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Why does the Left hate Trump so passionately?

Actually, Dave, you have it half ass backwards. Our President is mending fences and building alliances. The Eurotrash NATO members might not like paying their own way, but tough shit.

We are building our alliances with important countries like Hungary, Brazil, the Philippines , Israel. Our good friends in Saudi Arabia and North Korea have never been closer. The dawn of the age of Pax Trumpiana is an age of great economic progress. President Un wants top resorts and properties in Pyongyang, same with other nations.

NATO members were already on a path to upping their NATO share. as per a previous agreement Trump was too fucking stupid to know it.

You think NK is our ally? You aren't very bright.

America used to be about human rights. Now Trump has openly given other countries the OK to torture & kill their civilians. America is now stealing children & locking them up in concentration camps.

You need to be more discerning with your reading Dave. I didn't say that North Korea was America's "ally", but that we have friends in Pyongyang and we are mending fences. Libs say they want peace, but when a real peacemaker like Donald J. Trump comes along they throw a conniption. Everyone likes to watch quality TV, stay in 5 star hotels and wear a sharp shirt and neck tie. Even in North Korea.

Where has Trump made peace? NK is still working on their nuke program.

President Un is no longer testing missiles nor engaged in saber rattling against South Korea or the Empire of Japan. Un wants to mend fences, I know that sticks in liberals' throats but its true. There are hardliners in NK that oppose Un on this for sure. But I think the leader of the Nork People wants to do the right thing. We'll see a Trump International or other fine resort in North Korea before you know it.
It doesn't stick in this liberals throat like Un's did in your so called conservatives throat fucking to prognosticate that you think you've found a friend in NK..

President Un is an ultraliberal , you know. A devout Marxist and ideological kin of B. Hussein O. Yet, President Trump is still working to build the friendship between the North Korean people and the American people. Why is this so wrong?
Without yet reading the thread.......

When his policies are proven to produce good resuts for the American people, ipso facto Dem policies are thus proven incorrect. They will lose power.
Without yet reading the thread.......

When his policies are proven to produce good resuts for the American people, ipso facto Dem policies are thus proven incorrect. They will lose power.

Exactly correct. I'm old and remember the old Soviet Union. The "common wisdom" was that the people of the USSR and Eastern and Central Europe loved living under tyranny, enjoyed the Ferrous Drapery surrounding their lands and would fight to the death for despotism just like Americans loved freedom in the same way. The thought of guys like President Carter was that the average East German or Lithuanian said "Give me Despotism or give me Death"/

Turned out dead wrong, Ronaldus Reagan and HW Bush defeated the USSR.

and so it will turn out here again.
Your offensive man is going to be forced out of office for his excesses

All you are saying is you prefer a repulsive Republican to any Democrat

Oh indeed, a personally repulsive Republican over a Democrat every blessed day of the year.

The former is offensive. The latter probably hates the nation and actively seeks to undermine it at every turn.
Ever voted for a Democrat?
I have voted for many Republicans including President

Oh, did I. I used to be a feminist pro-choice secular humanist liberal. Oh indeed. How do you think I understand the mindset so well? This was over twenty years ago though, thank Jesus.

Let me tell you what happens to you, though.

Once you really begin to see the rank hypocrisy the Overlords are pulling over on you, you can't UNSEE it. Don't get me wrong: all politicians are crooked. But your party, now. Your party wants to control every facet of your life for their own benefit, and they're barely hiding it anymore. Once you begin to peek behind the convenient soundbites and fodder they feed the masses--it's a stinking mess of hypocritical lies. When I was really able to face it, my whole worldview crumbled in about three days.

Democrats are not "for the little people". They use the little people to feed the Machine. Understand that, and run. I did, and I never looked back.

The hatred is irrational.

And the haters love hating. They revel in it.

Lying to us everyday should be gleefully accepted?

You people at love it that Trump lies to you everyday. You are the sheep that he keeps fucking over & you are too stupid to know it.

You people? Moi?

Like Shaun the Sheep, you mean?
Because they're passionate about our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and what truly makes America great, all of which Trump jeopardizes.

