You fanatics are a hoot.
Why would anyone who goes on about us needing to have a civil war just sit on their butt and make thread after thread whining about things.....that's not how one goes about having a civil war.
You fanatics are a hoot.
the vast majority of latinos oppose illegal immigration, but even that fact won't stop the Trumpbot hate
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls | Federation for American Immigration Reform

I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.
Clue: the fruit don't pick itself, and Americans aren't gonna do it. GA tried it already and it done didn't work out. LOL
You fanatics are a hoot.
the vast majority of latinos oppose illegal immigration, but even that fact won't stop the Trumpbot hate
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls | Federation for American Immigration Reform

I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.

Tax paying guests.....
You fanatics are a hoot.
the vast majority of latinos oppose illegal immigration, but even that fact won't stop the Trumpbot hate
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls | Federation for American Immigration Reform

I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.
Clue: the fruit don't pick itself, and Americans aren't gonna do it. GA tried it already and it done didn't work out. LOL

Dipshit, we have guest worker Visas for that shit so we can keep track of what mutha humpahs are coming in to our country.

But once again, it's proven that The Democrat Party is The Party of The Wealthy and Elite who use Servants and Slave Labor to service their every whim.

To Hell with America so long as Lefty gets what he wants.

You should try to get an assignment at Nancy Pelosi's Walled Compound. Those Shrubs aren't going to trim themselves.
So many ignorant reichwingers who have no idea what is the desires of democrats. As is the case with most republicans they get a story and it is played so long and so loud that it becomes the truth to them.
The goal of Democrats is a socialist big government. You know that.
immigrants have been left leaning since the 1850s at least, so at least be honest and say your real objection is to any immigration.
You can't back that claim.
So many ignorant reichwingers who have no idea what is the desires of democrats. As is the case with most republicans they get a story and it is played so long and so loud that it becomes the truth to them.

"Reichwingers" - terrific, a perfect description for the neofascist element! them what they are....conservative republicans.....they can't back out of owning this later on. They are what they are.
Laughing my ass off at DemNazi Libtards who in one breath are saying that Whitey is keeping the Brown Man down and that The GOP is WACIST, and then trying to tell us we need Illegal Immigrants to pick Cotton and their Fruit on their Leftist Plantations and Farms.
You fanatics are a hoot.
the vast majority of latinos oppose illegal immigration, but even that fact won't stop the Trumpbot hate
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls | Federation for American Immigration Reform

I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.
Clue: the fruit don't pick itself, and Americans aren't gonna do it. GA tried it already and it done didn't work out. LOL
2% of fruits and veggies are not yet picked by machines...not yet.
I think your sig may be a gratuitous insult to moderate NAZIs since the Ds established the NAZI model in the 1820s.
You fanatics are a hoot.
the vast majority of latinos oppose illegal immigration, but even that fact won't stop the Trumpbot hate
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls | Federation for American Immigration Reform

I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.
Clue: the fruit don't pick itself, and Americans aren't gonna do it. GA tried it already and it done didn't work out. LOL
When The U.S. Government Tried To Replace Migrant Farmworkers With High Schoolers
You fanatics are a hoot.
the vast majority of latinos oppose illegal immigration, but even that fact won't stop the Trumpbot hate
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls | Federation for American Immigration Reform

I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.

Tax paying guests.....
That’s why we spend 100 billion a year in housing, clothing, feeding and educating them.
You got anymore bullshit you’d like to share?
So many ignorant reichwingers who have no idea what is the desires of democrats. As is the case with most republicans they get a story and it is played so long and so loud that it becomes the truth to them.

"Reichwingers" - terrific, a perfect description for the neofascist element! them what they are....conservative republicans.....they can't back out of owning this later on. They are what they are.
Owning what? Stopping you from importing more slave labor to work in your sweat shops, pick your fucking racist cotton and pick your fruits and vegetables?

The GOP has been fighting for Civil Rights since before Lincoln. We even opposed The Racist DemNazi Trail of Tears. Your Hero Andrew Jackson did that, and your Logo, the Jackass is based on Andrew Jackson who hunted down, Lynched and hung slaves and Native Americans from the back of his War Mule. So YOU OWN THAT, KKK KRACKHEAD.

And WE THE PEOPLE will own our SHIT, and own our defense of Human Dignity, Civil Rights and American Freedoms, and Our Sovereign Nation and Constitution.

BTW, put these KKK Krackhead Slavers out of business by replacing Cotton with Hemp. You don't need slaves to pick that shit, nor do you need pesticides or fertilizers, and 1 acre of hemp replaces 20 acre of trees.
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You fanatics are a hoot.
the vast majority of latinos oppose illegal immigration, but even that fact won't stop the Trumpbot hate
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls | Federation for American Immigration Reform

I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.

