why does the left unquestionably trust government?

As a liberal I love my country without question. I look at our government as the finest in the world. I have yet to see any conservative on this thread stand up for our government. My original question still stands......Name a government on earth that you prefer to the United States of America

So the government did not lie, Iraq had WMD'S is that what you are saying

Read my post prior to yours

Simple question reb......Does the United States have the greatest government on earth or not?

No you were asked a question and have not answered it. Man up or shut up.
Did the government lie to us about Iraq? Or did you trust the government ? Or are you being a partisan hack?
Liberals wrote this document that we call the US Constitution. We wrote it for a reason. It defines a government structure that provides no absolute power to any one individual or branch of government. Our Constitution has been emulated around the world
A key aspect of our Constitution is something we liberals like to call freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two freedoms have ensured for over 200 years that the private citizens can keep an eye on our government and notify everyone anytime we think government has stepped out of bounds. Any time our government voids the public trust, it gets reported and those government representatives get voted out of office

So yes......we liberals unquestionably love and trust our government and would not trade it for any on earth

You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it
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Liberals wrote this document that we call the US Constitution. We wrote it for a reason. It defines a government structure that provides no absolute power to any one individual or branch of government. Our Constitution has been emulated around the world
A key aspect of our Constitution is something we liberals like to call freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two freedoms have ensured for over 200 years that the private citizens can keep an eye on our government and notify everyone anytime we think government has stepped out of bounds. Any time our government voids the public trust, it gets reported and those government representatives get voted out of office

So yes......we liberals unquestionably love and trust our government and would not trade it for any on earth

You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Where is you proof the constitution of the US hs been distroyed?
The 16th amendment for one. It took away the states say in the voting process The POWER TO CREATE MONEY WAS GIVEN TO THE FED A PRIVATELY OWNED BANK. But it useless no amount of proof given to you will you accept unless it's a negative for the republicans.
Liberals wrote this document that we call the US Constitution. We wrote it for a reason. It defines a government structure that provides no absolute power to any one individual or branch of government. Our Constitution has been emulated around the world
A key aspect of our Constitution is something we liberals like to call freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two freedoms have ensured for over 200 years that the private citizens can keep an eye on our government and notify everyone anytime we think government has stepped out of bounds. Any time our government voids the public trust, it gets reported and those government representatives get voted out of office

So yes......we liberals unquestionably love and trust our government and would not trade it for any on earth

You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it

OH so those liberals owned no slaves? Those liberals only viewed White males over the age of 21 as being able to vote. Are you talking about liberals like that?
Liberals wrote this document that we call the US Constitution. We wrote it for a reason. It defines a government structure that provides no absolute power to any one individual or branch of government. Our Constitution has been emulated around the world
A key aspect of our Constitution is something we liberals like to call freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two freedoms have ensured for over 200 years that the private citizens can keep an eye on our government and notify everyone anytime we think government has stepped out of bounds. Any time our government voids the public trust, it gets reported and those government representatives get voted out of office

So yes......we liberals unquestionably love and trust our government and would not trade it for any on earth

You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it
So the government did not lie us into Iraq Iraq did have WMDs
why does the left unquestionably trust government?

Does it?

News to me.

So the government did not lie, Iraq had WMD'S is that what you are saying

Read my post prior to yours

Simple question reb......Does the United States have the greatest government on earth or not?

No you were asked a question and have not answered it. Man up or shut up.
Did the government lie to us about Iraq? Or did you trust the government ? Or are you being a partisan hack?

Your question has been answered.

The constitution that liberals wrote contains adequate checks and freedoms of the press to ensure that government is kept honest. You have provided excellent examples where our government has strayed and our liberal press reported what was happening. The Republicans paid dearly for their transgression

So Reb.......when are you going to tell the good people on this board that you love and trust our government more than any on earth?
Read my post prior to yours

Simple question reb......Does the United States have the greatest government on earth or not?

No you were asked a question and have not answered it. Man up or shut up.
Did the government lie to us about Iraq? Or did you trust the government ? Or are you being a partisan hack?

Your question has been answered.

The constitution that liberals wrote contains adequate checks and freedoms of the press to ensure that government is kept honest. You have provided excellent examples where our government has strayed and our liberal press reported what was happening. The Republicans paid dearly for their transgression

So Reb.......when are you going to tell the good people on this board that you love and trust our government more than any on earth?
No you have not answer the question. You may have responded to the post but you did not answer the question.

I will ask again
Did the government lie us into Iraq? Did Iraq have WMD's?
Does this mean the throngs of OWS protesters that for sure don't trust government are right wing afterall? :eusa_think:

pretty sure OWS wants government to help them. I haven't found anything to show the contrary.

You said leftists unquestionably TRUST government. I've found everything to show the contrary where OWS protesters are concerned.

So either they're not leftists, or you're full of shit skippy.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

I have heard that OWS wants to destroy the capitalist system and replace it with a government control system. The "WS" in OWS stands for Wall Street, which is not a government agency.
Liberals wrote this document that we call the US Constitution. We wrote it for a reason. It defines a government structure that provides no absolute power to any one individual or branch of government. Our Constitution has been emulated around the world
A key aspect of our Constitution is something we liberals like to call freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two freedoms have ensured for over 200 years that the private citizens can keep an eye on our government and notify everyone anytime we think government has stepped out of bounds. Any time our government voids the public trust, it gets reported and those government representatives get voted out of office

So yes......we liberals unquestionably love and trust our government and would not trade it for any on earth

You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it

Then why did you abandon Classic Liberalism, and place the Principles of it on the Alter of Progressive Sacrifice, oh Great One? There is no Principle you have not abandoned in favor of the flavor of the day, you misguided Marionette. :):):)
You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it

OH so those liberals owned no slaves? Those liberals only viewed White males over the age of 21 as being able to vote. Are you talking about liberals like that?