If you knew how much he was UN DOING from you assholes being enslaved you all would keep your pathetic parroting clueless fk mouths shut.

You all are so use to be democratically enslaved you stupid fkrs don't even know you enslave yourselves your that stupid!!
Every fkn last one of you Trump haters are the most brain washed stupid asses there are ........everyone keeps telling you retards whats' going on and your all so gawd dam stupid you can't see how it's your own bs bringing this country down.

Your stupidity reeks of ignorance just like the rest of you cancer infested morons.
You assfucks think that to accomplish things one needs to a flaming, lying, amoral asshole?


Trump has ignored the very same military he claims to support when he decided to suddenly pull troops from Syria.

The only thing Trump is actually good at is duping you feeble minded morons into thinking that if you don't want a 40' concrete wall, that you are for open borders.

That’s why he has the backing of the military and police. He’s making good on his word, and saving money and American lives, by bringing some of the military home. You haven’t seen illegals storm the boarders, while throwing rocks at and using their kids as shields. I guess the military and police are less knowledgeable than you also. And the Clintons and obozo are fine upstanding moral people, not out for themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He certainly does not have the backing of military leaders. He certainly does not have the backing of the McCain family after he trashed his service to this country. He trashed the service of all POWs. He mocked a Gold Star family. He called the widow of a fallen soldier a liar the very day she met his coffin at the airfield. He said he knows more than the Generals.

As for ther border, fuck you & your ignorance. We don't want a God damn 40' concrete wall.

Obama never fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with a newborn baby. Obama never cheated people. Obama was never proven to be a fraud., Obama was not accused by 20 women of abuse. That is your fat assed orange buddy who has pocketed mullions of our tax dollars & dumbfuck you are too stupid to know it.

FOP and the military branches support him. McCain is gone, and although he was wrong with what he said, McCain was not a military adviser. He was a POW. Any military leaders work for him currently. All the rest of the bullshit you are citing is hearsay, and means nothing. And you are an anonymous voice. No one knows what’s in your past or present either. So fuck you too douche bag. He’s in charge, and you, I or anyone else aren’t going to do anything about it. Vote democrat again, and I’ll vote republican. Or go lose your voice demonstrating with a bunch of transgender snowflakes. Obama was a bitch, and so are you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Funny how you Trumpettes dump your former heroes like Mattis & McChrystal,

You assfucks worshiped them as miiitary experts & now you call them trash because your orange buddy said so.,

You are so duped.

Keep voting Republican only if you want another major recession, & more bigotry.

Republicans can't govern as shown by Bush & Trump.
-------------------------------------------- 'mccrystal' is a gun controller and works for 'gabby giffords' for gun control alongside many other USA 'veterans' and retired government men both 'dem' and repub . 'mcmaster ' from early on in the Trump Administration and not mentioned was is a rino republican 'bush' establishment boy and is not needed . 'mattis' , trump decided that he didn't want him around anymore same as 'kelly' so whats the problem RDave ??
-------------------------------------------------- here is 'gabby giffords' gun control group , check it out , see the names of big name 'veterans' and Retired Government Men that are working to take away or otherwise Infringe or modify your Gun RIGHTS . --- Giffords Veterans Coalition - Giffords --- check it out OldYeller . [see 'mccrystals' name headed up with his 'general status' ].
Because he is the most il-suited man to ever occupy the office of President in terms of morality, intelligence, values, experience and personality

You said the left hates Trump

Because he is the most il-suited man to ever occupy the office of

President in terms of morality, intelligence, values, experience and personality.

How about we analyze your statement point by point to

illustrate just how biased and ignorant you are….

Let’s start with morality and values.

Why do you give obozo a pass on going to a RACIST church for 20 years

when we all know if TRUMP put one foot in a racist church for 5 seconds

you would not be so tolerant….

Now for intelligence….

Why are obozo’s college records not made public?

We know Trump has a high IQ……


Now this is a real JOKE……….

obozo was a community organizer that as far as I know never

had a real job.

Please explain obozo’s experience as you see it….

This should be a HOOT….

