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Why does faith deserve respect?

An invisible, undetectable, unknown and completely and perfectly uninvolved entity is synonymous with "Nothingness". So why give this nothingness human attributes?

Dear Hollie: Did it ever occur to you that this energy, the powers of divine forces at work
might have "taken on" human attributes in order to communicate with people?

Sort of like how ideas or conflicts we are trying to work out,
might take on symbolism in our dreams at night, to express what the problems are,
so we can figure it out. We didn't choose what we dream, but we receive these dreams
and we interpret them to get meaning or insights from them. They came to us in those forms, those symbols.

The people I know that have received divine visions or even visitations
These visions came to them in that format.

I see it as future events that give off such strong energy and impact,
that they transcend time and space, and people can see them like receiving energy signals in advance.
But they aren't always literal (one of my friends does get more literal visions
but these are rare, where the picture in her head matches exactly; most people
it is like dreams and only loosely symbolic and so it requires interpretation and is not literal)

Whether people personify God or Jesus or Angels in human form,
the idea is the same:
Angels are like positive prayers or energy to influence people in a better direction, to lift them up to higher aspirations.
God can be experienced as Love, truth, wisdom, divine understanding or feeling a divine purpose gift or blessing in life.
Jesus can be either Salvation or Justice, some higher sense of connections by conscience to all humanity universally.

These realms of experience, of feeling collective oneness or wholeness with all of humanity,
can be so overwhelming, they come in visions with symbols that people can contain.

Otherwise the feeling and energy is beyond what most people can express.
"Dear Hollie: Did it ever occur to you that this energy, the powers of divine forces at work might have "taken on" human attributes in order to communicate with people?"

Yes, that has occurred to me.

Has it occurred to you that the powers of divine forces may have taken on human attributes and are communicating with people through the likes of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Ted Kaczynski, etc.?

Why should that be surprising? Read the OT for an object lesson in the evil that gawds perform.

If anything on earth convinced me that the Judeo-Christian gawds had nothing at all to do with the Bibles, it was reading the Bibles themselves. It is interesting mythology, and it has the greatest, most evil villain of all time in it. His name is Jehovah.

Hi Hollie
YES: this is part of what spiritual knowledge is about.
Knowing the difference between the realms of angels and demons:
the voices of the DEMONIC are different from the voices of God
because one promotes ILL WILL and RETRIBUTION while the other
seeks FORGIVENESS and PEACE by restoring justice for ALL people through HEALING.
That's how you tell the difference: it is Good will or Ill will?
is it a message of Forgiveness and HEALING/Inclusion
or Unforgiveness and Retribution and Rejection?

Very important, thanks for pointing this out there is a HUGE problem
if people teach or abuse God to be DEMONIC and reject out of ill will and retribution.
That is Antichrist not Christ, and you are RIGHT to point out something in religion is
getting abused. However, the way to overcome the Antichrist abuses
is to correct them in the spirit and authority of Christ which trumps the evil abuses.

David Berkowitz was one who learned later the difference
between the voices of demons and the way to get rid of these by authority in Christ.

For Andrea Yates it was also too late, and she didn't get help for her schizophrenic voices
until after she killed her five children trying to get these voices to stop.

Coral Eugene Watts is another one possessed by demon voices that drove him to kill women.
Many others are just as dangerous, even parents who kill their children thinking they are demons.

Hollie, the teachings and practice of spiritual healing
ADDRESS these demonic sicknesses and
have CURED people of SCHIZOPHRENIA and demonic obsessions/voices.

This is why it is a matter of life and death, and stopping criminally sick people,
to research and establish this method of DIAGNOSING and CURING people
BEFORE they kill or harm anyone!

It is like a disease and there is a way to intervene early, like cancer, to prevent it from becoming fatal.
it can be stopped, just like any other disease
that have CAUSES and CURES.

Hollie this is WHY the research and medical studies need to be done.
to SAVE LIVES from people who are sick and won't get help, until after it's too late!

See resources I have listed on a webpage as references freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy
* Dr. Scott Peck "Glimpses of the Devil" where two schizophrenic patients with demonic personalities/obsessions
were cured (one patient recovered in time, where she could go back to school and study science because she was inspired by how Dr. Peck used the scientific method to uncover the root cause of her sickness and apply the cure, when the psychiatric profession only knew about medications and had never tried this exorcism method that saved her life;
the other patient was cured mentally but died of physical complications from years of abusing her body all her adult life.)

* Dr. Francis MacNutt "Healing" Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries
He explains the DIFFERENCE between the positive spiritual healing prayers and the
NEGATIVE occult and witchcraft / dark forces that clash and cause sickness and death because
these demonic energy LIVE OFF the fear and anger and rebellion of unforgiveness which is cured by forgiveness.

