why does the left support the UN?


It provides a conduit to talk to people you disagree with..

And it's also a pretty soft but fairly effective way of projecting American power.

On the cheap.

So basically its an expensive way to shove treaties, engineered by the left, down other countries throats? Amirite?

It's not expensive at all.

How much did the Iraq war cost?

That is irrelevant to the point, man.
We give, what, 5, 6 or 7 billion a year? That is like 25% of their support. If you think about it, it is more than that. How many of those American hating countries in the UN get our support as well?
I do not especially care about UN but would care even less if we would not be basically paying all it's bills.
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It provides a conduit to talk to people you disagree with..

And it's also a pretty soft but fairly effective way of projecting American power.

On the cheap.

So basically its an expensive way to shove treaties, engineered by the left, down other countries throats? Amirite?

It's not expensive at all.

How much did the Iraq war cost?

you have masochist tendencies?
Why wouldn't anyone support the UN?

What are we back in 1919?

because it is useless.....the 10 most powerful countries in the world sit on its so called "security council" and do nothing but talk.....meanwhile they have the ability to stop a lot of people from being slaughtered around the world, but if just ONE of the permanent members veto them doing anything about it....they cant do nothing.....and its usually because they have some kind of oil or mineral deal with the Country in question.....they are no better than the League of Nations.....
Why wouldn't anyone support the UN?

What are we back in 1919?

Those bastards cost New York City like 18 million in unpaid parking tickets... lol
UN Diplomats Owe NYC $18 Million In Parking Ticket Fines | theexpiredmeter.com

well, I won't cry over NYC's fate. They can find a way how to get their money from UN

I guess they make up for horny rich middle east guys in strip clubs, bars and the like..
Why wouldn't anyone support the UN?

What are we back in 1919?

because it is useless.....the 10 most powerful countries in the world sit on its so called "security council" and do nothing but talk.....meanwhile they have the ability to stop a lot of people from being slaughtered around the world, but if just ONE of the permanent members veto them doing anything about it....they cant do nothing.....and its usually because they have some kind of oil or mineral deal with the Country in question.....they are no better than the League of Nations.....

Correct me if I am wrong but think Russia and China get two votes..
Why wouldn't anyone support the UN?

What are we back in 1919?

They are not worth what we pay, what anyone pays. What the hell have they actually succeeded at? Besides making Israel..

Rightwing bullshit

Any chance at international cooperation and dialogue is worth the effort

Conservatives pissed themselves in 1919 with The League of Nations and they piss themselves with the UN
Why wouldn't anyone support the UN?

What are we back in 1919?

They are not worth what we pay, what anyone pays. What the hell have they actually succeeded at? Besides making Israel..

Rightwing bullshit

Any chance at international cooperation and dialogue is worth the effort

Conservatives pissed themselves in 1919 with The League of Nations and they piss themselves with the UN

you lie bad the league was crap..
O Level History Notes: Long-term consequences of peace treaties of 1919-23 | BISE Results 2013 | IELTS Tips | O Level Notes | Bace World - Reinventing Education
1) They ruined Germany’s economy by imposing reparations, and partly affected the way Hitler devised his foreign policy.
2) They angered the Germans, and caused them to hold a
grudge against the Allies, all of which contributed toward a
Second World War.
3) The League of Nations came into the picture, and it gave birth to the policy of having a watchdog to monitor
international relations. Although the League wasn’t very
successful, it still played a major part, and in a way still does in the form of the United Nations Organization.
4) The League proved that the Allies were weak, and this
gave Hitler and Mussolini a lot of confidence to carry on with their activities.
The UN has been around for over 65 years.

To think that conservatives stil can't fathom heir existence shows how out of touch they are
interesting fun fact Chicago wanted the United Nations built on meigs field/ Nothernly Island/ 1933 worlds fair (when it ment something) ... lost out to New York City..
The UN has been around for over 65 years.

To think that conservatives stil can't fathom heir existence shows how out of touch they are

it actually shows how backward YOU are.

Not everything what have been around for 65 years is still good. Some things just stink rotten.

But libtards are masochists :lol:
interesting fun fact Chicago wanted the United Nations built on meigs field/ Nothernly Island/ 1933 worlds fair (when it ment something) ... lost out to New York City..

let them move to Detroit :D
Idiot Pubs ruined the League of Nations (how'd that work out?) and never learn a thing.

Learn your history dupe. The league gave Birth to Hitler. WW1 was a war we should of never entered.

The POWERLESSNESS of the League, maybe, dingbat. What actually led to German and Japanese militarists was the FIRST Pub Great Depression...
Idiot Pubs ruined the League of Nations (how'd that work out?) and never learn a thing.

Learn your history dupe. The league gave Birth to Hitler. WW1 was a war we should of never entered.

The POWERLESSNESS of the League, maybe, dingbat. What actually led to German and Japanese militarists was the FIRST Pub Great Depression...

How did the American Depression give rise to Germany and Japan you dupe? it was the treatie of verstiles (spl?) dang it dude the war was already won, The US had no bussiness in Europe in WWI.....
It was Churchill and the sinking of the Lusatania two years before that drag us into that cluster fuck...and the Germans took out US newspaper adds warning Americans dont sail on that ship because Germany will sink her. just reading up again about it.
So basically its an expensive way to shove treaties, engineered by the left, down other countries throats? Amirite?

In real honest terms, you're saying the right is perfect and that it's only the left that shoves shit down other countries throats! It's pretty hard for me and most honest people to take your statement seriously.

No, I insinuated the UN is a bunch of liberal carpetbaggers. I disagree with half the right says. Don't put words in my mouth.
Isnt it an oxymoron to say honesty, and put words in peoples mouths in the same sentence?
Hard to take that statement seriously :)

It's difficult to take anything swallow says seriously. It's never anything besides hyper partisan moonbat drivel.

The UN has been a body of marxist agents since the original conception that the pinko Woodrow Wilson attempted to establish our membership in. Thank God our joining it was defeated a century ago.

It did nothing to discourage the establishment of warmongering genocidal leftist regimes in the 1920's, and in it's current form gives legitimacy to despotic regimes that are committing mass murder and preventing relief from famine as we speak.

Fuck the UN, the criminally insane sociopaths that it's comprised of and fuck all the bed wetting imbeciles who support it in spite of all logic and reason.

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