Last but not least let’s talk about personality….

obozo has none, all obozo had was a teleprompter,

without that he was seen for the babbling fool he was…

TRUMP is real and he is funnier than all your libtarded comedians put together….

You libtards are all Zealots and you are just to stupid to realize it….
NATO members were already on a path to upping their NATO share. as per a previous agreement Trump was too fucking stupid to know it.

You think NK is our ally? You aren't very bright.

America used to be about human rights. Now Trump has openly given other countries the OK to torture & kill their civilians. America is now stealing children & locking them up in concentration camps.

You need to be more discerning with your reading Dave. I didn't say that North Korea was America's "ally", but that we have friends in Pyongyang and we are mending fences. Libs say they want peace, but when a real peacemaker like Donald J. Trump comes along they throw a conniption. Everyone likes to watch quality TV, stay in 5 star hotels and wear a sharp shirt and neck tie. Even in North Korea.

Where has Trump made peace? NK is still working on their nuke program.

President Un is no longer testing missiles nor engaged in saber rattling against South Korea or the Empire of Japan. Un wants to mend fences, I know that sticks in liberals' throats but its true. There are hardliners in NK that oppose Un on this for sure. But I think the leader of the Nork People wants to do the right thing. We'll see a Trump International or other fine resort in North Korea before you know it.

He has his missiles AND a guy who “fell in love” with him in the White House. He won.

Apparently you didn't see the Summit in Singapore. President Un was very impressed with President Trump's ride, he wants his nation to move forward and understands the path his people have been on is a dead end. Everyone agrees that Donald Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, even though he himself is too modest to say so himself.

I have to admire how much crap you were able to get into one paragraph.
NATO members were already on a path to upping their NATO share. as per a previous agreement Trump was too fucking stupid to know it.

You think NK is our ally? You aren't very bright.

America used to be about human rights. Now Trump has openly given other countries the OK to torture & kill their civilians. America is now stealing children & locking them up in concentration camps.

You need to be more discerning with your reading Dave. I didn't say that North Korea was America's "ally", but that we have friends in Pyongyang and we are mending fences. Libs say they want peace, but when a real peacemaker like Donald J. Trump comes along they throw a conniption. Everyone likes to watch quality TV, stay in 5 star hotels and wear a sharp shirt and neck tie. Even in North Korea.

Where has Trump made peace? NK is still working on their nuke program.

President Un is no longer testing missiles nor engaged in saber rattling against South Korea or the Empire of Japan. Un wants to mend fences, I know that sticks in liberals' throats but its true. There are hardliners in NK that oppose Un on this for sure. But I think the leader of the Nork People wants to do the right thing. We'll see a Trump International or other fine resort in North Korea before you know it.

He has his missiles AND a guy who “fell in love” with him in the White House. He won.

What exactly has he won? Please quantify. LOL

Did he have his missile program before the summit. Yes.
Does he have his missile program after the summit. Yes.
Did he have a “lover” in the Oval Office before Trump? No.
Does he have an adversary in the Oval Office now? Yes.

What has America won.

Was NK a nuke threat before the summit? Yes
Was NK a nuke threat after the summit? Yes
Did our regional partners have any reason to help us before the blob? Yes.
Do our regional partners have any reason to help us now that we’re in a trade war with them? No.

He has his missiles, a guy who loves him in the White House, and no pressure from anyone with any pull to change.
You need to be more discerning with your reading Dave. I didn't say that North Korea was America's "ally", but that we have friends in Pyongyang and we are mending fences. Libs say they want peace, but when a real peacemaker like Donald J. Trump comes along they throw a conniption. Everyone likes to watch quality TV, stay in 5 star hotels and wear a sharp shirt and neck tie. Even in North Korea.

Where has Trump made peace? NK is still working on their nuke program.

President Un is no longer testing missiles nor engaged in saber rattling against South Korea or the Empire of Japan. Un wants to mend fences, I know that sticks in liberals' throats but its true. There are hardliners in NK that oppose Un on this for sure. But I think the leader of the Nork People wants to do the right thing. We'll see a Trump International or other fine resort in North Korea before you know it.

