Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Trump mocked Miss Universe as "Miss Piggy"
Trump mocked Marco Rubios height as "Little Marco"
Trump mocked Carley Fiorina as "That face"
Trump mocked Ted Cruz's wife compared to his own
But he would NEVER mock a handicapped person.......he is just not that way

That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump is very superficial
A persons appearance means quite a bit to him. That is how he judges people
That is how he chose his wives

When Trump wants to criticize someone, his first instinct is not how they "behave or act" but how they look
Trump mocked Miss Universe as "Miss Piggy"
Trump mocked Marco Rubios height as "Little Marco"
Trump mocked Carley Fiorina as "That face"
Trump mocked Ted Cruz's wife compared to his own
But he would NEVER mock a handicapped person.......he is just not that way

That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump is very superficial
A persons appearance means quite a bit to him. That is how he judges people
That is how he chose his wives

When Trump wants to criticize someone, his first instinct is not how they "behave or act" but how they look
He's an absolute embarrassment. He first concern after being sworn in will be, "what kind of ratings did we get for the inauguration".
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled.

Okay, but that still doesn't mean he was not mocking the reporter.

How does one mock a reporter by flailing your arms about, yet the condition that the reporter suffers from cause the exact opposite effect on his movements? He cannot move like that at all!

That is like mocking someone who is crippled by mocking them as though they have a speech impediment!
Because he did. The way you know he did was because after the backlash…he stopped making the gesture. It is a classic move that anyone who has spent any time around a bunch of kids would notice. That we elected a President who uses grade school antics is bewildering…

You would be the expert on grade school antics! BTW, when do plan on dropping out of high school?

Trump is a serial liar

I think that tendency will impact his Presidency more than his shameful mimicking of a handicapped person

Trump started out repeating an oft told Urban Legend as if he had seen it himself. Rather than say....I have heard, Trump said I saw thousands of Muslims celebrating
It showed very poor judgment in believing Urban Legends and inserting himself into the legend

But then it got worse as Trump refused to back down when presented with the real facts. Rather than just say....That is what I heard and being done with it, Trump insisted on gathering "proof" that he was right

His choice of Kovaleski's article a few days after the attack did not prove his claim. Anyone understanding the English language knows that "a number of people" does not correlate to thousands of Muslims. Again this demonstrates poor judgment on Trumps part.

But Trumps total lack of character comes out when he attacks Kovaleski. Kovaleski never attacked Trump, never changed his story. He merely stated "I do not remember anything about thousands of Muslims or even hundreds"

Trump claimed this was "groveling" and changing his story to personally hurt Trump

Trump initially claimed that he didn't even know Kovaleski. (Oh...oh...I don't remember.....sound familiar?)
Evidence showed he had several press conferences with Kovaleski and even spent an entire day with him

Even as recently as yesterday, Trump is still attacking Kovaleski for not supporting his lies

This is Donald Trump. The man we elected President
This chain of events was entirely created by Trump's lying and actions to cover up his lies

Presidents have been impeached for similar actions[/QUOTE]

The key to this whole sordid event is that it highlights the man we elected President

These actions demonstrate a man who has no grasp of the truth, who sees no value in being honest, who is unwilling to admit fault, who evaluates them based on their appearance

Sadly, I think this is just the beginning
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled.

Okay, but that still doesn't mean he was not mocking the reporter.

How does one mock a reporter by flailing your arms about, yet the condition that the reporter suffers from cause the exact opposite effect on his movements? He cannot move like that at all!

That is like mocking someone who is crippled by mocking them as though they have a speech impediment!

Exactly. And the left is completely ignoring how Trump has done those movements many, many times before when he was picking on someone. It was the reporters shameless attitude Trump was mocking and the guy had it coming. The sheep took the word of the fake news. Streep has to know better unless she just doesn't bother to check things out for herself. Blind trust in media, like the Fakington Post, will make you look foolish.

I haven't heard anyone say Trump is perfect. I also haven't heard anyone praise Putin's politics, but that doesn't stop the left from inventing shit.
Perhaps we should face reality; Trump's obviously does not know the difference between lies and truth. It is just something Americans are going to have to live with for a time.
It's fake news that Trump mocked the guy's disability. Just the fact that there is footage of him doing it a lot in the past when criticizing non-disabled people is proof of that.

The libs take everything the media reports at face value and never question even when evidence surfaces. It's getting old.

It never ends and they never apologize for deliberately trying to give people a false impression of events. They carefully omit facts and add lots of opinion, something that can make the truth sound the opposite of what it is. And even when they discuss things in a panel, the minute someone threatens their narrative with facts or differing opinions, they are cut off. It's clear that the lib media is carefully controlling the language to push an agenda. The media was especially negligent during the shootings by cops when they reported false accounts, knowing it would lead to riots.

