Why does the left believe a corporate tax break "steals" money from the taxpayers?

If one group of people have lower taxes, then that means someone else has to pick up the tab. Which means working class and middle class folks are going to be picking up these rich cooperations tab.
/----/ Who picks up the tab for the 47% who pay no income tax?
A great many of that 47% end up paying no taxes because they deduct, exempt, and credit themselves out of paying taxes.

And the rest of us have to make up the difference.
The topic is taxes, retard.
If you are too stupid not to know how to avoid paying taxes, then you deserve to pay all those taxes you pay to the government. It isn't my fault but yours and your failed ideologue that DEMANDS that everyone be equally poor and equally miserable. That is why liberal tax people to death. Dumbass....

To collect a hundred dollars in revenue:

You tax the individual, the corporation. If you give the corporation a tax break, you have to increase taxes on the individual in order to get the same hundred in revenue,

or you have to run a deficit.

Get it?
When you waste billions of dollars on FAILED government agencies, your solution is to tax more, while smart people want to punish the agencies and give those agencies less money to waste. I notice that you don't want to debate how fucking stupid you are.

Even after you cut all the spending you think is wasteful, we would still be spending an additional $1.4 trillion on tax expenditures which would have to be paid for. And they are paid for by raising tax rates.

You dumb shits just don't get it. You have no clue how our government works, nor grasp the basics of mathematics.

/----/ Do you tell your accountant not to take any deductions on your returns and to pay the full amount?

What would be the point of that?

I have lobbied my Congressman and one of my US Senators about this matter several times. My last conversation with my very liberal Senator's staff about this topic ended with extremely angry words being hurled by me at them. Our veterans are being fucked over regularly because of budget issues. Meanwhile, both parties are giving away trillions of dollars in government gifts in the form of tax expenditures to special interests.
If one group of people have lower taxes, then that means someone else has to pick up the tab. Which means working class and middle class folks are going to be picking up these rich cooperations tab.
/----/ Who picks up the tab for the 47% who pay no income tax?

It's Republican tax policy that created the 47% who pay no income tax,

and Trump's tax plan will increase that number.
/-----/ It's the Democrats who raised taxes the most.
Parties For Taxes: Republicans Vs. Democrats
Most lefties believe the gubmint is entitled to 100% of your money so anything they don't take is a gift.
I have written many times on this forum about the fact the "tax the rich more" liberal solution to our budget problems is a simplistic wrong-headed solution, with the advantage of being able to fit on the bumper sticker intellects of the left.

Our budget problems are not because the rich aren't being taxed enough. Our problems are because the playing field has been legislatively tilted in favor of a select few.

If you build a better mousetrap, you deserve all the wealth you acquire. You should not be taxed more and more out of some misguided belief that no one gets rich without being evil.

The Left justifies its theft by convincing itself rich people deserve to be robbed. Pay attention. You will see that belief underlying every discussion about taxing the rich more. "They didn't build that."

Meanwhile, the Republicans are gifting special interests with tax breaks they did not earn or deserve. They are picking winners and losers in the marketplace. This is just as evil as the Left's robbery of the rich.

Just as evil. Maybe even more evil.

Tax expenditures are evil, boys and girls. Extremely so.
It is fucking incredible any self-respecting conservative or libertarian would stand for that kind of deliberate government manipulation of the marketplace.

It is fucking incredible any self-respecting conservative or libertarian would stand for that kind of government behavioral control of the people.

The government punishes you for not buying a house and taking out a mortgage by making you pay more taxes than the person who did.

The government punishes you for not buying the right kind of refrigerator by making you pay more taxes than the person who did.

The government punishes you for not buying the right kind of car, or the right kind of electricity, or for not having kids.

By allowing this, by actually DEMANDING this kind of corrupt scheme, you pseudocons are to blame for the government punishing you for not buying the right kind of health insurance.
Most lefties believe the gubmint is entitled to 100% of your money so anything they don't take is a gift.
Again, you innumerate fool, you are completely ignoring the other side of the equation.

After having it pointed out to you, several times, and in giant colorful letters, I can only conclude you are being a willfully blind monkey stuck in a bullshit paradigm hand fed to you rubes by people who work very hard to keep you just this stupid.

You have an attitude about this matter identical to a welfare queen.


