Why does the left think the government can create jobs?

When the US Govt takes 1 trillion dollars of our wealth to "create a job" as Obama did, then all they have done is take 1 trillion dollars (really about 800 billion) of our wealth and re distributed it
It is wealth destruction is all it is

the private sector with the right conditions can create real jobs. How many jobs would that same 800 billion create in the private sector If the those who really pay taxes were allowed to keep that wealth?
What we purchase with that wealth would create work and we would get too keep the end product, instead of it becoming part of Obama's re-election campaign fund
That is real trickle down economics made simple. Allow the tax payer to keep more of his wealth, show him you can be trusted and watch him use it to grow the economy

Rush said it best ...He called the Stimulus a slush fund and that might be true.
Monies from Obama went to States not to create jobs and repair the infrastructure.
It went to union employees... :eusa_shhh:

That's why his so called jobs bill is in the toilet....We are not going for that same nonsense again...

then with that money they paid union dues to the organization who then took part of that money and give that money to re election campaigns across the country, of course DEM re election funds
When the US Govt takes 1 trillion dollars of our wealth to "create a job" as Obama did, then all they have done is take 1 trillion dollars (really about 800 billion) of our wealth and re distributed it
It is wealth destruction is all it is

the private sector with the right conditions can create real jobs. How many jobs would that same 800 billion create in the private sector If the those who really pay taxes were allowed to keep that wealth?
What we purchase with that wealth would create work and we would get too keep the end product, instead of it becoming part of Obama's re-election campaign fund
That is real trickle down economics made simple. Allow the tax payer to keep more of his wealth, show him you can be trusted and watch him use it to grow the economy

Hmmmm.....seems to me that we have been engaged in "Trickle Down Economics" since the Reagan years. Bush pushed MASSIVE tax cuts through Congress and Obama has continued those tax cuts. And if it really worked there would be more than enough jobs to go around right now, right?

But the sad fact is that "Trickle Down Ecnomics" has been and is a FAILED policy. It didn't work and won't work. Even Reagan's Budget Director David Stockman called it a "Trojan Horse".

I'm shock that anyone would still advocate cutting even MORE taxes on the wealthy in the name of "job creation" when it clearly has not worked. :eek:

When their.....

.....the Teabaggers ALWAYS ask...
"How high???"
The older I get the more convinced I am that liberal viewpoints stem from the ignorance and false understanding of where the money comes from to pay for all the nice programs that they want.

Liberalism is a big problem in this country, half of the people with liberal mindset thinks the government has unlimited funds, its this mentality that has caused our debt.

Well im here to tell the libbs that government doesnt have unlimited funds, and who pays for those programs is the middle class, along with everything else. And we are sick and tired of forking over our lives so you can be a bunch of lazy do nothings with your hands out.
"...forking over..." your lives, huh??


Well.....at least you don't have to worry-bout....

Money spent by the government on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and technology creates jobs.

Money given to the super rich does not.
Money spent by the government on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and technology creates jobs.

Money given to the super rich does not.

See your thought is that education cannot come from the private sector
same with health care
and to an extent infrastructure (Pipe-lines)

It takes wealth to create those jobs
who is giving money to the super rich?
Money spent by the government on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and technology creates jobs.

Money given to the super rich does not.

See your thought is that education cannot come from the private sector
same with health care
and to an extent infrastructure (Pipe-lines)

It takes wealth to create those jobs
who is giving money to the super rich?

I never said any such a thing.

Government and the private sector working toward common goals is the best way.

That's why the French have the best healthcare system. It is a combination of public and private insurance.

$2 trillion dollars spent on war is a waste.

$2 trillion dollars spent on the interstate highway system is not.
In general, leftists aren't the brightest bulbs in the box... that's why. They exist in this hitherto world that is 180 degrees out of phase with reality.
In general, leftists aren't the brightest bulbs in the box... that's why. They exist in this hitherto world that is 180 degrees out of phase with reality.


The Democratic Party has become the Republican Party.

The Republican Party has become the John Birch Society.

I remember when Republicans used to actually stand for something.

Before Reagan.
Money spent by the government on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and technology creates jobs.

Money given to the super rich does not.

See your thought is that education cannot come from the private sector
same with health care
and to an extent infrastructure (Pipe-lines)

It takes wealth to create those jobs
who is giving money to the super rich?

I never said any such a thing.

