Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled.

Okay, but that still doesn't mean he was not mocking the reporter.

How does one mock a reporter by flailing your arms about, yet the condition that the reporter suffers from cause the exact opposite effect on his movements? He cannot move like that at all!

That is like mocking someone who is crippled by mocking them as though they have a speech impediment!

Insofar as the person doing the mocking was Trump, that's a good question and one for which he would have to be psychiatrically and neurologically evaluated before we will know the answer.

How could the man, in complete ignorance of facts and reality, do/say any of the following?
  1. Falsely claim that Obama’s grandmother said Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
  2. Falsely claim Barack Obama was not born in the United States, as if it would matter since his mother was a U.S. Citizen
  3. Ask the American people to accept the fact of his great wealth as a surrogate for actual business acumen?
  4. Falsely claim that Ted Cruz’s father was with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before LHO shot JFK
  5. Have business dealings with Cuba during the embargo.
  6. Have a charity that was shut down by the New York State Attorney General for being fraudulent.
  7. Violate FTC anti-trust regulations, resulting in having to pay a $75K fine.
  8. Mock John McCain for being captured during Vietnam.
  9. Say he knows more about ISIS than U.S. generals do.
  10. Claim that ISIS is making millions of dollar a week selling Libyan oil.
  11. Tweet false crime statistics.
  12. Use his campaign to enrich the Trump family
  13. Jack up the price of rent to the Trump campaign in order to enrich the Trump family. .
  14. Think most immigrants commit crime even though they commit less than citizens.
  15. Rail on companies sending business overseas and then make many of his products overseas.
  16. Prattle unintelligibly in a rant about “The Cyber”.
  17. Not know basic foreign policy such as the fact that Russia did invade the Ukraine (Crimea) in 2014.
  18. Blame someone else for his lack of knowledge about the Bible.
  19. Have no idea what the nuclear triad is.
  20. Tweet that because it was raining and snowing in New York, we need global warming.
  21. Claim that fracking poses zero health risks.
  22. Make up 71 things in 1 hour during a CNN Townhall event.
  23. Say that he was against the Iraq war when there's audio of him saying otherwise.
  24. Claim that the African-American communities are in the worst shape they’ve ever been.
  25. Claim that we are the highest taxed nation in the world.
  26. Pay $85000 to take out ads in papers to condemn 5 innocent individuals (the Central Park Five) who were later exonerated for the crime of rape, and then double down on it years later.
  27. Claim that his winery in Charlottesville, VA was the largest on the East Coast.
  28. Take other people’s money donated to the Trump Foundation and buy a 6-foot painting of himself.
  29. Take credit for revitalizing a U.S.-NATO alliance.
  30. Claim his IQ is one of the highest but has no evidence to back that claim.
  31. Say “[Women]: You have to Treat ‘Em Like Sh*t”.
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Trump mocked Miss Universe as "Miss Piggy"
Trump mocked Marco Rubios height as "Little Marco"
Trump mocked Carley Fiorina as "That face"
Trump mocked Ted Cruz's wife compared to his own
But he would NEVER mock a handicapped person.......he is just not that way

That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability
That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

What was the reporter doing there?

And no, we've established he was not mocking a disability. He was mocking a reporter.
That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

Show me video of the reporter being able to move his arm in the same fashion. Again, Trump has used that same exact gesture for others who said or did things he found stupid.
Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

What was the reporter doing there?

And no, we've established he was not mocking a disability. He was mocking a reporter.

No he was mocking the disability "Have you seen this guy?"

He attacks people for their "weaknesses" - if they're ugly, fat, or anything really. That's what bullies do and Trump is a classic bully. I guess he has to compensate for his "tiny hands".
Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

What was the reporter doing there?

And no, we've established he was not mocking a disability. He was mocking a reporter.

No he was mocking the disability "Have you seen this guy?"

He attacks people for their "weaknesses" - if they're ugly, fat, or anything really. That's what bullies do and Trump is a classic bully. I guess he has to compensate for his "tiny hands".

"Seeing" is just as easily a reference to the reporter being flustered.

That you pretend otherwise is dishonest of you.

And more likely as established earlier, because the man's handicap is the exact OPPOSITE of being spastic.

Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Aren't you more interested in the soon to be actual job performance that you can slam him on far more effectively and honestly?
Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

Show me video of the reporter being able to move his arm in the same fashion. Again, Trump has used that same exact gesture for others who said or did things he found stupid.

Nobody ever said Trump was good at impressions

Even Alec Balwin's Trump impression goes right over his head
Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

What was the reporter doing there?

And no, we've established he was not mocking a disability. He was mocking a reporter.

No he was mocking the disability "Have you seen this guy?"

He attacks people for their "weaknesses" - if they're ugly, fat, or anything really. That's what bullies do and Trump is a classic bully. I guess he has to compensate for his "tiny hands".