You are WAY off the conservative reservation.
If one group of people have lower taxes, then that means someone else has to pick up the tab. Which means working class and middle class folks are going to be picking up these rich cooperations tab.
/----/ Who picks up the tab for the 47% who pay no income tax?

It's Republican tax policy that created the 47% who pay no income tax,

and Trump's tax plan will increase that number.
/-----/ It's the Democrats who raised taxes the most.
Parties For Taxes: Republicans Vs. Democrats
That's why it has been Republicans that have added most to the national debt! Cutting taxes without cutting the spending has done nothing but put off today what you can pay tomorrow, and that is precisely why our national debt is so high!

Thanks a mil, Repubs! NOT!
Notice how the dipshit, talks about taxes in, but never reduction of the FAILED government agencies? I just showed a video of illegal anchors scamming billions from US tax payers ( #5 ), but hey, those evil corps need to pay more. Why? So those future illegal Democrat voters will vote Democrat. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

The topic is taxes, retard.
If you are too stupid not to know how to avoid paying taxes, then you deserve to pay all those taxes you pay to the government. It isn't my fault but yours and your failed ideologue that DEMANDS that everyone be equally poor and equally miserable. That is why liberal tax people to death. Dumbass....

To collect a hundred dollars in revenue:

You tax the individual, the corporation. If you give the corporation a tax break, you have to increase taxes on the individual in order to get the same hundred in revenue,

or you have to run a deficit.

Get it?
When you waste billions of dollars on FAILED government agencies, your solution is to tax more, while smart people want to punish the agencies and give those agencies less money to waste. I notice that you don't want to debate how fucking stupid you are.

Even after you cut all the spending you think is wasteful, we would still be spending an additional $1.4 trillion on tax expenditures which would have to be paid for. And they are paid for by raising tax rates.

You dumb shits just don't get it. You have no clue how our government works, nor grasp the basics of mathematics.

Not if you reduce the fucking size of the bloated government. Democrats say a reduction of spending increase is a cut , yet we all know that when the government increases 4% annually, with about 50% of that money going to wasteful spending, if you cut 2% of the growth, the liberals say "people will die" or "children will starve". Yet people still die, and children still starve even when the 4% goes through. Why is that, because liberals hate everyone, don't give a rats ass about anyone, but themselves, and especially hate those who have succeeded in life(because liberals suck seed, not succeed , fucking fagots), so must punish the successful people, and reward the liberal failures, just to get the vote. And don't fucking patronize me about mathematics, you loud mouth buffoon, as it is the SIZE of government that causes high TAXES. Reduce the size of government, and you can reduce the taxes.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

If one group of people have lower taxes, then that means someone else has to pick up the tab. Which means working class and middle class folks are going to be picking up these rich cooperations tab.
/----/ Who picks up the tab for the 47% who pay no income tax?

It's Republican tax policy that created the 47% who pay no income tax,

and Trump's tax plan will increase that number.
/-----/ It's the Democrats who raised taxes the most.
Parties For Taxes: Republicans Vs. Democrats
But it is Republicans who enact tax expenditures the most.

That's why they do it. Because they know you are too stupid to understand what that means to your wallet. It's a way of robbing you that isn't as obvious as what the Democrats do.
/----/ Not true. Letting people keep more of their hard earned money costs nothing.

We have 20 trillion in debt proving that is wrong.

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?
To pay for Shrub's two wars of choice (off the books), unfunded Medicare drug benefit, and bankster bailout?

Practically all of our debt can be traced to the fact that we stopped paying for wars after Vietnam.

Nope. Transfer payments.

Total government transfer payments to individuals in the last 10 years, since right before the last financial crisis - $23.85 trillion. Yes you read that correctly.

Total contributions for social insurance actually collected in the same period - $10.42 trillion.

Net transfers to individuals not funded by them in that 10 year period, no interest counted, no adjustments, raw dollars - $13.43 trillion.

Total debt in the hands of the public today, net of the part owned by the Federal Reserve - $14.735 trillion minus $2.465 trillion equals $12.27 trillion.

The entire debt out that isn't in one of the US Treasury's own various pockets is owed purely and simply because the Treasury gave it to sainted mainstreet just within the last 10 years, over and above what it collected supposedly for the purpose. With enough to spare to raise the Treasury's working cash balance at the Fed a comfortable 50% or so.

