Why does the Left blame Trump and not China?

The left admires China and they think the USA having an equal foe in the world will keep us in check...That is why Bill Clinton saw to it that China get missile guidance technology from us in the 90's....they do not and never have trusted America to do whats right....the left hates us and our founding documents....Just like how libs think about the middle east....they actually believe that Israel not having an equal enemy in that part of the world is not a good thing....this is what happens when you think with your heart and feel with your brain....

Thanks for tell us what liberals believe... You know there is plenty Liberals on this forum that tell us there actual beliefs rather that your feeble mids attempt.

Why do so many Trumpster spend so long telling us what other people think instead what they think... Is it because when you tell what we think everyone laughs...
To try and wake you up....before its too late....
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".
The left is China and China is the left.
The Left is also Russia but they are bored with Russia right now.
The left admires China and they think the USA having an equal foe in the world will keep us in check...That is why Bill Clinton saw to it that China get missile guidance technology from us in the 90's....they do not and never have trusted America to do whats right....the left hates us and our founding documents....Just like how libs think about the middle east....they actually believe that Israel not having an equal enemy in that part of the world is not a good thing....this is what happens when you think with your heart and feel with your brain....

Thanks for tell us what liberals believe... You know there is plenty Liberals on this forum that tell us there actual beliefs rather that your feeble mids attempt.

Why do so many Trumpster spend so long telling us what other people think instead what they think... Is it because when you tell what we think everyone laughs...
Don't forget it was Madelyn Albright that said the United States should not be the worlds lone superpower....you libs tell us what you think one day and deny it the next..... so call her not me....
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".
Because the left is a bunch of ignorant ass wipes that have no concept of reality,
They are blinded by their hate for Trump. The world would be a better place without them.

The Left’s HATE FOR TRUMP exceeds any love or care for country. Same-day voting so they can use votes of illegals and dead people is more important than Americans suffering. Hell, Democrats NEED Americans to suffer.
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".

Well, our economy and supply chain are intertwined with China but last I looked Xi Jinping isn't President of the United States. Donald John Trump is. And while China was essentially locked down by February 23rd, Trump largely did nothing from January 31st to March 13th...and that was only because of his disaster of an address two nights before and then the stock market tanking the next day. And voila, Pence and the experts out front on Friday.

I am sure there will be many questions for the Chinese government when this is all settled down. Maybe even repercussions but I wouldn't hold my breath. But the fact remains that the United States of America to my knowledge never waits for another country to do something before we act. Trump is President. He had his opportunity to do something. Starting on January 22nd in Davos. But, in the end, he just doesn't have anything beyond campaigner in chief in him. It was more important to shadow the Democrats running against him than it was to do his job. Something that could have effectively guaranteed his re-election...all before any votes were cast in the primaries.

Bullshit, you lunatics called him a racist for shutting down travel.

Hmmm...nope...didn't happen. Just like a lot of shit that comes out of the mouths of right wingers.
PolitiFact - Fact-checking whether Biden called Trump ‘xenophobic’ for restrictions on travel from China

You liars crack me up. It's all hidden away in your code. "immigration" Ongoing war against immigration is code for Trump is a racist. Just like the wall is racists. The best part is your feigned outrage is what's going to get Trump reelected. Enjoy!

"In response to the travel ban, Schumer tweeted on Feb. 5, “The premature travel ban to and from China by the current administration is just an excuse to further his ongoing was against immigrants. There must be a check and Balance (sic) on these restrictions.”

A Tweet that I believe he deleted in light of what went on the immediate aftermath. And nowhere does he use the word racist.
Honestly, is the desperation to save Trump's presidency that great?

Cause we saw how much of an impact restricting travel had....almost none...because by the time it was implemented, it was already too late.

Ya, right. Actually, bullshit. You would have to argue that leaving the border open wouldn't have made a difference.

Tell the truth, you voted for Hillaryous, didn't you?

Utter bullshit...

To close the boarder you would have to close for every country in the world and stop any US citizens coming home... That would have stopped it as long as it wasn't there at that stage...

Stopping Chinese Nationals from flying directly from china when all direct flights had already been cancelled was only giving a false sense of security, not real security...

Well said. The ”air wall” or moat around the country Trump thought he was erecting when he correctly listened to Fauci and almost all our nation’s epidemiological experts and stopped tourist travel from China, created a false complacency in his mind and in the mind’s of many of his supporters. He then refused to listen to his experts when they warned that the virus had already and would certainly continue to reach our shores.

Trump thus frittered away a great time and information advantage we had (vis-a-vis China for example, where terrible bureaucratic errors and confusion reigned initially which can and should be blamed on Xi’s reactionary censorship and repression policies). The fact that Italy’s air ban was stricter and imposed earlier than our own, and that despite the travel restrictions the virus is now spreading more here and in Italy than in China (far further than Trump initially imagined possible) all proves our country’s travel restrictions, while correct, were totally inadequate by themselves.


I am no lover China they treat ethnic minorities like dogs.

But trying to call this the Chinese Virus was just juvenile... It was so stupid it is hard to comprehend in such a serious place such a silly comment...