Tax paying guests.....
That’s why we spend 100 billion a year in housing, clothing, feeding and educating them.
You got anymore bullshit you’d like to share?
See that is The New Democrat Party Plantation Model. Only WE THE TAXPAYERS ARE HOUSING AND FEEDING THEIR SLAVES instead of cutting in to the KKK DemNazi Plantation Profits and making them feed and house their own slave labor.
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we spend 100 billion a year in housing, clothing, feeding and educating

FAIR’s “Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration” Study Is Fatally Flawed

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is devoted to reducing legal and illegal immigration. Its recent report, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2017)” by Matthew O’Brien, Spencer Raley, and Jack Martin, estimates that the net fiscal costs of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is $116 billion. FAIR’s report reaches that conclusion by vastly overstating the costs of illegal immigration, undercounting the tax revenue they generate, inflating the number of illegal immigrants, counting millions of U.S. citizens as illegal immigrants, and by concocting a method of estimating the fiscal costs that is rejected by all economists who work on this subject.
the vast majority of latinos oppose illegal immigration, but even that fact won't stop the Trumpbot hate
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls | Federation for American Immigration Reform

I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.

Tax paying guests.....
That’s why we spend 100 billion a year in housing, clothing, feeding and educating them.
You got anymore bullshit you’d like to share?
See that is The New Democrat Party Plantation Model. Only WE THE TAXPAYERS ARE HOUSING AND FEEDING THEIR SLAVES instead of cutting in to the KKK DemNazi Plantation Profits.
Honestly, neo-cons do the same thing but don’t falsely claim to be humanists.
we spend 100 billion a year in housing, clothing, feeding and educating

FAIR’s “Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration” Study Is Fatally Flawed

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is devoted to reducing legal and illegal immigration. Its recent report, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2017)” by Matthew O’Brien, Spencer Raley, and Jack Martin, estimates that the net fiscal costs of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is $116 billion. FAIR’s report reaches that conclusion by vastly overstating the costs of illegal immigration, undercounting the tax revenue they generate, inflating the number of illegal immigrants, counting millions of U.S. citizens as illegal immigrants, and by concocting a method of estimating the fiscal costs that is rejected by all economists who work on this subject.
I’ll tell you what...
You make $5.00/hour at best and let me know you’ll never need a tax payer handout.
I oppose it. The guest worker provision should be expanded and employers who hire undocumented workers should pay hefty fines.
Yeah...more guest workers...yeah.

Tax paying guests.....
That’s why we spend 100 billion a year in housing, clothing, feeding and educating them.
You got anymore bullshit you’d like to share?
See that is The New Democrat Party Plantation Model. Only WE THE TAXPAYERS ARE HOUSING AND FEEDING THEIR SLAVES instead of cutting in to the KKK DemNazi Plantation Profits.
Honestly, neo-cons do the same thing but don’t falsely claim to be humanists.
You can't even back that up Slaver. Conservatives oppose Illegal Immigration and Oppose Slavery and Human Trafficking. Your Party survives on it. That's why you want the Amero and Open Borders. So you can bring in more Brown people to pick your cotton.
we spend 100 billion a year in housing, clothing, feeding and educating

FAIR’s “Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration” Study Is Fatally Flawed

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is devoted to reducing legal and illegal immigration. Its recent report, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2017)” by Matthew O’Brien, Spencer Raley, and Jack Martin, estimates that the net fiscal costs of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is $116 billion. FAIR’s report reaches that conclusion by vastly overstating the costs of illegal immigration, undercounting the tax revenue they generate, inflating the number of illegal immigrants, counting millions of U.S. citizens as illegal immigrants, and by concocting a method of estimating the fiscal costs that is rejected by all economists who work on this subject.
I’ll tell you what...
You make $5.00/hour at best and let me know you’ll never need a tax payer handout.
I fixed it for you.

"I pay my slave labor $5.00/hour at best and then I'll ask you for a tax payer handout to subsidize my plantations."

Because that is what you are really saying. I believe it is an accurate translation of your true sentiments.

You know, just like we subsidized GM before they closed all these American Plants and moved to their new slave labor camps in Mexico and China.

Are they friends of yours?

Your name wouldn't happen to be Tim Ryan from Ohio would it?

Sherrod Brown is that you?

John Kasich?
we spend 100 billion a year in housing, clothing, feeding and educating

FAIR’s “Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration” Study Is Fatally Flawed

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is devoted to reducing legal and illegal immigration. Its recent report, “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2017)” by Matthew O’Brien, Spencer Raley, and Jack Martin, estimates that the net fiscal costs of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is $116 billion. FAIR’s report reaches that conclusion by vastly overstating the costs of illegal immigration, undercounting the tax revenue they generate, inflating the number of illegal immigrants, counting millions of U.S. citizens as illegal immigrants, and by concocting a method of estimating the fiscal costs that is rejected by all economists who work on this subject.
I’ll tell you what...
You make $5.00/hour at best and let me know you’ll never need a tax payer handout.
I fixed it for you.

"I pay my slave labor $5.00/hour at best and then I'll ask you for tax payer handout to subsidize my plantations.:

Because that is what you are really saying. I believe it is an accurate translation of your true sentiments.
It’s not only that...who can buy their own clothes, food and pay rent on $5.00/hour?
Not even Boo.
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