The Treasury made about $600 billion profit providing various forms of assistance and bailout to the financial sector over that stretch, and the howls that raised shook the clouds - anthemas, heresy, treason, a rich man somewhere became better off at a net profit to the Treasury - outrageous, such an interference with the sainted free market. In the same period the Treasury bled out $13.43 trillion to little America, the entire debt outstanding and to spare, and that's just the sacred purpose of all government and the only concern it elicits is how to keep it up forever.

You list money going out but not money coming in.

When a person getting Social Security gets paid, they use that money on food, medicine and so on. The money goes right back into the economy.

But when money is spent invading Iraq or bombing Syria, That's money taken out of the economy. It's gone. It doesn't come back.
Republicans enact tax expenditures, and then borrow money to pay for them.

That, more than any other spending by our government, is how we got to $20 trillion in debt, boys and girls.
If one group of people have lower taxes, then that means someone else has to pick up the tab. Which means working class and middle class folks are going to be picking up these rich cooperations tab.
/----/ Who picks up the tab for the 47% who pay no income tax?

It's Republican tax policy that created the 47% who pay no income tax,

and Trump's tax plan will increase that number.
/-----/ It's the Democrats who raised taxes the most.
Parties For Taxes: Republicans Vs. Democrats
That's why it has been Republicans that have added most to the national debt! Cutting taxes without cutting the spending has done nothing but put off today what you can pay tomorrow, and that is precisely why our national debt is so high!

Thanks a mil, Repubs! NOT!
Fucking twit, it was Obama who took the debt from 9 trillion dollars, to 19 trillion dollars, even when raising taxes on everyone(that he lied he wouldn't). I don't remember Obama running on the Republican platform either, you worthless tard. Also Obama took over 1/6th the economy by fucking up healthcare, but you don't give a shit about that either, as long as everyone is fucked, then you don't care.(cant say happy, because a liberal cant find happiness).

I've been explaining the fundamentals of tax expenditures on this forum for years. And every single time, the innumerate pseudocons scream like welfare queens when confronted with the idea of ending this thievery.

Every single time.

For the willfullly blind monkeys, once again:

No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says

"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."

Problem #2: The Current Code Delivers Special Interest Subsidies and Crony Capitalism. The tax code is littered with hundreds of preferences and subsidies that pick winners and losers and create complexity. Instead of free-market competition that rewards success, our tax code directs resources to politically favored interests, creating a drag on economic growth and job creation. In fact, Washington encourages individuals and businesses to make investment decisions based not on the most promising new technologies and innovations, but instead on the promise of tax savings. Many of these tax preferences, sometimes referred to as “tax expenditures,” are special-interest giveaways that are masked as tax breaks instead of direct grants. For fiscal year 2016, such “spending” through the tax code amounts to more than $1.4 trillion, or almost three-fourths of the amount of revenue raised by the entire Federal income tax. When Washington picks winners and losers with the tax code, the American people ultimately pay higher tax rates and keep less of their hard-earned money.

We have 20 trillion in debt proving that is wrong.

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?
To pay for Shrub's two wars of choice (off the books), unfunded Medicare drug benefit, and bankster bailout?

Practically all of our debt can be traced to the fact that we stopped paying for wars after Vietnam.

Nope. Transfer payments.

Total government transfer payments to individuals in the last 10 years, since right before the last financial crisis - $23.85 trillion. Yes you read that correctly.

Total contributions for social insurance actually collected in the same period - $10.42 trillion.

Net transfers to individuals not funded by them in that 10 year period, no interest counted, no adjustments, raw dollars - $13.43 trillion.

Total debt in the hands of the public today, net of the part owned by the Federal Reserve - $14.735 trillion minus $2.465 trillion equals $12.27 trillion.

The entire debt out that isn't in one of the US Treasury's own various pockets is owed purely and simply because the Treasury gave it to sainted mainstreet just within the last 10 years, over and above what it collected supposedly for the purpose. With enough to spare to raise the Treasury's working cash balance at the Fed a comfortable 50% or so.

The Treasury made about $600 billion profit providing various forms of assistance and bailout to the financial sector over that stretch, and the howls that raised shook the clouds - anthemas, heresy, treason, a rich man somewhere became better off at a net profit to the Treasury - outrageous, such an interference with the sainted free market. In the same period the Treasury bled out $13.43 trillion to little America, the entire debt outstanding and to spare, and that's just the sacred purpose of all government and the only concern it elicits is how to keep it up forever.

