Why does Obama get a pass on his many major failures ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Of the recent presidents in the US, going back to Johnson, the only 2 to ever receive the Nobel Peace prize are Jimmy Carter (who actually deserved it in 2002) and Barack Obama, who clearl did not deserve it.

Not to rain on our ominous parade of peaceful leaders in the last 60 years, but only Jimmy Carter truly deserved the award, and even he was 'in charge' while covert activities were happening in Iran, Central America and elsewhere. Most of us are painfully aware of our other open foreign policy mistakes (putting it nicely) but what about the things our press fails to inform us about, like the Ukraine, Syria and Libya ?

Which brings us back to Obama. Mr audacity still selling his books
at every Target and Walmart.
From 2015
What were some of the early signs that those hoping for an anti-war president would be sorely disappointed?

Well Obama held onto [Bush appointee] Robert Gates as secretary of defense. That was not a necessary move by him. It more or less ensured that the wars would go on. Gates was by no means extreme, but heā€™s a firm believer in American global military reach.

The appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state was the largest single indication of this, though. During the campaign, Obama had disagreed strongly with Hillary Clinton on foreign policy. Then he appointed her as secretary of state.

The first Obama administration ā€“ the cabinet of 2009 to 2013, roughly speaking ā€“ was like a third Clinton administration. And I still donā€™t quite know why he did it. People have said that the Clintons would have formed a second pole of the Democratic Party, that they would have undermined Obama, and he needed to make friends with them.

I was never convinced by that. I think itā€™s just a very general tendency to placate on his part, and it had big consequences for the future of Syria, Ukraine, Libya and elsewhere.

What happened in Syria;
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"About 31 million Americans now have health-care coverage through the Affordable Care Act[Obamacare], the White House announced Saturday, setting a record since the law, colloquially known as ā€œObamacare,ā€ was enacted in 2010 under President Barack Obama."

31 million Americans who now have health care is a success in my book.

Racists hate Obama cause he's black.
Of the recent presidents in the US, going back to Johnson, the only one to ever receive the Nobel Peace prize is Barack Obama, but is he really any more deserving of it than the others ?

Not to rain on our ominous parade of peaceful leaders in the last 60 years, but only Jimmy Carter truly deserved the award, and even he was 'in charge' while covert activities were happening in Iran, Central America and elsewhere. Most of us are painfully aware of our other open foreign policy mistakes (putting it nicely) but what about the things our press fails to inform us about, like the Ukraine, Syria and Libya ?

Which brings us back to Obama. Mr audacity still selling his books
at every Target and Walmart.
From 2015
What were some of the early signs that those hoping for an anti-war president would be sorely disappointed?

Well Obama held onto [Bush appointee] Robert Gates as secretary of defense. That was not a necessary move by him. It more or less ensured that the wars would go on. Gates was by no means extreme, but heā€™s a firm believer in American global military reach.

The appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state was the largest single indication of this, though. During the campaign, Obama had disagreed strongly with Hillary Clinton on foreign policy. Then he appointed her as secretary of state.

The first Obama administration ā€“ the cabinet of 2009 to 2013, roughly speaking ā€“ was like a third Clinton administration. And I still donā€™t quite know why he did it. People have said that the Clintons would have formed a second pole of the Democratic Party, that they would have undermined Obama, and he needed to make friends with them.

I was never convinced by that. I think itā€™s just a very general tendency to placate on his part, and it had big consequences for the future of Syria, Ukraine, Libya and elsewhere.

What happened in Syria;

Maybe he gets a pass these days, because he is old news, done his 8 years and will not significantly hurt or help any national or international situation now or in the future?
Of the recent presidents in the US, going back to Johnson, the only one to ever receive the Nobel Peace prize is Barack Obama, but is he really any more deserving of it than the others ?

Not to rain on our ominous parade of peaceful leaders in the last 60 years, but only Jimmy Carter truly deserved the award, and even he was 'in charge' while covert activities were happening in Iran, Central America and elsewhere. Most of us are painfully aware of our other open foreign policy mistakes (putting it nicely) but what about the things our press fails to inform us about, like the Ukraine, Syria and Libya ?

Which brings us back to Obama. Mr audacity still selling his books
at every Target and Walmart.
From 2015
What were some of the early signs that those hoping for an anti-war president would be sorely disappointed?