He has his missiles AND a guy who “fell in love” with him in the White House. He won.

What exactly has he won? Please quantify. LOL

Did he have his missile program before the summit. Yes.
Does he have his missile program after the summit. Yes.
Did he have a “lover” in the Oval Office before Trump? No.
Does he have an adversary in the Oval Office now? Yes.

What has America won.

Was NK a nuke threat before the summit? Yes
Was NK a nuke threat after the summit? Yes
Did our regional partners have any reason to help us before the blob? Yes.
Do our regional partners have any reason to help us now that we’re in a trade war with them? No.

He has his missiles, a guy who loves him in the White House, and no pressure from anyone with any pull to change.

Was this English?
Where has Trump made peace? NK is still working on their nuke program.

President Un is no longer testing missiles nor engaged in saber rattling against South Korea or the Empire of Japan. Un wants to mend fences, I know that sticks in liberals' throats but its true. There are hardliners in NK that oppose Un on this for sure. But I think the leader of the Nork People wants to do the right thing. We'll see a Trump International or other fine resort in North Korea before you know it.

He has his missiles AND a guy who “fell in love” with him in the White House. He won.

What exactly has he won? Please quantify. LOL

Did he have his missile program before the summit. Yes.
Does he have his missile program after the summit. Yes.
Did he have a “lover” in the Oval Office before Trump? No.
Does he have an adversary in the Oval Office now? Yes.

What has America won.

Was NK a nuke threat before the summit? Yes
Was NK a nuke threat after the summit? Yes
Did our regional partners have any reason to help us before the blob? Yes.
Do our regional partners have any reason to help us now that we’re in a trade war with them? No.

He has his missiles, a guy who loves him in the White House, and no pressure from anyone with any pull to change.

Was this English?

Perhaps you can have someone help you with the big words junior.
President Un is no longer testing missiles nor engaged in saber rattling against South Korea or the Empire of Japan. Un wants to mend fences, I know that sticks in liberals' throats but its true. There are hardliners in NK that oppose Un on this for sure. But I think the leader of the Nork People wants to do the right thing. We'll see a Trump International or other fine resort in North Korea before you know it.

He has his missiles AND a guy who “fell in love” with him in the White House. He won.

What exactly has he won? Please quantify. LOL

Did he have his missile program before the summit. Yes.
Does he have his missile program after the summit. Yes.
Did he have a “lover” in the Oval Office before Trump? No.
Does he have an adversary in the Oval Office now? Yes.

What has America won.

Was NK a nuke threat before the summit? Yes
Was NK a nuke threat after the summit? Yes
Did our regional partners have any reason to help us before the blob? Yes.
Do our regional partners have any reason to help us now that we’re in a trade war with them? No.

He has his missiles, a guy who loves him in the White House, and no pressure from anyone with any pull to change.

Was this English?

Perhaps you can have someone help you with the big words junior.

Perhaps you can learn to use punctuation
He has his missiles AND a guy who “fell in love” with him in the White House. He won.

What exactly has he won? Please quantify. LOL

Did he have his missile program before the summit. Yes.
Does he have his missile program after the summit. Yes.
Did he have a “lover” in the Oval Office before Trump? No.
Does he have an adversary in the Oval Office now? Yes.

What has America won.

Was NK a nuke threat before the summit? Yes
Was NK a nuke threat after the summit? Yes
Did our regional partners have any reason to help us before the blob? Yes.
Do our regional partners have any reason to help us now that we’re in a trade war with them? No.

He has his missiles, a guy who loves him in the White House, and no pressure from anyone with any pull to change.

Was this English?

Perhaps you can have someone help you with the big words junior.

Perhaps you can learn to use punctuation

I guess when you can’t refute what is written…..you have to criticize the grammar…… lotsa fun.
First and foremost, it was a commentary on how bad Hillary would have been as president. The left was positive there was no chance they could lose, they were saying the right things to the people that mattered. So much so that Hillary could ignore the midsection of America completely. Finding out those people did matter and they were not so in control was the worst situation imaginable.

