Why does the left believe a corporate tax break "steals" money from the taxpayers?

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?
To pay for Shrub's two wars of choice (off the books), unfunded Medicare drug benefit, and bankster bailout?

Practically all of our debt can be traced to the fact that we stopped paying for wars after Vietnam.

Nope. Transfer payments.

Total government transfer payments to individuals in the last 10 years, since right before the last financial crisis - $23.85 trillion. Yes you read that correctly.

Total contributions for social insurance actually collected in the same period - $10.42 trillion.

Net transfers to individuals not funded by them in that 10 year period, no interest counted, no adjustments, raw dollars - $13.43 trillion.

Total debt in the hands of the public today, net of the part owned by the Federal Reserve - $14.735 trillion minus $2.465 trillion equals $12.27 trillion.

The entire debt out that isn't in one of the US Treasury's own various pockets is owed purely and simply because the Treasury gave it to sainted mainstreet just within the last 10 years, over and above what it collected supposedly for the purpose. With enough to spare to raise the Treasury's working cash balance at the Fed a comfortable 50% or so.

The Treasury made about $600 billion profit providing various forms of assistance and bailout to the financial sector over that stretch, and the howls that raised shook the clouds - anthemas, heresy, treason, a rich man somewhere became better off at a net profit to the Treasury - outrageous, such an interference with the sainted free market. In the same period the Treasury bled out $13.43 trillion to little America, the entire debt outstanding and to spare, and that's just the sacred purpose of all government and the only concern it elicits is how to keep it up forever.

You list money going out but not money coming in.

When a person getting Social Security gets paid, they use that money on food, medicine and so on. The money goes right back into the economy.

But when money is spent invading Iraq or bombing Syria, That's money taken out of the economy. It's gone. It doesn't come back.
when the money is spent on welfare, it is taken from someone else working, so someone else not working, can continue to be enslaved to the government. Of course when NY city was attacked and over 3,000 people were killed by those in the middle east. Dean, did you think those little eichmanns deserved what they got?

Sorry, that doesn't make sense.
WHy does the GOP side wh big biz over the working man ?
who the fuck is working in the big biz, working men and women? Why the fuck are you too stupid not to know that? A corporation employees 10 of 1000's of people, but in your pea brain, small world, the corporation only has rich CEO's that plot and plan how to fuck the little guy. that is what you are spoon fed from your UBER, RICH, LIBERAL, ELITE, POLITICIANS, who steal money from those hard working corporation employees, give some to shit fucks like you dean, but then pad their only liberal pockets wealth. Why the fuck are you soooooo stoooooopppppiiiidddd.... Don't answer that, just look at the Typical Liberal Voter below.

If one group of people have lower taxes, then that means someone else has to pick up the tab. Which means working class and middle class folks are going to be picking up these rich cooperations tab.
/----/ Who picks up the tab for the 47% who pay no income tax?

It's Republican tax policy that created the 47% who pay no income tax,

and Trump's tax plan will increase that number.
/-----/ It's the Democrats who raised taxes the most.
Parties For Taxes: Republicans Vs. Democrats
That's why it has been Republicans that have added most to the national debt! Cutting taxes without cutting the spending has done nothing but put off today what you can pay tomorrow, and that is precisely why our national debt is so high!

Thanks a mil, Repubs! NOT!
Fucking twit, it was Obama who took the debt from 9 trillion dollars, to 19 trillion dollars, even when raising taxes on everyone(that he lied he wouldn't). I don't remember Obama running on the Republican platform either, you worthless tard. Also Obama took over 1/6th the economy by fucking up healthcare, but you don't give a shit about that either, as long as everyone is fucked, then you don't care.(cant say happy, because a liberal cant find happiness).

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Fucking up healthcare?

All those states that are complaining they only have one provider didn't have any before Obamacare. You know that right?

How can you fuck up something you never had?

You know, instead of just repeating GOP talking points and posting pictures of GOP talking points, perhaps it might be a new adventure for you to actually learn something and then give your own talking points. It's way more satisfying. Try it. You'll see.
We have 20 trillion in debt proving that is wrong.

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?
To pay for Shrub's two wars of choice (off the books), unfunded Medicare drug benefit, and bankster bailout?

Practically all of our debt can be traced to the fact that we stopped paying for wars after Vietnam.

Nope. Transfer payments.

Total government transfer payments to individuals in the last 10 years, since right before the last financial crisis - $23.85 trillion. Yes you read that correctly.

Total contributions for social insurance actually collected in the same period - $10.42 trillion.

Net transfers to individuals not funded by them in that 10 year period, no interest counted, no adjustments, raw dollars - $13.43 trillion.

Total debt in the hands of the public today, net of the part owned by the Federal Reserve - $14.735 trillion minus $2.465 trillion equals $12.27 trillion.

The entire debt out that isn't in one of the US Treasury's own various pockets is owed purely and simply because the Treasury gave it to sainted mainstreet just within the last 10 years, over and above what it collected supposedly for the purpose. With enough to spare to raise the Treasury's working cash balance at the Fed a comfortable 50% or so.

