Why does everyone love Reagan so much?

Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

He didn't do any such thing.

right the liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them!!
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

He didn't do any such thing.

right the liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them!!

Almost every spy in federal prison are Republicans.
He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

and he said "tear down this wall" and "isn't welfare a form slavery."

He understood the truth and spoke m
ore clearly than anyone

Oh, hell yeah, Communist hard liners are going to drop everything and do exactly as Mr Reagan says. Says no Commie ever.

dear, thats in effect what Gorby did. Thanks

Wrong again.
Though the arms-race spending undoubtedly damaged the fabric of the Soviet civilian economy and society even more than it did in the United States, this had been going on for 40 years by the time Mikhail Gorbachev came to power without the slightest hint of impending doom. Gorbachev's close adviser, Aleksandr Yakovlev, when asked whether the Reagan administration's higher military spending, combined with its "Evil Empire" rhetoric, forced the Soviet Union into a more conciliatory position, responded:

“It played no role. None. I can tell you that with the fullest responsibility. Gorbachev and I were ready for changes in our policy regardless of whether the American president was Reagan, or Kennedy, or someone even more liberal. It was clear that our military spending was enormous and we had to reduce it.”. . .
Amazon.com Killing Hope U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II--Updated Through 2003 9781567512526 William Blum Books
As can be seen in this thread, everyone doesn't love Reagan, liked him or have fond memories of him.


BUT.., he was the best president in my lifetime, and i do remember that commie sympathizer FDR.

and i will not mention how he goaded the Japs into WWII :up:
Reagan's legacy diminishes each year as his subjective supporters fade away and are replaced with objective people who were small children or not yet born during his terms as President. If a President is judged by his legacy, few compare to FDR. Only Washington and Lincoln surpass him, occasionally Jefferson. Policies of FDR remain important and positive aspects of American life 80 years after the New Deal began. It is hard for a 65 year old American to view FDR in the negative when they get their monthly Social Security check.
Reagan's number one legacy topic is his so called defeat of the Soviet Union and victory in the Cold War. Unfortunately it hasn't and doesn't stand up to the test of time. The Soviet's dissolved several years after Reagan left office and credit is recognized and shared with Pope John Paul ll, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterand, Mikail Gorbachev and the rioters, demonstrators, protesters, etc. of eastern European countries. In 2015 the USA is still in a Cold War with the remnants of what the Reagan supporters claimed he defeated. The monster just went into hibernation and changed it's name.
His economic policies are hotly debated and viewed negatively by enough students and schools of thought related to economics to make his economic policies a neutralized non issue.
Failure of Reagan to control corruption of his administration led to him overseeing the most corrupt administration in history when the criteria used is the number of indictments, convictions and pardons required by the President who followed the mess he left.
Each year more and more historians have studied his failure to respond to terrorist attacks and his willingness to work with and create groups that became primary founders of some of the best known terrorist organizations of today that seeded and blossomed under his policies.
The list of blunders made by Reagan goes on and on. It is hard to imagine him rising in popularity as more and more of these blunders become recognized as the causes of so many problems of today and into the future.

That is just a crock of shit. FDR? come on. FDR started the liberal BS that has put this country in debt, destroyed the american family, destroyed our manufacturing base, and made us soft and weak.

FDR was a terrible president. He had information that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked and did nothing to stop it.

Talk about a crock of shit...FDR did NONE of what you accuse him of. Our manufacturing base blossomed and grew under FDR. Our debt was because of WWII and it was paid down through tax revenue. FDR made America the biggest superpower on this planet.

Reagan was the biggest disaster in American history...


Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

FDR did have a booming economy because we were in WWII at a cost of over 60 million people that were killed, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion).
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

He didn't do any such thing.

right the liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them!!

Almost every spy in federal prison are Republicans.
any evidence or just liberal BS??
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

He didn't do any such thing.

The Soviets folded because of Reagan's policies and don't you forget it.
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

He didn't do any such thing.

right the liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them!!

Almost every spy in federal prison are Republicans.
any evidence or just liberal BS??
I have as much evidence that you have with your assertion that liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them.
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

He didn't do any such thing.

The Soviets folded because of Reagan's policies and don't you forget it.

Nonsense, its a fairy tale right out of Disney Studios.
. Gorbachev and I were ready for changes in our policy regardless of whether the American president was Reagan, or Kennedy, or someone even more liberal.
A statue to former US president Ronald Reagan, who is highly respected in Poland for having helped hasten the fall of the Iron Curtain, was unveiled by Communist-era opposition icon Lech Walesa in Warsaw yesterday.

