why does the left support the UN?

Has nothing to do with a one world government, nothing.

Charter of the United Nations: Preamble

• to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
• to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
• to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
• to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

• to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
• to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
• to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
• to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,

The left is unrealistic, naive and idealist, the same as the UN ... in the meantime the hard realists are taking advantage of them.

Birds of a feather fly together.
The left is unrealistic, naive and idealist, the same as the UN ... in the meantime the hard realists are taking advantage of them.

Birds of a feather fly together.

Yeah Darling.

Meanwhile, I drink your milkshake.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

The UN provides a delightful reminder that America isn't the only country in the world "led" by dishonest, corrupt, narcissistic thugs in suits. So I guess that's a positive.



Is there a country on earth you actually like?

You bet, bunches of 'em!

Absolutely fascinating (and telling) that you automatically equate professional politicians and their countries. As if a country is its politicians. Government enters your thought process THAT quickly, and you instantly defend it.

Professional politicians are not their country. They are, by and large, people who have decided to use the people and political system of their country to exercise their narcissism and advance their personal ambition. It's embedded in the pathology.

When I think of a country, I think of its people, its culture and its places. Not its fucking government. Yikes.

Thanks for that post, it reinforces some opinions I've had about the Left.

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is it because they want single world gov't?


It provides a conduit to talk to people you disagree with..

And it's also a pretty soft but fairly effective way of projecting American power.

On the cheap.

So basically its an expensive way to shove treaties, engineered by the left, down other countries throats? Amirite?
They support anything that undermines the sovereignty of the US and our system of republican government and free markets.

Of course there's all that pinko dogma about "workers of the world unite" and insipid shit like that.
is it because they want single world gov't?


It provides a conduit to talk to people you disagree with..

And it's also a pretty soft but fairly effective way of projecting American power.

On the cheap.

So basically its an expensive way to shove treaties, engineered by the left, down other countries throats? Amirite?

In real honest terms, you're saying the right is perfect and that it's only the left that shoves shit down other countries throats! It's pretty hard for me and most honest people to take your statement seriously.

It provides a conduit to talk to people you disagree with..

And it's also a pretty soft but fairly effective way of projecting American power.

On the cheap.

So basically its an expensive way to shove treaties, engineered by the left, down other countries throats? Amirite?

In real honest terms, you're saying the right is perfect and that it's only the left that shoves shit down other countries throats! It's pretty hard for me and most honest people to take your statement seriously.

No, I insinuated the UN is a bunch of liberal carpetbaggers. I disagree with half the right says. Don't put words in my mouth.
Isnt it an oxymoron to say honesty, and put words in peoples mouths in the same sentence?
Hard to take that statement seriously :)
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The UN provides a delightful reminder that America isn't the only country in the world "led" by dishonest, corrupt, narcissistic thugs in suits. So I guess that's a positive.



Is there a country on earth you actually like?

You bet, bunches of 'em!

Absolutely fascinating (and telling) that you automatically equate professional politicians and their countries. As if a country is its politicians. Government enters your thought process THAT quickly, and you instantly defend it.

Professional politicians are not their country. They are, by and large, people who have decided to use the people and political system of their country to exercise their narcissism and advance their personal ambition. It's embedded in the pathology.

When I think of a country, I think of its people, its culture and its places. Not its fucking government. Yikes.

Thanks for that post, it reinforces some opinions I've had about the Left.


All that..and none of them made the list. :doubt:
is it because they want single world gov't?


It provides a conduit to talk to people you disagree with..

And it's also a pretty soft but fairly effective way of projecting American power.

On the cheap.

So basically its an expensive way to shove treaties, engineered by the left, down other countries throats? Amirite?

It's not expensive at all.

How much did the Iraq war cost?

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