Why does Speaker Pelosi need to know how McConnell will conduct the Senate impeachment trial?

When she sends over the articles....she'll get her answer.

Not before then.

Until then, they can continue to function as a high-fiber suppository for the idiotic speaker.
She is kicking Trumps & Moscow Mitch's ass at every turn.

Only in your fantasyland.

She's costing herself seats in the house every day.

Oh wait, I forgot....you guys think someone is kicking ass when they lose.

Like Hillary.
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

Can you make me laugh any harder.

He is not expected, nor does his oath require that he be, an impartial juror.

Any less than it requires Adam Schiffhead to not do all the dirty underhanded sneaky lying crap he pulled during the hearings.
The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process
Considering that she had no evidence for either of the two non-high crime Articles of impeachment, she could appoint Bozo the Clown as Manager. She might be better off, in fact
The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process
You have to send the Articles to find that out
Anyone who says Speaker Pelosi has no role in how McConnell conducts the Senate impeachment trial doesn't understand how the system works. She has a major role - since her appointed managers will be presenting and prosecuting the case before the Senate.

So let her appoint the managers. They already have their case (if you can call it that).
Anyone who says Speaker Pelosi has no role in how McConnell conducts the Senate impeachment trial doesn't understand how the system works. She has a major role - since her appointed managers will be presenting and prosecuting the case before the Senate.

I don't think McConnell cares whether she sends the managers over or not.
How Justice John Roberts might oversee the Senate impeachment trial

I'm no expert, but I've heard that it will partly depend on how "involved" and "forceful" Justice Roberts wishes to be. In other words - he apparently has "flexibility". We are all in the dark - because there has never been such a serious/grave impeachment trial in U.S. history. I seriously doubt that Justice Roberts would allow McConnell to run a sham/rigged trial. Justice Roberts also cares about his legacy - and he knows this will be a "major" part of it - if not the most "major". No one benefits from an unfair trial. No one! The following link is very informative.

How John Roberts might oversee a Senate impeachment trial - CNNPolitics

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