get it...
You think God’s word is a comic book.
I’m sorry, you have to study the chapter against a map of the period.
It’s been a year since I looked at the map so it may not have been called Yericho during Noach’s lifetime.
If that’s too much work for someone such as yourself who claims to be a genius then there’s nothing I can do for you.
Youre deflecting. Its sad that you cant provide one single thing to support your claims. If its in the bible like you claimed why cant you point out the passage?
Map of Ancient Israel - Jericho - Bible History Online
Wow! You lied again.
Well show us your map. Show us something. All you've been doing is claiming my links werent true. Lets see some evidence. We know the name Israel comes from god giving the name to Jacob. However the physical piece of land was included in the land the Canaanites ruled. It was called Jericho.
How boring...
Are you that lazy?
Find a biblical map.
They’re all over the web.
If I Link to one, you’ll say I made it up.

Yericho was settled by Shem and conquered by Canaan.
The Children of Israel took it back at God’s command.
I'll make it easy for you. Show us where it says Jericho was settled first by Shem?
I get it...
You think God’s word is a comic book.
I’m sorry, you have to study the chapter against a map of the period.
It’s been a year since I looked at the map so it may not have been called Yericho during Noach’s lifetime.
If that’s too much work for someone such as yourself who claims to be a genius then there’s nothing I can do for you.
Youre deflecting. Its sad that you cant provide one single thing to support your claims. If its in the bible like you claimed why cant you point out the passage?
Map of Ancient Israel - Jericho - Bible History Online
Wow! You lied again.
Where does it say that the Hebrews founded Jericho? Can you quote it?

From your own link!!!.

"The first mention of Jericho in Scripture is in connection with the advance of Israel to Canaan; they "camped in the plains of Moab beyond the Jordan opposite Jericho""

Youre going to have a hard time saying I posted something fake from a link you gave me. :laugh:
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My dad once saw a old Jew getting into a big fancy Mercedes so he says to the old guy "you know that the Nazis used Mercedes vehicles in WWII, right?" So the guy looks at his car, looks back at my dad and says incredulously "Not THIS one!" :biggrin:

Since you asked me why I hate Jews, and I told you it was off topic, now here it would be on topic.

So, here we go.

1.) Jewish commies killed Polish people, like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, and Piotr Smietanski.

2.) Jews like George Schlatter's Laugh In, and Norman Lear's All in the Family pushed dumb Polak jokes into the mainstream.

3.) Jews push that Poland did the Holocaust, like Debbie Schlussel, Howard Stern, Giles Coren, Stephen Fry, Jan Grabowski, Jan T Gross etc. etc.

4.) Jews think Poland owes them monetary compensations, but they don't think they owe Palestinians monetary compensations.

5.) Jews killed millions in Eastern Europe as Commies, they were involved in the Gulag system with Lazar Kogan, and Matvei Berman, and the NKVD with Genrikh Yagoda, and organized the Holodomor genocide with Lazar Kaganovich.

6.) Jews founded the Russian Mafia, like Semion Mogilevich, and a lot of members have been Jews most notable being Ludwig Fainberg.

7.) Murder INC and Meyer Lansky thugs.

8.) Bernie Madoff, Scott Rothstein, and William Rapfogel swindlers.

9.) Jewish spies for Soviets against America, most notable being Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg. (But a whole bunch of other.s

10.) Israeli actions against America, the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, Jonathan Pollard, and Israel selling China US secrets.

11.) Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat funding, and 1/4th of Republican funding.

12.) Jews corrupted the racial sciences, with Franz Boas, Jared Diamond, Stephen Jay Gould, and Richard Lewontin etc. etc

13) Over 1,000 Jewish Rabbis sent a letter to Trump urging / welcoming Syrian Refugees.

14.) Jewish Hollywood, and it's degeneracy, and Liberalism.

15.) Jewish medias like CNN, NBC, ABC,and CBS pushing Liberalism.

16.) Jewish run, founded, or supported organizations which are Liberal like the ACLU, the SPLC, the NAACP, or the ADL, and the Wiesenthal center.

