Why does the Amtrak train still look like a 1950's body style design ?

No, you clearly DON'T understand the consequences of the extra weight. That being: the much-heavier freight trains need stronger railbeds, bridges, etc...and simply cannot go as fast. A passenger train might take a section of track at 80MPH...where a freight on the same stretch might have to take it at 50 or slower to avoid damaging the track, or even risking a derail. The weight also requires more fuel...to double the speed, you need to-at least-quadruple the power. (Also, freight trains are much less streamlined than passenger trains.) Running high-speed freight trains would require tearing up and replacing every foot of rail they run on! (There are over 100,000 miles of rail that would have to be replaced.)

Here is something to ponder: how much space would a 2-mile-long freight train need to stop from 140MPH? Remember: doubling the speed will roughly quadruple the stopping distance.
. How did this go from passenger trains to freight trains ?
Only idiot liberals can come up with a reason to build high-speed rail that will never make money and just suck tax dollars right out of your wallet.
. You sure it won't make money ? How do you know ? If it is fast and sleek enough, you would ride it out of curiosity now wouldn't you ? I know I would.

Studies have been done. The numbers simply do not work.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

How about you just worry about how you invest your money and keep your greedy hands off others?

. You sure it won't make money ? How do you know ? If it is fast and sleek enough, you would ride it out of curiosity now wouldn't you ? I know I would.

Studies have been done. The numbers simply do not work.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

How about you just worry about how you invest your money and keep your greedy hands off others?

. Wow, what a revealing response that was, especially with all your profiling and such that was included. Uh I'll let ya in on a little secret, I'm retired and have been generous in my life time. In fact I don't think that I've got a greedy bone in my body. Now with alot of the comments from posters here, it's so wonder this nation ever progressed throughout time, and it's so wonder we won world war two, the arms race etc. come to think of it. This greed thing is something that has progressed rapidly over time, and I think it has really gotten in the way of alot of good and decent thoughts and different things over time.Your statement might be a testament to the fact that you are the greedy one who hopes to deflect it on to someone else.
Studies have been done. The numbers simply do not work.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

How about you just worry about how you invest your money and keep your greedy hands off others?

. Wow, what a revealing response that was, especially with all your profiling and such that was included. Uh I'll let ya in on a little secret, I'm retired and have been generous in my life time. In fact I don't think that I've got a greedy bone in my body. Now with alot of the comments from posters here, it's so wonder this nation ever progressed throughout time, and it's so wonder we won world war two, the arms race etc. come to think of it. This greed thing is something that has progressed rapidly over time, and I think it has really gotten in the way of alot of good and decent thoughts and different things over time.Your statement might be a testament to the fact that you are the greedy one who hopes to deflect it on to someone else.


I am not the one posting about other people's money...... You are.
No, you clearly DON'T understand the consequences of the extra weight. That being: the much-heavier freight trains need stronger railbeds, bridges, etc...and simply cannot go as fast. A passenger train might take a section of track at 80MPH...where a freight on the same stretch might have to take it at 50 or slower to avoid damaging the track, or even risking a derail. The weight also requires more fuel...to double the speed, you need to-at least-quadruple the power. (Also, freight trains are much less streamlined than passenger trains.) Running high-speed freight trains would require tearing up and replacing every foot of rail they run on! (There are over 100,000 miles of rail that would have to be replaced.)

Here is something to ponder: how much space would a 2-mile-long freight train need to stop from 140MPH? Remember: doubling the speed will roughly quadruple the stopping distance.
. How did this go from passenger trains to freight trains ?

I mentioned the possiblility of using the high speed rail technologies that have been developed by other nations in this country to shorten the week or so of time it takes to get a container off a ship from Holland that docks in Boston to a terminal in St. Louis. It could be reduced to a day or so if the challenges of increased weight can be overcome. See, the technology exists already in many cases. As we ramp up the effort and perfect what the Japanese and Europeans have done, we can reduce the stress to the highway system, the bridges, get products from overseas to markets quicker, get our products to the shipping facilities quicker, blast open the doors to e-commerce in a way that is not currenty fathomable...

Say you find a car at Autonation. Except the car is in Milwaukee and you're in Houston. Delivery charges will put it out of your price range in some cases, the time to get it will be lengthy, etc...
Autonation, with the HSFL (High Speed Freight Line) gets a sale now because costs are reduced, and you're more likely to pull the trigger. But lets say they also need to send some parts to the AutoNation in Katy, TX. Instead of sending them over Southern Centra Freight which takes weeks, put them in the trunk of the car they are shipping; it's a freebie and they saved a couple of hundred dollars. You do that 2-3 times a week; and you can hire another porter.

