Why does Speaker Pelosi need to know how McConnell will conduct the Senate impeachment trial?

McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

And we already know how the majority of democrats will vote. They also should recuse themselves and resign from office.
They will look at the evidence & all evidence points to conviction.

If your fat assed orange buddy wants to offer any evidence of his innocense, he should take the oath & testify. But we all know he won't. They will offer no new testimony & depend on Republican Senators to piss on the Constitution to save his fat ass.

The Republicans obviously will be fair and balanced. The democrats are simply out to convict, no matter what.

See how ludicrous your partisan rants sound when you look at them in a different light? There is no flippin' way, for example, the Schumer will ever vote for anything other than conviction, and that was known before the impeachment ever started. He has no more claim to objectivity than does McConnell, so if anyone has to recuse himself, so does he.
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

And we already know how the majority of democrats will vote. They also should recuse themselves and resign from office.
They will look at the evidence & all evidence points to conviction.

If your fat assed orange buddy wants to offer any evidence of his innocense, he should take the oath & testify. But we all know he won't. They will offer no new testimony & depend on Republican Senators to piss on the Constitution to save his fat ass.

The Republicans obviously will be fair and balanced. The democrats are simply out to convict, no matter what.

See how ludicrous your partisan rants sound when you look at them in a different light? There is no flippin' way, for example, the Schumer will ever vote for anything other than conviction, and that was known before the impeachment ever started. He has no more claim to objectivity than does McConnell, so if anyone has to recuse himself, so does he.

The President CONFESSED, on national television. He says he did nothing wrong, but that's simply not true and he knows it.
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

And we already know how the majority of democrats will vote. They also should recuse themselves and resign from office.
They will look at the evidence & all evidence points to conviction.

If your fat assed orange buddy wants to offer any evidence of his innocense, he should take the oath & testify. But we all know he won't. They will offer no new testimony & depend on Republican Senators to piss on the Constitution to save his fat ass.

The Republicans obviously will be fair and balanced. The democrats are simply out to convict, no matter what.

See how ludicrous your partisan rants sound when you look at them in a different light? There is no flippin' way, for example, the Schumer will ever vote for anything other than conviction, and that was known before the impeachment ever started. He has no more claim to objectivity than does McConnell, so if anyone has to recuse himself, so does he.

The President CONFESSED, on national television. He says he did nothing wrong, but that's simply not true and he knows it.
No....that was Joe Biden on national television confessing the quid pro quo. You need to get some new glasses
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

And we already know how the majority of democrats will vote. They also should recuse themselves and resign from office.
They will look at the evidence & all evidence points to conviction.

If your fat assed orange buddy wants to offer any evidence of his innocense, he should take the oath & testify. But we all know he won't. They will offer no new testimony & depend on Republican Senators to piss on the Constitution to save his fat ass.

The Republicans obviously will be fair and balanced. The democrats are simply out to convict, no matter what.

See how ludicrous your partisan rants sound when you look at them in a different light? There is no flippin' way, for example, the Schumer will ever vote for anything other than conviction, and that was known before the impeachment ever started. He has no more claim to objectivity than does McConnell, so if anyone has to recuse himself, so does he.

The President CONFESSED, on national television. He says he did nothing wrong, but that's simply not true and he knows it.
No....that was Joe Biden on national television confessing the quid pro quo. You need to get some new glasses
The quo was a Ukraine fighting the rampant corruption so the US and other countries could send then aid without it being stolen.

Only a fucking moron like you can't tell the difference.
Anyone who says Speaker Pelosi has no role in how McConnell conducts the Senate impeachment trial doesn't understand how the system works. She has a major role - since her appointed managers will be presenting and prosecuting the case before the Senate.

Her first role is to send over the Articles. She chooses not to do so. That is a major role. What you are describing is trivial.
Anyone who says Speaker Pelosi has no role in how McConnell conducts the Senate impeachment trial doesn't understand how the system works. She has a major role - since her appointed managers will be presenting and prosecuting the case before the Senate.

The only role she had was with the House.

McConnel runs the Senate, not Pelousy. He decides how it will be run and the Senators will decide what happens.

Pelousy has no say whatsoever in how the Senate deals with the articles.
McConnell has said that he will not act as an impartial juror and that he is coordinating with the White House, which essentially means that he has rejected his oath of office. Given his lack of personal integrity and patriotism, he should recuse himself from all proceedings and apologize to the American People.