17.) Heavily Jewish Wall Street shipping a lot of jobs overseas.

18.) Israel killing a lot of people, and trying to justify it.

19.) Jewish American politicians at the forefront of gun control, like Diane Feinstein, Bloomberg, Schumer, Lieberman etc.

20.) Jewish Emanuel Celler's immigration law, and gun control laws.

21.) Jewish bankers financing terror & Oppression from Rothschild's to Warburg's to Jacob Schiff, to now-a-days George Soros.

22.) AIPAC pushing American tax-dollars to go to brutal Israel.

23.) Neocons a philosophy founded by Jewish former Communist Irving Kristol, which lead to a lot of killings for Israel's security in the Mid-East.

24.) Zionists pushing for war with Iran, perhaps WW3 because of Israel.

25.) Communism was invented by an ethnic Jew named Karl Marx.

26.) Cultural Marxist Jews of the Frankfurt school like Horkheimer.

27.) The fact that the Jewish religious book the Talmud says Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement.

28.) The fact that Jews in Israel spit on Christians.

29.) The fact that we bailed out Jewish bankers like Goldman Sachs.

30.) The fact that the welfare foodstamps capital of New York, and the entire U.S.A, is Jewish village Kiryas Joel.

31.) The fact that the Jewish voting bloc has helped Democrats in places like Florida.

32.) The fact that Jewish dual citizen Rahm Emanuel is a jerk, who ruined Chicago, and was an accomplice perhaps to the Recession.

33.) Jewish Alan Greenspan, and Ben Bernanke both cutting interest rates mad, to cause a over-inflated bubble, and thus helping to create a recession.

34.) Jewish Henry Kissinger opening up Free Trade with China, a disastrous move, that has ruined America's economy, and made a hostile China more powerful against us.

35.) Jewish Nazis like Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Group 13, Jewish Kapos, and Jewish Sonderkommandos, yet they point fingers at everybody else.

36.) That Jews ran a White slave trade of Christians in Medieval Europe.

37.) That Jews helped Muslims in the Crusades, and during the Moorish invasions of Spain.

38.) That Jews are prominent in the Porn industry.

39.) That Jewish Facebook, Youtube have censored out a ton of Right-Wing opinions, while Jewish Google has been Liberal biased big time.

40.) That Jews have ruined Fascism, by kicking, and screaming about it.

41.) That Jews played a big role behind Feminism.

42.) That Jew Carl Sagan mocked the paranormal, I know for a fact UFO's exist, and have heard, and maybe seen Spirit evidence.

43.) That most Jews I meet in person are unfriendly, and snobby.

44.) That I said Merry Christmas to some Jews, who gave me mean dead stares in response, and said nothing.

45.) The Jews who kick, and scream about Christmas being a problem in public places.
I truly hate to rain on your parade, but we wouldn't be here in this wonderful new land called the United States of America if a Haym Solomon hadn't emptied his family's coffers financing the American's Revolutionary War, and when he was broke, convinced a whole host of his fellow Jewish bankers and financiers to do likewise to save General Washington's troops from going barefoot and hungry at Valley Forge. No kidding. Not only did he give all his money to this cause of our country, he actually died broke because the new Continental Congress couldn't pay him nor his family back. As a consequence, as a Christian citizen of this country, I cannot join in this little nitpicking affair of enumerating a laundry list on the Jews. In fact, Jesus Christ was not only a Jew, he spent his life explaining Jewish laws so that the world would have a better relationship with God the creator. All of his apostles were also Jewish, and because of what Christ said, they opened the family of the Lord to gentiles, whom they believed were also created by God. As you and the Book of Judges in the Bible point out, no, the Jews were not perfect, but it was through one of their families that salvation came to all through the teachings of Christ.

France is the main reasons why the USA was founded but that never stopped dumb Jew loving Hicks from bashing France.

