Zone1 Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?

you said English is a prison for you so why would you voluntarily put yourself in a prison by posting here?

I said something in sense of English is more a kind of prison if I compare it with the wide freedom of the German language. This means specially that we have strict rules but also 50% exceptions from this rules. That's why our sentences are always grammatically fluctuating depending on many different aspects. We swim like dolphins while we speak.

No one forces you to speak with a stranger who you do not undertand because you are a perfect English steamroller who not undertands what he not likes to understand. Why? It's anyway senseless what someone tries to say to a steamroller.
What an extremely stupid answer to my question. Do you have anything else to do than to provoke others with nonsense?

You spoke about the "prejudice" or "´basics" or however you like to call this that all [spiritual] opinions are the same so you seem to think everything what someone else is thinking is completelly okay as long as he is not a Christian, because Christians are only always wrong and brutal murderers and so on. In your form to think we are the worst threat for the survival of civilisation - although we made or had been envolved - in nearly everything what you are able to call "positive" in modern cultures and modern civlilisation. Humanism for example is a Christian invention - basic for this "idea" is that that everyone is a child of god. Today humanism likes to be continued only from atheists any lionger - who pray fro exmaple stupid "opinions" like "the truth is it exists no truth" and thinks they are "scientific" while the same time science - specially natural science - bases on paradigmas like "there is only one truth" because otherweise would exist wars between different natural sciences which never could be solved. The beoieeve "in god" = "in one truth" is for natural science essential - indedendent from any "opinion" of any individual scientist who is also able to be an atheist (becasue the not-existemnce of god includes the exitence of god - but here starts another region of complecity which I will not enter now. Short: Creation is able to hapeen nowhere, nowhen and from nothiogn but is also able to be reality how our own universe shows).

So my question to your answer had been here in this context specially about the value of opinions in case of people who like to make a [spirituall not existing] right to kill human beings before they aer born to a human right. I said "let me call such people 'atheists' now you answered "I'm not an atheist". But for me is everyeon an atheist who likes to murder the people of god and specially is for me everyone an atheist whoi likes to murder totally innocent children of god. "Children and women first" is one of our paradigmas. We will never be able not to fight for our children and our women - what also means we never will be able not to fight against abortion - weahstz doen#t pm theoerthsmide mean that spokem, asjos8int aer necesssrary befcaeu tehy sa ve thenlife oif mpoterhs adn/or also tehlö.foe of ioterhs chdiorebnrs - but this are very diffiult decisi0fcons in case of situaison whchi chave toi call "a catastrophe" and not "normality". I calcululated for example that the average ew3xpectancy of lige sinks in the USA from about 80 years to about 60 years becasue of abortion. Or with other words; 25% of all US-Americans life years are not lived because of abortion.

But all this I do not like to discuss with you, because it makes from my point of view not any sense to do so. It wiol change nothing. Yoiur anmswer here "I'm not an atheist" show to me that you have also the opinion abortion should becomer a humanb right. I ask myselve why people accept "opinions" like "the truth is it exists no truth" or "to kill human beings is able to be a human right". Why do you accept such "opinions" and make it to part of your denial of god?
Where did I ever say it was OK to kill anyone?

Stop lying.
I said something in sense of English is more a kind of prison if I compare it with the wide freedom of the German language. This means specially that we have strict rules but also 50% exceptions from this rules. That's why our sentences are always grammatically fluctuating depending on many different aspects. We swim like dolphins while we speak.

No one forces you to speak with a stranger who you do not undertand because you are a perfect English steamroller who not undertands what he not likes to understand. Why? It's anyway senseless what someone tries to say to a steamroller.
OK I'm done speaking to you because your English is terrible and I don't care enough about you or your opinions to try to figure out what you are trying to say.
Where did I ever say it was OK to kill anyone?

Stop lying.

You never said "I am a deadly idiot" - but you are. You are not able to use racist paroles against Christians in a similiar way how Nazis used racist paroles against Jews and this will be without any consequences. The early supporters of the Nazis had not been able to know what will happpen - you are able to know what is able to happen.

Nevertheless has also this answer from you nothing to do with anything what I said. I guess you understood about 1%-2% from this what I said to you and you misunderstood 1001%. But the same time you think you are the most smart man the world had seen since 13.8 billion years.
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OK I'm done speaking to you because your English is terrible

I doubt that a German is really able to speak a "terrible" English. What's terrible in your brain is you.

and I don't care enough about you or your opinions to try to figure out what you are trying to say.

That's the growing standard answer since an atheistic idiocy becomes more and more the new standard in the world: "I do not care and who cares is my enemy!".

