Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did mock a disabled reporter.


Because he's an asshole.

A rich, crafty asshole, mind you...

But an asshole, nevertheless...

Why are you defining the reporter by his disability?

After all Trump didn't.

Are you a bigot?
Two words for that... puh-leeeeeze ! If that's the best you've got, you're probably wasting your time here...
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled. There are videos to prove it. It's just a thing he does for whatever reason but wasn't done specifically to mock the reporter. Also, the movements he made were nothing like the reporter because the guy can't move his arm. Not that facts will stop liberals.

Meryl Streep bought it up again at the Golden Globes. Of course, they have to take every opportunity to bash Trump and this was no exception.

The reporter deserved criticism. It was that reporter who initially reported that Muslims were celebrating in NYC on 9/11. Of course, the guy backtracked because it was politically incorrect to stick to the true story he reported years ago. That is what the left wanted to deflect attention away from. They were busy calling Trump a liar for citing the guy's report regarding the Muslim's behavior so they accused Trump of mocking the disabled so people could get outraged over that instead of looking at the truth about Muslims being happy about 9/11.

Meryl Streep Praised for Trump ATTACK at Golden Globes... There’s...

Because they think it will make difference!

He mocked the reporter...why are people denying this? Own it and tell the truth. I stake everything I have on it.
When Trump does take office we will judge him on his policies. You can expect to see thousands of threads on trumps policies

But that does not mean we do not get to comment on Trumps character flaws and there are many. Mocking a mans disability because he refused to back up your lies shows severe flaws in your character


And there you repeat the lie again.

Your actions make a mockery of your words.

Your intent is to smear the man, because you are desperate that he not be judged by his policies or results.

You still want that One Party Dystopia, where Middle American never has a voice again.

It is no lie that Trump mocked a handicapped reporter

Just because you have yet another bizarre explanation for Trumps actions does not excuse it

Reporters deserve to be mocked. They claim a role of respect in our society, ie the 5th Estate, and then behave as partisan whores. FUCK THEM ALL.

But Trump was not mocking that man's disability. He was, fairly or unfairly mocking the man for being flustered.

By LYING about what occurred, you get to smear the President elect before he even takes office.

Thus, undermining his attempts to implement policy AND attempting to dodge having him judged on his policies.

Trying to destroy his presidency before it even begins.

Because you know that your long term goals are BAD for Middle America, and you fear them realizing it, if given a comparison.

Lets talk specifically about Serge Kovaleski...not reporters as a whole

He correctly reported that he had no recollections of thousands of Muslims celebrating, let alone hundreds. He was at no point flustered or groveling when he said so

Why is Trump justified in mocking him?

Because the media have demonstrated with their vile behavior that they are the enemy.
The media has demonstrated that they adhere to a higher value structure than Pesident Trump

Want to compare notes?
Fact is that Trump used the same gesture to mock others in the past, people who weren't disabled. There are videos to prove it. It's just a thing he does for whatever reason but wasn't done specifically to mock the reporter. Also, the movements he made were nothing like the reporter because the guy can't move his arm. Not that facts will stop liberals.

Meryl Streep bought it up again at the Golden Globes. Of course, they have to take every opportunity to bash Trump and this was no exception.

The reporter deserved criticism. It was that reporter who initially reported that Muslims were celebrating in NYC on 9/11. Of course, the guy backtracked because it was politically incorrect to stick to the true story he reported years ago. That is what the left wanted to deflect attention away from. They were busy calling Trump a liar for citing the guy's report regarding the Muslim's behavior so they accused Trump of mocking the disabled so people could get outraged over that instead of looking at the truth about Muslims being happy about 9/11.

Meryl Streep Praised for Trump ATTACK at Golden Globes... There’s...

Because they think it will make difference!

There is a big difference between self depreciating humor and mocking someone for their disability
I can't understand why Trump had a beef with this reporter anyway
They guy merely wrote a story a few days after 9-11 that "a number of people had been detained for celebrating"
When Trump tried to use this as evidence to support his "thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ", the reporter refused to support the contention of thousands or even hundreds celebrating
Why this would enrage Trump, I will never know
Because the truth always enrages pathological lying scum.
What is interesting to analyze is how Tramp got from "a number of PEOPLE" to "THOUSANDS and thousands of MUSLIMS" when the "NUMBER" was "5" and the "PEOPLE" were "ISRAELI."
The worthless lying scum pulled "Muslims" out of his lying ass, and pulled "thousands and thousands" out of the word "tailgate."

Watch the liar ply his craft in the video below. Notice how he changed his original lie of seeing Muslims in Jersey City to "parts of NJ" and thousands and thousands of Muslims" to "people in large numbers" and the "thousands and thousands" became the people who died on 9/1.