Besides the Jews have been mostly anti-American not pro.
On the sunny side, the one of which you seem so crudely unaware, Jewish people have many times emptied their pockets of all their wealth to America, put songs in our heart, entertained us, wept with us, laughed with us, suffered as wounded warriors with the best of us, and "they" are us wherever good things for human beings are.
Here are the mugs and names of not just famous people, but people of the Jewish faith who've given America its finest theaters, art museums, and supported every good cause where their gifts have given hope, faith and love to their fellow Americans. Instead of ranking them further, please find out who you're calling anti-Americans.

The truth will set us all free. American Jewish philanthropists: List of Jewish American philanthropists - FamousFix List

I'll leave just a couple of pictures for people you and others are besmirching with unfortunate misunderstanding of some of the best Americans who ever lived:

These famous faces showed up when I binged "Famous Jewish Actors." These people not only entertained us, made us laugh or cry, want to fall in love, or to just feel good, not to mention each likely gave generously to charities that benefitted everyone. They're all so human. Which one of these beloved American actors and actresses are you going to trash?





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These famous faces showed up when I binged "Famous Jewish Actors." These people not only entertained us, made us laugh or cry, want to fall in love, or to just feel good, not to mention each likely gave generously to charities that benefitted everyone. They're all so human. Which one of these beloved American actors and actresses are you going to trash?


View attachment 222303

Not trying to start any shit but isnt that 3rd guy anti-semetic? Isnt that Mel Gibson?

Mel Gibson: 'It's annoying' people won't let anti-Semitic rants go
These famous faces showed up when I binged "Famous Jewish Actors." These people not only entertained us, made us laugh or cry, want to fall in love, or to just feel good, not to mention each likely gave generously to charities that benefitted everyone. They're all so human. Which one of these beloved American actors and actresses are you going to trash?


View attachment 222303

Not trying to start any shit but isnt that 3rd guy anti-semetic? Isnt that Mel Gibson?

Mel Gibson: 'It's annoying' people won't let anti-Semitic rants go
Thanks for the link, Asclepius. I just loaded "Jewish actors, images" in my search engine, and his was the 3rd picture. It never occurred to me that "anti - Jewish rants" would put someone in the search I made. In the article, it said Mr. Gibson was very drunk when he spoke, and that he apologized the next morning when he realized what he had done and said. He should be sorry after his picture about Jesus Chris, who was a Jew and taught the meaning behind Jewish laws. Furthermore, the Jews did not kill him. The soldiers from Rome, Italy did that. Now, the Pope of Christendom lives a stone's throw from the same city. If Mr. Gibson loves the savior he depicted suffering so unfairly, he loves the creator of mankind according to Isaiah.

Sorry for my mistake. There are probably other errors, too. I could hardly believe that without a doubt, some of the finest moments on the silver screen, some of the most generous patrons of the arts, one of the world's all-time great ball players, were of the same faith. I learned as I went. And though a believer in Christ, I feel we are very close in beliefs to the Hebrews in our beliefs and goals. And from what I have read, they are not only scholars of their beliefs, their young men argue scriptures from a very early age and become devoted human beings to good in the world. and that's what I think, for better or worse. I taught Sunday School for 12 years and loved every minute of it. I'm on my 3rd reading of the entire bible, but this time I bought a cd set of all 66 books of the Old and New Testament, plus as many dvds of the characters in the Old Testament. Some of them are so accurate they are a pleasure to watch each scripture acted out according to what was actually said in the scriptures.

I know that Mr. Gibson is sorry for the ruckus he caused. Alcohol ruins people, causing them to parrot and rattle off things they may have heard when they were children on a playground somewhere. I hope his Jewish friends will let it go since alcoholism may be the source of the badly spoken words.

Religious enmity is not a good thing. It just isn't. World War II started in Germany by grown people who drank too much and started believing the prejudicially mean things they heard on a playground, too. It resulted in an unconscionable world war in which any 3rd world leader who signed on with the 3rd Reich could kill at will anybody who opposed them. While the war was on nobody even looked in the direction of Russia and China, where tens of millions of people were politically removed from the face of the earth with surreptitious massive slaughters. All toll, what began in the 3rd Reich extended from millions of Jewish people, I've seen guestimates for the worldwide toll likely reached a hundred million people.