Again, anyone else with a history of decency would have been given the benefit of the doubt

But Trumps long history of superficial criticisms of others physical features leaves little doubt as to his intent
That would have been a good reply to a post I might have made where I disagreed that Trump has mocked people based on physical factors.

Are you denying that Trump has mocked people for how they behave or act?

Trump mocked the reporter. You saying he didn't, doesn't make it so, it makes you a fool for believing otherwise.

But you're a paid poster for Trump or the Russians. You've made over 1000 posts per month for the past two years. That's, on average 35 posts a day, 365 days a year. All of them devotedly worshipful of the orange clown you elected.

Hope they're paying you well for your lies.

Trump mocked the reporter, true. OVer a disagreement over a story the reporter filed.

He did NOT mock the reporter's disability as vile lefties are lying he did.

Your attempt to attack me personally is noted and dismissed.

Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability
True, but Trump mocked the guy effectively. I really havn't seen anything so funny since it became non-PC to do minstral shows in black face.
Riddle me this Batman....

If Trump, as you say, routinely waves his arms like that while speaking, why didn't he say that IMMEDIATELY when he was called on it?

Instead, his first response was to lie and respond.......I don't even know who this guy is, I didn't even know he was handicapped

It was only after that excuse blew up in your face, that you came up with the "He does that all the time" excuse

Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

What was the reporter doing there?

And no, we've established he was not mocking a disability. He was mocking a reporter.

No he was mocking the disability "Have you seen this guy?"

He attacks people for their "weaknesses" - if they're ugly, fat, or anything really. That's what bullies do and Trump is a classic bully. I guess he has to compensate for his "tiny hands".

"Seeing" is just as easily a reference to the reporter being flustered.

That you pretend otherwise is dishonest of you.

And more likely as established earlier, because the man's handicap is the exact OPPOSITE of being spastic.

Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Aren't you more interested in the soon to be actual job performance that you can slam him on far more effectively and honestly?


Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Most look at it as a major incident. Mocking a handicapped man is not something most decent people are willing to overlook

Just as important, it highlights Trumps serial lying and how he is unwilling to admit fault. Trumps attempted cover-up of his "Dancing Muslims" gaff only got worse the more he tried to lie

The fact that he would choose poor Serge Kovaleski as the scapegoat for his own blatant lying shows much about Trumps lack of character

What Kovaleski said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,”

What Trump told his minions...Have you seen this guy (cue handicapped impersonation).. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.'
Last edited:
Trump did not mock the reporter's disability. Trump has done that movement before and it was nothing like the reporter.

Trump did mock the reporter's disability.

But Trump mocks people- he certainly doesn't see anything wrong in mocking a person because of his disability.
Don't know, and not relevant to the fact that his mocking bore no resemblance to the reporters actually handicap, UNLESS you are comparing the ONE specific screen shot of Trump's rapidly moving hand to the still photo of the reporters frozen hand.

Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

What was the reporter doing there?

And no, we've established he was not mocking a disability. He was mocking a reporter.

No he was mocking the disability "Have you seen this guy?"

He attacks people for their "weaknesses" - if they're ugly, fat, or anything really. That's what bullies do and Trump is a classic bully. I guess he has to compensate for his "tiny hands".

"Seeing" is just as easily a reference to the reporter being flustered.

That you pretend otherwise is dishonest of you.

And more likely as established earlier, because the man's handicap is the exact OPPOSITE of being spastic.

Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Aren't you more interested in the soon to be actual job performance that you can slam him on far more effectively and honestly?


Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Most look at it as a major incident. Mocking a handicapped man is not something most decent people are willing to overlook

Equality means being treated equally, not with kid gloves. Why do you keep harping on the fact that man was handicapped? That is not WHY he was mocked, but because he is a reporter.

Just as important, it highlights Trumps serial lying and how he is unwilling to admit fault. Trumps attempted cover-up of his "Dancing Muslims" gaff only got worse the more he tried to lie

Coming form someone who voted for Clintion, your deep concern about serial lying is not credible.

The fact that he would choose poor Serge Kovaleski as the scapegoat for his own blatant lying shows much about Trumps lack of character

"Poor serge kovaleski"? Why is he "poor"?

You don't get to use someone like Kovaleski as an untouchable spokesperson, just because he has a handicap.

What Kovaleski said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,”

What Trump told his minions...Have you seen this guy (cue handicapped impersonation).. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.'

Kovaleski states "as best as I can remember", 16 years after the fact.

That's fine. He's trying to correct Trump while admitting that he doesn't remember. And Trump slams him for it.