If the virus came from Mars it doesn't stop by name calling. At that moment in time and now, China had the equipment in the proper volume to take on this virus.

Does Trump (or his Admin) explained that idiots will either blame and attack Chinese ethnic people or think they are safe because they are not chinese..

Trump calling it the China virus is because he is pissed off at what they did to the US. The day they learned about it, they should have restricted all flights going in and out of the country, alert all countries that had inbound and outbound traffic with China of what they found, and immediately share all their research of their virus with everybody involved.

But they didn't do that, they did just the opposite. They knew it would have a very negative impact on their already financially troubled country. So they kept it away from the public until they had no choice but to tell us. By then, thousands of people returned to their country with the virus.

Have you any major proof that they deliberately misled the international community?

Real evidence not some opinion piece... US had intelligence officers on the seen and they reported back it was bad...

"Suffice it to say, the Trump administration has cumulatively failed, both in taking seriously the specific, repeated intelligence community warnings about a coronavirus outbreak and in vigorously pursuing the nationwide response initiatives commensurate with the predicted threat. The federal government alone has the resources and authorities to lead the relevant public and private stakeholders to confront the foreseeable harms posed by the virus. Unfortunately, Trump officials made a series of judgments (minimizing the hazards of COVID-19) and decisions (refusing to act with the urgency required) that have needlessly made Americans far less safe."

This is rewriting history and trying to blame China and WHO no matter what the evidence says... CDC Chinese team was cut (with ten other countries I think)...
Trump tried to cut more and Democrats stopped him.

Even this time Democrats early on have forced Trump to take more money...

But the China and WHO is just a deflection... This is after he has tried Obama, Democrats, Governors, Europeans, the Media, Healthcare staff(accused them of stealing),.... While taking no responsibility himself...
The Democrats have nothing to offer the average working class citizen except "Trump is a big fat poopy pants".
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".

Well, our economy and supply chain are intertwined with China but last I looked Xi Jinping isn't President of the United States. Donald John Trump is. And while China was essentially locked down by February 23rd, Trump largely did nothing from January 31st to March 13th...and that was only because of his disaster of an address two nights before and then the stock market tanking the next day. And voila, Pence and the experts out front on Friday.

I am sure there will be many questions for the Chinese government when this is all settled down. Maybe even repercussions but I wouldn't hold my breath. But the fact remains that the United States of America to my knowledge never waits for another country to do something before we act. Trump is President. He had his opportunity to do something. Starting on January 22nd in Davos. But, in the end, he just doesn't have anything beyond campaigner in chief in him. It was more important to shadow the Democrats running against him than it was to do his job. Something that could have effectively guaranteed his re-election...all before any votes were cast in the primaries.

Bullshit, you lunatics called him a racist for shutting down travel.

Hmmm...nope...didn't happen. Just like a lot of shit that comes out of the mouths of right wingers.
PolitiFact - Fact-checking whether Biden called Trump ‘xenophobic’ for restrictions on travel from China

You liars crack me up. It's all hidden away in your code. "immigration" Ongoing war against immigration is code for Trump is a racist. Just like the wall is racists. The best part is your feigned outrage is what's going to get Trump reelected. Enjoy!

"In response to the travel ban, Schumer tweeted on Feb. 5, “The premature travel ban to and from China by the current administration is just an excuse to further his ongoing was against immigrants. There must be a check and Balance (sic) on these restrictions.”

A Tweet that I believe he deleted in light of what went on the immediate aftermath. And nowhere does he use the word racist.
Honestly, is the desperation to save Trump's presidency that great?

Cause we saw how much of an impact restricting travel had....almost none...because by the time it was implemented, it was already too late.

Ya, right. Actually, bullshit. You would have to argue that leaving the border open wouldn't have made a difference.

Tell the truth, you voted for Hillaryous, didn't you?

Utter bullshit...

To close the boarder you would have to close for every country in the world and stop any US citizens coming home... That would have stopped it as long as it wasn't there at that stage...

Stopping Chinese Nationals from flying directly from china when all direct flights had already been cancelled was only giving a false sense of security, not real security...

Well said. The ”air wall” or moat around the country Trump thought he was erecting when he correctly listened to Fauci and almost all our nation’s epidemiological experts and stopped tourist travel from China, created a false complacency in his mind and in the mind’s of many of his supporters. He then refused to listen to his experts when they warned that the virus had already and would certainly continue to reach our shores.

Trump thus frittered away a great time and information advantage we had (vis-a-vis China for example, where terrible bureaucratic errors and confusion reigned initially which can and should be blamed on Xi’s reactionary censorship and repression policies). The fact that Italy’s air ban was stricter and imposed earlier than our own, and that despite the travel restrictions the virus is now spreading more here and in Italy than in China (far further than Trump initially imagined possible) all proves our country’s travel restrictions, while correct, were totally inadequate by themselves.


I am no lover China they treat ethnic minorities like dogs.

But trying to call this the Chinese Virus was just juvenile... It was so stupid it is hard to comprehend in such a serious place such a silly comment...