And their listeners buy it. Just look at posts here where people continue to ignore Trump's habit of making those gestures. You have to ignore that to stay with the lie that he did it specifically to mock the reporter's disabilities

Here are some more examples of how the left tries to control information.

CBS Radio news makes attack of handicapped man in Chicago sound like white on black crime. They deliberately made it sound like Trump supporters attacking a black male. While they gave facts, they left enough out so that people would come to a certain conclusion. They did not mention the race of any involved but stated that the attackers continually called the victim the "n" word and bought up Trump throughout. Of course, both were true but they didn't mention that the attackers were calling the white victim the "n" word and that they were saying "Fuck Trump" and "Fuck White People" throughout. What they left out would give you a much different idea about what happened.

This is something I've seen many times. While the anchors at CNN and MSNBC get downright vile when they bash Repubicans, if anyone dares to criticize any Dems they get mad and tell them to stop or simply cut them off. They are careful to control the narrative. And they always add their skewed opinion to everything lest people take any dissenting views seriously.

In berating Serge Kovaleski, why WOULDN'T Trump have mentioned his physical appearance?

He does it with everyone else he has a beef with
Trump mocked Miss Universe as "Miss Piggy"
Trump mocked Marco Rubios height as "Little Marco"
Trump mocked Carley Fiorina as "That face"
Trump mocked Ted Cruz's wife compared to his own
But he would NEVER mock a handicapped person.......he is just not that way

That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.
In berating Serge Kovaleski, why WOULDN'T Trump have mentioned his physical appearance?

He does it with everyone else he has a beef with

Why? Why not? Doesn't matter, he didn't do it.

He mocked, correctly or not, the reporters behavior, implying that he was flustered.

THe topic here is why you lefties need to lie about it.

I've put forth my theory on that, ie because you are terrified that his policies might work, so you need to lie and lie to smear his character to marginalize him.
Trump mocked Miss Universe as "Miss Piggy"
Trump mocked Marco Rubios height as "Little Marco"
Trump mocked Carley Fiorina as "That face"
Trump mocked Ted Cruz's wife compared to his own
But he would NEVER mock a handicapped person.......he is just not that way

That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse
Trump mocked Miss Universe as "Miss Piggy"
Trump mocked Marco Rubios height as "Little Marco"
Trump mocked Carley Fiorina as "That face"
Trump mocked Ted Cruz's wife compared to his own
But he would NEVER mock a handicapped person.......he is just not that way

That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump is very superficial
A persons appearance means quite a bit to him. That is how he judges people
That is how he chose his wives

When Trump wants to criticize someone, his first instinct is not how they "behave or act" but how they look

Sure, that's why he criticized Jeb for being low energy, Hillary for being crooked, and ted for lying.

Won't be long until you have actually job performance to judge him on.

DOes that fill you with anticipation or dread?
In berating Serge Kovaleski, why WOULDN'T Trump have mentioned his physical appearance?

He does it with everyone else he has a beef with

Why? Why not? Doesn't matter, he didn't do it.

He mocked, correctly or not, the reporters behavior, implying that he was flustered.

THe topic here is why you lefties need to lie about it.

I've put forth my theory on that, ie because you are terrified that his policies might work, so you need to lie and lie to smear his character to marginalize him.

We have a REPEATED pattern of blatant Trump lies in this matter

At best, you can accuse the left of a differing interpretation of events.....but not lying
Trump mocked Miss Universe as "Miss Piggy"
Trump mocked Marco Rubios height as "Little Marco"
Trump mocked Carley Fiorina as "That face"
Trump mocked Ted Cruz's wife compared to his own
But he would NEVER mock a handicapped person.......he is just not that way

That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.
In berating Serge Kovaleski, why WOULDN'T Trump have mentioned his physical appearance?

He does it with everyone else he has a beef with

Why? Why not? Doesn't matter, he didn't do it.

He mocked, correctly or not, the reporters behavior, implying that he was flustered.

THe topic here is why you lefties need to lie about it.

I've put forth my theory on that, ie because you are terrified that his policies might work, so you need to lie and lie to smear his character to marginalize him.

We have a REPEATED pattern of blatant Trump lies in this matter

At best, you can accuse the left of a differing interpretation of events.....but not lying

No, I've certainly pointed out the active steps taken by the lefty media to present the false and misleading appearance that TRump was mocking the reporter's disability.

LIke always showing the one screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand, next to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

That doesn't happen by accident. They had to go though the video frame by frame to find the ONE shot.

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