A minor incident.
Kovaleski did retract a good part of his story.
That lie has already been proven to be a Trumpian lie in this very thread. Repeating Tramp's lie does not make it any less a lie or Tramp any less a worthless lying POS.
Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

It's immediately apparent to all who have seen the video except the most foolish diehard supporters.
Lets go to the videotape.......

Trump, in the middle of mocking a reporter (who had done nothing to Trump) , screams at his adoring fans "have you seen this guy?". bends his right hand to mimic Kovaleski's infirmity and then goes on a shaking fit.

Run it fast, run it slow....he is still mimicking a disability

What was the reporter doing there?

And no, we've established he was not mocking a disability. He was mocking a reporter.

No he was mocking the disability "Have you seen this guy?"

He attacks people for their "weaknesses" - if they're ugly, fat, or anything really. That's what bullies do and Trump is a classic bully. I guess he has to compensate for his "tiny hands".

"Seeing" is just as easily a reference to the reporter being flustered.

That you pretend otherwise is dishonest of you.

And more likely as established earlier, because the man's handicap is the exact OPPOSITE of being spastic.

Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Aren't you more interested in the soon to be actual job performance that you can slam him on far more effectively and honestly?


Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Most look at it as a major incident. Mocking a handicapped man is not something most decent people are willing to overlook

Equality means being treated equally, not with kid gloves. Why do you keep harping on the fact that man was handicapped? That is not WHY he was mocked, but because he is a reporter.

Just as important, it highlights Trumps serial lying and how he is unwilling to admit fault. Trumps attempted cover-up of his "Dancing Muslims" gaff only got worse the more he tried to lie

Coming form someone who voted for Clintion, your deep concern about serial lying is not credible.

The fact that he would choose poor Serge Kovaleski as the scapegoat for his own blatant lying shows much about Trumps lack of character

"Poor serge kovaleski"? Why is he "poor"?

You don't get to use someone like Kovaleski as an untouchable spokesperson, just because he has a handicap.

What Kovaleski said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,”

What Trump told his minions...Have you seen this guy (cue handicapped impersonation).. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.'

Kovaleski states "as best as I can remember", 16 years after the fact.

That's fine. He's trying to correct Trump while admitting that he doesn't remember. And Trump slams him for it.

A minor incident.

Best as I remember corresponds with what the actual evidence from 16 years ago revealed

There is NO EVIDENCE supporting Trumps claim....no matter how much he mocks a handicapped reporter
What was the reporter doing there?

And no, we've established he was not mocking a disability. He was mocking a reporter.

No he was mocking the disability "Have you seen this guy?"

He attacks people for their "weaknesses" - if they're ugly, fat, or anything really. That's what bullies do and Trump is a classic bully. I guess he has to compensate for his "tiny hands".

"Seeing" is just as easily a reference to the reporter being flustered.

That you pretend otherwise is dishonest of you.

And more likely as established earlier, because the man's handicap is the exact OPPOSITE of being spastic.

Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Aren't you more interested in the soon to be actual job performance that you can slam him on far more effectively and honestly?


Why are you holding on to this minor incident so much?

Most look at it as a major incident. Mocking a handicapped man is not something most decent people are willing to overlook

Equality means being treated equally, not with kid gloves. Why do you keep harping on the fact that man was handicapped? That is not WHY he was mocked, but because he is a reporter.

Just as important, it highlights Trumps serial lying and how he is unwilling to admit fault. Trumps attempted cover-up of his "Dancing Muslims" gaff only got worse the more he tried to lie

Coming form someone who voted for Clintion, your deep concern about serial lying is not credible.

The fact that he would choose poor Serge Kovaleski as the scapegoat for his own blatant lying shows much about Trumps lack of character

"Poor serge kovaleski"? Why is he "poor"?

You don't get to use someone like Kovaleski as an untouchable spokesperson, just because he has a handicap.

What Kovaleski said “I certainly do not remember anyone saying that thousands or even hundreds of people were celebrating. That was not the case, as best as I can remember,”

What Trump told his minions...Have you seen this guy (cue handicapped impersonation).. 'Uh, I don't know what I said. Uh, I don't remember!' He's going like, 'I don't remember. Uh, maybe that's what I said.'

Kovaleski states "as best as I can remember", 16 years after the fact.

That's fine. He's trying to correct Trump while admitting that he doesn't remember. And Trump slams him for it.

A minor incident.

Best as I remember corresponds with what the actual evidence from 16 years ago revealed

There is NO EVIDENCE supporting Trumps claim....no matter how much he mocks a handicapped reporter

And you keep defining the reporter by his handicap.

THe Press has been vicious and biased for a long time.

More and more, republicans have been repaying the vile media in kind, as they so rightfully deserve.

The reporters handicap is not a shield behind which he can hide and ask for special kid gloves treatment.

Fuck the media. Fuck the reporters. Fuck this specific reporter.

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