Hating people on account of their beliefs is simply a bad thing. When we learn to accept people of faith that brings people to do good things for each other, that's when we fulfill the kingdom of heaven on this earth. So far, we're not doing too hot, imho.

And right now, I'm so sleepy my face is about to crash into the keyboard.

Good night, everyone. God bless America, and I think him for this forum in which we may discuss and measure issues that are important to bringing about good things for our country and for the world.

So yeah, I know everyone doesn't hate Jews but stick with me.

I was raised Catholic, 12 years of nuns kicking my ass, all that. I still identify as Christian but since my great grandmother was Jewish I sometimes identify as a Jew for that reason. I'm not an anti-semite but I reject organized religion so keep that in mind.

Historically Jews have been persecuted. Rome, Byzantine, Ottoman Empire, Asia, list goes on. Nazis, old Europe, nobody wanted them.

In today's modern society, in large part because of the advent of Israel they're shunned also, however as an ethnic group they've been among the most productive, most artistic, most humanly advanced group in human history.

So why all the angst over them?

Man, you need to start reading. There's nothing but very BAD history between Jews and the Catholic Church (that which built Western Europe, btw). Start by reading the papal encyclical, "Sicut Judaes Nun" (sp). Don't worry -- it's short. It wasn't rescinded until as late as Vatican II (early 1960s).

If Catholics were so horrible then Jews must have been real morons to live in MOSTLY Catholic nations for so long, like Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, and Austria.

First there was Rome. Then the Catholic Church. Then the Greek Orthodox Church, in the East. Protestantism popped up in AD 1517. For a long time, Sob, the Catholic Church ruled Europe.
These famous faces showed up when I binged "Famous Jewish Actors." These people not only entertained us, made us laugh or cry, want to fall in love, or to just feel good, not to mention each likely gave generously to charities that benefitted everyone. They're all so human. Which one of these beloved American actors and actresses are you going to trash?


View attachment 222303


Well it makes sense, Actors & Actresses are great Bull Sh*t artists, and so are Jews.

I definitely couldn't act, because I'm too honest.

I've never been very into Movies much, my thing has long been what I do here.
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My dad once saw a old Jew getting into a big fancy Mercedes so he says to the old guy "you know that the Nazis used Mercedes vehicles in WWII, right?" So the guy looks at his car, looks back at my dad and says incredulously "Not THIS one!" :biggrin:

Since you asked me why I hate Jews, and I told you it was off topic, now here it would be on topic.

So, here we go.

1.) Jewish commies killed Polish people, like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, and Piotr Smietanski.

2.) Jews like George Schlatter's Laugh In, and Norman Lear's All in the Family pushed dumb Polak jokes into the mainstream.

3.) Jews push that Poland did the Holocaust, like Debbie Schlussel, Howard Stern, Giles Coren, Stephen Fry, Jan Grabowski, Jan T Gross etc. etc.

4.) Jews think Poland owes them monetary compensations, but they don't think they owe Palestinians monetary compensations.

5.) Jews killed millions in Eastern Europe as Commies, they were involved in the Gulag system with Lazar Kogan, and Matvei Berman, and the NKVD with Genrikh Yagoda, and organized the Holodomor genocide with Lazar Kaganovich.

6.) Jews founded the Russian Mafia, like Semion Mogilevich, and a lot of members have been Jews most notable being Ludwig Fainberg.

7.) Murder INC and Meyer Lansky thugs.

8.) Bernie Madoff, Scott Rothstein, and William Rapfogel swindlers.

9.) Jewish spies for Soviets against America, most notable being Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg. (But a whole bunch of other.s

10.) Israeli actions against America, the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, Jonathan Pollard, and Israel selling China US secrets.

11.) Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat funding, and 1/4th of Republican funding.

12.) Jews corrupted the racial sciences, with Franz Boas, Jared Diamond, Stephen Jay Gould, and Richard Lewontin etc. etc

13) Over 1,000 Jewish Rabbis sent a letter to Trump urging / welcoming Syrian Refugees.

14.) Jewish Hollywood, and it's degeneracy, and Liberalism.

