why does the left unquestionably trust government?

why does the left unquestionably trust government?

The ‘left’ doesn’t. It’s a rightist contrivance and myth. In fact, for well over 60 years the ‘left’ has fought tirelessly in the courts to protect individual liberty from government excess and overreach: Federal, state, and local.

Also a rightist myth is the dogma of ‘finite’ enumerated powers, the incorrect notion that any act by Congress not ‘specifically’ noted in the Constitution is ‘un-Constitutional.’

In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the unanimous ruling of the court established that Congress possesses unenumerated powers: "the constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof are supreme. . .they control the constitution and laws of the respective states, and cannot be controlled by them."
…that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

You ignorance is not proof of an ‘ineffective’ Federal government; and blind adherence to conservative dogma will likely prevent you from addressing your ignorance.

Can you cite the constitution itself, or do you rely solely on the opinions of others?

What? Jesus H Christ. You. Are. A. Moron.
so before the EPA what you call "public goods" was never "protected?" Really?

Who said that? The government had other means to protect public goods. Post World War 2 development patterns and ongoing growth of industry challenged those methods and a new structure was required. So Nixon created the EPA to address pollution problems at the scale of problem.

People don't have two choices for water delivery in just about any town in America. There's only one. Because municipal water companies are a natural monopoly.

Your example is wrong.

Get it, shitstain?

You should take up drinking. It can help you be a bit less of an asshole.

What you quoted where did he make the comment at.
Can someone translate this please?
Because government programs aren't perfect doesn't mean that the left unquestionably trusts the government.

I expected you to give some examples of your thread title and you've failed to do so.

Well, I'm lying, I didn't expect you to because I realize that you're just a troll.

We know leftists trust government because of their behavior. They have never advocated cutting a single govenrment program other than the Dept of Defense. The only solution they ever propose for any solution is some government program.

The claim that the left doesn't trust government simply isn't believable.
It saves them having to think for themselves. It's very sad.

CG, we ain't the ones that discuss everything in talking points. From the political to the scientific, you people have reduced everything to four or five word talking points. The LCD of the political process. Brands you followers for what you are.
the EPA has been a success.
Our ater and air are cleaner now than before the EPA.

If you call destroying millions of jobs a "success," then the EPA qualifies. Come to think of it, that is how Obama defines success.

FEMA? Heck of a job Brownie. I thought we fixed that pesky FEMA by blending it with Fatherland Security?

In other words, its a failure.

DOE? Ahh what once was the Atomic energy Comission?

Another failure.

SS has been a success for millions of elderly and disabled Americans. However with congress spending 2+ trillion of the surplus premiums....

It's a failure for many more millions of people who will never collect the benefits they have been promised. it's worse than a failure. it's a colossal fraud.
You're an idiot. How has Social Security failed?

It's bankrupt, idiot.

No, fruitcake, it ain't bankrupt. I get my $2000 a month every month. Right along with a very good middle class income from my trade.

And, even if nothing is done, it will continue until I am nearly 90. Then it will drop by 25%.

However, just by extending the FICA deduction to all earnings, it would become solvent for the foreseeable future. And could even be upped for those on the very low end.

But Pattycake and his ilk would prefer to build bombs rather than take care of our children and seniors.
the EPA has been a success.
Our ater and air are cleaner now than before the EPA.

If you call destroying millions of jobs a "success," then the EPA qualifies. Come to think of it, that is how Obama defines success.

FEMA? Heck of a job Brownie. I thought we fixed that pesky FEMA by blending it with Fatherland Security?

In other words, its a failure.

DOE? Ahh what once was the Atomic energy Comission?

Another failure.

SS has been a success for millions of elderly and disabled Americans. However with congress spending 2+ trillion of the surplus premiums....

It's a failure for many more millions of people who will never collect the benefits they have been promised. it's worse than a failure. it's a colossal fraud.

No, asshole, we are not going to let people like you destroy it. We will fix it, and you will cry big crocodile tears about big govenment.
Why trust the Government?

Because we have the finest example of a government in the history of mankind
SS is fine for years it is the congress who is bankrupt, both fiscally and morally. And also collectively mentally deficient.

the SS had a 2+ trillion surplus in treasury notes a few years ago and most of the debt is still owed to the SS system by the treasury.

the real problem with the right on SS is that they are deadbeats and do not believe in paying debts.
That is the only current SS crisis. the debt owed to the SS admin is having to be repayed out of general funds which were for decades enriched by surplus ss funds.

In other words, SS is bankrupt. There is no "surplus." Congress has already spent it. You just admitted it.
LOL. Sure, let's do away with the EPA and have every body build shithouses that run directly into the creeks and rivers in this nation. Let the Corperations pollute the rivers again to the point that they catch on fire. That is Pattycakes vision for the nation.
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

Why does the right trust business and industry is the better question. Of course the left doesn't trust government, unless one believes the anti-war movement - as one example - was lead from the right.

Our Constitution restricts the government, it speaks not at all to corporate behaviorpower. Government is empowered to make law, law which regulates private behavior.

As a people we can and do control the power of government every two years; we have no such power over corporate America.
LOL. Sure, let's do away with the EPA and have every body build shithouses that run directly into the creeks and rivers in this nation. Let the Corperations pollute the rivers again to the point that they catch on fire. That is Pattycakes vision for the nation.


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