It reflects on the poor character of our new President

The lie he was telling was meant to inflame Americans against our Muslim population. To drive home how much they hate us

When he was called on his lie and shown the true facts, he turned to Kovaleski to bail him out
When Kovaleski refused to back up his lie....Trump turned vicious

Even to the point of mocking his handicap

You lied and said you wanted to see Trump succeed, all the while doing all you can to smear and undermine him.

To the point of falsely accusing him a mocking a handicap.

What does that say about your character?

I want Trump to succeed because it is good for the country
Republicans wanted Obama to fail so that they could get elected sooner

See the difference?
Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did mock a disabled reporter.


Because he's an asshole.

A rich, crafty asshole, mind you...

But an asshole, nevertheless...

Why are you defining the reporter by his disability?

After all Trump didn't.

Are you a bigot?
Two words for that... puh-leeeeeze ! If that's the best you've got, you're probably wasting your time here...

That was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

Your post is invalid and all you did there was prove that A. you are a jerk, and B. that you can't counter my point.

You fail.
And there you repeat the lie again.

Your actions make a mockery of your words.

Your intent is to smear the man, because you are desperate that he not be judged by his policies or results.

You still want that One Party Dystopia, where Middle American never has a voice again.

It is no lie that Trump mocked a handicapped reporter

Just because you have yet another bizarre explanation for Trumps actions does not excuse it

Reporters deserve to be mocked. They claim a role of respect in our society, ie the 5th Estate, and then behave as partisan whores. FUCK THEM ALL.

But Trump was not mocking that man's disability. He was, fairly or unfairly mocking the man for being flustered.

By LYING about what occurred, you get to smear the President elect before he even takes office.

Thus, undermining his attempts to implement policy AND attempting to dodge having him judged on his policies.

Trying to destroy his presidency before it even begins.

Because you know that your long term goals are BAD for Middle America, and you fear them realizing it, if given a comparison.

Lets talk specifically about Serge Kovaleski...not reporters as a whole

He correctly reported that he had no recollections of thousands of Muslims celebrating, let alone hundreds. He was at no point flustered or groveling when he said so

Why is Trump justified in mocking him?

Because the media have demonstrated with their vile behavior that they are the enemy.
The media has demonstrated that they adhere to a higher value structure than Pesident Trump

Want to compare notes?

That doesn't seem like the request of someone who wants the President to succeed.

You are failing in your supporting of him to succeed.

This is where you thank me for pointing that out.
I can't understand why Trump had a beef with this reporter anyway
They guy merely wrote a story a few days after 9-11 that "a number of people had been detained for celebrating"
When Trump tried to use this as evidence to support his "thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ", the reporter refused to support the contention of thousands or even hundreds celebrating
Why this would enrage Trump, I will never know
Because the truth always enrages pathological lying scum.
What is interesting to analyze is how Tramp got from "a number of PEOPLE" to "THOUSANDS and thousands of MUSLIMS" when the "NUMBER" was "5" and the "PEOPLE" were "ISRAELI."
The worthless lying scum pulled "Muslims" out of his lying ass, and pulled "thousands and thousands" out of the word "tailgate."

Watch the liar ply his craft in the video below. Notice how he changed his original lie of seeing Muslims in Jersey City to "parts of NJ" and thousands and thousands of Muslims" to "people in large numbers" and the "thousands and thousands" became the people who died on 9/1.

It reflects on the poor character of our new President

The lie he was telling was meant to inflame Americans against our Muslim population. To drive home how much they hate us

When he was called on his lie and shown the true facts, he turned to Kovaleski to bail him out
When Kovaleski refused to back up his lie....Trump turned vicious

Even to the point of mocking his handicap

You lied and said you wanted to see Trump succeed, all the while doing all you can to smear and undermine him.

To the point of falsely accusing him a mocking a handicap.

What does that say about your character?

I want Trump to succeed because it is good for the country
Republicans wanted Obama to fail so that they could get elected sooner

See the difference?

We wanted Obama to fail because we thought the direction he was taking this country was completely wrong.
We wanted Obama to fail because we thought the direction he was taking this country was completely wrong.
You wanted Obama to fail because your MessiahRushie said he wanted him to fail, and he wanted Obama to fail purely for SPITE!!! He wanted Americans to SUFFER for not voting the way he wanted.
There, take that!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There!

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
It is no lie that Trump mocked a handicapped reporter

Just because you have yet another bizarre explanation for Trumps actions does not excuse it

Reporters deserve to be mocked. They claim a role of respect in our society, ie the 5th Estate, and then behave as partisan whores. FUCK THEM ALL.

But Trump was not mocking that man's disability. He was, fairly or unfairly mocking the man for being flustered.

