why does the left unquestionably trust government?

can you cite anywhere in the constitution that backs up your claim that its the federal government's job to do those things?


Article I, Section 8 - The Commerce Clause:

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), states may not interfere with Congressional regulatory authority, this ensures consistent and comprehensive Federal regulation; regardless one’s state of residence, he can expect the same quality of life as anyone else, anywhere else in the Nation.

Article I, Section 8 - Necessary and Proper Clause:

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), reaffirmed the Constitutional doctrine of the implied powers of Congress and that Congress has the authority to enact laws not enumerated in the Constitution.

Article VI, Section 2 - Supremacy Clause:

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), laws passed by Congress must prevail over any inconsistent state laws or local measures that conflict with Federal legislation.

Remember that the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law; actions by Congress or other legislative bodies are subject to judicial review with the Supreme Court the final authority as to what the Constitution means.

What Commie propaganda site did you get these interpretations from? They are total bullshit. Try quoting the actual text of the decisions to support your idiot claims rather that what some commie demagogue says about them.
why does the left unquestionably trust government?

You have been tragically misinformed about the POV of that mythical "left" you believe exists, Lad
its not all of those on the left. Anarchists certainly do not support any government.

The subset you need to look at is the progressive statist. This person believes that a government, controlled by the "right" people, can be used to create an equal society. To them the best method for this is the destruction of federalism, the supremacy of the federal government, and goverment dependency of a majority of the population.

The end goal is creation of a class large enough to win any election, that is dependent upon the government for its basic needs.

I mean anarachists are more to the right than the left, pure communists or marxists are leftists I would say. Anarachists want no govt. which I think would line up with the idea of smaller govt. just to an extreme.
its not all of those on the left. Anarchists certainly do not support any government.

The subset you need to look at is the progressive statist. This person believes that a government, controlled by the "right" people, can be used to create an equal society. To them the best method for this is the destruction of federalism, the supremacy of the federal government, and goverment dependency of a majority of the population.

The end goal is creation of a class large enough to win any election, that is dependent upon the government for its basic needs.

I mean anarachists are more to the right than the left, pure communists or marxists are leftists I would say. Anarachists want no govt. which I think would line up with the idea of smaller govt. just to an extreme.

Jaread Loungher was an anarachist He once work on the campaign for gifford.
its not all of those on the left. Anarchists certainly do not support any government.

The subset you need to look at is the progressive statist. This person believes that a government, controlled by the "right" people, can be used to create an equal society. To them the best method for this is the destruction of federalism, the supremacy of the federal government, and goverment dependency of a majority of the population.

The end goal is creation of a class large enough to win any election, that is dependent upon the government for its basic needs.

I mean anarachists are more to the right than the left, pure communists or marxists are leftists I would say. Anarachists want no govt. which I think would line up with the idea of smaller govt. just to an extreme.

Jaread Loungher was an anarachist He once work on the campaign for gifford.

I did a quick Google search to find out he was some guy who killed some people in AZ I believe. I can't be fucked to find his political stances, but my point remains the same.

I guess it can be one of those philosophy things when you reach the most extreme states of either positive or negative you find yourself a new center in the circle. Fucking magical man.
its not all of those on the left. Anarchists certainly do not support any government.

The subset you need to look at is the progressive statist. This person believes that a government, controlled by the "right" people, can be used to create an equal society. To them the best method for this is the destruction of federalism, the supremacy of the federal government, and goverment dependency of a majority of the population.

The end goal is creation of a class large enough to win any election, that is dependent upon the government for its basic needs.

I mean anarachists are more to the right than the left, pure communists or marxists are leftists I would say. Anarachists want no govt. which I think would line up with the idea of smaller govt. just to an extreme.

Jaread Loungher was an anarachist He once work on the campaign for gifford.

Loughner is a schizophrenic. Schizophrenia knows no political leanings. It just is.
I mean anarachists are more to the right than the left, pure communists or marxists are leftists I would say. Anarchists want no govt. which I think would line up with the idea of smaller govt. just to an extreme.

Jaread Loungher was an anarachist He once work on the campaign for gifford.

I did a quick Google search to find out he was some guy who killed some people in AZ I believe. I can't be fucked to find his political stances, but my point remains the same.

I guess it can be one of those philosophy things when you reach the most extreme states of either positive or negative you find yourself a new center in the circle. Fucking magical man.

OH so you didn't know who Jared Loughner was and had to do a quick google search to find out. But yet you can say that Anarchists are more right leaning? All this tells me about you is that you are a hack.
I mean anarachists are more to the right than the left, pure communists or marxists are leftists I would say. Anarachists want no govt. which I think would line up with the idea of smaller govt. just to an extreme.

Jaread Loungher was an anarachist He once work on the campaign for gifford.

Loughner is a schizophrenic. Schizophrenia knows no political leanings. It just is.