"Let us bow before Ronald Reagan for the fact that our generation was able to bring an end to the great divisions and conflicts of the world," Mr Walesa said in a ceremony in the heart of the Polish capital Warsaw.

"What happened seemed impossible or unthinkable. The older generations still remember," the Nobel Peace laureate said.

A handsome, stylized 'park bench' monument dedicated to Cold War victor Ronald Reagan was unveiled in the former Soviet republic of Georgia yesterday. The country's pro-Western, American-educated president Mikhail Saakashvili proclaimed that the work 'deserves a place in the heart of Tblisi' as he and his countrymen seek to honor Reaganfor 'destroying the Soviet empire'. He also took the opportunity to lament what he sees as Vladimir Putin's attempts torestore that lost empire.

Reagan ended the cold war and very possibly saved humanity from nuclear annihilation; 2 billion live under freedom today, who would be starving to death under the communism that Reagan understood and hated so much! The Democrats spied for Communism and wanted peaceful coexistence or detente because they lacked the IQ to understand what it really was! Without Reagan, Gorbechev would not have known what the alternative was! Reagan said, "Mr. Gorbechev, tear down this wall" HIs moral clarity, the Stinger missiles that he personally gave to Afghanistan, and Star Wars (the ABM system we still desperately need today) inspired the death of the USSR !!

On the domestic front Reagan also had moral clarity! He said, "isn't welfare a form of slavery" Then "welfare as we know it" was ended. Moreover, he and Newt got 34 States to sign a Balanced Budget Amendment that would have prevented all the domestic problems we face today because of Democratic fiscal irresponsibility. Moreover, if the Balanced Budget had been passed we would no longer be plagued by the Democratic Party as we know it! IF the Democrats could no longer subvert our democracy by buying votes with promises of ever expanding welfare programs they would instantly disappear!! Further: Reagan slashed taxes from a 70% top bracket in 1981 to 28% in 1986. That resulted in 20 million jobs being created between 1983 - 1989, a doubling of the amount of revenue going into government coffers, and a wave of prosperity that America rode from 1983 until 2001 with only a small pause at the end of the George Bush Sr.'s term.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

-- Ronald Reagan

"President Reagan's Radio Address to the Nation on Welfare Reform

February 15, 1986

My fellow Americans:

Today I'd like to speak to you about a gathering crisis in our society: It's a family crisis. To some it's hidden, concealed behind tenement walls or lost in the forgotten streets of our inner cities. But for millions of Americans, the crisis is ever present and growing, and it threatens to become a permanent scar on the American promise of hope and opportunity for all.

I'm talking about the crisis of family breakdowns, especially among the welfare poor, both black and white. In inner cities today, families, as we've always thought of them, are not even being formed. Since 1960 the percentage of babies born out of wedlock has more than doubled. And too often their mothers are only teenagers. They're children-many of them 15, 16, and 17 years old with all the responsibilities of grownups thrust upon them. The fathers of these children are often nowhere to be found. In some instances you have to go back three generations before you can find an intact family. It seems even the memory of families is in danger of becoming extinct. And what of the babies born out of wedlock, these children born to children. Statistically, we know that they're much more likely to have a low birth weight and, thus, serious health problems. We know that out-of-wedlock children often suffer abuse and neglect as well. And what sort of future can they look forward to?

The family is the most basic support system there is. For two centuries now, it's been families pulling together that has provided the courage, willpower, and sense of security that have enabled millions of Americans to escape poverty and grab hold of the rungs on the ladder of opportunity. How often have we heard about the immigrant father laboring long into the night to give his children the advantages he never had? How many self-made men and women in America of all ethnic backgrounds owe their success to the strength of character given them by hard-working, loving parents? But for the children of child mothers and absentee fathers, there is often only a deepening cycle of futility, hopelessness, and despair.

RIGHT HERE >>> We're in danger of creating a permanent culture of poverty as inescapable as any chain or bond; a second and separate America, an America of lost dreams and stunted lives. The irony is that misguided welfare programs instituted in the name of compassion have actually helped turn a shrinking problem into a national tragedy. From the 1950's on, poverty in America was declining. American society, an opportunity society, was doing its wonders. Economic growth was providing a ladder for millions to climb up out of poverty and into prosperity. In 1964 the famous War on Poverty was declared and a funny thing happened. Poverty, as measured by dependency, stopped shrinking and then actually began to grow worse. I guess you could say, poverty won the war. Poverty won in part because instead of helping the poor, government programs ruptured the bonds holding poor families together.