By LYING about what occurred, you get to smear the President elect before he even takes office.

Thus, undermining his attempts to implement policy AND attempting to dodge having him judged on his policies.

Trying to destroy his presidency before it even begins.

Because you know that your long term goals are BAD for Middle America, and you fear them realizing it, if given a comparison.

Lets talk specifically about Serge Kovaleski...not reporters as a whole

He correctly reported that he had no recollections of thousands of Muslims celebrating, let alone hundreds. He was at no point flustered or groveling when he said so

Why is Trump justified in mocking him?

Because the media have demonstrated with their vile behavior that they are the enemy.
The media has demonstrated that they adhere to a higher value structure than Pesident Trump

Want to compare notes?

That doesn't seem like the request of someone who wants the President to succeed.

You are failing in your supporting of him to succeed.

This is where you thank me for pointing that out.

Care to compare the values demonstrated by President Trump to that of the media?
I can't understand why Trump had a beef with this reporter anyway
They guy merely wrote a story a few days after 9-11 that "a number of people had been detained for celebrating"
When Trump tried to use this as evidence to support his "thousands of Muslims celebrating in NJ", the reporter refused to support the contention of thousands or even hundreds celebrating
Why this would enrage Trump, I will never know
Because the truth always enrages pathological lying scum.
What is interesting to analyze is how Tramp got from "a number of PEOPLE" to "THOUSANDS and thousands of MUSLIMS" when the "NUMBER" was "5" and the "PEOPLE" were "ISRAELI."
The worthless lying scum pulled "Muslims" out of his lying ass, and pulled "thousands and thousands" out of the word "tailgate."

Watch the liar ply his craft in the video below. Notice how he changed his original lie of seeing Muslims in Jersey City to "parts of NJ" and thousands and thousands of Muslims" to "people in large numbers" and the "thousands and thousands" became the people who died on 9/1.

It reflects on the poor character of our new President

The lie he was telling was meant to inflame Americans against our Muslim population. To drive home how much they hate us

When he was called on his lie and shown the true facts, he turned to Kovaleski to bail him out
When Kovaleski refused to back up his lie....Trump turned vicious

Even to the point of mocking his handicap

You lied and said you wanted to see Trump succeed, all the while doing all you can to smear and undermine him.

To the point of falsely accusing him a mocking a handicap.

What does that say about your character?

I want Trump to succeed because it is good for the country
Republicans wanted Obama to fail so that they could get elected sooner

See the difference?

We wanted Obama to fail because we thought the direction he was taking this country was completely wrong.

Republicans wanted the economic recovery to fail because they wanted Obama to be a one term President

If they were not looking to stall the Obama recovery.......why would Republicans vote in favor of TARP recovery measures under the Bush administration and then, three months later, have EVERY Republican vote against them for Obama?
Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did mock a disabled reporter.


Because he's an asshole.

A rich, crafty asshole, mind you...

But an asshole, nevertheless...

Why are you defining the reporter by his disability?

After all Trump didn't.

Are you a bigot?
Two words for that... puh-leeeeeze ! If that's the best you've got, you're probably wasting your time here...

That was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

Your post is invalid and all you did there was prove that A. you are a jerk, and B. that you can't counter my point.

You fail.
You'll find the Suckers Club for Those Who Fall for a Prefabricated and Channeled Outcome down the hall, first door on The Left...

Meanwhile... take your silly word games and flawed logic elsewhere... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, little one...
We wanted Obama to fail because we thought the direction he was taking this country was completely wrong.
You wanted Obama to fail because your MessiahRushie said he wanted him to fail, and he wanted Obama to fail purely for SPITE!!! He wanted Americans to SUFFER for not voting the way he wanted.
There, take that!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There!...le.

Well, I'm sure you understand bitterness, the fact remains that from our ideological perspective Obama was leading this nation in the wrong direction.

His success would have been this nation's ruin.

THus, we wanted him to fail.
Reporters deserve to be mocked. They claim a role of respect in our society, ie the 5th Estate, and then behave as partisan whores. FUCK THEM ALL.

But Trump was not mocking that man's disability. He was, fairly or unfairly mocking the man for being flustered.

By LYING about what occurred, you get to smear the President elect before he even takes office.

Thus, undermining his attempts to implement policy AND attempting to dodge having him judged on his policies.

Trying to destroy his presidency before it even begins.

Because you know that your long term goals are BAD for Middle America, and you fear them realizing it, if given a comparison.

Lets talk specifically about Serge Kovaleski...not reporters as a whole

He correctly reported that he had no recollections of thousands of Muslims celebrating, let alone hundreds. He was at no point flustered or groveling when he said so

Why is Trump justified in mocking him?