Well Obama held onto [Bush appointee] Robert Gates as secretary of defense. That was not a necessary move by him. It more or less ensured that the wars would go on. Gates was by no means extreme, but heā€™s a firm believer in American global military reach.

The appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state was the largest single indication of this, though. During the campaign, Obama had disagreed strongly with Hillary Clinton on foreign policy. Then he appointed her as secretary of state.

The first Obama administration ā€“ the cabinet of 2009 to 2013, roughly speaking ā€“ was like a third Clinton administration. And I still donā€™t quite know why he did it. People have said that the Clintons would have formed a second pole of the Democratic Party, that they would have undermined Obama, and he needed to make friends with them.

I was never convinced by that. I think itā€™s just a very general tendency to placate on his part, and it had big consequences for the future of Syria, Ukraine, Libya and elsewhere.

What happened in Syria;

You understand you are not required to buy his book even if it is for sale at Target and Walmart, don't you? Obama was a well liked and popular president, but I doubt he much cares if you don't like him. I know I don't.

Because he's blaaaaaaaack (whisper)
"About 31 million Americans now have health-care coverage through the Affordable Care Act[Obamacare], the White House announced Saturday, setting a record since the law, colloquially known as ā€œObamacare,ā€ was enacted in 2010 under President Barack Obama."

31 million Americans who now have health care is a success in my book.

Racists hate Obama cause he's black.
Wall Street's healthcare/medicare boondoggle is bankruting our country almost as fast as our war budget.
You have Obama Denial Syndrome as well as TDS....better see a doctor asap.
Of the recent presidents in the US, going back to Johnson, the only 2 to ever receive the Nobel Peace prize are Jimmy Carter (who actually deserved it in 2002) and Barack Obama, who clearl did not deserve it.

Not to rain on our ominous parade of peaceful leaders in the last 60 years, but only Jimmy Carter truly deserved the award, and even he was 'in charge' while covert activities were happening in Iran, Central America and elsewhere. Most of us are painfully aware of our other open foreign policy mistakes (putting it nicely) but what about the things our press fails to inform us about, like the Ukraine, Syria and Libya ?

Which brings us back to Obama. Mr audacity still selling his books
at every Target and Walmart.
From 2015
What were some of the early signs that those hoping for an anti-war president would be sorely disappointed?

Well Obama held onto [Bush appointee] Robert Gates as secretary of defense. That was not a necessary move by him. It more or less ensured that the wars would go on. Gates was by no means extreme, but heā€™s a firm believer in American global military reach.

The appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state was the largest single indication of this, though. During the campaign, Obama had disagreed strongly with Hillary Clinton on foreign policy. Then he appointed her as secretary of state.

The first Obama administration ā€“ the cabinet of 2009 to 2013, roughly speaking ā€“ was like a third Clinton administration. And I still donā€™t quite know why he did it. People have said that the Clintons would have formed a second pole of the Democratic Party, that they would have undermined Obama, and he needed to make friends with them.

I was never convinced by that. I think itā€™s just a very general tendency to placate on his part, and it had big consequences for the future of Syria, Ukraine, Libya and elsewhere.

What happened in Syria;

Great post. Iā€™ve stated on this forum many times O was an awful failure. He essentially continued Wā€™s foreign and economic policies. He is an awful warmonger, who dropped more bombs than W. He took Wā€™s two illegal wars and made it seven. Instead of pushing through Medicare4All as 85% of registered D voters and over 50% of R voters wanted, he pushed through a right wing HC plan to enrich his big donors.

He is a terrible fraud but the corporate media pushes propaganda about O, which many Americans foolishly believe
Great post. Iā€™ve stated on this forum many times O was an awful failure. He essentially continued Wā€™s foreign and economic policies. He is an awful warmonger, who dropped more bombs than W. He took Wā€™s two illegal wars and made it seven. Instead of pushing through Medicare4All as 85% of registered D voters and over 50% of R voters wanted, he pushed through a right wing HC plan to enrich his big donors.

He is a terrible fraud but the corporate media pushes propaganda about O, which many Americans foolishly believe
To say nothing of his negative effects on race relations. Many Americans voted for him thinking his presidency would heal racial divisions, yet he merely inflamed them.

Fuck him.
Maybe he gets a pass these days, because he is old news, done his 8 years and will not significantly hurt or help any national or international situation now or in the future?