And we already know how the majority of democrats will vote. They also should recuse themselves and resign from office.
They will look at the evidence & all evidence points to conviction.

If your fat assed orange buddy wants to offer any evidence of his innocense, he should take the oath & testify. But we all know he won't. They will offer no new testimony & depend on Republican Senators to piss on the Constitution to save his fat ass.

The Republicans obviously will be fair and balanced. The democrats are simply out to convict, no matter what.

See how ludicrous your partisan rants sound when you look at them in a different light? There is no flippin' way, for example, the Schumer will ever vote for anything other than conviction, and that was known before the impeachment ever started. He has no more claim to objectivity than does McConnell, so if anyone has to recuse himself, so does he.

What do you make then of mcconnell's and graham's statements that they will not be impartial and objective? The republicans have not shown that they will be "fair and balanced." Quite the opposite. The evidence on the record points to guilt. This evidence has not been countered by any witnesses who could provide evidence and documents favorable to trump, even though trump and his team were provided every opportunity to participate. Maybe the trumpsters will do better at trial. That's their call. If they continue to sit there with their thumbs up their asses and let the evidence pile up against them, it would be indefensible for a senator to not vote for removal.

Personally, I'd like to hear not only from mulvaney and bolton, but also from giuliani, who has been gallivanting around the world as a private citizen who, to the best of our knowledge, has no security clearance, but appears to be in the thick of things and trump has instructed others to talk to him.
Anyone who says Speaker Pelosi has no role in how McConnell conducts the Senate impeachment trial doesn't understand how the system works. She has a major role - since her appointed managers will be presenting and prosecuting the case before the Senate.

The only role she had was with the House.

McConnel runs the Senate, not Pelousy. He decides how it will be run and the Senators will decide what happens.

Pelousy has no say whatsoever in how the Senate deals with the articles.
So, it should be easy for McConnel to force Pelosi to send over the Articles of Impeachment. Why can't he force her to send them over?
The republicans have not shown that they will be "fair and balanced." Quite the opposite.
Now you're suddenly interested in fairness?
The evidence on the record points to guilt.
No it doesn't.
This evidence has not been countered by any witnesses who could provide evidence and documents favorable to trump, even though trump and his team were provided every opportunity to participate.
Um, it hasn't been countered because Republicans were not allowed to call any witnesses.
it would be indefensible for a senator to not vote for removal.
In your world maybe. In the real world we rely on evidence, not hearsay and opinions.
Personally, I'd like to hear not only from mulvaney and bolton, but also from giuliani, who has been gallivanting around the world as a private citizen who, to the best of our knowledge, has no security clearance, but appears to be in the thick of things and trump has instructed others to talk to him.
Along with Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi? Then there's the so-called whistleblower.
The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process
She knows the evidence (um, lack thereof) and the case (um, lack thereof) she has. If she can't figure out which clowns to send to make their case (um, lack thereof), that's her problem. You have bought into her bullshit.

She knows she is holding a clusterfuck, and is desperately trying to hide it now.
The republicans have not shown that they will be "fair and balanced." Quite the opposite.
Now you're suddenly interested in fairness?
The evidence on the record points to guilt.
No it doesn't.
This evidence has not been countered by any witnesses who could provide evidence and documents favorable to trump, even though trump and his team were provided every opportunity to participate.
Um, it hasn't been countered because Republicans were not allowed to call any witnesses.
it would be indefensible for a senator to not vote for removal.
In your world maybe. In the real world we rely on evidence, not hearsay and opinions.
Personally, I'd like to hear not only from mulvaney and bolton, but also from giuliani, who has been gallivanting around the world as a private citizen who, to the best of our knowledge, has no security clearance, but appears to be in the thick of things and trump has instructed others to talk to him.
Along with Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi? Then there's the so-called whistleblower.

The evidence very much points to guilt. It was trump himself who failed to testify and blocked his witnesses from testifying, and blocked the release of relevant documents. They were certainly "allowed to testify," and even were subpoenaed. Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi are not in any position to testify as to the actions of trump and his minions in the White House, so they would be useless as witnesses. Giuliani has been all over the place, and he's not even a federal employee with a security clearance.

