Why does everyone love Reagan so much?

If you can't get the job done in 200 years you are pretty much the definition of worthless.

how stupid can you be?? The doctor who tries to cure the disease is certainly far better than the pig who prevents him from doing so.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Okay, Blame the other guy and in 200 years fail to get the job done. I always had a sense your party was worthless.

100% stupid. We could not blame the other guy if the other guy had not killed every BBA and introduced none of their own and been open about welfare first and above all!!

Do you have the IQ to understand??

If you can't get the job done in 200 years you are pretty much the definition of worthless.

dear, libs didn't even know there was a job to be done so that makes them far far worse particularly since they blocked the effort to get the job done!

Poor you! it must suck to know that in 200 years, you couldn't get a single important thing past Democrats.

thats where you demonstrate your fullofshitness. Its not about getting things past the other party, its about working together to do whats right for the country as a whole. Reagan and O'Neill knew how to do it, so did Clinton and Newt.
People liked Reagan because he was a good man who loved his country. Was he perfect, no. Did he make mistakes, yes.

Was he the one of the top 5 presidents in history? Yes

top 5?? first for sure.

He said "tear down this wall" and "isn't welfare a form of slavery."

he understood the issues better than anyone and spoke the truth better than anyone.

OK, number 1. no argument here.

do we also agree that obozo is the absolute worst?

well I don't think he's beat FDR yet, do you?? If Barry can keep recession going for 3 more years and ME turns into world war then they will be tied. Its seems possible too!!
Obama was ranked number 18 in the last presidential rankings, Reagan was number 11. Obama's victory in marriage equality and the Iranian nuclear agreement will raise him much higher.
Okay, Blame the other guy and in 200 years fail to get the job done. I always had a sense your party was worthless.

100% stupid. We could not blame the other guy if the other guy had not killed every BBA and introduced none of their own and been open about welfare first and above all!!

Do you have the IQ to understand??

If you can't get the job done in 200 years you are pretty much the definition of worthless.

dear, libs didn't even know there was a job to be done so that makes them far far worse particularly since they blocked the effort to get the job done!

Poor you! it must suck to know that in 200 years, you couldn't get a single important thing past Democrats.

thats where you demonstrate your fullofshitness. Its not about getting things past the other party, its about working together to do whats right for the country as a whole. Reagan and O'Neill knew how to do it, so did Clinton and Newt.
Sorry that you couldn't work with the other party for 200 years to get the job done.
Obama was ranked number 18 in the last presidential rankings, Reagan was number 11. Obama's victory in marriage equality and the Iranian nuclear agreement will raise him much higher.

Obama and FDR are dead last among conservatives
If you can't get the job done in 200 years you are pretty much the definition of worthless.

how stupid can you be?? The doctor who tries to cure the disease is certainly far better than the pig who prevents him from doing so.

Do you have the IQ to understand??

He knows nothing but thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. — George Bernard Shaw
Obama was ranked number 18 in the last presidential rankings, Reagan was number 11. Obama's victory in marriage equality and the Iranian nuclear agreement will raise him much higher.

Obama and FDR are dead last among conservatives

Obama could overtake Reagan in the next presidential ranking. That should frost your ass for years to come.
Obama was ranked number 18 in the last presidential rankings, Reagan was number 11. Obama's victory in marriage equality and the Iranian nuclear agreement will raise him much higher.

Obama and FDR are dead last among conservatives

Obama could overtake Reagan in the next presidential ranking. That should frost your ass for years to come.

dear sometimes cancer wins but it is nothing to be proud of
Obama was ranked number 18 in the last presidential rankings, Reagan was number 11. Obama's victory in marriage equality and the Iranian nuclear agreement will raise him much higher.

Obama and FDR are dead last among conservatives

Obama could overtake Reagan in the next presidential ranking. That should frost your ass for years to come.

dear sometimes cancer wins but it is nothing to be proud of

"Some men are born mediocre, some achieve mediocrity, and some have mediocrity thrust upon them. — Joseph Heller
Obama was ranked number 18 in the last presidential rankings, Reagan was number 11. Obama's victory in marriage equality and the Iranian nuclear agreement will raise him much higher.

Obama and FDR are dead last among conservatives

Obama could overtake Reagan in the next presidential ranking. That should frost your ass for years to come.

dear sometimes cancer wins but it is nothing to be proud of

"Some men are born mediocre, some achieve mediocrity, and some have mediocrity thrust upon them. — Joseph Heller
dear sometimes cancer wins but it is nothing about which to be proud.
Obama was ranked number 18 in the last presidential rankings, Reagan was number 11. Obama's victory in marriage equality and the Iranian nuclear agreement will raise him much higher.

Obama and FDR are dead last among conservatives
Duh!!! FDR is consistently ranked with Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson. The last few year third behind Lincoln and in front of Jefferson. He has a National Memorial in DC between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials and another large Memorial on Roosevelt Island in the middle of New York City. In addition his Library is one of the most visited Presidential Libraries in America.
Reagan shares his name with an airport.
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

He didn't do any such thing.

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