Why does everyone love Reagan so much?

Roosevelt was just a continuation of Hoover that extended the Depression another 12 years into a world war that killed 60 million. The worst record in American History by far!!

****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed

My question is why do conservatives love Ronald Reagan when he was more liberal than than Hillary Clinton?
His average approval rating over an 8 year period was 52.8% Lower than Lyndon Johnson, lower than GHWB, lower than Bill Clinton.
He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987.
Spending grew by 2.5% a year.
The national debt when he took office was $700 billion and when he left it was $3 Trillion.
When Reagan was inaugurated the number of federal employees was 2.8 million and when he left it was 3 million.
When Reagan ran for president, he promised to get rid of two agencies the Department of Energy and the Department of Education - he didn't and added a new one the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Wow, what a resume and the right has the temerity to quibble over Obama?

He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987

Raised them all the way from 70% up to 28%.
Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes. How are those tax cuts now? GHWB couldn't raise taxes to try and resolve the budget in fact he lost his job over it. If Reagan had balanced the books like he should have we wouldn't have half the problems we have today.

Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes.

He alarmingly raised the debt by $1.6 trillion, while winning the Cold War.
Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far, while he makes things worse world-wide.
Oboy, isn't that a winning response? The lessor of two losers.

Reagan won the Cold War.
What has Obama won?
My question is why do conservatives love Ronald Reagan when he was more liberal than than Hillary Clinton?
His average approval rating over an 8 year period was 52.8% Lower than Lyndon Johnson, lower than GHWB, lower than Bill Clinton.
He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987.
Spending grew by 2.5% a year.
The national debt when he took office was $700 billion and when he left it was $3 Trillion.
When Reagan was inaugurated the number of federal employees was 2.8 million and when he left it was 3 million.
When Reagan ran for president, he promised to get rid of two agencies the Department of Energy and the Department of Education - he didn't and added a new one the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Wow, what a resume and the right has the temerity to quibble over Obama?

He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987

Raised them all the way from 70% up to 28%.
Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes. How are those tax cuts now? GHWB couldn't raise taxes to try and resolve the budget in fact he lost his job over it. If Reagan had balanced the books like he should have we wouldn't have half the problems we have today.

Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes.

He alarmingly raised the debt by $1.6 trillion, while winning the Cold War.
Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far, while he makes things worse world-wide.
Oboy, isn't that a winning response? The lessor of two losers.

Reagan won the Cold War.
What has Obama won?

A permanent place ahead of Reagan in presidential rankings.
Everyone loves Reagan because he was artistic, he had an eloquent tongue. Ted Cruz drives this way too: "I have been told many times, I have a face for radio."
He raised taxes in 1982,1983,1984,1985,1986 and 1987

Raised them all the way from 70% up to 28%.
Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes. How are those tax cuts now? GHWB couldn't raise taxes to try and resolve the budget in fact he lost his job over it. If Reagan had balanced the books like he should have we wouldn't have half the problems we have today.

Yes he did and the budget deficit became so alarming he had to raise taxes.

He alarmingly raised the debt by $1.6 trillion, while winning the Cold War.
Obama added $7.5 trillion, so far, while he makes things worse world-wide.
Oboy, isn't that a winning response? The lessor of two losers.

Reagan won the Cold War.
What has Obama won?

A permanent place ahead of Reagan in presidential rankings.
In what universe is this? He set the world back 35 years back to the time of the cold war.

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