15.) Jewish medias like CNN, NBC, ABC,and CBS pushing Liberalism.

16.) Jewish run, founded, or supported organizations which are Liberal like the ACLU, the SPLC, the NAACP, or the ADL, and the Wiesenthal center.

17.) Heavily Jewish Wall Street shipping a lot of jobs overseas.

18.) Israel killing a lot of people, and trying to justify it.

19.) Jewish American politicians at the forefront of gun control, like Diane Feinstein, Bloomberg, Schumer, Lieberman etc.

20.) Jewish Emanuel Celler's immigration law, and gun control laws.

21.) Jewish bankers financing terror & Oppression from Rothschild's to Warburg's to Jacob Schiff, to now-a-days George Soros.

22.) AIPAC pushing American tax-dollars to go to brutal Israel.

23.) Neocons a philosophy founded by Jewish former Communist Irving Kristol, which lead to a lot of killings for Israel's security in the Mid-East.

24.) Zionists pushing for war with Iran, perhaps WW3 because of Israel.

25.) Communism was invented by an ethnic Jew named Karl Marx.

26.) Cultural Marxist Jews of the Frankfurt school like Horkheimer.

27.) The fact that the Jewish religious book the Talmud says Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement.

28.) The fact that Jews in Israel spit on Christians.

29.) The fact that we bailed out Jewish bankers like Goldman Sachs.

30.) The fact that the welfare foodstamps capital of New York, and the entire U.S.A, is Jewish village Kiryas Joel.

31.) The fact that the Jewish voting bloc has helped Democrats in places like Florida.

32.) The fact that Jewish dual citizen Rahm Emanuel is a jerk, who ruined Chicago, and was an accomplice perhaps to the Recession.

33.) Jewish Alan Greenspan, and Ben Bernanke both cutting interest rates mad, to cause a over-inflated bubble, and thus helping to create a recession.

34.) Jewish Henry Kissinger opening up Free Trade with China, a disastrous move, that has ruined America's economy, and made a hostile China more powerful against us.

35.) Jewish Nazis like Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Group 13, Jewish Kapos, and Jewish Sonderkommandos, yet they point fingers at everybody else.

36.) That Jews ran a White slave trade of Christians in Medieval Europe.

37.) That Jews helped Muslims in the Crusades, and during the Moorish invasions of Spain.

38.) That Jews are prominent in the Porn industry.

39.) That Jewish Facebook, Youtube have censored out a ton of Right-Wing opinions, while Jewish Google has been Liberal biased big time.

40.) That Jews have ruined Fascism, by kicking, and screaming about it.

41.) That Jews played a big role behind Feminism.

42.) That Jew Carl Sagan mocked the paranormal, I know for a fact UFO's exist, and have heard, and maybe seen Spirit evidence.

43.) That most Jews I meet in person are unfriendly, and snobby.

44.) That I said Merry Christmas to some Jews, who gave me mean dead stares in response, and said nothing.

45.) The Jews who kick, and scream about Christmas being a problem in public places.
I truly hate to rain on your parade, but we wouldn't be here in this wonderful new land called the United States of America if a Haym Solomon hadn't emptied his family's coffers financing the American's Revolutionary War, and when he was broke, convinced a whole host of his fellow Jewish bankers and financiers to do likewise to save General Washington's troops from going barefoot and hungry at Valley Forge. No kidding. Not only did he give all his money to this cause of our country, he actually died broke because the new Continental Congress couldn't pay him nor his family back. As a consequence, as a Christian citizen of this country, I cannot join in this little nitpicking affair of enumerating a laundry list on the Jews. In fact, Jesus Christ was not only a Jew, he spent his life explaining Jewish laws so that the world would have a better relationship with God the creator. All of his apostles were also Jewish, and because of what Christ said, they opened the family of the Lord to gentiles, whom they believed were also created by God. As you and the Book of Judges in the Bible point out, no, the Jews were not perfect, but it was through one of their families that salvation came to all through the teachings of Christ.

France is the main reasons why the USA was founded but that never stopped dumb Jew loving Hicks from bashing France.

