Why does it not violate the first ammendment for the White House and FBI tell social media platforms who to ban?

That’s an entirely different component of stat action doctrine which has nothing to do with Marsh v Alabama.

You need to show social media companies are being compelled by the government. That isn’t happening.
haha of course it is…when xiden admin meets with them and tells them what to publish
The government has free speech too. They can tell anyone to do anything or face whatever consequences they can legally bring to bear. You really don't have to like it but that's how it is. The government can absolutely pressure social media companies to clean up their acts in the name of the public good.
no…the govt can’t tell a person or company what to say

that’s what we have the first amendment
They cooperated, of course, because they are prog douchebags. However, the government violated the First Amendment by colluding with them.
If there was no force, the premise and title of your article is a lie.
haha of course it is…when xiden admin meets with them and tells them what to publish
Still looking for how they compelled them. Without evidence of that, you have nothing.

Just like how Trump had nothing when he argued this aspect before a judge in his lawsuit with Twitter.

It’s embarrassing you don’t understand your own profession. You’re a terrible lawyer.
Regulating corporations is entirely coercive because they never willingly walk away from a profit no matter how dirty or exploitative.
They last bit is just a marxist slur, but yeah - regulation is coercive. An application of state force. So is threatening legislation unless companies do as they're told.
Still looking for how they compelled them. Without evidence of that, you have nothing.

Just like how Trump had nothing when he argued this aspect before a judge in his lawsuit with Twitter.

It’s embarrassing you don’t understand your own profession. You’re a terrible lawyer.
um the meetings with them, when they told them what to allow being published

moreover trump still has two other open cases against twitter
They last bit is just a marxist slur, but yeah - regulation is coercive. An application of state force. So is threatening legislation unless companies do as they're told.
The fact that they spent time doing it on the taxpayer's dime is coercive.
The fact that they spent time doing it on the taxpayer's dime is coercive.
Yep, it's no different than proposing to revoke 230 unless Twitter unbans Trump.

This is why we're so screwed. Both sides are pushing us toward fascism. It's just a question of who gets there first.
This argument makes no sense.

Social media companies aren’t forced to do anything by the government.

Don’t be such a moron.
The government is colluding with social media on the taxpayer's dime to censor Americans. Taxes are obtained by force.

What part are you too fucking stupid to understand?

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