Perhaps the most insidious effect of welfare is its usurpation of the role of provider. In States where payments are highest, for instance, public assistance for a single mother can amount to much more than the usable income of a minimum wage job. In other words, it can pay for her to quit work. Many families are eligible for substantially higher benefits when the father is not present. What must it do to a man to know that his own children will be better off if he is never legally recognized as their father? Under existing welfare rules, a teenage girl who becomes pregnant can make herself eligible for welfare benefits that will set her up in an apartment of her own, provide medical care, and feed and clothe her. She only has to fulfill one condition-not marry or identify the father.

Obviously something is desperately wrong with our welfare system. With only about half of what is now spent on welfare, we could give enough money to every impoverished man, woman, and child to lift them above the poverty line. Instead, we spend vast amounts on a system that perpetuates poverty. But the waste of money pales before the sinful waste of human potential-the squandering of so many millions of hopes and dreams.

In my State of the Union Address, I directed our administration to study the welfare system with a keen eye to making reforms. We already have in place a low-income assistance working group, which is hard at its task. In addition, I've instructed Attorney General Edwin Meese, as Chairman pro tern of our Domestic Policy Council, to convene a working group to evaluate the effect of a wide range of government programs on American families, especially poor families. These groups will report back to me by December 1st. The welfare tragedy has gone on too long. It's time to reshape our welfare system so that it can be judged by how many Americans it makes independent of welfare.

Until next week, thanks for listening. God bless you

Ronald Reagan Radio Address to the Nation on Welfare Reform
He defeated the USSR without going to a nuclear war.

He didn't do any such thing.

right the liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them!!

Almost every spy in federal prison are Republicans.
any evidence or just liberal BS??
I have as much evidence that you have with your assertion that liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them.

dear liberals spied for the USSR and gave them the bomb while Stalin was slowly killing 60 million because they liked Stalin.

Do you understand?
. Gorbachev and I were ready for changes in our policy regardless of whether the American president was Reagan, or Kennedy, or someone even more liberal.
A statue to former US president Ronald Reagan, who is highly respected in Poland for having helped hasten the fall of the Iron Curtain, was unveiled by Communist-era opposition icon Lech Walesa in Warsaw yesterday.

"Let us bow before Ronald Reagan for the fact that our generation was able to bring an end to the great divisions and conflicts of the world," Mr Walesa said in a ceremony in the heart of the Polish capital Warsaw.

"What happened seemed impossible or unthinkable. The older generations still remember," the Nobel Peace laureate said.

A handsome, stylized 'park bench' monument dedicated to Cold War victor Ronald Reagan was unveiled in the former Soviet republic of Georgia yesterday. The country's pro-Western, American-educated president Mikhail Saakashvili proclaimed that the work 'deserves a place in the heart of Tblisi' as he and his countrymen seek to honor Reaganfor 'destroying the Soviet empire'. He also took the opportunity to lament what he sees as Vladimir Putin's attempts torestore that lost empire.

Reagan ended the cold war and very possibly saved humanity from nuclear annihilation; 2 billion live under freedom today, who would be starving to death under the communism that Reagan understood and hated so much! The Democrats spied for Communism and wanted peaceful coexistence or detente because they lacked the IQ to understand what it really was! Without Reagan, Gorbechev would not have known what the alternative was! Reagan said, "Mr. Gorbechev, tear down this wall" HIs moral clarity, the Stinger missiles that he personally gave to Afghanistan, and Star Wars (the ABM system we still desperately need today) inspired the death of the USSR !!

On the domestic front Reagan also had moral clarity! He said, "isn't welfare a form of slavery" Then "welfare as we know it" was ended. Moreover, he and Newt got 34 States to sign a Balanced Budget Amendment that would have prevented all the domestic problems we face today because of Democratic fiscal irresponsibility. Moreover, if the Balanced Budget had been passed we would no longer be plagued by the Democratic Party as we know it! IF the Democrats could no longer subvert our democracy by buying votes with promises of ever expanding welfare programs they would instantly disappear!! Further: Reagan slashed taxes from a 70% top bracket in 1981 to 28% in 1986. That resulted in 20 million jobs being created between 1983 - 1989, a doubling of the amount of revenue going into government coffers, and a wave of prosperity that America rode from 1983 until 2001 with only a small pause at the end of the George Bush Sr.'s term.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

-- Ronald Reagan

"President Reagan's Radio Address to the Nation on Welfare Reform

February 15, 1986

My fellow Americans:

Today I'd like to speak to you about a gathering crisis in our society: It's a family crisis. To some it's hidden, concealed behind tenement walls or lost in the forgotten streets of our inner cities. But for millions of Americans, the crisis is ever present and growing, and it threatens to become a permanent scar on the American promise of hope and opportunity for all.