He was able to move on and do other things. To me that is the oddest thing about Trump, out of all the people to be POTUS in my lifetime, he had the most to go back to, yet he cannot let go. He is the only POTUS in my lifetime that still uses his official title after leaving office and still puts out weekly/daily notes from the Desk of whatever number POTUS they were.
Obama should get a pass because he tried to bring social change to America. He failed on most of what he tried to do because the deck was stacked against his darker skin. America still isn't ready to be led by a black president. The south is feeling worse now about losing their civil war than they did before Trump used racism as his main political bid.

The rest of the world outside of the US still hold up Obama as one of the greatest. Trump will be remembered as a psychotic mad buffoon that will threaten nuclear war if he ever gets close to the nuclear button again.
-best wishes from Canada.
He was able to move on and do other things. To me that is the oddest thing about Trump, out of all the people to be POTUS in my lifetime, he had the most to go back to, yet he cannot let go. He is the only POTUS in my lifetime that still uses his official title after leaving office and still puts out weekly/daily notes from the Desk of whatever number POTUS they were.
You would think he was the ruler in exile of some 3rd world country.
Otis Mayfield
Sure because the rest of us are paying for it.

Hell if you had benefits the cost for you went right up. My benefit costs went up by 60% because of Obama care.

The ONLY people who liked it were the people the rest of us were paying for.
Of the recent presidents in the US, going back to Johnson, the only 2 to ever receive the Nobel Peace prize are Jimmy Carter (who actually deserved it in 2002) and Barack Obama, who clearl did not deserve it.

Not to rain on our ominous parade of peaceful leaders in the last 60 years, but only Jimmy Carter truly deserved the award, and even he was 'in charge' while covert activities were happening in Iran, Central America and elsewhere. Most of us are painfully aware of our other open foreign policy mistakes (putting it nicely) but what about the things our press fails to inform us about, like the Ukraine, Syria and Libya ?

Which brings us back to Obama. Mr audacity still selling his books
at every Target and Walmart.
From 2015
What were some of the early signs that those hoping for an anti-war president would be sorely disappointed?

Well Obama held onto [Bush appointee] Robert Gates as secretary of defense. That was not a necessary move by him. It more or less ensured that the wars would go on. Gates was by no means extreme, but heā€™s a firm believer in American global military reach.

The appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state was the largest single indication of this, though. During the campaign, Obama had disagreed strongly with Hillary Clinton on foreign policy. Then he appointed her as secretary of state.

The first Obama administration ā€“ the cabinet of 2009 to 2013, roughly speaking ā€“ was like a third Clinton administration. And I still donā€™t quite know why he did it. People have said that the Clintons would have formed a second pole of the Democratic Party, that they would have undermined Obama, and he needed to make friends with them.

I was never convinced by that. I think itā€™s just a very general tendency to placate on his part, and it had big consequences for the future of Syria, Ukraine, Libya and elsewhere.

What happened in Syria;

He is a corrupt Democrat, rules don't apply to democrats . Even more so if your half black āš«.
Obama should get a pass because he tried to bring social change to America. He failed on most of what he tried to do because the deck was stacked against his darker skin. America still isn't ready to be led by a black president. The south is feeling worse now about losing their civil war than they did before Trump used racism as his main political bid.

The rest of the world outside of the US still hold up Obama as one of the greatest. Trump will be remembered as a psychotic mad buffoon that will threaten nuclear war if he ever gets close to the nuclear button again.
-best wishes from Canada.
Christ , you are stupid.
He was able to move on and do other things. To me that is the oddest thing about Trump, out of all the people to be POTUS in my lifetime, he had the most to go back to, yet he cannot let go. He is the only POTUS in my lifetime that still uses his official title after leaving office and still puts out weekly/daily notes from the Desk of whatever number POTUS they were.
I think it's because he has nothing to go back to.

His brand has been badly tarnished, his bussiness is bleeding money, his debts are coming due, his legal problems are many and he doesn't have executive immunity and get-out-of-jail-free crads to throw around anymore.

His life is coming to a final act and without winning the second term he will go down as one of the worst presidents and *GASP* a loser - something he fears more than probably anything else.
He is a corrupt Democrat, rules don't apply to democrats . Even more so if your half black āš«.
Personally, I think like many going in, he meant well at first, but then got caught up in the system. They could be blackmailing him, or maybe he sold out willingly.....either way, the truth should come out in the open, and we should hold them accountable like John Durham is hopefully doing.

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