Government and the private sector working toward common goals is the best way.

That's why the French have the best healthcare system. It is a combination of public and private insurance.

$2 trillion dollars spent on war is a waste.

$2 trillion dollars spent on the interstate highway system is not.

What I said was your thought, I regret you concluded I had made claim as to what you were thinking, I was basing that on your comments as you never mentioned the private sector

Before We go any further, I am not anti Govt. I am a huge supporter of our system, just not the way its being abused today
War? we did not start that war young man as you may recall, or has the mind numbing spam got you to a place in which you forgot what happened on 9-11 and after?

NO-ONE wanted war
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Money spent by the government on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and technology creates jobs.

Money given to the super rich does not.


Given a choice, would you prefer your child went to a private school like Harvard or Princeton or a government run school like a state school such as Oneonta (in NY....jokingly named Stonyonta).

Sorry, I dont trust government with education.


Well, seeing as they couldnt get the accounting right when they markets the idea...exactly what makes you think they will be able to do it properly and effciently?


Exactly how many jobs were created when they lent 535 million to Solyndra?
Governments Don't Create Prosperity
John Stossel said:
"Government has no money of its own. All it does is take resources from one group and give them to another. The pharaohs might have claimed they created work when they ordered that pyramids be built, but think how much richer (and freer) the Egyptians would have been if they'd been allowed to pursue their own interests."

John Stossel said:
"The truth is we have too few jobs today because government stands in the way. If I'm an employer, why would I want to hire someone when Congress and the Labor Department have so many rules that I might not be able to fire that person if he can't do the job? Why would I take a risk on an investment when still-to-be-written rules about Obamacare, financial regulation and the environment could turn my good idea into a losing venture?"

When the US Govt takes 1 trillion dollars of our wealth to "create a job" as Obama did, then all they have done is take 1 trillion dollars (really about 800 billion) of our wealth and re distributed it
It is wealth destruction is all it is

the private sector with the right conditions can create real jobs. How many jobs would that same 800 billion create in the private sector If the those who really pay taxes were allowed to keep that wealth?
What we purchase with that wealth would create work and we would get too keep the end product, instead of it becoming part of Obama's re-election campaign fund
That is real trickle down economics made simple. Allow the tax payer to keep more of his wealth, show him you can be trusted and watch him use it to grow the economy

It's funny. When some conservatives get some idea in their head, regardless of how ridiculous it may be, they ALL seem to run with it as if it was the gospel truth.

Remember Lewis and Clark? How about the Hoover Dam? Does the interstate highway system ring a bell?
When the US Govt takes 1 trillion dollars of our wealth to "create a job" as Obama did, then all they have done is take 1 trillion dollars (really about 800 billion) of our wealth and re distributed it
It is wealth destruction is all it is

the private sector with the right conditions can create real jobs. How many jobs would that same 800 billion create in the private sector If the those who really pay taxes were allowed to keep that wealth?
What we purchase with that wealth would create work and we would get too keep the end product, instead of it becoming part of Obama's re-election campaign fund
That is real trickle down economics made simple. Allow the tax payer to keep more of his wealth, show him you can be trusted and watch him use it to grow the economy

It's funny. When some conservatives get some idea in their head, regardless of how ridiculous it may be, they ALL seem to run with it as if it was the gospel truth.

Remember Lewis and Clark? How about the Hoover Dam? Does the interstate highway system ring a bell?

What exactly is ridiculous about being against the spending of 3 trillion dollars that was not Obama's to be spending to start with, that we had to borrow, that we used to lose 6 million jobs during the same time?
hats a joke right?
When the US Govt takes 1 trillion dollars of our wealth to "create a job" as Obama did, then all they have done is take 1 trillion dollars (really about 800 billion) of our wealth and re distributed it
It is wealth destruction is all it is

the private sector with the right conditions can create real jobs. How many jobs would that same 800 billion create in the private sector If the those who really pay taxes were allowed to keep that wealth?
What we purchase with that wealth would create work and we would get too keep the end product, instead of it becoming part of Obama's re-election campaign fund
That is real trickle down economics made simple. Allow the tax payer to keep more of his wealth, show him you can be trusted and watch him use it to grow the economy

It's funny. When some conservatives get some idea in their head, regardless of how ridiculous it may be, they ALL seem to run with it as if it was the gospel truth.