I'm talking about the crisis of family breakdowns, especially among the welfare poor, both black and white. In inner cities today, families, as we've always thought of them, are not even being formed. Since 1960 the percentage of babies born out of wedlock has more than doubled. And too often their mothers are only teenagers. They're children-many of them 15, 16, and 17 years old with all the responsibilities of grownups thrust upon them. The fathers of these children are often nowhere to be found. In some instances you have to go back three generations before you can find an intact family. It seems even the memory of families is in danger of becoming extinct. And what of the babies born out of wedlock, these children born to children. Statistically, we know that they're much more likely to have a low birth weight and, thus, serious health problems. We know that out-of-wedlock children often suffer abuse and neglect as well. And what sort of future can they look forward to?

The family is the most basic support system there is. For two centuries now, it's been families pulling together that has provided the courage, willpower, and sense of security that have enabled millions of Americans to escape poverty and grab hold of the rungs on the ladder of opportunity. How often have we heard about the immigrant father laboring long into the night to give his children the advantages he never had? How many self-made men and women in America of all ethnic backgrounds owe their success to the strength of character given them by hard-working, loving parents? But for the children of child mothers and absentee fathers, there is often only a deepening cycle of futility, hopelessness, and despair.

RIGHT HERE >>> We're in danger of creating a permanent culture of poverty as inescapable as any chain or bond; a second and separate America, an America of lost dreams and stunted lives. The irony is that misguided welfare programs instituted in the name of compassion have actually helped turn a shrinking problem into a national tragedy. From the 1950's on, poverty in America was declining. American society, an opportunity society, was doing its wonders. Economic growth was providing a ladder for millions to climb up out of poverty and into prosperity. In 1964 the famous War on Poverty was declared and a funny thing happened. Poverty, as measured by dependency, stopped shrinking and then actually began to grow worse. I guess you could say, poverty won the war. Poverty won in part because instead of helping the poor, government programs ruptured the bonds holding poor families together.

Perhaps the most insidious effect of welfare is its usurpation of the role of provider. In States where payments are highest, for instance, public assistance for a single mother can amount to much more than the usable income of a minimum wage job. In other words, it can pay for her to quit work. Many families are eligible for substantially higher benefits when the father is not present. What must it do to a man to know that his own children will be better off if he is never legally recognized as their father? Under existing welfare rules, a teenage girl who becomes pregnant can make herself eligible for welfare benefits that will set her up in an apartment of her own, provide medical care, and feed and clothe her. She only has to fulfill one condition-not marry or identify the father.

Obviously something is desperately wrong with our welfare system. With only about half of what is now spent on welfare, we could give enough money to every impoverished man, woman, and child to lift them above the poverty line. Instead, we spend vast amounts on a system that perpetuates poverty. But the waste of money pales before the sinful waste of human potential-the squandering of so many millions of hopes and dreams.

In my State of the Union Address, I directed our administration to study the welfare system with a keen eye to making reforms. We already have in place a low-income assistance working group, which is hard at its task. In addition, I've instructed Attorney General Edwin Meese, as Chairman pro tern of our Domestic Policy Council, to convene a working group to evaluate the effect of a wide range of government programs on American families, especially poor families. These groups will report back to me by December 1st. The welfare tragedy has gone on too long. It's time to reshape our welfare system so that it can be judged by how many Americans it makes independent of welfare.

Until next week, thanks for listening. God bless you

Ronald Reagan Radio Address to the Nation on Welfare Reform
The former US ambassador to the Soviet Union, and father of the theory of "containment" of the same country, asserts that "the suggestion that any United States administration had the power to influence decisively the course of a tremendous domestic political upheaval in another great country on another side of the globe is simply childish." He contends that the extreme militarization of American policy strengthened hard-liners in the Soviet Union. "Thus the general effect of Cold War extremism was to delay rather than hasten the great change that overtook the Soviet Union."
He didn't do any such thing.

right the liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them!!