I don't think that you are naive. I don't think that you are ignorant. I think that you are blindly partisan and want to pull the wool over the American voters' eyes.
The evidence very much points to guilt.
The testimony from Schiff's own witnesses says you're wrong.
It was trump himself who failed to testify and blocked his witnesses from testifying, and blocked the release of relevant documents. They were certainly "allowed to testify," and even were subpoenaed.
It's called "Executive Privilege". It's in the Constitution, which is why Schiff and Pelosi went straight to impeachment instead of letting the courts decide, which is what the Constitution calls for.
Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi are not in any position to testify as to the actions of trump and his minions in the White House, so they would be useless as witnesses.
Hunter Biden is the reason Trump requested the continuation of the investigation into Burisma. If Daddy Joe hadn't bragged about his crime on television it wouldn't have been an issue.
I think that you are blindly partisan and want to pull the wool over the American voters' eyes.
And I think your blind partisanship and hatred for Trump won't allow you to admit that the Dems don't have a case for impeachment. You want Trump to be guilty so in your eyes, he is.
And we already know how the majority of democrats will vote. They also should recuse themselves and resign from office.
They will look at the evidence & all evidence points to conviction.

If your fat assed orange buddy wants to offer any evidence of his innocense, he should take the oath & testify. But we all know he won't. They will offer no new testimony & depend on Republican Senators to piss on the Constitution to save his fat ass.

The Republicans obviously will be fair and balanced. The democrats are simply out to convict, no matter what.

See how ludicrous your partisan rants sound when you look at them in a different light? There is no flippin' way, for example, the Schumer will ever vote for anything other than conviction, and that was known before the impeachment ever started. He has no more claim to objectivity than does McConnell, so if anyone has to recuse himself, so does he.

The President CONFESSED, on national television. He says he did nothing wrong, but that's simply not true and he knows it.
No....that was Joe Biden on national television confessing the quid pro quo. You need to get some new glasses
The quo was a Ukraine fighting the rampant corruption so the US and other countries could send then aid without it being stolen.

Only a fucking moron like you can't tell the difference.
Only a "fucking moron" like yourself keeps deflecting Biden's quid pro quo.
Anyone who says Speaker Pelosi has no role in how McConnell conducts the Senate impeachment trial doesn't understand how the system works. She has a major role - since her appointed managers will be presenting and prosecuting the case before the Senate.

The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process

She doesn't. She has no say in the Senate process.

Maybe not directly - but she has a lot of indirect say.

She doesn't.
Anyone who says Speaker Pelosi has no role in how McConnell conducts the Senate impeachment trial doesn't understand how the system works. She has a major role - since her appointed managers will be presenting and prosecuting the case before the Senate.

The only role she had was with the House.

McConnel runs the Senate, not Pelousy. He decides how it will be run and the Senators will decide what happens.

Pelousy has no say whatsoever in how the Senate deals with the articles.
So, it should be easy for McConnel to force Pelosi to send over the Articles of Impeachment. Why can't he force her to send them over?

Not his job. That's her job. Once he gets the articles then he's in charge.
The Last Act Pelosi Has As Speaker of the House After Impeachment Is Passed In the House Is to Send It to The Senate....Evidently This Task Is Too Hard For Difficult For Her...Bless Her Heart.

The answer is very simple: Speaker Pelosi will need to appoint House managers with the appropriate skill-sets to serve as prosecutors to present evidence in the case before the Senate. That is another reason why she needs to know if witnesses will be allowed - and which witnesses. Different scenarios would require House managers/prosecutors with different skill-sets.
  • Members of the House serve as “managers” in the Senate trial. Managers serve a similar role as prosecutors do in a criminal trial, they present evidence during the procedure.
How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process

BS they know their case, they should be prepared to present it. If they're not they can just sit there, McConnell doesn't want it anyway.


You mean because McConnell says he doesn't want it? That's funny...

No because they are obligated to present the case they voted on. It's the managers problem is they don't think they can do it effectively. palousey should have never brought it to a vote if they weren't prepared to present their case. Now the senate has the SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The house doesn't have a damn thing to say how the senate goes about it, just like the senate couldn't dictate to the house. The house made their bed but don't want to lay in it. TOUGH!


Funny. The senate does NOT have SOLE POWER to try impeachments. The House managers are the prosecutors who present evidence in the case before the Senate. The House managers try the case - the Senate is the jury.

You are correct.

The case was made....in the house.

The senate (i.e. dumbass Schumer) does not get to bring in new angles because the house screwed up and rushed to judgement.

He lost his witnesses when they didn't testify before the house.

The senate knows the case, they just need to have the house come over and present what they found (which should take 5 minutes) and let the senate aquit....I mean vote on it.

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