Just one example.

Now the critics (all conserve-hate-ives) hate that it is a new idea and swear it won't work at 300 mph or whatever. Fine. If it goes 80mph non-stop, it can travel 1200 miles in 15 hours; not 15 days...

There comes a time when opposition is clearly remaining for the sake of just being contrary. We've reached it.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

How about you just worry about how you invest your money and keep your greedy hands off others?

. Wow, what a revealing response that was, especially with all your profiling and such that was included. Uh I'll let ya in on a little secret, I'm retired and have been generous in my life time. In fact I don't think that I've got a greedy bone in my body. Now with alot of the comments from posters here, it's so wonder this nation ever progressed throughout time, and it's so wonder we won world war two, the arms race etc. come to think of it. This greed thing is something that has progressed rapidly over time, and I think it has really gotten in the way of alot of good and decent thoughts and different things over time.Your statement might be a testament to the fact that you are the greedy one who hopes to deflect it on to someone else.


I am not the one posting about other people's money...... You are.
. Didn't say anything about someone else's money, buy only that the Amtrak sure could use some cosmetic upgrades... That sparked a back and forth that has surely been interesting for sure.
Old Amtrak trains are at least PAID FOR. Kinda like the track its running on.

This is your logic: I have an old car that's paid for. I can't make money on it because not enough people ride in it. So I'm going to invest in a NEW car. Take on more debt. I'm already in debt up to my eyeballs but lets take on more. But not just a new car, a new car that requires a special kind of road. I have to build the road and pay for the car to put on it. That's insane.

This isn't simple like just going out to buy a new car to replace an old one. You have to lay down the infrastructure to run this new train on. That doesn't exist.

I can see why this country is in the financial ruin that it's in.
Bill Clinton left us in good shape, then Bush, Jr. declared two unnecessary wars and his administration ended with a huge recession.

Do you thin Bush should have vetoed the AUMF bill overwhelmingly passed by both houses of Congress because you think it was unnecessary?

The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF),Pub. L.107-40, codified at 115 Stat.224 and passed as S.J.Res.23 by the United States Congress on September 14, 2001, authorizes the use of United States Armed Force sagainst those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001.

On September 14, 2001Senate Joint Resolution 23passed in the Senate by roll call vote. The totals in the Senate were: 98 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Present/Not Voting (SenatorsLarry Craig, R–ID, andJesse Helms, R–NC).

On September 14, 2001 the House passed House Joint Resolution 64. The totals in the House of Representatives were 420 ayes, 1 nay and 10 not voting. The sole nay vote was by Barbara Lee, D-CA.
Perhaps if the Bush Administration hadn't lied to the world about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Bush was only repeating what these two 'LIARS' were saying:

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
It was just the opposite, Kerry and Clinton trusted Bush's lies.

"It was just the opposite, Kerry and Clinton trusted Bush's lies."

That is total BS. They all got the same intelligence from CIA and other US and allied intelligence agencies. Kerry and Clinton voted along with the majority of Congress to authorize the invasion of Iraq. Even the United Nations resolution stated that Iraq was in material breech of the cease fire that was in effect. Are you really that stupid?
Only idiot liberals can come up with a reason to build high-speed rail that will never make money and just suck tax dollars right out of your wallet.
. You sure it won't make money ? How do you know ? If it is fast and sleek enough, you would ride it out of curiosity now wouldn't you ? I know I would.

Studies have been done. The numbers simply do not work.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

The private sector doesn't own Amtrak, the government does.
. You sure it won't make money ? How do you know ? If it is fast and sleek enough, you would ride it out of curiosity now wouldn't you ? I know I would.

Studies have been done. The numbers simply do not work.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

The private sector doesn't own Amtrak, the government does.
So anything the government owns or runs in America, ummm should now just wither away and die because most hate government now ? Why do we pay taxes if the taxes aren't being used for things that the citizens still feel are important parts of America ? Why not a vote on these types of things sometimes I wonder (or) is it that the citizens really have no say on anything whether it be in the private sector that he or she has interest and investments in or in the public sector he or she has the same in anymore these days ? What then, maybe the citizen have taxation out the y-zoo anymore, but they have no representation anymore ?
Studies have been done. The numbers simply do not work.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

The private sector doesn't own Amtrak, the government does.
So anything the government owns or runs in America, ummm should now just wither away and die because most hate government now ? Why do we pay taxes if the taxes aren't being used for things that the citizens still feel are important parts of America ? Why not a vote on these types of things sometimes I wonder (or) is it that the citizens really have no say on anything whether it be in the private sector that he or she has interest and investments in or in the public sector he or she has the same in anymore these days ? What then, maybe the citizen have taxation out the y-zoo anymore, but they have no representation anymore ?