David Berkowitz has posted his testimony, about before and after he was freed from occult influences that had made him so sick that he killed people to relieve the impulses he couldn't control: David Berkowitz s former Son of Sam Testimony Translations

* Dr. Phillip Goldfedder Healing Is Yours
Dr. Goldfedder is Jewish and didn't understand Christianity was real until someone showed him how spiritual healing worked naturally with science and medicine. It changed his neurosurgery practice.
He is still Jewish, but add the knowledge of Christ and spiritual healing to what he does and teaches.
So now he counsels and heals more people effectively and permanently using spiritual healing
than he was able to using surgery.

Hollie this is IMPORTANT:
This Christian Spiritual Healing is the ONLY cure I have seen work
to help people with Criminal DEMONIC and SATANIC sickness.

For you to blame the demonic sick voices on the people who seek to cure them
is like blaming cancer on the doctors for pointing out cancer exists, what causes it and how to cure it.

The doctors are not the cause of cancer.

You remind me of the African people who were telling their neighbors
to run away from the doctors trying to isolate them from Ebola and treat them.
They thought the weird people in safety suits were kidnapping and injecting people with the disease,
when it was the OPPOSITE.

They meant well, and thought they were saving their family from kidnappers.
But this caused more harm by preventing people from getting the cure, and more people died by running away.
Hollie it is IMPORTANT to separate the natural/true and the unnatural/false practices:
A. spiritual healing based on forgiveness and curing the cause of sickness, addiction, abuse even mental and criminal ills
is the NATURAL HEALING practice that is beneficial and causes no harm or risk to any person because it works with science and medicine and doesn't deny any assistance but uses ALL available resources to treat people normally and fully
B. False faith healing adds conditions and expects change by citing or imitating religious rituals
and this has led to parents cutting up their kids or killing people using force or rituals to hurt people
this is FALSE malpractice and dangerous and criminal and is NOT what I mean or Christians mean by spiritual healing
Even the fraudulent "conversion therapy" that has tortured and damaged people falls under faith faith healing
You can tell the difference because it has nothing to do with forgiveness and healing, but is conditions imposed from outside
C. Occult Voodoo Witchcraft Sorcery Black Magic Dark forces demonism spiritism
etc. fall under ill will and manipulation that CLASHES with spiritual healing.
This is even more dangerous because it can spread like mob behavior that
causes the tribal genocidal attacks and brutality in Africa with Voodoo and other occult practices, and along the border of Mexico with Satanic cults and beheadings/sacrifices.

Clearly B and C are NOT the spiritual healing in A.

But what people don't know is that the spiritual healing in A
can CURE the mental and criminal sickness in cases of B and C.

So we cannot afford to reject A but must research and develop
medically sound methods of diagnosis and cure or we can't help the legal system
stop the madness of killers who are sick or brainwashed in B or C situations.

That's why we need science to prove the methods in A.
We need to stop the sickness and crimes/killings that happen with B and C going unchecked.

Thanks, Hollie
thank you for bring this up which is KEY to solving these problems.

Mental and criminal illness has a cause and cure just like cancer
not all cases can be cured, but if we intervene early there is a better chance of stopping
the sickness or at least containing it so it doesn't cause worse harm.
What the hell are you talking about!!?? There are angels of death from God that attack humans.....
An invisible, undetectable, unknown and completely and perfectly uninvolved entity is synonymous with "Nothingness". So why give this nothingness human attributes?

Dear Hollie: Did it ever occur to you that this energy, the powers of divine forces at work
might have "taken on" human attributes in order to communicate with people?

Sort of like how ideas or conflicts we are trying to work out,
might take on symbolism in our dreams at night, to express what the problems are,
so we can figure it out. We didn't choose what we dream, but we receive these dreams
and we interpret them to get meaning or insights from them. They came to us in those forms, those symbols.

The people I know that have received divine visions or even visitations
These visions came to them in that format.

I see it as future events that give off such strong energy and impact,
that they transcend time and space, and people can see them like receiving energy signals in advance.
But they aren't always literal (one of my friends does get more literal visions
but these are rare, where the picture in her head matches exactly; most people
it is like dreams and only loosely symbolic and so it requires interpretation and is not literal)

Whether people personify God or Jesus or Angels in human form,
the idea is the same:
Angels are like positive prayers or energy to influence people in a better direction, to lift them up to higher aspirations.
God can be experienced as Love, truth, wisdom, divine understanding or feeling a divine purpose gift or blessing in life.
Jesus can be either Salvation or Justice, some higher sense of connections by conscience to all humanity universally.