Even after two years of continuous attacks on Trump, the Left still has not gained traction on him. Even more maddening for them. Eight years of Obama erased into a footnote in history was probably another dagger to the bleeding hearts.

Finally, it must be very damaging to have the world see their hate on full display for years and years. Every day sinking further and further into madness.
What exactly has he won? Please quantify. LOL

Did he have his missile program before the summit. Yes.
Does he have his missile program after the summit. Yes.
Did he have a “lover” in the Oval Office before Trump? No.
Does he have an adversary in the Oval Office now? Yes.

What has America won.

Was NK a nuke threat before the summit? Yes
Was NK a nuke threat after the summit? Yes
Did our regional partners have any reason to help us before the blob? Yes.
Do our regional partners have any reason to help us now that we’re in a trade war with them? No.

He has his missiles, a guy who loves him in the White House, and no pressure from anyone with any pull to change.

Was this English?

Perhaps you can have someone help you with the big words junior.

Perhaps you can learn to use punctuation

I guess when you can’t refute what is written…..you have to criticize the grammar…… lotsa fun.

I don’t understand what you wrote. I don’t speak loser.
Did he have his missile program before the summit. Yes.
Does he have his missile program after the summit. Yes.
Did he have a “lover” in the Oval Office before Trump? No.
Does he have an adversary in the Oval Office now? Yes.

What has America won.

Was NK a nuke threat before the summit? Yes
Was NK a nuke threat after the summit? Yes
Did our regional partners have any reason to help us before the blob? Yes.
Do our regional partners have any reason to help us now that we’re in a trade war with them? No.

He has his missiles, a guy who loves him in the White House, and no pressure from anyone with any pull to change.

Was this English?

Perhaps you can have someone help you with the big words junior.

Perhaps you can learn to use punctuation

I guess when you can’t refute what is written…..you have to criticize the grammar…… lotsa fun.

I don’t understand what you wrote. I don’t speak loser.

Again…have a 2 year old explain it to you.
Did he have his missile program before the summit. Yes.
Does he have his missile program after the summit. Yes.
Did he have a “lover” in the Oval Office before Trump? No.
Does he have an adversary in the Oval Office now? Yes.

What has America won.

Was NK a nuke threat before the summit? Yes
Was NK a nuke threat after the summit? Yes
Did our regional partners have any reason to help us before the blob? Yes.
Do our regional partners have any reason to help us now that we’re in a trade war with them? No.

He has his missiles, a guy who loves him in the White House, and no pressure from anyone with any pull to change.

Was this English?

Perhaps you can have someone help you with the big words junior.

Perhaps you can learn to use punctuation

I guess when you can’t refute what is written…..you have to criticize the grammar…… lotsa fun.

I don’t understand what you wrote. I don’t speak loser.
You just did. lmfao
I'm a moderate (slightly right), and even I disagree with Trump every once in a while. Rather than being far left and far right, more people should be towards the middle of the political spectrum. Polarity is never a good situation in government, especially between the three branches - just look what we have now, a three week long shutdown, and no end in sight to fixing a major issue on our hands.

The government is shut down because the president wants a border wall to span the entire Mexico/U.S border - but it's equally Congress's fault as well. Apparently, nobody in Congress understands a 2/3 majority "yay" vote will pass the budget without the need to build a wall, simply by overriding Trump's veto. It's almost like our congressional politicians have no common sense and don't want to perform a "check" on the executive branch for the benefit of the people.

Since the Democratic H.O.R won't provide the funding for the wall, now many federal workers have to work for free, and many will have heavily delayed tax returns - money that is used for expensive projects like car repairs, debt, and other ways to spur the economy and provide the middle and lower class some financial relief.

My advice to all Republicans in Congress is to side with the Democrats here and forget about the wall.
Was this English?

Perhaps you can have someone help you with the big words junior.

Perhaps you can learn to use punctuation

I guess when you can’t refute what is written…..you have to criticize the grammar…… lotsa fun.

I don’t understand what you wrote. I don’t speak loser.

Again…have a 2 year old explain it to you.

2-year olds don’t speak loser either.

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