Why Does Joe Biden Not Command Any Respect From Our Enemies?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Joe Biden got no respect running for office.

Joe Biden got no attendance at his rallies.

News organizations don't even invite him to speak.

Now our enemies laugh at him?

We are the superpower, yet this feeble old man lets Iran get away with this as his Sect even gives away secrets to them from Israel kissing their ass?

And STILL Joe can't get no respect?

How is it an Iran gunboat cuts us off in the Gulf?
How is it that we slam on the brakes to avoid a collision?
How is it that Iran speeds away laughing as we do nothing but yell through a bullhorn? COME BACK HERE, YOU!

Is this the Mighty America under Joe Biden?

They wouldn't do this with Trump.
Trump would tell them to step on the gas and RAM THEM.
Then declare it an act of war.

Joe Biden:
  • SOFT on border security.
  • SOFT on international intelligence and relations.

Oh to have a real, elected president again.
Joe Biden got no respect running for office.

Joe Biden got no attendance at his rallies.

News organizations don't even invite him to speak.

Now our enemies laugh at him?

We are the superpower, yet this feeble old man lets Iran get away with this as his Sect even gives away secrets to them from Israel kissing their ass?

And STILL Joe can't get no respect?

How is it an Iran gunboat cuts us off in the Gulf?
How is it that we slam on the brakes to avoid a collision?
How is it that Iran speeds away laughing as we do nothing but yell through a bullhorn? COME BACK HERE, YOU!

Is this the Mighty America under Joe Biden?

They wouldn't do this with Trump.
Trump would tell them to step on the gas and RAM THEM.
Then declare it an act of war.

Joe Biden:
  • SOFT on border security.
  • SOFT on international intelligence and relations.

Oh to have a real, elected president again.

He commands no respect from our "friends". How much less from our enemies?
Joe Biden got no respect running for office.

Joe Biden got no attendance at his rallies.

News organizations don't even invite him to speak.

Now our enemies laugh at him?

We are the superpower, yet this feeble old man lets Iran get away with this as his Sect even gives away secrets to them from Israel kissing their ass?

And STILL Joe can't get no respect?

How is it an Iran gunboat cuts us off in the Gulf?
How is it that we slam on the brakes to avoid a collision?
How is it that Iran speeds away laughing as we do nothing but yell through a bullhorn? COME BACK HERE, YOU!

Is this the Mighty America under Joe Biden?

They wouldn't do this with Trump.
Trump would tell them to step on the gas and RAM THEM.
Then declare it an act of war.

Joe Biden:
  • SOFT on border security.
  • SOFT on international intelligence and relations.

Oh to have a real, elected president again.

To be fair, Mr. Biden does not command respect from most Americans, either, even those who voted for him.

Everybody knows that he is cognitively compromised.

Those (reputed) 80,000,000 people voted for him for two purposes: To eject The Donald and to get our first female and non-Caucasian President in 2024 or (sadly) earlier.

I have no doubts that some foreign leaders are trying to figure out the power behind the throne so that they can know who are the people that are telling Mr. Biden what to do and what to say.
Joe Biden got no respect running for office.

Joe Biden got no attendance at his rallies.

News organizations don't even invite him to speak.

Now our enemies laugh at him?

We are the superpower, yet this feeble old man lets Iran get away with this as his Sect even gives away secrets to them from Israel kissing their ass?

And STILL Joe can't get no respect?

How is it an Iran gunboat cuts us off in the Gulf?
How is it that we slam on the brakes to avoid a collision?
How is it that Iran speeds away laughing as we do nothing but yell through a bullhorn? COME BACK HERE, YOU!

Is this the Mighty America under Joe Biden?

They wouldn't do this with Trump.
Trump would tell them to step on the gas and RAM THEM.
Then declare it an act of war.

Joe Biden:
  • SOFT on border security.
  • SOFT on international intelligence and relations.

Oh to have a real, elected president again.

Because he's a houseplant who was illegally installed as the Resident of the Whitehouse.
Xi Jinping and Iran have more respect for Biden than Trump. Trump harassed China and Iran for no good reason for 4 yrs. with Biden, America is finally respected by China and Iran again

Ahhh, so you too are a chinese stooge.

