why does the left unquestionably trust government?

The ‘left’ neither loves nor hates government – liberals understand that government serves business concerns and private citizens alike, it ensures safe food, safe water, and safe roads and bridges. It marshals the Nation’s resources to build schools, hospitals, fight disease, and provides the foundation and infrastructure which allow American businesses to flourish. Indeed, private business is as dependent upon government as any other entity in society, if not more so.
Why does the right unquestionably "trust" law enforcement, while simultaneously claiming that they don't "trust" government?

law enforcement = local

federal government = federal.
liberty loving americans have a problem with the FEDERAL government putting its tentacles where they dont belong.
The ‘left’ neither loves nor hates government – liberals understand that government serves business concerns and private citizens alike, it ensures safe food, safe water, and safe roads and bridges. It marshals the Nation’s resources to build schools, hospitals, fight disease, and provides the foundation and infrastructure which allow American businesses to flourish. Indeed, private business is as dependent upon government as any other entity in society, if not more so.

can you cite anywhere in the constitution that backs up your claim that its the federal government's job to do those things?
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SS is fine for years it is the congress who is bankrupt, both fiscally and morally. And also collectively mentally deficient.

the SS had a 2+ trillion surplus in treasury notes a few years ago and most of the debt is still owed to the SS system by the treasury.

the real problem with the right on SS is that they are deadbeats and do not believe in paying debts.
That is the only current SS crisis. the debt owed to the SS admin is having to be repayed out of general funds which were for decades enriched by surplus ss funds.

In other words, SS is bankrupt. There is no "surplus." Congress has already spent it. You just admitted it.

Conservatives have been claiming SS is bankrupt for the last 50 years....meanwhile, the checks keep coming
The ‘left’ neither loves nor hates government – liberals understand that government serves business concerns and private citizens alike, it ensures safe food, safe water, and safe roads and bridges. It marshals the Nation’s resources to build schools, hospitals, fight disease, and provides the foundation and infrastructure which allow American businesses to flourish. Indeed, private business is as dependent upon government as any other entity in society, if not more so.

can you cite anywhere in the constitution that backs up your claim that its the federal government's job to do those things?

Provide for the General Welfare
You're an idiot. How has Social Security failed?

It's bankrupt, idiot.

No, fruitcake, it ain't bankrupt. I get my $2000 a month every month. Right along with a very good middle class income from my trade.

And, even if nothing is done, it will continue until I am nearly 90. Then it will drop by 25%.

However, just by extending the FICA deduction to all earnings, it would become solvent for the foreseeable future. And could even be upped for those on the very low end.

But Pattycake and his ilk would prefer to build bombs rather than take care of our children and seniors.

If you remove the FICA deduction cap, will you also remove the benefit cap? So someone who makes $500,000 a year will get more benefits than someone making $106,000?

Or do you still cap the benefits, thereby chaning SS into a income based wealth re-distribution scheme, in addition to the generation based wealth redistribution scheme it already is?
The ‘left’ neither loves nor hates government – liberals understand that government serves business concerns and private citizens alike, it ensures safe food, safe water, and safe roads and bridges. It marshals the Nation’s resources to build schools, hospitals, fight disease, and provides the foundation and infrastructure which allow American businesses to flourish. Indeed, private business is as dependent upon government as any other entity in society, if not more so.

can you cite anywhere in the constitution that backs up your claim that its the federal government's job to do those things?

Provide for the General Welfare

So if congress decides that slapping everyone who farts in public with a herring is in the general welfare, it would be perfectly consitutional?
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

Why does the right make up such silly bullshit? It's either the lack of education or the inbreeding. Can you tell us which it is?
can you cite anywhere in the constitution that backs up your claim that its the federal government's job to do those things?

Provide for the General Welfare

So if congress decides that slapping everyone who farts in public with a herring is in the general welfare, it would be perfectly consitutional?

Only if it occurs on a Tuesday in a month ending in R

You really don't know your Constitution do you?
can you cite anywhere in the constitution that backs up your claim that its the federal government's job to do those things?


Article I, Section 8 - The Commerce Clause:

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), states may not interfere with Congressional regulatory authority, this ensures consistent and comprehensive Federal regulation; regardless one’s state of residence, he can expect the same quality of life as anyone else, anywhere else in the Nation.

Article I, Section 8 - Necessary and Proper Clause:

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), reaffirmed the Constitutional doctrine of the implied powers of Congress and that Congress has the authority to enact laws not enumerated in the Constitution.

Article VI, Section 2 - Supremacy Clause:

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), laws passed by Congress must prevail over any inconsistent state laws or local measures that conflict with Federal legislation.

Remember that the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law; actions by Congress or other legislative bodies are subject to judicial review with the Supreme Court the final authority as to what the Constitution means.
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No, Jones. The Constitution is written in plain english. I can't see that congress has the power to regulate education for example. I don't see it anywhere. Please...help me out!

alright tho I will bite with more detail.
1. i dont know what biased website you got that from but the McCulloch case only pertains to cases in wihch the fedreal government is seeking to retain it's constitutional authority, not that it may act outside the enumerated powers.
2. Authority comes from the constitution

...so the question remains...where in the constitution does it say the federal government can have an infinite amount of bureaucracies and regulate whatever it wants? I can't find it.
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Provide for the General Welfare

So if congress decides that slapping everyone who farts in public with a herring is in the general welfare, it would be perfectly consitutional?

Only if it occurs on a Tuesday in a month ending in R

You really don't know your Constitution do you?

I know it well enough that the whole purpose was to limit what the federal government could do, related to the states, and to the people. Using the general welfare statement as an end run around having to make an amendment is just as bad as using the courts to do the same thing.
So if congress decides that slapping everyone who farts in public with a herring is in the general welfare, it would be perfectly consitutional?

Only if it occurs on a Tuesday in a month ending in R

You really don't know your Constitution do you?

I know it well enough that the whole purpose was to limit what the federal government could do, related to the states, and to the people. Using the general welfare statement as an end run around having to make an amendment is just as bad as using the courts to do the same thing.

I believe it was Madison in federalst 42 or 43 that said it was absurd if the preamble to A1S8 was taken literally, as it is just a preamble.
Actually, the Right trusts government a whole bunch.

They didn't say a peep when Bush hatched a plan to transform the greater middle east.

They didn't say a peep when Bush created Homeland Security, which is a larger, more wasteful bureaucracy than anything ever dreamed by FDR or LBJ.

Reagan's chapter in the Cold War and Bush's War on Terrorism have increased the size, power, and expense of government beyond anything ever attempted by the Left.

The OP needs to turn off Talk Radio
what is one thing that is not in the enumerated powers that the federal government has done well? I can't think of anything.

Why does the right make up such silly bullshit? It's either the lack of education or the inbreeding. Can you tell us which it is?

Because they have no facts on their side.

That's why they have to make things up.

They have won Politifacts Lie of the Year for three years in a row.
So if congress decides that slapping everyone who farts in public with a herring is in the general welfare, it would be perfectly consitutional?

What purpose does the rest of the Constitution server if Congress can do whatever it determines to be in the "general welfare?" Why even bother enumerating the powers of Congress if that's the case?

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