These realms of experience, of feeling collective oneness or wholeness with all of humanity,
can be so overwhelming, they come in visions with symbols that people can contain.

Otherwise the feeling and energy is beyond what most people can express.
"Dear Hollie: Did it ever occur to you that this energy, the powers of divine forces at work might have "taken on" human attributes in order to communicate with people?"

Yes, that has occurred to me.

Has it occurred to you that the powers of divine forces may have taken on human attributes and are communicating with people through the likes of Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Ted Kaczynski, etc.?

Why should that be surprising? Read the OT for an object lesson in the evil that gawds perform.

If anything on earth convinced me that the Judeo-Christian gawds had nothing at all to do with the Bibles, it was reading the Bibles themselves. It is interesting mythology, and it has the greatest, most evil villain of all time in it. His name is Jehovah.


Speaking of Charles Manson, he's getting married soon. Must be those divine forces...
Someone is passing on notoriety for future well being...
Most of the atheists on here are complete novices. Hollie, on the other hand, can levitate her body two feet off the ground and can curse God in ancient Arabic and in Palogen Hebrew.
Most of the atheists on here are complete novices. Hollie, on the other hand, can levitate her body two feet off the ground and can curse God in ancient Arabic and in Palogen Hebrew.
A novice atheist?

How does that make sense? Even by your standards of pointlesness, how does that make sense?

When you first start out as an atheist, you know there isn't a God. As you go up the ranks of atheism, you really really really know there is no God.

And then there's the secret handshake, prime parking, low interest house loans, exclusive washrooms, endless mimosas at brunch, and no cover charge to get in the Champagne Room at the gentleman's club.

How do I move up in the rankings? I want to know the secret handshake! :beer:
Okay, so I guess you have no interest in having any kind of an honest or serious discussion, I'm not surprised.

No, you just didn't like my answer.

Your 'answer' is that most Christians don't read the Bible, and that if there is a 'designer', he's not very good since he screwed up your eyes? If you think that answered the question that I asked, then there really is no point in going further. Have a nice day Carla. lol

No, I said most of the Christians that I know do not read the Bible....not most Christians.

I do not believe that all Christians are fanatics, furthermore, I do believe some are very sincere in their faith. Not all Christians pretend to be superior, just some of them.

This intelligent designer would not get a very good grade on designing our eyes. He/she put the blood vessels and nerves that carry all the visual information to our brain on top of our retina. That's like putting all the wiring of a video camera on top of the lens.--Julia Sweeney

Where the blood vessels go through our retina and into our brain, it causes us to have a blind spot, which we compensate for by hallucinating. Not a very good design.

I'm going to give that intelligent designer a C-. LOL!

I'll vote a round of applause to the gawds for that blueprint of the cancer cell.

Clearly, a master stroke of "design".

Clearly, the believers in "Intelligent Design" have never smelled a fart. :D

you mean that our Creator had wisdom enough to provide us a way to dispose of waste and make it unappealing to the senses so we wouldn't want to desire it?

that's your argument?
Why does faith deserve respect?

It doesn't. It is the go to refuge of ignorance.

Yet another who has fed himself the ego-inflating lie that he has intelligence.

Ya...well at least mine is measurable and I don't have to pray for wisdom like you goofs. :lol:

Many wise people have pointed out:
Christian prayer is like talking to God
Buddhist meditation is sitting still and letting God answer

Whatever you call Wisdom, truth, insights, answers, solutions,
and Whatever ways these ideas and thoughts come to you,
we are all using our CONSCIENCE to sort this process out.

So there are channels for sending out
and channels for receiving. The point is to communicate clearly
so signals do not get crossed, corrupted with noise, blocked or twisted around misunderstood.

The point is to reach agreement on what we mean
so we can solve problems and make the most of our
lives, relations, time energy and resources available.

If we have different ways of communicating ideas and knowledge
So be it
That is part of human and cultural diversity

Why take issue with that when we have so much more we could
be doing with our words and actions to make the world a better place?

Hugs to you Huggy
I really see no issue with picking issues apart
We really have bigger battles to fight
so if this is just a friendly scrimmage for practice
we need to get going quickly because there's major training
to do if we are going to fix the problems we have in real life

what we learn here from each other should help us
overcome worse conflicts causing problems in society

if it only keeps us more stuck, that's not solving anything
What we can do or share to lift each other higher
to understand more and do better? How can we
help each other to be better people, not think worse of each other.

Can't we do better than this?
What do you think?

Hey Hollie... How they hangin?

Sorry but that ship of mutual respect has sailed.

You seem like a genuinely nice person but unfortunately most christians, jews and muslims are not. Our politic has been soured beyond all effort or willingness to reverse the vitrol and damage that has occured.