Just saying he worked on her campaign twice and she was subscribed to his youtube channel, and she was the only one to do that.
"If men were angels, no government would be necessary." James Madison

Another day another dumb question and answer from the wingnuts on the right side of politics and life, but on the wrong side of history. This has been answered often but if wingnuts would like, why not create a parallel universe in which law and regulation backed by government did not exist? You wingnuts could eat un-inspected foods, untested drugs, fly unregulated airlines and invest in Bernie's ponzi scheme, which is really not a ponzi scheme but the free market for dipshits on the right.

"Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe

"The unity of Government, which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to you. It is justly so; for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquillity at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very Liberty, which you so highly prize. But as it is easy to foresee, that, from different causes and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed, to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth; as this is the point in your political fortress against which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and insidiously) directed, it is of infinite moment, that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national Union to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the Palladium of your political safety and prosperity; watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety; discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion, that it can in any event be abandoned; and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts." Quote DB :: Speeches :: George Washington :: George Washington's Farewell Address Speech
why does the left unquestionably trust government?

You have been tragically misinformed about the POV of that mythical "left" you believe exists, Lad

There is no myth with the left and the government.

I'm on the left and have nothing but respect for our Government. Anyone on the right care to name a government on earth that they would prefer?

Come on boys.......there must be one

You have been tragically misinformed about the POV of that mythical "left" you believe exists, Lad

There is no myth with the left and the government.

I'm on the left and have nothing but respect for our Government. Anyone on the right care to name a government on earth that they would prefer?

Come on boys.......there must be one

In other words when I strip away your code words "nothing but respect" You trust the government unless it's governed by an R. Did the government lie to get us into Iraq?
There is no myth with the left and the government.

I'm on the left and have nothing but respect for our Government. Anyone on the right care to name a government on earth that they would prefer?

Come on boys.......there must be one

In other words when I strip away your code words "nothing but respect" You trust the government unless it's governed by an R. Did the government lie to get us into Iraq?

As a liberal I love my country without question. I look at our government as the finest in the world. I have yet to see any conservative on this thread stand up for our government. My original question still stands......Name a government on earth that you prefer to the United States of America
They espouse hate for the government at every turn.

I love our government.

I Think our government under the R named Ike was pretty damned good.

I think our government under the R Roosevelt was pretty damned good.

Now how is it my fault the rest of the republicans after these two guys were shit buckets?
Liberals wrote this document that we call the US Constitution. We wrote it for a reason. It defines a government structure that provides no absolute power to any one individual or branch of government. Our Constitution has been emulated around the world
A key aspect of our Constitution is something we liberals like to call freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two freedoms have ensured for over 200 years that the private citizens can keep an eye on our government and notify everyone anytime we think government has stepped out of bounds. Any time our government voids the public trust, it gets reported and those government representatives get voted out of office

So yes......we liberals unquestionably love and trust our government and would not trade it for any on earth
I'm on the left and have nothing but respect for our Government. Anyone on the right care to name a government on earth that they would prefer?

Come on boys.......there must be one

In other words when I strip away your code words "nothing but respect" You trust the government unless it's governed by an R. Did the government lie to get us into Iraq?

As a liberal I love my country without question. I look at our government as the finest in the world. I have yet to see any conservative on this thread stand up for our government. My original question still stands......Name a government on earth that you prefer to the United States of America

So the government did not lie, Iraq had WMD'S is that what you are saying
No the government run by republicans under the helm of Bush LIED us into war.

What is your point.

That doesnt make government evil it makes Bush and team evil for subverting his power to LIE to the people about their own government.
Liberals wrote this document that we call the US Constitution. We wrote it for a reason. It defines a government structure that provides no absolute power to any one individual or branch of government. Our Constitution has been emulated around the world
A key aspect of our Constitution is something we liberals like to call freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two freedoms have ensured for over 200 years that the private citizens can keep an eye on our government and notify everyone anytime we think government has stepped out of bounds. Any time our government voids the public trust, it gets reported and those government representatives get voted out of office

So yes......we liberals unquestionably love and trust our government and would not trade it for any on earth

You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.
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In other words when I strip away your code words "nothing but respect" You trust the government unless it's governed by an R. Did the government lie to get us into Iraq?

As a liberal I love my country without question. I look at our government as the finest in the world. I have yet to see any conservative on this thread stand up for our government. My original question still stands......Name a government on earth that you prefer to the United States of America

So the government did not lie, Iraq had WMD'S is that what you are saying

Read my post prior to yours

Simple question reb......Does the United States have the greatest government on earth or not?
Liberals wrote this document that we call the US Constitution. We wrote it for a reason. It defines a government structure that provides no absolute power to any one individual or branch of government. Our Constitution has been emulated around the world
A key aspect of our Constitution is something we liberals like to call freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two freedoms have ensured for over 200 years that the private citizens can keep an eye on our government and notify everyone anytime we think government has stepped out of bounds. Any time our government voids the public trust, it gets reported and those government representatives get voted out of office

So yes......we liberals unquestionably love and trust our government and would not trade it for any on earth

You are so screwed in the head. If liberals wrote the constitution they would have put mandated healthcare in the constitution, they would never have had the second amendment because the government is there to protect you.
20th century liberals have destroyed it.

Where is you proof the constitution of the US hs been distroyed?

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