why does my friend son have an ak 47?

Like "da gubermint" staged false flag events like Sandy Hoax and Aurora??? You mean those places, dipshit???

LOL, One reason to seek gun control is to keep guns out of the hands of the conspiracy crowd.

Clue for you, you ignorant piece of crap, The Congress of the US, "da gubermint", changes every two years, the POTUS every fourth or eighth year and the Supreme Court only by death or resignation.

Here is a clue for you, asswipe. The faces may change but the ones that are put in places of power are picked by the same oligarchs. These fake and staged shootings are being done by the DHS with the blessing of the Barrypuppet and the Attorney General. Holder was in Connecticut less than 3 weeks before the event to launch a gun control initiative program...who convenient? You want to talk about Sandy Hoax? I have well over 50 things about that blatantly obvious false flag event so bring it on.

You too are a lunatic. But give enough lunatics enough time they can produce a sensible and sane remark. The only one in the rant above ^^^ is this, the Oligarchs, aka the Plutocrats pick and pay for the propaganda which brainwashes fools to vote against their best interest; these same fools actually believe CU & McCutcheon were decisions protecting freedom of speech.

Dale Smith want a banana?

Spewing insults without anything to back up your contentions that I am wrong is typical of the average leftard. "Vote against my own self interests?" You don't know what is best for anyone other than yourself. Some leftard douchebag could never live in my world or travel my path. Both sides are corrupt to the core and work together at the top. They have big plans for this country and we are not going to like these changes which is why they want the guns. They are using DARPA to create weapons that are more efficient at killing people while leaving the infrastructure intact. I know exactly what I am talking about so don't think for a minute that anything you say sways me in the least. You want to debate, bring it on...otherwise just STFU.

I'm a "leftard"? You're an asshole with a gun fetish. Be very careful, one day when stroking the gun barrel you may decide to suck on it - some people are saying that's how men with a gun fetish die - since most are homophobic and gay curious.[/QUOTE

I do not own a gun...never have. I did, in the course of my research go to a shooting range and fired the same type of gun Adam Lanza allegedly used and there is no fucking way he could have gotten off that many shots in the amount of time that they said and I am bigger and stronger than this alleged shooter was. You think that lame bullshit about gun owners bothers anyone? I want to get one but I resent having to lay out that kind of money for something I pray I never have to use.

Does this set off your bullshit detector? His wife Francine Wheeler is an actress and a high profile demcrat party fundraiser.

o hell no go back and re read...no my son.....i assure you ....my son is not a meth head..and i hope to hell he has not purchased an ak 47......o hell after the 1911 he is broke
If he's got enough money to buy bullets, he's got enough money for meth.
The voice of experience speaks.

My dad left me an ak47 back in the nineties. Yup we get to have guns in America. Our forefathers thought it was pretty important to maintain a well armed citizenry and so do I.
You have been left with the right to carry smallish arms. If your militia/citizenry was well armed, you'd have tanks, missiles and nukes to fight your oppressive government, which now heavily outguns you. So in effect, you are not well armed and therefore have been duped to accept a reduced right to bear arms.
True, but I doubt our forefathers had cannon initially. The primary thing is you have weapons sufficient to defend yourself in a pinch.
Sure, but how many sane people drive around with an AK-47 sitting in the backseat? :D

That is a weird question to ask fellow liberals, according to them everyone carrys an RPG when protesting over a stupid video.

"The AK-47 is very numerous and can be bought much cheaper than many "assault rifles", the recoil is negligible and there is a lot of history associated with the gun.

"Large clips make for less reloading at the range, saving valuable range time."

Three large clips make it a proficient tool when going to the theater or attending school
Or defending oneself against some ISIS operative with his own AK.

I don't think carrying an AK exposed on the back seat of one's car is practical idea under existing peacetime conditions. But owning one is a very good idea, because having a gun and not needing it is better than needing a gun and not having it. And having a good gun like the AK in a closet it like having money in the bank.
It is essential for a hunter to have an AK-47. It's a jungle out there:

Total libtard bullshit! When this country was founded, it wasn't "the deer" that were coming. Patriotic Americans will NEVER disarm! Never!
It is essential for a hunter to have an AK-47. It's a jungle out there:

Total libtard bullshit! When this country was founded, it wasn't "the deer" that were coming. Patriotic Americans will NEVER disarm! Never!