Besides the Jews have been mostly anti-American not pro.

please find out who you're calling anti-Americans.

Even the Jews on this website have taken jabs at Liberal Jews for causing problems.

It really is a monstrous problem.
I was going to ask the same thing
...I've known maybe 2 Jews in my whole lifetime--including meeting one just recently
..I remember my one uncle would make quick quips about Jews and blacks
...he was born around the late 1920s--but where I'm from, there are not ''many''---or were not many even back then, to my knowledge
..my father [ his brother ] never ever would joke/talk/etc about Jews or blacks
These famous faces showed up when I binged "Famous Jewish Actors." These people not only entertained us, made us laugh or cry, want to fall in love, or to just feel good, not to mention each likely gave generously to charities that benefitted everyone. They're all so human. Which one of these beloved American actors and actresses are you going to trash?


View attachment 222303

Not trying to start any shit but isnt that 3rd guy anti-semetic? Isnt that Mel Gibson?

Mel Gibson: 'It's annoying' people won't let anti-Semitic rants go
I learned as I went. And though a believer in Christ, I feel we are very close in beliefs to the Hebrews in our beliefs and goals. And from what I have read, they are not only scholars of their beliefs, their young men argue scriptures from a very early age and become devoted human beings to good in the world.

Yeah, you believe in Christ is the center of your faith, and Jews as according to the Talmud believe Jesus in boiling in Hell in excrement.

Maybe you should talk to that Jew on here Inndependent about Christ, he's said things like Jesus was disrespectful, and spit at his Rabbi.
My dad once saw a old Jew getting into a big fancy Mercedes so he says to the old guy "you know that the Nazis used Mercedes vehicles in WWII, right?" So the guy looks at his car, looks back at my dad and says incredulously "Not THIS one!" :biggrin:

Since you asked me why I hate Jews, and I told you it was off topic, now here it would be on topic.

So, here we go.

1.) Jewish commies killed Polish people, like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, and Piotr Smietanski.

2.) Jews like George Schlatter's Laugh In, and Norman Lear's All in the Family pushed dumb Polak jokes into the mainstream.

3.) Jews push that Poland did the Holocaust, like Debbie Schlussel, Howard Stern, Giles Coren, Stephen Fry, Jan Grabowski, Jan T Gross etc. etc.

4.) Jews think Poland owes them monetary compensations, but they don't think they owe Palestinians monetary compensations.

5.) Jews killed millions in Eastern Europe as Commies, they were involved in the Gulag system with Lazar Kogan, and Matvei Berman, and the NKVD with Genrikh Yagoda, and organized the Holodomor genocide with Lazar Kaganovich.

6.) Jews founded the Russian Mafia, like Semion Mogilevich, and a lot of members have been Jews most notable being Ludwig Fainberg.

7.) Murder INC and Meyer Lansky thugs.

8.) Bernie Madoff, Scott Rothstein, and William Rapfogel swindlers.

9.) Jewish spies for Soviets against America, most notable being Julius, and Ethel Rosenberg. (But a whole bunch of other.s

10.) Israeli actions against America, the Lavon Affair, the U.S.S Liberty Bombing, Jonathan Pollard, and Israel selling China US secrets.

11.) Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat funding, and 1/4th of Republican funding.

12.) Jews corrupted the racial sciences, with Franz Boas, Jared Diamond, Stephen Jay Gould, and Richard Lewontin etc. etc

13) Over 1,000 Jewish Rabbis sent a letter to Trump urging / welcoming Syrian Refugees.

14.) Jewish Hollywood, and it's degeneracy, and Liberalism.

15.) Jewish medias like CNN, NBC, ABC,and CBS pushing Liberalism.

16.) Jewish run, founded, or supported organizations which are Liberal like the ACLU, the SPLC, the NAACP, or the ADL, and the Wiesenthal center.

17.) Heavily Jewish Wall Street shipping a lot of jobs overseas.

18.) Israel killing a lot of people, and trying to justify it.

19.) Jewish American politicians at the forefront of gun control, like Diane Feinstein, Bloomberg, Schumer, Lieberman etc.

