why does my friend son have an ak 47?

since they blew the gun forum up i will have to do this here......

as i have said my son has gun fever...he just purchased a 1911 custom...and no mama aint happy about that.....grown ass kids....i swear...but i digress....

so going out with a friend in her car...she has to get son to remove his ak 47 from the back? i am like wtf?

now is this normal now or what? should i be ready for this as the next step in gun fever....cause i think i would just have to put my foot down......

or rather up...his ass...

am i mistaken that a ak 47 is a major assault weapon?
My guess is that the kid has a small penis.
My guess, you anti-gun nutters have an obsession with penis... And need to get out of your moms basement more often.

"The AK-47 is very numerous and can be bought much cheaper than many "assault rifles", the recoil is negligible and there is a lot of history associated with the gun.

"Large clips make for less reloading at the range, saving valuable range time."

Three large clips make it a proficient tool when going to the theater or attending school
Chances are it's a sporting rifle and not a military grade weapon...
Please get your terminology right they're called magazines not clips... dumbass

"The AK-47 is very numerous and can be bought much cheaper than many "assault rifles", the recoil is negligible and there is a lot of history associated with the gun.

"Large clips make for less reloading at the range, saving valuable range time."

Three large clips make it a proficient tool when going to the theater or attending school
They are called magazines and a few examples represents the millions out there only to the deranged liberal mind. If the perp has a 30rd mag what would you prefer to be armed with, besides your rapier wit?

Thanks once again for the evidence you cannot read comprehensively. I know the difference between a clip and a magazine, the clip comment was posted by another (see the quotes) for continuity I used the same term in the last sentence.
You watch too many Hollywood movies, they don't know the difference either...:itsok:

"The AK-47 is very numerous and can be bought much cheaper than many "assault rifles", the recoil is negligible and there is a lot of history associated with the gun.

"Large clips make for less reloading at the range, saving valuable range time."

Three large clips make it a proficient tool when going to the theater or attending school

Like "da gubermint" staged false flag events like Sandy Hoax and Aurora??? You mean those places, dipshit???

LOL, One reason to seek gun control is to keep guns out of the hands of the conspiracy crowd.

Clue for you, you ignorant piece of crap, The Congress of the US, "da gubermint", changes every two years, the POTUS every fourth or eighth year and the Supreme Court only by death or resignation.
Nutters like yourself are always trying to control other people... Lol

"The AK-47 is very numerous and can be bought much cheaper than many "assault rifles", the recoil is negligible and there is a lot of history associated with the gun.

"Large clips make for less reloading at the range, saving valuable range time."

Three large clips make it a proficient tool when going to the theater or attending school

Adam Lanza and his mom had "issues" and guns. She enabled him and it didn't work out so well for her.
Your friend probably has an SKS which are similar to AK's but semi-automatic. Of course the left wouldn't know the difference between the two weapons because they don't care. Similar hysteria on the left and the ignorance of government agencies brought about the deaths of about 80 men, women and children during the Clinton administration. The liberal media did what they could to protect the administration including inventing charges that didn't exist but the crux of the matter was that the ATF alleged that the Branch Dividians were converting old junk surplus into fully automatic weapons and it was a lie. The government never even attempted to justify the allegations in the search warrant by examining the weapons after they killed 80 civilians. Meanwhile it's estimated that about 1000 Chicago citizens will be murdered by gang bangers before the year is out and the Chicago Trib worries about Trump being endorsed by the NRA.
since they blew the gun forum up i will have to do this here......

as i have said my son has gun fever...he just purchased a 1911 custom...and no mama aint happy about that.....grown ass kids....i swear...but i digress....

so going out with a friend in her car...she has to get son to remove his ak 47 from the back? i am like wtf?

now is this normal now or what? should i be ready for this as the next step in gun fever....cause i think i would just have to put my foot down......

or rather up...his ass...

am i mistaken that a ak 47 is a major assault weapon?
Kids break up and get very emotional. I wouldn't get my kid anything but a hunting gun and I'd lock it up.