You scoff, but us liberals are secretly arming deer. Be prepared for payback.....

OMG! I hear banjos.....

since they blew the gun forum up i will have to do this here......

as i have said my son has gun fever...he just purchased a 1911 custom...and no mama aint happy about that.....grown ass kids....i swear...but i digress....

so going out with a friend in her car...she has to get son to remove his ak 47 from the back? i am like wtf?

now is this normal now or what? should i be ready for this as the next step in gun fever....cause i think i would just have to put my foot down......

or rather up...his ass...

am i mistaken that a ak 47 is a major assault weapon?
If he purchased the AK legally it is not an "assault rifle" its a semi-automatic meaning every time the trigger is pulled one round is fired. The military version is a fully automatic weapon civilians can purchase them but the red tape is horrendous and expensive. The semi-automatic versions are crap and less accurate than their hunting rifle counterparts.
I've got two 1911's and 3 .357 magnums. I'm a real tough guy hiding here behind my keyboard. Don't muck with me, or I'll hold my black cat hostage! Then we'll need the negrotiator.

since they blew the gun forum up i will have to do this here......

as i have said my son has gun fever...he just purchased a 1911 custom...and no mama aint happy about that.....grown ass kids....i swear...but i digress....

so going out with a friend in her car...she has to get son to remove his ak 47 from the back? i am like wtf?

now is this normal now or what? should i be ready for this as the next step in gun fever....cause i think i would just have to put my foot down......

or rather up...his ass...

am i mistaken that a ak 47 is a major assault weapon?
If he purchased the AK legally it is not an "assault rifle" its a semi-automatic meaning every time the trigger is pulled one round is fired. The military version is a fully automatic weapon civilians can purchase them but the red tape is horrendous and expensive. The semi-automatic versions are crap and less accurate than their hunting rifle counterparts.

Plus they are less powerful than a 3030 deer rifle. Mine clocked a 123gr FMJ at 2400 fps. Do the math.
Like "da gubermint" staged false flag events like Sandy Hoax and Aurora??? You mean those places, dipshit???

LOL, One reason to seek gun control is to keep guns out of the hands of the conspiracy crowd.

Clue for you, you ignorant piece of crap, The Congress of the US, "da gubermint", changes every two years, the POTUS every fourth or eighth year and the Supreme Court only by death or resignation.

Here is a clue for you, asswipe. The faces may change but the ones that are put in places of power are picked by the same oligarchs. These fake and staged shootings are being done by the DHS with the blessing of the Barrypuppet and the Attorney General. Holder was in Connecticut less than 3 weeks before the event to launch a gun control initiative program...who convenient? You want to talk about Sandy Hoax? I have well over 50 things about that blatantly obvious false flag event so bring it on.

You too are a lunatic. But give enough lunatics enough time they can produce a sensible and sane remark. The only one in the rant above ^^^ is this, the Oligarchs, aka the Plutocrats pick and pay for the propaganda which brainwashes fools to vote against their best interest; these same fools actually believe CU & McCutcheon were decisions protecting freedom of speech.

Dale Smith want a banana?

Spewing insults without anything to back up your contentions that I am wrong is typical of the average leftard. "Vote against my own self interests?" You don't know what is best for anyone other than yourself. Some leftard douchebag could never live in my world or travel my path. Both sides are corrupt to the core and work together at the top. They have big plans for this country and we are not going to like these changes which is why they want the guns. They are using DARPA to create weapons that are more efficient at killing people while leaving the infrastructure intact. I know exactly what I am talking about so don't think for a minute that anything you say sways me in the least. You want to debate, bring it on...otherwise just STFU.

I'm a "leftard"? You're an asshole with a gun fetish. Be very careful, one day when stroking the gun barrel you may decide to suck on it - some people are saying that's how men with a gun fetish die - since most are homophobic and gay curious.
You anti-gun nutters associate with everything with perversion... You should get that looked at. Lol
Last edited:
LOL, One reason to seek gun control is to keep guns out of the hands of the conspiracy crowd.

