why does the left support the UN?

Why wouldn't anyone support the UN?

What are we back in 1919?

They are not worth what we pay, what anyone pays. What the hell have they actually succeeded at? Besides making Israel..

Rightwing bullshit

Any chance at international cooperation and dialogue is worth the effort

Conservatives pissed themselves in 1919 with The League of Nations and they piss themselves with the UN

No, your response is leftwing bs.
We didn't want the LoN because we believed they were war mongers.
Same can be said today. They are bullies
Yall libs need to make up your mind. Is war ok or not? Yall bitch about Iraq but are ok with the UN. Look at all the places we are at. Partisan hacks
Look who introduced us to that. Woodrow Wilson, one socialist asshole
I don't want to hear anything about the League of Nations. No credibility for support. NONE
In real honest terms, you're saying the right is perfect and that it's only the left that shoves shit down other countries throats! It's pretty hard for me and most honest people to take your statement seriously.

No, I insinuated the UN is a bunch of liberal carpetbaggers. I disagree with half the right says. Don't put words in my mouth.
Isnt it an oxymoron to say honesty, and put words in peoples mouths in the same sentence?
Hard to take that statement seriously :)

It's difficult to take anything swallow says seriously. It's never anything besides hyper partisan moonbat drivel.

The UN has been a body of marxist agents since the original conception that the pinko Woodrow Wilson attempted to establish our membership in. Thank God our joining it was defeated a century ago.

It did nothing to discourage the establishment of warmongering genocidal leftist regimes in the 1920's, and in it's current form gives legitimacy to despotic regimes that are committing mass murder and preventing relief from famine as we speak.

Fuck the UN, the criminally insane sociopaths that it's comprised of and fuck all the bed wetting imbeciles who support it in spite of all logic and reason.

That was kiwiman.
I pretty much agree with the rest
Oh I don't know, the UN came in pretty handy for the Republicrats when they wanted to justify invading and occupying Iraq.
LOL- the ignorant ignoramuses are having a stroke LOL. It was the first Pub WORLD Depression. The economic chaos led to militarist coups in Japan and Germany...
Oh I don't know, the UN came in pretty handy for the Republicrats when they wanted to justify invading and occupying Iraq.

Yea.. Bush had all those democrats shoving the notion of nukes up his ass LOL
Oh I don't know, the UN came in pretty handy for the Republicrats when they wanted to justify invading and occupying Iraq.

We HAVE to enforce the UN resolution

Honestly UN........Iraq has WMDs........it's a SLAM DUNK
LOL- the ignorant ignoramuses are having a stroke LOL. It was the first Pub WORLD Depression. The economic chaos led to militarist coups in Japan and Germany...

true. Federal Reserve, smoot tariff act and high taxes. Basically gov't intervention. IMAGINE THAT
Has the U.N. had any real impact on Iran's nuke program something pretty much everyone in the free world say's we can't allow? Have they done or have any plans to do anything about the escalating crisis in Egypt? What impact have they had on the crisis in Syria? Speaking of Iraq since that was mentioned in case no one has noticed since the U.N. and U.S. forces have pulled out violence is on the increase and it looks like it could be heading for civil war does the U.N. have any plans to try and head that off? Was this not the kind of stuff the U.N. was created to deal with?
The UN has been around for over 65 years.

To think that conservatives stil can't fathom heir existence shows how out of touch they are

the UN is not very effective at stopping slaughter around the world RW....why?....look at Darfur.....China and Russia undermined many of the things the UN was trying to do there to end the death and suffering.....both have close ties with the Sudan Govt.....so fuck the people dying there.....and these guys are on the fucking so called Security Council.....
Learn your history dupe. The league gave Birth to Hitler. WW1 was a war we should of never entered.

The POWERLESSNESS of the League, maybe, dingbat. What actually led to German and Japanese militarists was the FIRST Pub Great Depression...

How did the American Depression give rise to Germany and Japan you dupe? it was the treatie of verstiles (spl?) dang it dude the war was already won, The US had no bussiness in Europe in WWI.....

Frankie blames Republicans when he gets a hole in his Underpants.....how can anyone take the guy seriously?..........

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