If the virus came from Mars it doesn't stop by name calling. At that moment in time and now, China had the equipment in the proper volume to take on this virus.

Does Trump (or his Admin) explained that idiots will either blame and attack Chinese ethnic people or think they are safe because they are not chinese..

Trump calling it the China virus is because he is pissed off at what they did to the US. The day they learned about it, they should have restricted all flights going in and out of the country, alert all countries that had inbound and outbound traffic with China of what they found, and immediately share all their research of their virus with everybody involved.

But they didn't do that, they did just the opposite. They knew it would have a very negative impact on their already financially troubled country. So they kept it away from the public until they had no choice but to tell us. By then, thousands of people returned to their country with the virus.

Have you any major proof that they deliberately misled the international community?

Real evidence not some opinion piece... US had intelligence officers on the seen and they reported back it was bad...

"Suffice it to say, the Trump administration has cumulatively failed, both in taking seriously the specific, repeated intelligence community warnings about a coronavirus outbreak and in vigorously pursuing the nationwide response initiatives commensurate with the predicted threat. The federal government alone has the resources and authorities to lead the relevant public and private stakeholders to confront the foreseeable harms posed by the virus. Unfortunately, Trump officials made a series of judgments (minimizing the hazards of COVID-19) and decisions (refusing to act with the urgency required) that have needlessly made Americans far less safe."

This is rewriting history and trying to blame China and WHO no matter what the evidence says... CDC Chinese team was cut (with ten other countries I think)...
Trump tried to cut more and Democrats stopped him.

Even this time Democrats early on have forced Trump to take more money...

But the China and WHO is just a deflection... This is after he has tried Obama, Democrats, Governors, Europeans, the Media, Healthcare staff(accused them of stealing),.... While taking no responsibility himself...

Right, another blame Trump piece from a source few if anybody ever heard of. In your piece it mentions coronavirus. But as you know (or maybe you don't) the coronavirus is a host of viruses, not just COVID-19. COVID-19 is the strain we are dealing with. It's kind of like the flu in that the threat could change year to year, and new vaccines need to be taken.

What you (and your article) are saying is that Trump should have fixed a problem that wasn't here, and nobody knew if it would ever arrive.
Why does the Left blame Trump and not China?

It's not binary. Both are to blame. China for allowing the conditions under which the virus started, and then trying to keep it secret.
Trump for having what happened in China as a warning but still not preparing the country for what he was being told by medical experts was an inevitable outbreak here.
"A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it."
As we can see, this statement was 100% correct. It did not stop it.
What you (and your article) are saying is that Trump should have fixed a problem that wasn't here, and nobody knew if it would ever arrive.
But we did know it would arrive. Trump was told it would arrive. Yet he squandered precious time in a state of ignorance and denial. A classic case in point, the 17.8 tons of medical supplies he sent to China.
Posting nobody knew about COVID-19 is all about China, Dec 2019. Posting Trump didn't know is all about murder, January February, March.
The Coronaviruses likely hate sunshine, offering rays(?) of hope(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In the matter of Deut 23: 19-20: No world hope in that!)
Maybe not, but by not having a travel ban, it could have been much worse.
The Facts on Trump’s Travel Restrictions

Former Trump Homeland security adviser: 'Little value' to European travel restrictions
"A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it."
As we can see, this statement was 100% correct. It did not stop it.

Maybe not, but by not having a travel ban, it could have been much worse.
For starters, health experts say Trump was wrong to refer to the travel restrictions as a “travel ban,” as he did in a telephone interview on March 4 with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. During a town hall on March 5, Trump said he “closed down the borders to China and to other areas that are very badly affected.” That’s not accurate.

As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

At a House subcommittee hearing on the coronavirus on Feb. 5, Ron Klain, White House Ebola response coordinator under the Obama administration, took issue with the characterization of the travel restrictions as a travel “ban.”

“We don’t have a travel ban,” Klain said. “We have a travel Band-Aid right now. First, before it was imposed, 300,000 people came here from China in the previous month. So, the horse is out of the barn.”
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".

I can not be certain that the US is responsible for the Coravid-19 organism.

BUT I am certain that if it was engineered or weaponized in the US DJT is not responsible

The Warmonger-Neocrazy-Likudnick axis of evil led by John Bolton, Michael Pompeo, Lindsey Graham , Marco Rubio, et al has been trying to get DJT to attack Iran by conducting several FALSE FLAGS against Iran. But DJT REFUSED to attack Iran.

China refuses to honor the sanctions imposed by the US against Iran. It continues to buy Iranian oil from Persia.

It has also demanded that the US stay away from the Islands in the South China Sea.

Shortly thereafter China and Iran are afflicted by a disease which the CDC identified as coronavirus even BEFORE THE TESTS WERE AVAILABLE. Say what?

And so it goes.

The Left’s HATE FOR TRUMP exceeds any love or care for country.
The left's hate for Trump is due entirely to love and care for the country.

If you are convinced 100 percent that everything Trump has done, is doing or will do as President is bad, then your hate for him will preclude you from supporting something he does or supports that might be good for the country

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