Clue for you, you ignorant piece of crap, The Congress of the US, "da gubermint", changes every two years, the POTUS every fourth or eighth year and the Supreme Court only by death or resignation.

Here is a clue for you, asswipe. The faces may change but the ones that are put in places of power are picked by the same oligarchs. These fake and staged shootings are being done by the DHS with the blessing of the Barrypuppet and the Attorney General. Holder was in Connecticut less than 3 weeks before the event to launch a gun control initiative program...who convenient? You want to talk about Sandy Hoax? I have well over 50 things about that blatantly obvious false flag event so bring it on.

You too are a lunatic. But give enough lunatics enough time they can produce a sensible and sane remark. The only one in the rant above ^^^ is this, the Oligarchs, aka the Plutocrats pick and pay for the propaganda which brainwashes fools to vote against their best interest; these same fools actually believe CU & McCutcheon were decisions protecting freedom of speech.

Dale Smith want a banana?

Spewing insults without anything to back up your contentions that I am wrong is typical of the average leftard. "Vote against my own self interests?" You don't know what is best for anyone other than yourself. Some leftard douchebag could never live in my world or travel my path. Both sides are corrupt to the core and work together at the top. They have big plans for this country and we are not going to like these changes which is why they want the guns. They are using DARPA to create weapons that are more efficient at killing people while leaving the infrastructure intact. I know exactly what I am talking about so don't think for a minute that anything you say sways me in the least. You want to debate, bring it on...otherwise just STFU.

I'm a "leftard"? You're an asshole with a gun fetish. Be very careful, one day when stroking the gun barrel you may decide to suck on it - some people are saying that's how men with a gun fetish die - since most are homophobic and gay curious.
You anti-gun nutters associate with everything with perversion... You should get that looked at. Lol

I have, in Grad School and during my 32 year career in Law Enforcement. Guns give power to the powerless, thus the powerless develop a love for their gun. I've interviewed hundreds of felons, many admitted having a gun in their possession made them feel safe during their nefarious criminal activity and admit without the security of the gun they would not have acted as they did.
LOL, One reason to seek gun control is to keep guns out of the hands of the conspiracy crowd.

Clue for you, you ignorant piece of crap, The Congress of the US, "da gubermint", changes every two years, the POTUS every fourth or eighth year and the Supreme Court only by death or resignation.

Here is a clue for you, asswipe. The faces may change but the ones that are put in places of power are picked by the same oligarchs. These fake and staged shootings are being done by the DHS with the blessing of the Barrypuppet and the Attorney General. Holder was in Connecticut less than 3 weeks before the event to launch a gun control initiative program...who convenient? You want to talk about Sandy Hoax? I have well over 50 things about that blatantly obvious false flag event so bring it on.

You too are a lunatic. But give enough lunatics enough time they can produce a sensible and sane remark. The only one in the rant above ^^^ is this, the Oligarchs, aka the Plutocrats pick and pay for the propaganda which brainwashes fools to vote against their best interest; these same fools actually believe CU & McCutcheon were decisions protecting freedom of speech.

Dale Smith want a banana?

Spewing insults without anything to back up your contentions that I am wrong is typical of the average leftard. "Vote against my own self interests?" You don't know what is best for anyone other than yourself. Some leftard douchebag could never live in my world or travel my path. Both sides are corrupt to the core and work together at the top. They have big plans for this country and we are not going to like these changes which is why they want the guns. They are using DARPA to create weapons that are more efficient at killing people while leaving the infrastructure intact. I know exactly what I am talking about so don't think for a minute that anything you say sways me in the least. You want to debate, bring it on...otherwise just STFU.

I'm a "leftard"? You're an asshole with a gun fetish. Be very careful, one day when stroking the gun barrel you may decide to suck on it - some people are saying that's how men with a gun fetish die - since most are homophobic and gay curious.
You anti-gun nutters associate with everything with perversion... You should get that looked at. Lol

Leftards like him are the kind of people that would toss their beloved a pillow while their virtue was being taken (so they would be more comfortable) instead of picking up a weapon and defending them.....they are "girly-men".
Here is a clue for you, asswipe. The faces may change but the ones that are put in places of power are picked by the same oligarchs. These fake and staged shootings are being done by the DHS with the blessing of the Barrypuppet and the Attorney General. Holder was in Connecticut less than 3 weeks before the event to launch a gun control initiative program...who convenient? You want to talk about Sandy Hoax? I have well over 50 things about that blatantly obvious false flag event so bring it on.

