Zone1 Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?

Romans 1:26-27 puts this invalid assumption to rest: “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion” (emphasis added). Clearly, this passage puts lesbianism on equal ground with male homosexuality. Lesbianism is described as women exchanging natural relations (with men) for unnatural relations (with women). According to the Bible, being a lesbian is just as sinful as being a homosexual male.
What you say is true. Nevertheless, Saint Paul is the only New Testament author who condemns homosexuality or even mentions it.

Saint Paul hints in his Epistle to the Romans that he might be a repressed homosexual. This is what he writes in Romans 7:7-24:

For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?


This sounds like the complaint of a man who wants to stop having sex with other men, but lacks the will power to stop.

It is not unusual for a repressed homosexual to be overtly hostile toward homosexuals. There is reason to believe that J. Edgar Hoover was a repressed homosexual. When he was in charge of the F.B.I. it harassed homosexual organizations.
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Well when you continue to live in sin and don't care about it that hurts God because it means that Satan has power over you.
We all live in sin. Every last one of us. Can you say for certain that your choosing to judge homosexuals is not in itself a sin?

The early Church patriarchs declared heterosexual sex to be a sin unless it was for the purpose of conceiving a baby. And to this day the official position of the Catholic Church is that only abstinence is permissible to prevent conception. I doubt many, even Catholics, obey that 'law'.

We are all to speak out against that which harms the person and/or others. And if we follow Jesus' example, we are to speak out against hypocrisy when we see it. The Pharisees declared themselves to be righteous because they kept 'the Law' and harshly dealt with those who did not. Jesus really blasted them for keeping the law but neglecting so much that God expected of them.

But we are to leave it up to God to judge what is in the heart and mind of others and we are to forgive others.

"In summary, 'judge not, lest ye be judged" was an admonition to be mindful of our own imperfections and to show compassion and understanding towards others rather than being critical or judgmental
The Christian theory is that sexual intercourse should only be for procreation.

That dictate is slowly being amended by the church, but it's still not completely accepted that sex can be for pleasurable recreational purposes.

Therefore gay sex is begging the question, ahead of the curve, that the church is in the process of changing.
I don't think so. My Bible says to love others, to do what is good in the sight of God, to lead by example, to cheer up others, to live in a way that harms neither ourselves nor anybody else. We are to speak out when we see others hurting people, doing what is evil to others. But we are not given authority to judge what is in another's heart or condemn another person. That is God's job.
Your 'interpretation" amounts to heresy concerning Scripture. The Bible clearly states in both the OT and NT that mankind is sinful, degenerate and under the Wrath of a Holy G-d. Even Jesus Himself spoke more on sin, judgement, and repentance than love and acceptance. And yes, according to Scripture, we are to judge actions based upon Scripture. But the whole point is to lead people to the Cross, forgiveness of their sin, and a reconciliation with the same Holy G-d.
The Christian theory is that sexual intercourse should only be for procreation.

That dictate is slowly being amended by the church, but it's still not completely accepted that sex can be for pleasurable recreational purposes.

Therefore gay sex is begging the question, ahead of the curve, that the church is in the process of changing.
Those "churches" clearly ignore the clear teaching in Scripture AGAINST homosexuality, and other sexual practices outside of marriage. It is true that G-d designed sex for pleasure, and also for the perpetuation of the human race, but G-d also established rules governing what is sin and what is OK. And ANY sex outside of His design is sin, and that includes:

We all live in sin. Every last one of us. Can you say for certain that your choosing to judge homosexuals is not in itself a sin?

The early Church patriarchs declared heterosexual sex to be a sin unless it was for the purpose of conceiving a baby. And to this day the official position of the Catholic Church is that only abstinence is permissible to prevent conception. I doubt many, even Catholics, obey that 'law'.

We are all to speak out against that which harms the person and/or others. And if we follow Jesus' example, we are to speak out against hypocrisy when we see it. The Pharisees declared themselves to be righteous because they kept 'the Law' and harshly dealt with those who did not. Jesus really blasted them for keeping the law but neglecting so much that God expected of them.

But we are to leave it up to God to judge what is in the heart and mind of others and we are to forgive others.

"In summary, 'judge not, lest ye be judged" was an admonition to be mindful of our own imperfections and to show compassion and understanding towards others rather than being critical or judgmental
But it doesn't justify living in sin either. Because of man's rebellion against G-d. we face judgement. This is why Matthew 28 is called "The Great Commission". Disciples are commanded to go forth and preach/teach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.
Your 'interpretation" amounts to heresy concerning Scripture. The Bible clearly states in both the OT and NT that mankind is sinful, degenerate and under the Wrath of a Holy G-d. Even Jesus Himself spoke more on sin, judgement, and repentance than love and acceptance. And yes, according to Scripture, we are to judge actions based upon Scripture. But the whole point is to lead people to the Cross, forgiveness of their sin, and a reconciliation with the same Holy G-d.
Actions yes. Actions that harm us and/or others. Jesus spoke out sometimes harshly on the actions of people, most especially those who presumed themselves more righteous than somebody else.
But it doesn't justify living in sin either. Because of man's rebellion against G-d. we face judgement. This is why Matthew 28 is called "The Great Commission". Disciples are commanded to go forth and preach/teach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.
There is no justification for living in sin which is why we need a Savior in the first place. And yes, we are to preach that ALL have sinned and fallen short and need the forgiveness and salvation that Jesus/God/the Christ offers us.

We are to provide the introduction but we are to let God take it from there.
There is no justification for living in sin which is why we need a Savior in the first place. And yes, we are to preach that ALL have sinned and fallen short and need the forgiveness and salvation that Jesus/God/the Christ offers us.

