Why Does Nancy Pelosi Think She's President???

Ever hear of 3 co-equal parts of gov and she is 3rd in line.

By the way I doubt Regan said that, but pass around false info as you wish.
She is the only one in Congress that makes law? Or is she 1/435th of a vote? Big difference between being the big Kahuna and the minnow in the school. Once again, is shows the lack of intelligence that you seem to have. Go back to a private school and learn about government and how it is supposed to work, not listen to the Lame Stream Media that went to the same school you did..

There are 541 congressmen. This includes 100 senators and 435 members, five delegates and one resident commissioner in the House of Representatives.
How many congressmen are there? | Reference.com


In all reality, she is 3rd in line to be president. That's...scary.

If you fuckers think Trump protests were violent, make Pelosi president and see what happens. You'll be fucking done like a well-done steak.

Is she privy to knowledge of an assassination plot or something? If I was the Secret Service, I'd be watching her and all her contacts.
Done in what way - goober.

Id be sitting in my living room watching a buncha beer belly dorks screaming at a buncha hipsters with giant ear holes, and taking a shot every time they get tear gassed by the 10 total swat officers that were necessary at the scene

Wrong, there would be multiple millions in Washington D.C.

That'd be some last-straw shit right there.
In your imagination.

I think it would be HILARIOUS to see how youd seek to prove who the larger snowflakes are, and Id prolly skip popcorn because its unhealthy for you.
Ever hear of 3 co-equal parts of gov and she is 3rd in line.

By the way I doubt Regan said that, but pass around false info as you wish.
She is the only one in Congress that makes law? Or is she 1/435th of a vote? Big difference between being the big Kahuna and the minnow in the school. Once again, is shows the lack of intelligence that you seem to have. Go back to a private school and learn about government and how it is supposed to work, not listen to the Lame Stream Media that went to the same school you did..

There are 541 congressmen. This includes 100 senators and 435 members, five delegates and one resident commissioner in the House of Representatives.
How many congressmen are there? | Reference.com


In all reality, she is 3rd in line to be president. That's...scary.

If you fuckers think Trump protests were violent, make Pelosi president and see what happens. You'll be fucking done like a well-done steak.

Is she privy to knowledge of an assassination plot or something? If I was the Secret Service, I'd be watching her and all her contacts.
They're talking on Twitter about removing Trump and Pence so she can take the WH. I reported it of course.
A. Senility?

B. Mental Illness?

C. Corruption?

D. Soros run elitist control freak?

E. All of the above
Ever hear of 3 co-equal parts of gov and she is 3rd in line.

By the way I doubt Regan said that, but pass around false info as you wish.
She is the only one in Congress that makes law? Or is she 1/435th of a vote? Big difference between being the big Kahuna and the minnow in the school. Once again, is shows the lack of intelligence that you seem to have. Go back to a private school and learn about government and how it is supposed to work, not listen to the Lame Stream Media that went to the same school you did..

There are 541 congressmen. This includes 100 senators and 435 members, five delegates and one resident commissioner in the House of Representatives.
How many congressmen are there? | Reference.com


In all reality, she is 3rd in line to be president. That's...scary.

If you fuckers think Trump protests were violent, make Pelosi president and see what happens. You'll be fucking done like a well-done steak.

Is she privy to knowledge of an assassination plot or something? If I was the Secret Service, I'd be watching her and all her contacts.
Done in what way - goober.

Id be sitting in my living room watching a buncha beer belly dorks screaming at a buncha hipsters with giant ear holes, and taking a shot every time they get tear gassed by the 10 total swat officers that were necessary at the scene
Remember that the left has been systematically assassinating the men in blue, do you think that the POLICE are going to protect the lefttards or those who want to protect this country from Socialism?
A different take Nancy is being obstructionist. If the shut down continues, much less Trump pulls a RIF the east coast democratic party is toast. Any increase in taxes and a big chunk of the employer base leaves for FL,TN and TX. She either caves before the 30 days are reached she will get a full scale revolt in the house. If she does cave the left wing of the party will set up a separate caucus and she loses the speakership.

For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

She's making these trips overseas, visiting with world leaders and visiting the military in the middle of a shutdown, essentially shirking her responsibilities by leaving the country. What's so pressing that she felt she had to leave the US?

Isn't this against the Logan Act????

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.​

Pelosi felt this trip was so import that after Trump cancelled her military flight, she had to go commercial, and then lied about Trump tipping off the enemy when she booked the flight. What the Hell is so pressing that she has to make this trip regardless how badly it looks? In the middle of a shutdown???

She doesn't think she's President.
Ever hear of 3 co-equal parts of gov and she is 3rd in line.

By the way I doubt Regan said that, but pass around false info as you wish.

If that were true, why is she number 3 and John Roberts is nowhere in line?

You really are as dumb as a box of rocks!

In case of an attack on Trump and Pence, the Secret Service will probably make sure Nancy gets killed in the crossfire. :D

She didn't make any friends in the Secret Service with her comments about them not being able to do their job because of the shut-down.
For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

You can always tell who is spanking conservatives the hardest by observing who the latest "I'm so butthurt!" threads are about.