You too are a lunatic. But give enough lunatics enough time they can produce a sensible and sane remark. The only one in the rant above ^^^ is this, the Oligarchs, aka the Plutocrats pick and pay for the propaganda which brainwashes fools to vote against their best interest; these same fools actually believe CU & McCutcheon were decisions protecting freedom of speech.

Dale Smith want a banana?

Spewing insults without anything to back up your contentions that I am wrong is typical of the average leftard. "Vote against my own self interests?" You don't know what is best for anyone other than yourself. Some leftard douchebag could never live in my world or travel my path. Both sides are corrupt to the core and work together at the top. They have big plans for this country and we are not going to like these changes which is why they want the guns. They are using DARPA to create weapons that are more efficient at killing people while leaving the infrastructure intact. I know exactly what I am talking about so don't think for a minute that anything you say sways me in the least. You want to debate, bring it on...otherwise just STFU.

I'm a "leftard"? You're an asshole with a gun fetish. Be very careful, one day when stroking the gun barrel you may decide to suck on it - some people are saying that's how men with a gun fetish die - since most are homophobic and gay curious.
You anti-gun nutters associate with everything with perversion... You should get that looked at. Lol

I have, in Grad School and during my 32 year career in Law Enforcement. Guns give power to the powerless, thus the powerless develop a love for their gun. I've interviewed hundreds of felons, many admitted having a gun in their possession made them feel safe during their nefarious criminal activity and admit without the security of the gun they would not have acted as they did.
Blame the criminal not the gun, a gun is just a thing that can't do anything on it's own...
Appeasement looks bad on you, it's best to stay in your mothers basement
Here is a clue for you, asswipe. The faces may change but the ones that are put in places of power are picked by the same oligarchs. These fake and staged shootings are being done by the DHS with the blessing of the Barrypuppet and the Attorney General. Holder was in Connecticut less than 3 weeks before the event to launch a gun control initiative program...who convenient? You want to talk about Sandy Hoax? I have well over 50 things about that blatantly obvious false flag event so bring it on.

You too are a lunatic. But give enough lunatics enough time they can produce a sensible and sane remark. The only one in the rant above ^^^ is this, the Oligarchs, aka the Plutocrats pick and pay for the propaganda which brainwashes fools to vote against their best interest; these same fools actually believe CU & McCutcheon were decisions protecting freedom of speech.

Dale Smith want a banana?

Spewing insults without anything to back up your contentions that I am wrong is typical of the average leftard. "Vote against my own self interests?" You don't know what is best for anyone other than yourself. Some leftard douchebag could never live in my world or travel my path. Both sides are corrupt to the core and work together at the top. They have big plans for this country and we are not going to like these changes which is why they want the guns. They are using DARPA to create weapons that are more efficient at killing people while leaving the infrastructure intact. I know exactly what I am talking about so don't think for a minute that anything you say sways me in the least. You want to debate, bring it on...otherwise just STFU.

I'm a "leftard"? You're an asshole with a gun fetish. Be very careful, one day when stroking the gun barrel you may decide to suck on it - some people are saying that's how men with a gun fetish die - since most are homophobic and gay curious.
You anti-gun nutters associate with everything with perversion... You should get that looked at. Lol

I have, in Grad School and during my 32 year career in Law Enforcement. Guns give power to the powerless, thus the powerless develop a love for their gun. I've interviewed hundreds of felons, many admitted having a gun in their possession made them feel safe during their nefarious criminal activity and admit without the security of the gun they would not have acted as they did.

You were not enforcing "Laws", you were enforcing acts, statutes and codes under the UCC for a corporation. So you believe only "da gubermint" should have guns and semi-automatic weapons? Because if the serfs were unarmed, why would "da gubermint" need them then?

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