You list money going out but not money coming in.

When a person getting Social Security gets paid, they use that money on food, medicine and so on. The money goes right back into the economy.

But when money is spent invading Iraq or bombing Syria, That's money taken out of the economy. It's gone. It doesn't come back.
when the money is spent on welfare, it is taken from someone else working, so someone else not working, can continue to be enslaved to the government. Of course when NY city was attacked and over 3,000 people were killed by those in the middle east. Dean, did you think those little eichmanns deserved what they got?

Most lefties believe the gubmint is entitled to 100% of your money so anything they don't take is a gift.
Again, you innumerate fool, you are completely ignoring the other side of the equation.

After having it pointed out to you, several times, and in giant colorful letters, I can only conclude you are being a willfully blind monkey stuck in a bullshit paradigm hand fed to you rubes by people who work very hard to keep you just this stupid.

You have an attitude about this matter identical to a welfare queen.


You are WAY off the conservative reservation.

Lighten up Francis.... when I have I extolled the virtues of special tax breaks?
The topic is taxes, retard.
If you are too stupid not to know how to avoid paying taxes, then you deserve to pay all those taxes you pay to the government. It isn't my fault but yours and your failed ideologue that DEMANDS that everyone be equally poor and equally miserable. That is why liberal tax people to death. Dumbass....

To collect a hundred dollars in revenue:

You tax the individual, the corporation. If you give the corporation a tax break, you have to increase taxes on the individual in order to get the same hundred in revenue,

or you have to run a deficit.

Get it?
When you waste billions of dollars on FAILED government agencies, your solution is to tax more, while smart people want to punish the agencies and give those agencies less money to waste. I notice that you don't want to debate how fucking stupid you are.

Even after you cut all the spending you think is wasteful, we would still be spending an additional $1.4 trillion on tax expenditures which would have to be paid for. And they are paid for by raising tax rates.

You dumb shits just don't get it. You have no clue how our government works, nor grasp the basics of mathematics.

Not if you reduce the fucking size of the bloated government. Democrats say a reduction of spending increase is a cut , yet we all know that when the government increases 4% annually, with about 50% of that money going to wasteful spending, if you cut 2% of the growth, the liberals say "people will die" or "children will starve". Yet people still die, and children still starve even when the 4% goes through. Why is that, because liberals hate everyone, don't give a rats ass about anyone, but themselves, and especially hate those who have succeeded in life(because liberals suck seed, not succeed , fucking fagots), so must punish the successful people, and reward the liberal failures, just to get the vote. And don't fucking patronize me about mathematics, you loud mouth buffoon, as it is the SIZE of government that causes high TAXES. Reduce the size of government, and you can reduce the taxes.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

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When George Carlin says this, he is talking about Republicans.

In the 1950 when the tax rate was 80 or 90%, the rich still had private planes and Yachts and vast fortunes. So with such high taxes, how were they able to do that? Because that money went right back into the economy building roads, bridges, ports, education and so on. It didn't get stowed away into accounts.

Today, who fights to have their healthcare taken away? Republicans.

Who fights for less education for their children? Republicans.

Who fights for abolishing the minimum wage so they can get paid less? Republicans.

The GOP has gone full blown t@rd. The party of nuts.
We had no less than four conservatives/libertarian Republican candidates who got it. At least four.

Including Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. Both of their tax plans involved eliminating almost all tax expenditures.

Marco Rubio's business tax plan would have eliminated a great many corporate tax expenditures.

The tax rates in their plans were drastically lowered as a result.

Unfortunately, Ted Cruz was dishonest in his presentation. He probably understood the pseudocons are innumerate and would not understand the truth and would rebel against it, as they are in this topic. So he dumbed it down in his speeches and even made up the bullshit lie that his plan would abolish the IRS.

His plan still had an income tax. You can't have an income tax and not have an IRS. And this guy had the balls to call the first chapter in his book "Mendacity"!!!

Rand Paul made a funny video about blowing up the tax code. But even he did not make it clear that meant getting rid of all deductions, exemptions, and credits.

Rubio's corporate tax plan gave me a lot of hope. His tax plan was the chief reason I was hoping he would be the VP candidate.

But then, for some fucking reason, all the pseudocon tards lined up behind a New York liberal posing as a bigoted pseudocon whose tax plan will add trillions and trillions and trillions more to our debt.

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