Because the media have demonstrated with their vile behavior that they are the enemy.
The media has demonstrated that they adhere to a higher value structure than Pesident Trump

Want to compare notes?

That doesn't seem like the request of someone who wants the President to succeed.

You are failing in your supporting of him to succeed.

This is where you thank me for pointing that out.

Care to compare the values demonstrated by President Trump to that of the media?

I would love to, I just wanted to remind you that your actions are making a complete liar of yourself.
Because the truth always enrages pathological lying scum.
What is interesting to analyze is how Tramp got from "a number of PEOPLE" to "THOUSANDS and thousands of MUSLIMS" when the "NUMBER" was "5" and the "PEOPLE" were "ISRAELI."
The worthless lying scum pulled "Muslims" out of his lying ass, and pulled "thousands and thousands" out of the word "tailgate."

Watch the liar ply his craft in the video below. Notice how he changed his original lie of seeing Muslims in Jersey City to "parts of NJ" and thousands and thousands of Muslims" to "people in large numbers" and the "thousands and thousands" became the people who died on 9/1.

It reflects on the poor character of our new President

The lie he was telling was meant to inflame Americans against our Muslim population. To drive home how much they hate us

When he was called on his lie and shown the true facts, he turned to Kovaleski to bail him out
When Kovaleski refused to back up his lie....Trump turned vicious

Even to the point of mocking his handicap

You lied and said you wanted to see Trump succeed, all the while doing all you can to smear and undermine him.

To the point of falsely accusing him a mocking a handicap.

What does that say about your character?

I want Trump to succeed because it is good for the country
Republicans wanted Obama to fail so that they could get elected sooner

See the difference?

We wanted Obama to fail because we thought the direction he was taking this country was completely wrong.

Republicans wanted the economic recovery to fail because they wanted Obama to be a one term President

If they were not looking to stall the Obama recovery.......why would Republicans vote in favor of TARP recovery measures under the Bush administration and then, three months later, have EVERY Republican vote against them for Obama?

Ingroup bias is an universal human trait.

For you to present it as "evidence" of some evul conspiracy shows you to be either a liar or a fool.
Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did mock a disabled reporter.


Because he's an asshole.

A rich, crafty asshole, mind you...

But an asshole, nevertheless...

Why are you defining the reporter by his disability?

After all Trump didn't.

Are you a bigot?
Two words for that... puh-leeeeeze ! If that's the best you've got, you're probably wasting your time here...

That was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

Your post is invalid and all you did there was prove that A. you are a jerk, and B. that you can't counter my point.

You fail.
You'll find the Suckers Club for Those Who Fall for a Prefabricated and Channeled Outcome down the hall, first door on The Left...

Meanwhile... take your silly word games and flawed logic elsewhere... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, little one...

And your defense against being called on having NOTHING but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule is to ridicule me?

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

It reflects on the poor character of our new President

The lie he was telling was meant to inflame Americans against our Muslim population. To drive home how much they hate us

When he was called on his lie and shown the true facts, he turned to Kovaleski to bail him out
When Kovaleski refused to back up his lie....Trump turned vicious

Even to the point of mocking his handicap

You lied and said you wanted to see Trump succeed, all the while doing all you can to smear and undermine him.

To the point of falsely accusing him a mocking a handicap.

What does that say about your character?

I want Trump to succeed because it is good for the country
Republicans wanted Obama to fail so that they could get elected sooner

See the difference?

We wanted Obama to fail because we thought the direction he was taking this country was completely wrong.
Republicans wanted the economic recovery to fail because they wanted Obama to be a one term President

If they were not looking to stall the Obama recovery.......why would Republicans vote in favor of TARP recovery measures under the Bush administration and then, three months later, have EVERY Republican vote against them for Obama?

Ingroup bias is an universal human trait.

For you to present it as "evidence" of some evul conspiracy shows you to be either a liar or a fool.
Please....get real

You think EVERY Republican voting against TARP funding for Obama three months after they approved it for Bush was just a coincidence?

Republicans wanted the Obama recovery to fail

Let the banks and auto companies fail on Obama's watch
We wanted Obama to fail because we thought the direction he was taking this country was completely wrong.
You wanted Obama to fail because your MessiahRushie said he wanted him to fail, and he wanted Obama to fail purely for SPITE!!! He wanted Americans to SUFFER for not voting the way he wanted.
There, take that!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There!...le.
Well, I'm sure you understand bitterness, the fact remains that from our ideological perspective Obama was leading this nation in the wrong direction.
His success would have been this nation's ruin.
THus, we wanted him to fail.
No matter how many times you repeat your bullshit it is still pure bullshit.
Obama's success would be the nation's success and the GOP's failure, and that is why you spiteful little brats wanted him to fail.

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