The Treasury made about $600 billion profit providing various forms of assistance and bailout to the financial sector over that stretch, and the howls that raised shook the clouds - anthemas, heresy, treason, a rich man somewhere became better off at a net profit to the Treasury - outrageous, such an interference with the sainted free market. In the same period the Treasury bled out $13.43 trillion to little America, the entire debt outstanding and to spare, and that's just the sacred purpose of all government and the only concern it elicits is how to keep it up forever.

You list money going out but not money coming in.

When a person getting Social Security gets paid, they use that money on food, medicine and so on. The money goes right back into the economy.

But when money is spent invading Iraq or bombing Syria, That's money taken out of the economy. It's gone. It doesn't come back.

You list money going out but not money coming in.

It wasn't me, but.....Total contributions for social insurance actually collected in the same period - $10.42 trillion.

When a person getting Social Security gets paid, they use that money on food, medicine and so on. The money goes right back into the economy.

We aren't talking about the economy, we're talking about the origins of the debt.

But when money is spent invading Iraq or bombing Syria, That's money taken out of the economy.

The guy who built the plane "gets paid, they use that money on food, medicine and so on. The money goes right back into the economy"

The guy who built the bomb "gets paid, they use that money on food, medicine and so on. The money goes right back into the economy"

The guy flying the plane or carrying the rifle "gets paid, they use that money on food, medicine and so on. The money goes right back into the economy"
When you hear Republican politicians talking about filling out your income taxes on a post card, there is only one way that can be achieved.

By eliminating almost all tax expenditures.

They don't tell you that. They believe you are too stupid to understand it, and a lot of morons who think they are right wingers continuously demonstrate they actually are too stupid to get it.

But that is what politicians are saying when they talk about a postcard tax return.

Eliminating tax expenditures allows you to lower tax rates. They are intertwined.
I'm going to show you Libertarian Rand Paul's video. He points out the tax code is 70 thousand pages.

What do you think those 70 thousand pages are?

Tax expenditures. Deductions, credits, exemptions.

Rand Paul then explains his tax plan would be a one page tax return, and would result in a 14.5% tax rate.

There is only one way you can have a one page tax return with a low tax rate, kids.

Wake up. Getting rid of deductions, credits, and exemptions is not a liberal thing. It's a core conservative/libertarian thing.

How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

Because government has to rob someone to give money to their supporters. If the wealthy doesn't pay, someone will. Obviously, the answer is for government to cut stupid spending. That never happens. Meanwhile, they act like all the money belongs to them and they push the notion that it's unfair for government to let people keep so much of what they earned.
How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

Because government has to rob someone to give money to their supporters. If the wealthy doesn't pay, someone will. Obviously, the answer is for government to cut stupid spending. That never happens. Meanwhile, they act like all the money belongs to them and they push the notion that it's unfair for government to let people keep so much of what they earned.
Another pseudocon misled far away from the conservative reservation.
When you hear Republican politicians talking about filling out your income taxes on a post card, there is only one way that can be achieved.

By eliminating almost all tax expenditures.

They don't tell you that. They believe you are too stupid to understand it, and a lot of morons who think they are right wingers continuously demonstrate they actually are too stupid to get it.

But that is what politicians are saying when they talk about a postcard tax return.

Eliminating tax expenditures allows you to lower tax rates. They are intertwined.
Imo early on Trump was basically on board with at least eliminating most expenditures for individuals. I suspect he was all balls for income averaging and taking losses, though. He sort of got off message.
Everyone who works for that company also pays taxes. Taxes are paid on everything that corporation buys. Lowered corporate taxes actually means more taxes collected overall.

Democrats have successfully convinced the poor that they pay more in taxes than corporations even though the poor actually pay no taxes at all. It's a slight of imagination. They believe, therefore it is.

The working poor pay property taxes (included in rent), withholding, SS taxes, gas taxes, and sales taxes. The only tax they don't pay is income tax. It is a fiction and a falsehood to say the poor don't pay taxes.
Everyone who works for that company also pays taxes. Taxes are paid on everything that corporation buys. Lowered corporate taxes actually means more taxes collected overall.

Democrats have successfully convinced the poor that they pay more in taxes than corporations even though the poor actually pay no taxes at all. It's a slight of imagination. They believe, therefore it is.

The working poor pay property taxes (included in rent), withholding, SS taxes, gas taxes, and sales taxes. The only tax they don't pay is income tax. It is a fiction and a falsehood to say the poor don't pay taxes.

When the government is paying for their food and their rent, it's true that they aren't paying taxes.
Everyone who works for that company also pays taxes. Taxes are paid on everything that corporation buys. Lowered corporate taxes actually means more taxes collected overall.

Democrats have successfully convinced the poor that they pay more in taxes than corporations even though the poor actually pay no taxes at all. It's a slight of imagination. They believe, therefore it is.

The working poor pay property taxes (included in rent), withholding, SS taxes, gas taxes, and sales taxes. The only tax they don't pay is income tax. It is a fiction and a falsehood to say the poor don't pay taxes.
Overall, they may pay at a higher % of income to taxes. However, they may also benefit from Obamacare and public assistance. But yeah, Tipsy's just repeating the often proved falsehood foisted upon workers by Norquist el al to pit us against ourselves. A common ploy in controlling workers. The Klan used it spectacularly
Everyone who works for that company also pays taxes. Taxes are paid on everything that corporation buys. Lowered corporate taxes actually means more taxes collected overall.