We are to provide the introduction but we are to let God take it from there.
But excusing sin on the basis of trying to be "non-judgemental" doesn't work either, and in fact, may push people away from the Cross. The #1 mission for all Born-Again believers is not to do "good works", per se, but to lead people to the Cross.
Those "churches" clearly ignore the clear teaching in Scripture AGAINST homosexuality, and other sexual practices outside of marriage. It is true that G-d designed sex for pleasure, and also for the perpetuation of the human race, but G-d also established rules governing what is sin and what is OK. And ANY sex outside of His design is sin, and that includes:

My point! Some of the Christian churches haven't stated unequivocally that sexual relations can be more than only procreation, and that has upheld the belief of certain members of this forum. Therefore, gays are calling for the question ahead of the church's motivation to change.

But excusing sin on the basis of trying to be "non-judgemental" doesn't work either, and in fact, may push people away from the Cross. The #1 mission for all Born-Again believers is not to do "good works", per se, but to lead people to the Cross.
I know not a single soul who was led to Christ by being told he/she was a sinner, that he/she was evil, that he/she was going to hell or any other unattractive way the Christ can be introduced to a person. I don't know a soul who would not bridle at being told he/she was somehow less righteous than his/her accuser.

Do you really think the condemnation of homosexuality is going to make any gay person rethink his/her sexual orientation or be encouraged to get to know Jesus?

I don't excuse anybody. But I am realistic enough to know I do not know the mind of God or am privy to know what He does and does not excuse. I only know that I am to speak out when I know people are harming themselves and/or others. Not judge them. Condemn what I know they do.

I am sometimes in that position much more than I would choose to be.

But what two adult gay people consent to in the privacy of their own home is their business. What adult heterosexual people consent to in the privacy of their own home is their business. (Some of that is pretty radical, kinky, even dangerous.) And if it is sin it is God's problem, not mine.
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My point! Some of the Christian churches haven't stated unequivocally that sexual relations can be more than only procreation, and that has upheld the belief of certain members of this forum. Therefore, gays are calling for the question ahead of the church's motivation to change.

Gays are still living in sin because G-d calls homosexuality an abomination. they need to repent of that and turn towards Christ. Just like sex outside of marriage is sin, just like sex with animals, sex with multiple spouses, etc. etc.
I know not a single soul who was led to Christ by being told he/she was a sinner, that he/she was evil, that he/she was going to hell or any other unattractive way the Christ had be introduced to a person.

Do you really think the condemnation of homosexuality is going to make any gay person rethink his/her sexual orientation or be encouraged to get to know Jesus?

I don't excuse anybody. But I am realistic enough to know I do not know the mind of God or am privy to know what He does and does not excuse. I only know that I am to speak out when I know people are harming themselves and/or others. Not judge them. Condemn what I know they do.

I am sometimes in that position much more than I would choose to be.
Then you don't know Gospel Truth and I doubt you are even saved, or have fallen victim to the "Seeker Sensitive" movement of the late 90s-early 00s. Sorry, but the #1 priority concerning the Gospel is to tell people what their real state is and that the ONLY way out is through the Cross. That is how I came to know Christ.
Then you don't know Gospel Truth and I doubt you are even saved, or have fallen victim to the "Seeker Sensitive" movement of the late 90s-early 00s. Sorry, but the #1 priority concerning the Gospel is to tell people what their real state is and that the ONLY way out is through the Cross. That is how I came to know Christ.
Well thank you. I accept that you consider yourself far superior and more righteous than I am and entitled to judge me. You are entitled to your beliefs.

Do have a pleasant day.
As do I, but to ignore or exclude the parts concerning sin, judgement, and repentance is doing the unsaved a disservice.
And in my opinion to focus on that to the exclusion of everything else is likely sin. I shudder to think how many have not chosen to seek a relationship with the Lord due to the judgmental, accusatory, unpleasant way the Lord was introduced to them.
We all live in sin. Every last one of us. Can you say for certain that your choosing to judge homosexuals is not in itself a sin?

The early Church patriarchs declared heterosexual sex to be a sin unless it was for the purpose of conceiving a baby. And to this day the official position of the Catholic Church is that only abstinence is permissible to prevent conception. I doubt many, even Catholics, obey that 'law'.

We are all to speak out against that which harms the person and/or others. And if we follow Jesus' example, we are to speak out against hypocrisy when we see it. The Pharisees declared themselves to be righteous because they kept 'the Law' and harshly dealt with those who did not. Jesus really blasted them for keeping the law but neglecting so much that God expected of them.

But we are to leave it up to God to judge what is in the heart and mind of others and we are to forgive others.

"In summary, 'judge not, lest ye be judged" was an admonition to be mindful of our own imperfections and to show compassion and understanding towards others rather than being critical or judgmental

No offense or anything, but this is just getting silly. Jesus never sugarcoated anything. If you were a sinner He would come right out and tell you that without holding back. You're acting like the people who hated Him, wanted Him to die and crucified in Him in the process.

It was all because the fact that they hated the truth and they wanted to censor people from it. Now, I'm not saying by any means that you hate Christ, but you don't seem to be wanting to listen to anything about what anybody is trying to tell you on what His gospel actually says.
I confess to feeling a certain amount of distaste about homosexuality. I also believe that homosexuality is a genetic inclination that is transmitted down through the generations in much the same way that sickle cell anemia is. I cannot believe that anyone chooses to be that way.

I do not believe that homosexuals can be turned into heterosexuals. When I told a homosexual friend "I am glad I am not gay."

He said, although he had told me earlier he was sexually attracted to me, "I am glad you are not too. As sensitive as you are it would be a real problem for you."

I have liked the homosexuals I have known. This is because they were intelligent and cultivated.

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