Why does it not violate the first ammendment for the White House and FBI tell social media platforms who to ban?


You say that but I see no proof. All I see is private businesses exercising their right to not host people on their platform and I see people that you say have been banned are still on the internet
You are a fucking moron.

End of discussion.
No he isn't. He is still on the web so I don't see what your problem is.
LOL - that's like telling someone who was beat, nearly to death, "What are you whining about? You're still breathing. I don't see what your problem is."
Facebook is a privately owned company and can refuse to offer their service to anyone it doesn't want on their platform.
They can. But what if it wasn't their idea?

Look at another scenario. If the local police kept a list of "troublemakers", and "asked" the local bars to refuse service to them. Would you have a problem with that?
Let me see.... Threats to remove publisher protections if they did not comply with his request is the use of FORCE. You people are so damn gullible...
It’s impossible for the White House to do so.
You are so far off that you’d qualify as being “not even wrong”.
LOL - that's like telling someone who was beat, nearly to death, "What are you whining about? You're still breathing. I don't see what your problem is."

They can. But what if it wasn't their idea?

Look at another scenario. If the local police kept a list of "troublemakers", and "asked" the local bars to refuse service to them. Would you have a problem with that?
So Facebook not allowing some people to use their platform is now the same as getting beaten nearly to death?

Alex Jones still looks like a fat slob I don't think he's on death's door because of facebook but rather because he's a fat slob
So Facebook not allowing some people to use their platform is now the same as getting beaten nearly to death?
I can never quite tell whether you're playing dumb, or not playing. We're talking about government coercing FB into doing their bidding.
Alex Jones still looks like a fat slob I don't think he's on death's door because of facebook but rather because he's a fat slob
I wouldn't piss on Jones if he were on fire. But this isn't about Jones. This is about the legal principles that our society is founded on. You idiots are ready to toss them away, just to get one over on people you don't like.
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It’s impossible for the White House to do so.
Bull shit... Section 230 is enforced by the FCC which is under the direction of the executive. He can choose to not enforce it just as he does our immigration laws. Quit being deceptive.
I can never quite tell whether you playing dumb, or not playing. We're talking about government coercing FB into doing their bidding.

I wouldn't piss on Jones if he were on fire. But this isn't about Jones. This is about the legal principles that our society is founded on. You idiots are ready to toss them away, just to get one over on people you don't like.

I still haven't seen proof that the government actually coerced anyone into banning people

First Amendment​

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I guess you're not familiar with the "incorporation doctrine". Perhaps you should do some research before you make a bigger ass of yourself.


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