Unfortunately much of this disrespect comes from those that also claim a religious foundation. I just call it like I see it even though honestly there is no chance for a good outcome. My negativity is no more or less likely to alter the discourse than your happy happy glad glad approach.

The criminals that have ruined our chances need pointed out. IMHO they should be strung up even if only on the internets.

I know you will go on trying to mend fences but the bridges have all been burned behind us. If you had been an effective protagonist against the evil doers propaganda and campaign of wholly generated hate mongering 40 years ago when Newt Gingrich started his war with words when your good effort stood a chance of success then I would have signed up myself. Too little too late my dear Hollie. The body counts are in and all that is left that matters is to name the bad people and outline the scene of the crime.
Atheism works as a philosophy of life right up to the minute you die.

Only a coward would believe what you believe.
Be brave then, by all means. You show God who's boss.

I don't waste any of my time with your make believe entities. I just poke fun at those that are silly enough to hoist their sky fairies and voodoo up in front of my face. When I draw my last breath there will be no one to talk to or anything to talk about. I came into this world alone and that is how I will leave.
I don't watch videos, or follow links to videos on here, sorry. If you have a refutation, make it yourself or provide a link to an article from a reputable website.

Mike Huckabee, ex presidential candidate, says he wants to change the Constitution to reflect God, because it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it is to change the Bible.
That's theocracy all right.
Atheism works as a philosophy of life right up to the minute you die.

Only a coward would believe what you believe.
He's right with God because of his beliefs and faith so there's no fear of not being saved. He's very brave actually. You are the pussy.

OHHhhh... NOOoooozzzzz.. !!!!! The little Oannony Mouse that's been here 10 minutes called me a name !!!

I'm devastated !!!
It doesn't

It doesn't deserve any more respect than anything else. But it also doesn't deserve disrespect unless people use is abusively or are narrow minded and arrogant about it. Those who are not religious deserve as much respect for their beliefs as those who are religious, but most often, religious people don't see it that way. Therefore, they earn no respect from me.
Atheism works as a philosophy of life right up to the minute you die.

Only a coward would believe what you believe.
He's right with God because of his beliefs and faith so there's no fear of not being saved. He's very brave actually. You are the pussy.

OHHhhh... NOOoooozzzzz.. !!!!! The little Oannony Mouse that's been here 10 minutes called me a name !!!

I'm devastated !!!
10 min? Where the hell have you been? :)
Atheism works as a philosophy of life right up to the minute you die.

Only a coward would believe what you believe.
He's right with God because of his beliefs and faith so there's no fear of not being saved. He's very brave actually. You are the pussy.

OHHhhh... NOOoooozzzzz.. !!!!! The little Oannony Mouse that's been here 10 minutes called me a name !!!

I'm devastated !!!
10 min? Where the hell have you been? :)

Did I miss something?
Atheism works as a philosophy of life right up to the minute you die.

Only a coward would believe what you believe.
Be brave then, by all means. You show God who's boss.

I don't waste any of my time with your make believe entities. I just poke fun at those that are silly enough to hoist their sky fairies and voodoo up in front of my face. When I draw my last breath there will be no one to talk to or anything to talk about. I came into this world alone and that is how I will leave.
You are not alone. God has been with you every step of the way.
Atheism works as a philosophy of life right up to the minute you die.

Only a coward would believe what you believe.
He's right with God because of his beliefs and faith so there's no fear of not being saved. He's very brave actually. You are the pussy.

OHHhhh... NOOoooozzzzz.. !!!!! The little Oannony Mouse that's been here 10 minutes called me a name !!!

I'm devastated !!!
10 min? Where the hell have you been? :)

Did I miss something?
You missed a lot.
Atheism works as a philosophy of life right up to the minute you die.

Only a coward would believe what you believe.
Be brave then, by all means. You show God who's boss.

I don't waste any of my time with your make believe entities. I just poke fun at those that are silly enough to hoist their sky fairies and voodoo up in front of my face. When I draw my last breath there will be no one to talk to or anything to talk about. I came into this world alone and that is how I will leave.
You are not alone. God has been with you every step of the way.

Sounds a little creepy...like some kinda stalker :eek:
The right to hold any ideas without interference, so long as they don't harm others, deserves respect. And gets it.

The ideas themselves don't have to be respected. But if those holding the ideas are leaving you alone, you leave them alone.

Now, if they try to force you to live by their crazy ideas, you push back, and one way is by pointing out how crazy the ideas are.

So you're saying that 'atheism' isn't being 'pushed' on people in here? People aren't being insulted for not believing as you do? Or it's okay to push your beliefs because they're the 'right' ones? And you think Christians are arrogant? lol

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