Democrats have successfully convinced the poor that they pay more in taxes than corporations even though the poor actually pay no taxes at all. It's a slight of imagination. They believe, therefore it is.

The working poor pay property taxes (included in rent), withholding, SS taxes, gas taxes, and sales taxes. The only tax they don't pay is income tax. It is a fiction and a falsehood to say the poor don't pay taxes.

When the government is paying for their food and their rent, it's true that they aren't paying taxes.
How much of their earned income goes to substance, Todd? Do you actually know, or are you just parroting a line of shit. I think the latter.
How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

Every dollar a corporation doesn't pay in taxes has to be paid by someone else,

all else being equal.
/----/ Not true. Letting people keep more of their hard earned money costs nothing.

We have 20 trillion in debt proving that is wrong.

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?

Bush was no piker when it came to spending. As a percentage, bush increased the debt more than obama did. In dollar amounts, obama spent more than bush, but not significantly more. Also, obama took over when the country was suffering the worst downturn in decades, thanks at least in a great degree to the bush, cheney spending spree in the middle east. And yeah, the market did crash after bush was prez for several years, so most of it's on him. As far as the stock market, it did tank for awhile under obama, then went to it's highest level ever. Republicans are now rejoicing about how the stock market is under trump. So that must mean obama was a pretty good president also, right?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
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How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

Every dollar a corporation doesn't pay in taxes has to be paid by someone else,

all else being equal.
Notice how the dipshit, talks about taxes in, but never reduction of the FAILED government agencies? I just showed a video of illegal anchors scamming billions from US tax payers ( #5 ), but hey, those evil corps need to pay more. Why? So those future illegal Democrat voters will vote Democrat. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

The topic is taxes, retard.
If you are too stupid not to know how to avoid paying taxes, then you deserve to pay all those taxes you pay to the government. It isn't my fault but yours and your failed ideologue that DEMANDS that everyone be equally poor and equally miserable. That is why liberal tax people to death. Dumbass....

To collect a hundred dollars in revenue:

You tax the individual, the corporation. If you give the corporation a tax break, you have to increase taxes on the individual in order to get the same hundred in revenue,

or you have to run a deficit.

Get it?
no, you don't get it. You decrease the amount you spend by the amount you did not collect.
How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

It depends on how you view it. Say you have ten entities paying a $10,000 a year tax to the government for a combined revenue of $100,000. The government decides to give one of those entities a tax break, because they say they further expand their business, for example, thus exempting them from paying that $10,000. Now the other nine remaining entities will have to pay $11,111 a year in order to keep the same revenue stream coming in unless the government plans on cutting that $10,000 from spending.
How many times have you heard "Corporate tax breaks are being subsidized by the tax-paying public" or "The tax payers are having to foot the bill for a private company"?

Those are ignorant statements. A tax break given to a corporation isn't existing money the government has already collected from taxpayers, it's some of the money those corporations have earned on their own. Money which they don't have to pay to the government. They earned it, and they own it.

That would be equivalent to saying that the general public has some right to a corporation's earnings which anyone can tell you, is socialism.

Every dollar a corporation doesn't pay in taxes has to be paid by someone else,

all else being equal.
/----/ Not true. Letting people keep more of their hard earned money costs nothing.

We have 20 trillion in debt proving that is wrong.

Half of that being Obama's doing. If you remember the national debt was only something like $9 Trillion when GW left office.

And where did that $10 Trillion dollars Obama ran up go to?

Bush was no piker when it came to spending. As a percentage, bush increased the debt more than obama did. In dollar amounts, obama spent more than bush, but not significantly more. Also, obama took over when the country was suffering the worst downturn in decades, thanks at least in a great degree to the bush, cheney spending spree in the middle east. And yeah, the market did crash after bush was prez for several years, so most of it's on him. As far as the stock market, it did tank for awhile under obama, then went to it's highest level ever. Republicans are now rejoicing about how the stock market is under trump. So that must mean obama was a pretty good president also, right?

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
/----/ Oooops. Only Congress can spend the money. And Dems ran the. Ingress for most of Bush's term.
Everyone who works for that company also pays taxes. Taxes are paid on everything that corporation buys. Lowered corporate taxes actually means more taxes collected overall.

Democrats have successfully convinced the poor that they pay more in taxes than corporations even though the poor actually pay no taxes at all. It's a slight of imagination. They believe, therefore it is.

The working poor pay property taxes (included in rent), withholding, SS taxes, gas taxes, and sales taxes. The only tax they don't pay is income tax. It is a fiction and a falsehood to say the poor don't pay taxes.

When the government is paying for their food and their rent, it's true that they aren't paying taxes.
How much of their earned income goes to substance, Todd? Do you actually know, or are you just parroting a line of shit. I think the latter.

How much of their earned income goes to substance

People who have their rent and food bought by government usually don't have much earned income.

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