The stupid uneducated Moon Bats voted for Joe Dufus and ignored the fact he stole the election because they want the US to be a Socialist shithole but even they don't have any respect for the dumbass clown.
Joe Biden got no respect running for office.

Joe Biden got no attendance at his rallies.

News organizations don't even invite him to speak.

Now our enemies laugh at him?

We are the superpower, yet this feeble old man lets Iran get away with this as his Sect even gives away secrets to them from Israel kissing their ass?

And STILL Joe can't get no respect?

How is it an Iran gunboat cuts us off in the Gulf?
How is it that we slam on the brakes to avoid a collision?
How is it that Iran speeds away laughing as we do nothing but yell through a bullhorn? COME BACK HERE, YOU!

Is this the Mighty America under Joe Biden?

They wouldn't do this with Trump.
Trump would tell them to step on the gas and RAM THEM.
Then declare it an act of war.

Joe Biden:
  • SOFT on border security.
  • SOFT on international intelligence and relations.

Oh to have a real, elected president again.

They wouldn't do this with Trump.

Xi Jinping and Iran have more respect for Biden than Trump. Trump harassed China and Iran for no good reason for 4 yrs. with Biden, America is finally respected by China and Iran again
Iran harassed our Navy when Obungo was President and now again. Iran was quiet when Trump was President. You're an idiot.
Xi Jinping and Iran have more respect for Biden than Trump. Trump harassed China and Iran for no good reason for 4 yrs. with Biden, America is finally respected by China and Iran again
Iran harassed our Navy when Obungo was President and now again. Iran was quiet when Trump was President. You're an idiot.
With Biden, the USA is now allies with Iran. Finally Iran can show those Zionists in Israel who’s boss!
Xi Jinping and Iran have more respect for Biden than Trump. Trump harassed China and Iran for no good reason for 4 yrs. with Biden, America is finally respected by China and Iran again
Iran harassed our Navy when Obungo was President and now again. Iran was quiet when Trump was President. You're an idiot.
With Biden, the USA is now allies with Iran. Finally Iran can show those Zionists in Israel who’s boss!
So our ally Iran is harassing our navy. Why would our ally do that?
Xi Jinping and Iran have more respect for Biden than Trump. Trump harassed China and Iran for no good reason for 4 yrs. with Biden, America is finally respected by China and Iran again
Iran harassed our Navy when Obungo was President and now again. Iran was quiet when Trump was President. You're an idiot.
With Biden, the USA is now allies with Iran. Finally Iran can show those Zionists in Israel who’s boss!
So our ally Iran is harassing our navy. Why would our ally do that?
It’s just part of their culture. It’s their way of saying thanks for getting the orange idiot out of office so that they can be a free and independent country again.
Xi Jinping and Iran have more respect for Biden than Trump. Trump harassed China and Iran for no good reason for 4 yrs. with Biden, America is finally respected by China and Iran again
Iran harassed our Navy when Obungo was President and now again. Iran was quiet when Trump was President. You're an idiot.
With Biden, the USA is now allies with Iran. Finally Iran can show those Zionists in Israel who’s boss!
So our ally Iran is harassing our navy. Why would our ally do that?
It’s just part of their culture. It’s their way of saying thanks for getting the orange idiot out of office so that they can be a free and independent country again.
You're an idiot.
Xi Jinping and Iran have more respect for Biden than Trump. Trump harassed China and Iran for no good reason for 4 yrs. with Biden, America is finally respected by China and Iran again
Iran harassed our Navy when Obungo was President and now again. Iran was quiet when Trump was President. You're an idiot.
With Biden, the USA is now allies with Iran. Finally Iran can show those Zionists in Israel who’s boss!

Gees are you a shithead. Only a meathead like you could call an avowed mortal enemy of ours an "ally," much less want and expect those towel-headed shreks to ever teach Israel a "lesson."

Israel does all the "teaching" in the Middle East.
Respect is earned- demanding it earns disrespect- it is a 2 way street- show respect, earn respect- show disrespect get disrespected- begets, begets- it ain't rocket science or even a pseudo intellectual endeavor-

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