If he kills his parents should be put to death.
Carrying an AK47 around in the back seat of your car points most definitely to meth use that's making him that paranoid. Either that, or people ARE really out to get him. :D
Either way, your son is about to end up in jail.
Wow, talk about wild ludicrous stereotypes.

Plenty of people own AKs that dont do meth or have criminal involvement.
o hell no go back and re read...no my son.....i assure you ....my son is not a meth head..and i hope to hell he has not purchased an ak 47......o hell after the 1911 he is broke
If he's got enough money to buy bullets, he's got enough money for meth.
The voice of experience speaks.

My dad left me an ak47 back in the nineties. Yup we get to have guns in America. Our forefathers thought it was pretty important to maintain a well armed citizenry and so do I.
You have been left with the right to carry smallish arms. If your militia/citizenry was well armed, you'd have tanks, missiles and nukes to fight your oppressive government, which now heavily outguns you. So in effect, you are not well armed and therefore have been duped to accept a reduced right to bear arms.

lIberals. lying since the beginning of time.
False flag events staged by the govt. you say? You`re way too nutty to be allowed near a firearm.

So you admit that guns are not the problem, but it's people who abuse them?
I have to ask...are strolling ones, brain357 and jack4jill the same poster.....? I get the sense that this is a trolling post......and the style reminds me of brain..........

Can you have more than one name here on us Message?
no butthurt....just the fact that i am not a sock nor do i have socks......so you mike can fuck off with your good pal too

"The AK-47 is very numerous and can be bought much cheaper than many "assault rifles", the recoil is negligible and there is a lot of history associated with the gun.

"Large clips make for less reloading at the range, saving valuable range time."

Three large clips make it a proficient tool when going to the theater or attending school
They are called magazines and a few examples represents the millions out there only to the deranged liberal mind. If the perp has a 30rd mag what would you prefer to be armed with, besides your rapier wit?

Thanks once again for the evidence you cannot read comprehensively. I know the difference between a clip and a magazine, the clip comment was posted by another (see the quotes) for continuity I used the same term in the last sentence.
Blaming your error on another. Why you must be a liberal! That comprehensive enough for you?


"The AK-47 is very numerous and can be bought much cheaper than many "assault rifles", the recoil is negligible and there is a lot of history associated with the gun.

"Large clips make for less reloading at the range, saving valuable range time."

Three large clips make it a proficient tool when going to the theater or attending school

Like "da gubermint" staged false flag events like Sandy Hoax and Aurora??? You mean those places, dipshit???
False flag events staged by the govt. you say? You`re way too nutty to be allowed near a firearm.

August West sez????? "Listen to me !!! My beloved gubermint would never lie to me and it would never allow 800 top ranking Nazis to come over here under Operation Paperclip that is all a lie!!!! And my gubermint would never commit acts of terrorism because Operation Gladio never happened it is a urban legend and so was Operation Northwoods!! My beloved gubermint would never experiment on people covertly! It is a lie that the CIA used trauma based mind control under the MK-Ultra program where people and children underwent such horrific abuse so that they developed split personalities in order to deal with the abuse!!!! It never happened do you hear me? The CIA never released whooping cough in Tampa, Florida!!! Lies all lies!!!!! My gubermint never sprayed San Francisco with bacterial pathogens that caused pneumonia!!! That is another one of the lies! And they did not release mosquitos in the millions in hopes of spreading yellow fever in Georgia so they could study the effects!!!! It never happened!!! Dr William Sweet never injected patients with uranium that he got from da gubermint for scientific research understand? And federal prisoners were never injected with Agent Orange so you better stop with these lies because YOU are just a conspiracy THEORIST!!!!

Hey, asswipe...... all of the things I have posted above are from declassified documents and only saw the light of day due to the Freedom Of Information Act. There is more.....much more and some of it is quite sickening. So STFU....I know more than you....infinitely more. You are living in FantasyLand if you honestly believe that they would not stage fake mass casualty shootings in order to do a psy-op on the sheeple.

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