Almost every spy in federal prison are Republicans.
any evidence or just liberal BS??
I have as much evidence that you have with your assertion that liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them.

dear liberals spied for the USSR and gave them the bomb while Stalin was slowly killing 60 million because they liked Stalin.

Do you understand?
Yeah and Aldrich Ames spied for Russia while in George HW Bush's CIA. So what?
In my previous post, I talked about Reagan's unconditional love for USA. He also shared JFK's vision that a rising tide raises all ships.
right the liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them!!

Almost every spy in federal prison are Republicans.
any evidence or just liberal BS??
I have as much evidence that you have with your assertion that liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them.

dear liberals spied for the USSR and gave them the bomb while Stalin was slowly killing 60 million because they liked Stalin.

Do you understand?
Yeah and Aldrich Ames spied for Russia while in George HW Bush's CIA. So what?

Ames went to work at CIA in 1962.
Almost every spy in federal prison are Republicans.
any evidence or just liberal BS??
I have as much evidence that you have with your assertion that liberals defeated the USSR by spying for them.

dear liberals spied for the USSR and gave them the bomb while Stalin was slowly killing 60 million because they liked Stalin.

Do you understand?
Yeah and Aldrich Ames spied for Russia while in George HW Bush's CIA. So what?

Ames went to work at CIA in 1962.
So? his treason was while working in a top secret Soviet desk.
Seriously, I can't understand that. He was arming Iran illegally, vetoed an anti-Apartheid act, gave amnesty to three million immigrants and raised taxes. Not to mention that he had Alzheimer's and was basically just a living vegetable by the end of his second term. And now Reagan is a role model for Scott Walker (who criticizes Obama for Iran nuclear deal). Isn't it hypocritical?

He palled around with communists too.

At any rate, many people forget that Reagan was regularly pilloried by the right while he was in office. Now they deify him because he's all they've got.
You are accusing FDR of starting a global depression four years before he became President.

Roosevelt was just a continuation of Hoover that extended the Depression another 12 years into a world war that killed 60 million. The worst record in American History by far!!

****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed

My question is why do conservatives love Ronald Reagan when he was more liberal than than Hillary Clinton?
His average approval rating over an 8 year period was 52.8% Lower than Lyndon Johnson, lower than GHWB, lower than Bill Clinton.
He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987.
Spending grew by 2.5% a year.
The national debt when he took office was $700 billion and when he left it was $3 Trillion.
When Reagan was inaugurated the number of federal employees was 2.8 million and when he left it was 3 million.
When Reagan ran for president, he promised to get rid of two agencies the Department of Energy and the Department of Education - he didn't and added a new one the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Wow, what a resume and the right has the temerity to quibble over Obama?

He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987

Raised them all the way from 70% up to 28%.
Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes. How are those tax cuts now? GHWB couldn't raise taxes to try and resolve the budget in fact he lost his job over it. If Reagan had balanced the books like he should have we wouldn't have half the problems we have today.

Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes.

He alarmingly raised the debt by $1.6 trillion, while winning the Cold War.
Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far, while he makes things worse world-wide.
You are accusing FDR of starting a global depression four years before he became President.

Roosevelt was just a continuation of Hoover that extended the Depression another 12 years into a world war that killed 60 million. The worst record in American History by far!!

****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed

My question is why do conservatives love Ronald Reagan when he was more liberal than than Hillary Clinton?
His average approval rating over an 8 year period was 52.8% Lower than Lyndon Johnson, lower than GHWB, lower than Bill Clinton.
He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987.
Spending grew by 2.5% a year.
The national debt when he took office was $700 billion and when he left it was $3 Trillion.
When Reagan was inaugurated the number of federal employees was 2.8 million and when he left it was 3 million.
When Reagan ran for president, he promised to get rid of two agencies the Department of Energy and the Department of Education - he didn't and added a new one the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Wow, what a resume and the right has the temerity to quibble over Obama?

He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987

Raised them all the way from 70% up to 28%.
Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes. How are those tax cuts now? GHWB couldn't raise taxes to try and resolve the budget in fact he lost his job over it. If Reagan had balanced the books like he should have we wouldn't have half the problems we have today.

Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes.

He alarmingly raised the debt by $1.6 trillion, while winning the Cold War.
Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far, while he makes things worse world-wide.
Oboy, isn't that a winning response? The lessor of two losers.

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