It’s a simple minded “solution” that tax payers shouldn’t have to pay for what they don’t like. Should pacifists not have to pay taxes that go for tanks?
Studies have been done. The numbers simply do not work.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

The private sector doesn't own Amtrak, the government does.
So anything the government owns or runs in America, ummm should now just wither away and die because most hate government now ? Why do we pay taxes if the taxes aren't being used for things that the citizens still feel are important parts of America ? Why not a vote on these types of things sometimes I wonder (or) is it that the citizens really have no say on anything whether it be in the private sector that he or she has interest and investments in or in the public sector he or she has the same in anymore these days ? What then, maybe the citizen have taxation out the y-zoo anymore, but they have no representation anymore ?

You do get to vote for the Congressmen and the President that collect the taxes and spend the money. A very small percentage of the US population use the trains for transportation and when the nation is almost $20 trillion in debt, we don't need to borrow more money for transportation for so few people.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

The private sector doesn't own Amtrak, the government does.
So anything the government owns or runs in America, ummm should now just wither away and die because most hate government now ? Why do we pay taxes if the taxes aren't being used for things that the citizens still feel are important parts of America ? Why not a vote on these types of things sometimes I wonder (or) is it that the citizens really have no say on anything whether it be in the private sector that he or she has interest and investments in or in the public sector he or she has the same in anymore these days ? What then, maybe the citizen have taxation out the y-zoo anymore, but they have no representation anymore ?

It’s a simple minded “solution” that tax payers shouldn’t have to pay for what they don’t like. Should pacifists not have to pay taxes that go for tanks?

Tanks are part of the national defense that allows people to be pacifists.
Bill Clinton left us in good shape, then Bush, Jr. declared two unnecessary wars and his administration ended with a huge recession.

Do you thin Bush should have vetoed the AUMF bill overwhelmingly passed by both houses of Congress because you think it was unnecessary?

The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF),Pub. L.107-40, codified at 115 Stat.224 and passed as S.J.Res.23 by the United States Congress on September 14, 2001, authorizes the use of United States Armed Force sagainst those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001.

On September 14, 2001Senate Joint Resolution 23passed in the Senate by roll call vote. The totals in the Senate were: 98 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Present/Not Voting (SenatorsLarry Craig, R–ID, andJesse Helms, R–NC).

On September 14, 2001 the House passed House Joint Resolution 64. The totals in the House of Representatives were 420 ayes, 1 nay and 10 not voting. The sole nay vote was by Barbara Lee, D-CA.
Perhaps if the Bush Administration hadn't lied to the world about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Bush was only repeating what these two 'LIARS' were saying:

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
It was just the opposite, Kerry and Clinton trusted Bush's lies.

"It was just the opposite, Kerry and Clinton trusted Bush's lies."

That is total BS. They all got the same intelligence from CIA and other US and allied intelligence agencies. Kerry and Clinton voted along with the majority of Congress to authorize the invasion of Iraq. Even the United Nations resolution stated that Iraq was in material breech of the cease fire that was in effect. Are you really that stupid?
No, but you seem to be.
Do you thin Bush should have vetoed the AUMF bill overwhelmingly passed by both houses of Congress because you think it was unnecessary?

The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF),Pub. L.107-40, codified at 115 Stat.224 and passed as S.J.Res.23 by the United States Congress on September 14, 2001, authorizes the use of United States Armed Force sagainst those responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001.

On September 14, 2001Senate Joint Resolution 23passed in the Senate by roll call vote. The totals in the Senate were: 98 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Present/Not Voting (SenatorsLarry Craig, R–ID, andJesse Helms, R–NC).

On September 14, 2001 the House passed House Joint Resolution 64. The totals in the House of Representatives were 420 ayes, 1 nay and 10 not voting. The sole nay vote was by Barbara Lee, D-CA.
Perhaps if the Bush Administration hadn't lied to the world about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Bush was only repeating what these two 'LIARS' were saying:

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
It was just the opposite, Kerry and Clinton trusted Bush's lies.

"It was just the opposite, Kerry and Clinton trusted Bush's lies."