20.) Jewish Emanuel Celler's immigration law, and gun control laws.

21.) Jewish bankers financing terror & Oppression from Rothschild's to Warburg's to Jacob Schiff, to now-a-days George Soros.

22.) AIPAC pushing American tax-dollars to go to brutal Israel.

23.) Neocons a philosophy founded by Jewish former Communist Irving Kristol, which lead to a lot of killings for Israel's security in the Mid-East.

24.) Zionists pushing for war with Iran, perhaps WW3 because of Israel.

25.) Communism was invented by an ethnic Jew named Karl Marx.

26.) Cultural Marxist Jews of the Frankfurt school like Horkheimer.

27.) The fact that the Jewish religious book the Talmud says Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement.

28.) The fact that Jews in Israel spit on Christians.

29.) The fact that we bailed out Jewish bankers like Goldman Sachs.

30.) The fact that the welfare foodstamps capital of New York, and the entire U.S.A, is Jewish village Kiryas Joel.

31.) The fact that the Jewish voting bloc has helped Democrats in places like Florida.

32.) The fact that Jewish dual citizen Rahm Emanuel is a jerk, who ruined Chicago, and was an accomplice perhaps to the Recession.

33.) Jewish Alan Greenspan, and Ben Bernanke both cutting interest rates mad, to cause a over-inflated bubble, and thus helping to create a recession.

34.) Jewish Henry Kissinger opening up Free Trade with China, a disastrous move, that has ruined America's economy, and made a hostile China more powerful against us.

35.) Jewish Nazis like Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Group 13, Jewish Kapos, and Jewish Sonderkommandos, yet they point fingers at everybody else.

36.) That Jews ran a White slave trade of Christians in Medieval Europe.

37.) That Jews helped Muslims in the Crusades, and during the Moorish invasions of Spain.

38.) That Jews are prominent in the Porn industry.

39.) That Jewish Facebook, Youtube have censored out a ton of Right-Wing opinions, while Jewish Google has been Liberal biased big time.

40.) That Jews have ruined Fascism, by kicking, and screaming about it.

41.) That Jews played a big role behind Feminism.

42.) That Jew Carl Sagan mocked the paranormal, I know for a fact UFO's exist, and have heard, and maybe seen Spirit evidence.

43.) That most Jews I meet in person are unfriendly, and snobby.

44.) That I said Merry Christmas to some Jews, who gave me mean dead stares in response, and said nothing.

45.) The Jews who kick, and scream about Christmas being a problem in public places.
I truly hate to rain on your parade, but we wouldn't be here in this wonderful new land called the United States of America if a Haym Solomon hadn't emptied his family's coffers financing the American's Revolutionary War, and when he was broke, convinced a whole host of his fellow Jewish bankers and financiers to do likewise to save General Washington's troops from going barefoot and hungry at Valley Forge. No kidding. Not only did he give all his money to this cause of our country, he actually died broke because the new Continental Congress couldn't pay him nor his family back. As a consequence, as a Christian citizen of this country, I cannot join in this little nitpicking affair of enumerating a laundry list on the Jews. In fact, Jesus Christ was not only a Jew, he spent his life explaining Jewish laws so that the world would have a better relationship with God the creator. All of his apostles were also Jewish, and because of what Christ said, they opened the family of the Lord to gentiles, whom they believed were also created by God. As you and the Book of Judges in the Bible point out, no, the Jews were not perfect, but it was through one of their families that salvation came to all through the teachings of Christ.

France is the main reasons why the USA was founded but that never stopped dumb Jew loving Hicks from bashing France.

Besides the Jews have been mostly anti-American not pro.
find out who you're calling anti-Americans.

The truth will set us all free. American Jewish philanthropists: List of Jewish American philanthropists - FamousFix List

I'll leave just a couple of pictures for people you and others are besmirching with unfortunate misunderstanding of some of the best Americans who ever lived:

Oh I know who I am calling anti-American.

Here is a list of Jewish spies against the USA.
Jewish anti-American spies, sand Zionists too.

Here is a Jew living in America who says he lives instead in Jew land.
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