By the way: Meanwhile more and more Germans speak English with German words. And this is indeed often a terrible "Fuck-"German; Specially because this idiots - mostly leading politicians and so called "intellectuals" - better to call them fake-intellectuals - think the world is in their thoughts and reality will be produced from language.

By the way: He uses an excellent German pronunciation.
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Here's the question of all questions,.. why do people seem to be defending homosexuality out of all the sins instead of trying to protect children of what the rainbow crowd is doing to them?
Here's the question of all questions,.. why do people seem to be defending homosexuality out of all the sins instead of trying to protect children of what the rainbow crowd is doing to them?

Why do evil beings support evil behavior?

Why do a house flies eat shit?
Here's the question of all questions,.. why do people seem to be defending homosexuality out of all the sins instead of trying to protect children of what the rainbow crowd is doing to them?
What is "the rainbow crowd" actually doing to them ... and do you have any actual evidence of crimes in excess of the hetero crowd?

What about all the pedo priests and ministers?

Why do you single out gays but not heteros for what they do to children?


What is "the rainbow crowd" actually doing to them ... and do you have any actual evidence of crimes in excess of the hetero crowd?

What about all the pedo priests and ministers?

Why do you single out gays but not heteros for what they do to children?



Actually heterosexuals are pushing this woke agenda too. In fact I would be willing to bet that they're the crowd that's mostly raising transgender children.

They probably just wanted a different sex than they were blessed with and the publicity is just a bonus for them. You know it's not the child making the decision. Especially when they can't even read or write yet.
That is your belief and apparently most posting on this thread. I can't find it in my heart to believe that myself. And I think we should allow God to judge.
God is judge, however people who call themselves Christian, and Homosexual, judge themselves. It is my responsibility to tell them that they cannot be practicing homosexual, and saved Christians, as that will separate them from God, that is not an opinion that is factual. I do not hate homosexuals but i will not lie to them, and tell them their sin is alright with God.
Thank you for admitting that Christians are intolerant. And Christians seem to be condemning homosexuals in particular all the time.

But it is not your purview to judge nor to exact some kind of punishments on the people who you are intolerant of is it?

You have no authority given to you by any god to deny anyone a place in this society in fact your god tells you to love and forgive those who "sin"

You have to realize that not everyone believes in your gods
Intolerant? You telling them that their sin, is not sin, is hateful as it will keep them from heaven, telling the truth is love. Never have I said it is my responsibility to punish anyone, but I will not lie to them just to spare their feelings, allowing them to go to hell. Who mentioned this society, I can't force people to live any certain way, but I will tell them the truth, that they can't be practicing Homosexuals and enter the, gates of heaven.
Intolerant? You telling them that their sin, is not sin, is hateful as it will keep them from heaven, telling the truth is love. Never have I said it is my responsibility to punish anyone, but I will not lie to them just to spare their feelings, allowing them to go to hell. Who mentioned this society, I can't force people to live any certain way, but I will tell them the truth, that they can't be practicing Homosexuals and enter the, gates of heaven.
There is no such thing as sin.

And even if there was your own god says that judgement is his purview not yours. Your own god tells you to love and forgive yet the hate and intolerance from Christians is legendary
There is no such thing as sin.

And even if there was your own god says that judgement is his purview not yours. Your own god tells you to love and forgive yet the hate and intolerance from Christians is legendary
I am not to love sin, how ridiculous, I do love people, I love them enough to tell them the truth, even though it makes me unpopular with them, that is my responsibility as a Christian. Yes hate and intolerance towards Christians is legendary. Tolerance is a Liberal buzzword that means agree with me or you are wrong.
I am not to love sin, how ridiculous, I do love people, I love them enough to tell them the truth, even though it makes me unpopular with them, that is my responsibility as a Christian. Yes hate and intolerance towards Christians is legendary. Tolerance is a Liberal buzzword that means agree with me or you are wrong.

It is not your responsibility to force your views on others.

Just let your god sort it out

And tolerance is an actual work with an actual definition maybe you want to look it up.
It is not your responsibility to force your views on others.

Just let your god sort it out

And tolerance is an actual work with an actual definition maybe you want to look it up.
I have already said I can't force anything, on anyone, I will tell them the truth. Tolerance is a buzzword that means agree with the liberal mindset or be destroyed.
I have already said I can't force anything, on anyone, I will tell them the truth. Tolerance is a buzzword that means agree with the liberal mindset or be destroyed.
Did they ask you to tell them your "truth"?

And you need to look up the word
Did they ask you to tell them your "truth"?

And you need to look up the word
I do not just go around pointing the finger and yelling sinner, however when it is being discused I will tell the truth. Oh I am sure the definition is different then how liberals apply it so no need.

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