Now we are getting somewhere Reb!

Now that you are admitting that our founding fathers were liberals we can continue with your American History lesson

Freedom progresses in steps. The founding fathers had a hard enough time getting the basic freedoms of our Constitution approved. Keep in mind....they had Conservatives fighting their initiatives

So the best you could get in the 1780s was freedoms and voting rights extended to white males over 21. But liberals did not rest on their laurels. They continued to fight for the rights of slaves, then women, then native Americans. All the time resisted by conservatives of the day
You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it

Then why did you abandon Classic Liberalism, and place the Principles of it on the Alter of Progressive Sacrifice, oh Great One? There is no Principle you have not abandoned in favor of the flavor of the day, you misguided Marionette. :):):)

He won't answer you because he's to chickenshit and it will show how much of a party before country hack he is.
You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it

Then why did you abandon Classic Liberalism, and place the Principles of it on the Alter of Progressive Sacrifice, oh Great One? There is no Principle you have not abandoned in favor of the flavor of the day, you misguided Marionette. :):):)

There is no such thing as Classic Liberalism. It is a term invented by Conservatives to excuse their resistance to basic human rights
Read my post prior to yours

Simple question reb......Does the United States have the greatest government on earth or not?

No you were asked a question and have not answered it. Man up or shut up.
Did the government lie to us about Iraq? Or did you trust the government ? Or are you being a partisan hack?

Your question has been answered.

The constitution that liberals wrote contains adequate checks and freedoms of the press to ensure that government is kept honest. You have provided excellent examples where our government has strayed and our liberal press reported what was happening. The Republicans paid dearly for their transgression

So Reb.......when are you going to tell the good people on this board that you love and trust our government more than any on earth?

What is of greater Value RW?

The Principles for which we stand, or the mechanism we set up to Establish , maintain, and serve those Principles?
Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it

OH so those liberals owned no slaves? Those liberals only viewed White males over the age of 21 as being able to vote. Are you talking about liberals like that?

Now we are getting somewhere Reb!

Now that you are admitting that our founding fathers were liberals we can continue with your American History lesson

Freedom progresses in steps. The founding fathers had a hard enough time getting the basic freedoms of our Constitution approved. Keep in mind....they had Conservatives fighting their initiatives

So the best you could get in the 1780s was freedoms and voting rights extended to white males over 21. But liberals did not rest on their laurels. They continued to fight for the rights of slaves, then women, then native Americans. All the time resisted by conservatives of the day
You truly are a joke. Not one signature on the Constitution will be of someone who supported the king of England. Because that has been your claim in the past Conservatives supported the King and liberals didn't.
In other words when I strip away your code words "nothing but respect" You trust the government unless it's governed by an R. Did the government lie to get us into Iraq?

As a liberal I love my country without question. I look at our government as the finest in the world. I have yet to see any conservative on this thread stand up for our government. My original question still stands......Name a government on earth that you prefer to the United States of America

So the government did not lie, Iraq had WMD'S is that what you are saying

You are half right.

Iraq did not have WMD's in the numbers that ALL of the free world's intelligence agencies thought they had, based on the fact that they had used WMD's to kill thousands of their own people. Quoting incorrect intelligence data does not constitute a lie by the government.
Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it

Then why did you abandon Classic Liberalism, and place the Principles of it on the Alter of Progressive Sacrifice, oh Great One? There is no Principle you have not abandoned in favor of the flavor of the day, you misguided Marionette. :):):)

There is no such thing as Classic Liberalism. It is a term invented by Conservatives to excuse their resistance to basic human rights

Then why do modern day liberals want to entrap people and take away individual liberty's for the betterment of the collective?
Yes indeed liberals wrote the Constitution and they are some of the most hallowed Liberals in the history of mankind

Can you imagine a society where all men are viewed as equal? Where someone who works the field has the same vote as the man who owns the field? Where men are not allowed to rule on the basis of their bloodline?

You did not get more liberal ideas than that.......note to bigreb...all those liberal concepts were opposed by conservatives of the day

Hell yes Liberals love and trust our government....That is why we made it

Then why did you abandon Classic Liberalism, and place the Principles of it on the Alter of Progressive Sacrifice, oh Great One? There is no Principle you have not abandoned in favor of the flavor of the day, you misguided Marionette. :):):)

There is no such thing as Classic Liberalism. It is a term invented by Conservatives to excuse their resistance to basic human rights

I'm sorry, where did you learn that? Your New Speak Dictionary and Vocabulary Book?

The distinction between Classic Liberalism and Progressive Statism is the Same Distinction between Preserving and Championing Unalienable Rights, Voice, Speech, Property Rights, Due Process, and throwing them all under the bus for the convenience of the Powers that be. Classic Liberalism Champions Individual Liberty, Progressivism cuts it's heart out. Good try though.

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