Remember Lewis and Clark? How about the Hoover Dam? Does the interstate highway system ring a bell?

What exactly is ridiculous about being against the spending of 3 trillion dollars that was not Obama's to be spending to start with, that we had to borrow, that we used to lose 6 million jobs during the same time?
hats a joke right?

I'm mocking your premise.


Rural electrification!

Small Business Administration!
When the US Govt takes 1 trillion dollars of our wealth to "create a job" as Obama did, then all they have done is take 1 trillion dollars (really about 800 billion) of our wealth and re distributed it
It is wealth destruction is all it is

How does redistributing it destroy it?

the private sector with the right conditions can create real jobs.
Great. We're waiting.

How many jobs would that same 800 billion create in the private sector If the those who really pay taxes were allowed to keep that wealth?

Would it matter? The government would have no operating revenue if everyone who paid their taxes got to not pay their taxes - and the Mexican or Canadian Army - or really any army - would be able to invade and conquer us. Your question is quite frankly, stupid. That's like saying "imagine how rich you'd be if you didn't have to pay for anything!"
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When the US Govt takes 1 trillion dollars of our wealth to "create a job" as Obama did, then all they have done is take 1 trillion dollars (really about 800 billion) of our wealth and re distributed it
It is wealth destruction is all it is

How does redistributing it destroy it?

the private sector with the right conditions can create real jobs.
Great. We're waiting.

How many jobs would that same 800 billion create in the private sector If the those who really pay taxes were allowed to keep that wealth?

Would it matter? The government would have no operating revenue if everyone who paid their taxes got to not pay their taxes - and the Mexican or Canadian Army - or really any army - would be able to invade and conquer us. Your question is quite frankly, stupid. That's like saying "imagine how rich you'd be if you didn't have to pay for anything!"

The money that has been taken fro me and given to some-one else I will never see again. whats the difference?
I have no issue paying taxes, I have an issue with what is being done with some of it

So are we, Perry or Cain will have the conditions we hope in our favor especially if congress goes GOP

No-one has said anything about not paying any taxes at all, dont act like that it makes you look stupid
The world knows we have went thru trillions more than we should have, why act that way?

2007 our budget was within 163 billion of breaking even with the Iraq war wide ope
That war is over today and we are going thru that much borrowed money close to every month
How better can I prove my point?

we had 4.6% UE in 07, we have 9.1 (really) today
Someone should go tell all the troops fighting in Afghanistan that they don't have a real job.

Tell firefighters and police who put their ass on the line that they aren't "really" working.

Tell the people who teach your kids to go and get a real job.

It isn't that firefighters, teachers and police don't do a real job, it's that that job has to be paid for by private sector revenues. You don't create long term employment by taking money out of the private sector to keep public sector workers employed because when the money appropriated runs out (and it has), you then have to lay those public sector workers off or go further into debt to retain them (as President Obama is now wanting to do for the second time). What part of this concept don't you progressives "get"?

Oh, I think I "Get it" just fine thanks.

Ask Apple how many people they would employ if no one protected their intellectual and physical property.

Ya ever wonder why no companies move their headquarters to third world hellholes with no taxes?

His point is like the UAW the public sector employee is pricing themselves out of a job. Its legacy cost that is killing all of these union supported entities
how we ever got in a place in which I do a 401K and a teacher does 20-30 years service but donated 0 to there "pension" I will never know
Someone should go tell all the troops fighting in Afghanistan that they don't have a real job.

Tell firefighters and police who put their ass on the line that they aren't "really" working.

Tell the people who teach your kids to go and get a real job.

It isn't that firefighters, teachers and police don't do a real job, it's that that job has to be paid for by private sector revenues. You don't create long term employment by taking money out of the private sector to keep public sector workers employed because when the money appropriated runs out (and it has), you then have to lay those public sector workers off or go further into debt to retain them (as President Obama is now wanting to do for the second time). What part of this concept don't you progressives "get"?

Oh, I think I "Get it" just fine thanks.

Ask Apple how many people they would employ if no one protected their intellectual and physical property.

Ya ever wonder why no companies move their headquarters to third world hellholes with no taxes?

His point is like the UAW the public sector employee is pricing themselves out of a job. Its legacy cost that is killing all of these union supported entities
how we ever got in a place in which I do a 401K and a teacher does 20-30 years service but donated 0 to there "pension" I will never know

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