Why does Speaker Pelosi need to know how McConnell will conduct the Senate impeachment trial?

If the Senate acquits Trump* - will his supporters still say he wasn't impeached? That would also mean President Clinton wasn't impeached.
The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process

BS they know their case, they should be prepared to present it. If they're not they can just sit there, McConnell doesn't want it anyway.


You mean because McConnell says he doesn't want it? That's funny...

No because they are obligated to present the case they voted on. It's the managers problem is they don't think they can do it effectively. palousey should have never brought it to a vote if they weren't prepared to present their case. Now the senate has the SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The house doesn't have a damn thing to say how the senate goes about it, just like the senate couldn't dictate to the house. The house made their bed but don't want to lay in it. TOUGH!

The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process

BS they know their case, they should be prepared to present it. If they're not they can just sit there, McConnell doesn't want it anyway.


You mean because McConnell says he doesn't want it? That's funny...

No because they are obligated to present the case they voted on. It's the managers problem is they don't think they can do it effectively. palousey should have never brought it to a vote if they weren't prepared to present their case. Now the senate has the SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The house doesn't have a damn thing to say how the senate goes about it, just like the senate couldn't dictate to the house. The house made their bed but don't want to lay in it. TOUGH!


Funny. The senate does NOT have SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The House managers are the prosecutors who present evidence in the case before the Senate. The House managers try the case - the Senate is the jury.
The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process

BS they know their case, they should be prepared to present it. If they're not they can just sit there, McConnell doesn't want it anyway.


You mean because McConnell says he doesn't want it? That's funny...

No because they are obligated to present the case they voted on. It's the managers problem is they don't think they can do it effectively. palousey should have never brought it to a vote if they weren't prepared to present their case. Now the senate has the SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The house doesn't have a damn thing to say how the senate goes about it, just like the senate couldn't dictate to the house. The house made their bed but don't want to lay in it. TOUGH!


Funny. The senate does NOT have SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The House managers are the prosecutors who present evidence in the case before the Senate. The House managers try the case - the Senate is the jury.

You and the bitch palousey need to learn to read.

Article 1, Section 3, Clause 6
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

The house managers present their case in accordance with the senate rules. DEAL WITH IT COMMIE!

There is no Case to Try, Dummy. All The Senate does is review The so called Evidence or lack thereof The House has compiled.

Clue here:

Orange Man Bad does not pass
For Evidence.

The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process

BS they know their case, they should be prepared to present it. If they're not they can just sit there, McConnell doesn't want it anyway.


You mean because McConnell says he doesn't want it? That's funny...

No because they are obligated to present the case they voted on. It's the managers problem is they don't think they can do it effectively. palousey should have never brought it to a vote if they weren't prepared to present their case. Now the senate has the SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The house doesn't have a damn thing to say how the senate goes about it, just like the senate couldn't dictate to the house. The house made their bed but don't want to lay in it. TOUGH!


Funny. The senate does NOT have SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The House managers are the prosecutors who present evidence in the case before the Senate. The House managers try the case - the Senate is the jury.
Question is, which will fail first?

Nancy’s Denture Cream?

Nancy's Senile Mind?

Nancy’s ability to Speak clearly?

Nancy’s attempt to install herself as Emperor?

Nancy’s Diapers?

I guess it'll be another week before we start hearing about any movement on the Senate trial.
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.
The Senate Hearings on The Lack of Evidence The House Failed to produce has nothing to do with his oath.

The House voted on a Resolution (HR-1)
This is the impeachment resolution.

It’s a purely Political Process and a particular resolution like this requires a 2/3rds Majority to Pass.

Again, this proves it’s a political process and nothing more.

So how is he violating his oath by opposing HR-1?

He’s already read about all the shenanigans that went on at The House and already has read all the “lack of evidence.”

No reason for him to hide his opposition to HR-1 when The Democrats have said that they have all the evidence they needed and it was “Overwhelming and Irrefutable”.

McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.
When she sends over the articles....she'll get her answer.

Not before then.

Until then, they can continue to function as a high-fiber suppository for the idiotic speaker.
She wants to control the impeachment narrative because she is in danger of becoming impotent.
Trust me, Pelosi is not going to live to see Trump finish his 2nd term.

She has Cancer and early dementia.

When she sends over the articles....she'll get her answer.

Not before then.

Until then, they can continue to function as a high-fiber suppository for the idiotic speaker.
She wants to control the impeachment narrative because she is in danger of becoming impotent.
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

I agree!
The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process

Not her call. She needs to present the best case she can and leave it at that.
She can appoint whomever she wants....the senate runs the trial not the House.
Did she ask Mitch what witness to call?

Pelosi has no say in the administration of the a trial in the senate.

Speaker Pelosi has a MAJOR role! Especially since McConnell and Graham said they are not impartial jurors.

Dream on genius. Once the House passes impeachment articles its in the hands of the senate. Pelosi can appoint whomever she wants as prosecutors, but that is the extent. And your BS about McConnell and Graham is funny particularly since the dems in 1998 were not impartial either. You left wing clowns wanted this....so eat it.

Blowjobs and election bribery/extortion are two completely different things.

Neither of which are the articles of impeachment, so it's a moot point.
Dream on genius. Once the House passes impeachment articles its in the hands of the senate. Pelosi can appoint whomever she wants as prosecutors, but that is the extent. And your BS about McConnell and Graham is funny particularly since the dems in 1998 were not impartial either. You left wing clowns wanted this....so eat it.

Blowjobs and election bribery/extortion are two completely different things.

What bribery?? Other than left wing wet dreams.

The bribery that was proven in the House impeachment. It falls under "abuse of power".

There was no "bribery." Ukraine got their weapons and no investigation took place. Even so, many Presidents have placed stipulations on foreign aid.

Only because Trump* got caught - thanks to the whistleblower. Anyway, that's irrelevant in the commission of a crime.

And the WB needs to be called and asked who divulged the contents of a private phone call between the president and a foreign leader.
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

And we already know how the majority of democrats will vote. They also should recuse themselves and resign from office.
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

And we already know how the majority of democrats will vote. They also should recuse themselves and resign from office.
They will look at the evidence & all evidence points to conviction.

If your fat assed orange buddy wants to offer any evidence of his innocense, he should take the oath & testify. But we all know he won't. They will offer no new testimony & depend on Republican Senators to piss on the Constitution to save his fat ass.


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