That is total BS. They all got the same intelligence from CIA and other US and allied intelligence agencies. Kerry and Clinton voted along with the majority of Congress to authorize the invasion of Iraq. Even the United Nations resolution stated that Iraq was in material breech of the cease fire that was in effect. Are you really that stupid?
No, but you seem to be.

It really doesn't get any more stupid than the statement you made:
"Bush, Jr. declared two unnecessary wars"

The attack of flying hijacked airliners into the WTC and the Pentagon was an act of war. Did you call WWII an unnecessary war after Pearl Harbor?
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

The private sector doesn't own Amtrak, the government does.
So anything the government owns or runs in America, ummm should now just wither away and die because most hate government now ? Why do we pay taxes if the taxes aren't being used for things that the citizens still feel are important parts of America ? Why not a vote on these types of things sometimes I wonder (or) is it that the citizens really have no say on anything whether it be in the private sector that he or she has interest and investments in or in the public sector he or she has the same in anymore these days ? What then, maybe the citizen have taxation out the y-zoo anymore, but they have no representation anymore ?

It’s a simple minded “solution” that tax payers shouldn’t have to pay for what they don’t like. Should pacifists not have to pay taxes that go for tanks?
. They'll say that tanks are not trains, and trains don't serve as a security enforcer. Getting modernized trains will really take some time, and a few more generations to pass it looks like.
. All depending on the studies, and who conducted those studies right ?

  1. The Federal Government Owns and Operates Amtrak
  2. Amtrak Loses Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year
  3. American Taxpayers Subsidize a Service They Don’t Use
  4. Very Small Percentage of the Population Use a Government Service We All Pay For
  5. Amtrak Has Already Been Subsidized to the Tune of a Whopping $45 billion
For more bullet points and the details go to this link.

Lie Campaign: 11 Things The Media Won't Tell You About Amtrak - Breitbart
. Instead of the private sector taking over space and space travel, why doesn't it bring it's head back out of the stars, and invest that money in transportation right here on earth ?

The private sector doesn't own Amtrak, the government does.
So anything the government owns or runs in America, ummm should now just wither away and die because most hate government now ? Why do we pay taxes if the taxes aren't being used for things that the citizens still feel are important parts of America ? Why not a vote on these types of things sometimes I wonder (or) is it that the citizens really have no say on anything whether it be in the private sector that he or she has interest and investments in or in the public sector he or she has the same in anymore these days ? What then, maybe the citizen have taxation out the y-zoo anymore, but they have no representation anymore ?

You do get to vote for the Congressmen and the President that collect the taxes and spend the money. A very small percentage of the US population use the trains for transportation and when the nation is almost $20 trillion in debt, we don't need to borrow more money for transportation for so few people.
. It may be that people don't want to use the trains because they have become lost some where in the past. I garantee that if America started uncovering some magnificent technology once again, then the response would be wild... I can understand Trumps thinking behind his words. We're like a huge nation of abused people for whom have been convinced that we aren't worth the investment's in our nation any longer.
Last edited:
Funny thing about trains, Amtrak almost went bankrupt, Rail transport was seen as something from the past. We Americans prefer highways and toll roads. Something like a Japanese bullet train or the TGV won't fly here. 200 MPH+ commuter trains in America? We would rather use bike trails or toll lanes than commute by train. beside it make sense to live closer to were you work, period.
Funny thing about trains, Amtrak almost went bankrupt, Rail transport was seen as something from the past. We Americans prefer highways and toll roads. Something like a Japanese bullet train or the TGV won't fly here. 200 MPH+ commuter trains in America? We would rather use bike trails or toll lanes than commute by train. beside it make sense to live closer to were you work, period.
. Nah the only thing that flies here is NASA, and look how bad that is anymore in cost. Bottomless Pitts some of this stuff has become.
I see them building light rail here in Denver, and it's become a real boon for contractors and politicians. For the commuters, that's another question.
Looking at the news about the latest crash of an Amtrak train, and I couldn't help thinking about how old that train looks in design. How about the high ground clearance for one thing I noticed? I mean come on America... Wow. Where is our sleek modern day safer designed trains already ? My condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims who died, and for the hurt people that were involved also in the crash. What a sad situation as always when see these sorts of reports.

A couple of things. First Amtrak runs on corporately owned track, not it's own. So who is going to clear the debris as a lower ground clearance would require?

Secondly, there is the matter of budget. There isn't much sympathy for Amtrak in Congress.

Amtrak get 2 billion a year, it has lost money since its inception. It is a black hole. The government needs to let the behemoth die.

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