Congress is an equal branch of the government. Deal with it. You Trump cultists may think the president is a dictator who can not be challenged, but the liberty-minded don't see it that way.

She's making these trips overseas,

With the authorization and blessing of the US government. Why did you make up crazy stories about Pelosi just flitting off independently?

You conservatives effectively ran against Pelosi in 2018, and got reamed as a result. Why do you think doing the same thing again will bring different results? Pelosi's positions are much more popular than your positions. And while nobody in congress is popular, Pelosi is much more popular than Republicans in congress.
For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

You can always tell who is spanking conservatives the hardest by observing who the latest "I'm so butthurt!" threads are about.

Congress is an equal branch of the government. Deal with it. You Trump cultists may think the president is a dictator who can not be challenged, but the liberty-minded don't see it that way.

She's making these trips overseas,

With the authorization and blessing of the US government. Why did you make up crazy stories about Pelosi just flitting off independently?

You conservatives effectively ran against Pelosi in 2018, and got reamed as a result. Why do you think doing the same thing again will bring different results? Pelosi's positions are much more popular than your positions. And while nobody in congress is popular, Pelosi is much more popular than Republicans in congress.

Bullshit. Nancy Pelosi is in on a criminal conspiracy to remove the President of The United States from power, and she's not very good at hiding it. She wants to be president without going thru an election. It's no secret why she is going to Brussels (NATO headquarters). She's going around Trump and making deals behind his back. This is a felony.



NATO headquarters in Brussels

18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments
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For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

You can always tell who is spanking conservatives the hardest by observing who the latest "I'm so butthurt!" threads are about.

Congress is an equal branch of the government. Deal with it. You Trump cultists may think the president is a dictator who can not be challenged, but the liberty-minded don't see it that way.

She's making these trips overseas,

With the authorization and blessing of the US government. Why did you make up crazy stories about Pelosi just flitting off independently?

You conservatives effectively ran against Pelosi in 2018, and got reamed as a result. Why do you think doing the same thing again will bring different results? Pelosi's positions are much more popular than your positions. And while nobody in congress is popular, Pelosi is much more popular than Republicans in congress.

Bullshit. Nancy Pelosi is in on a criminal conspiracy to remove the President of The United States from power, and she's not very good at hiding it.

Giving the devil her due Pelosi is supervising the partial collapse of the Ds. Trump will get his RIF and emergency decree to build the wall. Pelosi is holding an impeachment based on perjury that Trump can and will declassify without redactions after the vote.

For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

She's making these trips overseas, visiting with world leaders and visiting the military in the middle of a shutdown, essentially shirking her responsibilities by leaving the country. What's so pressing that she felt she had to leave the US?

Isn't this against the Logan Act????

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.​

Pelosi felt this trip was so import that after Trump cancelled her military flight, she had to go commercial, and then lied about Trump tipping off the enemy when she booked the flight. What the Hell is so pressing that she has to make this trip regardless how badly it looks? In the middle of a shutdown???


As I've posted before, the Trumpanzee set, along with the Callous Conservative set will continue to attack the character of Democrats. One may have noticed that Mudwhistle does this regularly as part of his hate and fear agenda in which he proffers in threads and posts for the biddable.

No educated and/or thinking person takes him seriously.
Bullshit. Nancy Pelosi is in on a criminal conspiracy to remove the President of The United States from power,

Do you understand that you sound like a crazy person?

Sadly, you don't. Your cult has convinced you that your lunacy is normal, which is why it's often left to me to stage these interventions.

For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

She's making these trips overseas, visiting with world leaders and visiting the military in the middle of a shutdown, essentially shirking her responsibilities by leaving the country. What's so pressing that she felt she had to leave the US?

Isn't this against the Logan Act????

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.​

Pelosi felt this trip was so import that after Trump cancelled her military flight, she had to go commercial, and then lied about Trump tipping off the enemy when she booked the flight. What the Hell is so pressing that she has to make this trip regardless how badly it looks? In the middle of a shutdown???


As I've posted before, the Trumpanzee set, along with the Callous Conservative set will continue to attack the character of Democrats. One may have noticed that Mudwhistle does this regularly as part of his hate and fear agenda in which he proffers in threads and posts for the biddable.

No educated and/or thinking person takes him seriously.
Sorry, but I'm a pragmatist.
I look at the big picture and can see clearly what's going on.
Why would idiots like Mad Maxine start talking about impeachment even before Trump takes office?
Because it's been in the works from day-one.
Pelosi tried sneaking out of the US to assure NATO members that they were going to take care of Trump.....and Trump fucked her.

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Yet another extremely stupid post by the OP.

Congress members have typically gone overseas to meet with foreign leaders.

The trip would likely have been planned long before.

These tfips are not public knowledge because of security reasons & stupid fuck Trump made it public.
She acts this way because she has been told that she IS president. To Democrats the entire Trump administration is illegitimate. Therefore neither Trump nor Pence hold a valid office. Now she is president.

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