Why does the right defend the wealthy class

I have no problem getting clear on definitions which can cause confusion.

I am saying that the right (which supposedly has conservatives in it) defends big busines in the name of "free enterprise" all the while big business is stabbing them and us in the back.

If big business wants to compete fairly....great.

But small business is the way many will find their way to wealth. I can't tell you many I know who can't afford to start a smal business because of the labor laws and regulation that make it near impossible for them.

Business does not generally want to compete fairly. Adam Smith never had good words for business people. And many times business is the biggest supporters of left-wing ideology.

Again, labor laws and regulation is a left-wing belief system, and I know some too. You seem to be claiming "right-wing this and that" and then listing off stuff that is most generally left-wing in orientation.

Good with that.

Now, why does the right (even a lot of conservatives) defend big business.....?

Do they really think they are defending captialism ?

Again you haven't made the case yet.

Nothing you refer to is "conservative".

You say "the right" and then list off a bunch of left-wing causes supported by left-wingers.

I said right...not conservative.

I said even a lot of conservatives (who are confused).

Conservative values don't agree with this....

Yet the right does it.

"Conservative" and "right wing" are virtually synonymous. If not, then what do you believe the difference to be? What does "right wing" mean when you use it?

Not to me.

I consider the right wing those who use government to keep themselves in power in business along with the saps they dupe into joining their cause.

I admire true conservatives.
So you admit that the people you call "the far right" are not really conservative. They talk conservative and then vote liberal.

They don't vote liberal.

I have as much respect for true liberals as I do true conservatives.

They vote their best interests using government something it should not be used for.

You just said they "equivocate on principle" that they "stab us in the back." In other words, they vote against the conservative position. That means they vote liberal.

Not hardly.

The world is not one or the other......
No one said it was, but there are conservative policies and liberal policies. Giving special privileges to big business is a liberal policy, not a "right wing" policies. Your use of the term "right wing" is totally incoherent.

So go ahead and name the Conservatives in Congress.
Then list those who are NOT on that list that FoxNews claims ARE Conservatives.

What does FOX News have to do with anything being discussed?
Business does not generally want to compete fairly. Adam Smith never had good words for business people. And many times business is the biggest supporters of left-wing ideology.

Again, labor laws and regulation is a left-wing belief system, and I know some too. You seem to be claiming "right-wing this and that" and then listing off stuff that is most generally left-wing in orientation.

Good with that.

Now, why does the right (even a lot of conservatives) defend big business.....?

Do they really think they are defending captialism ?

Again you haven't made the case yet.

Nothing you refer to is "conservative".

You say "the right" and then list off a bunch of left-wing causes supported by left-wingers.

I said right...not conservative.

I said even a lot of conservatives (who are confused).

Conservative values don't agree with this....

Yet the right does it.

"Conservative" and "right wing" are virtually synonymous. If not, then what do you believe the difference to be? What does "right wing" mean when you use it?

Not to me.

I consider the right wing those who use government to keep themselves in power in business along with the saps they dupe into joining their cause.

I admire true conservatives.

Those are not "right-wingers." They're simply unscrupulous businessmen. They're liberal Democrats, more than likely, but some of them may be the kind of Republican that funds RINOs like Kasich and Jeb Bush.

You still haven't explained what you mean when you use the term "right wing."
They don't vote liberal.

I have as much respect for true liberals as I do true conservatives.

They vote their best interests using government something it should not be used for.

You just said they "equivocate on principle" that they "stab us in the back." In other words, they vote against the conservative position. That means they vote liberal.

Not hardly.

The world is not one or the other......
No one said it was, but there are conservative policies and liberal policies. Giving special privileges to big business is a liberal policy, not a "right wing" policies. Your use of the term "right wing" is totally incoherent.

So go ahead and name the Conservatives in Congress.
Then list those who are NOT on that list that FoxNews claims ARE Conservatives.

What does FOX News have to do with anything being discussed?

Fox is the acclaimed voice of the Conservative.
Every Conservative I know, and that's plenty, listens to Fox as though in a catatonic state.
Now provide the list.
You just said they "equivocate on principle" that they "stab us in the back." In other words, they vote against the conservative position. That means they vote liberal.

Not hardly.

The world is not one or the other......
No one said it was, but there are conservative policies and liberal policies. Giving special privileges to big business is a liberal policy, not a "right wing" policies. Your use of the term "right wing" is totally incoherent.

So go ahead and name the Conservatives in Congress.
Then list those who are NOT on that list that FoxNews claims ARE Conservatives.

What does FOX News have to do with anything being discussed?

Fox is the acclaimed voice of the Conservative.
Every Conservative I know, and that's plenty, listens to Fox as though in a catatonic state.
Now provide the list.

I'm sorry, but that's liberal horseshit.
Not hardly.

The world is not one or the other......
No one said it was, but there are conservative policies and liberal policies. Giving special privileges to big business is a liberal policy, not a "right wing" policies. Your use of the term "right wing" is totally incoherent.

So go ahead and name the Conservatives in Congress.
Then list those who are NOT on that list that FoxNews claims ARE Conservatives.

What does FOX News have to do with anything being discussed?

Fox is the acclaimed voice of the Conservative.
Every Conservative I know, and that's plenty, listens to Fox as though in a catatonic state.
Now provide the list.

I'm sorry, but that's liberal horseshit.

Just stfu and run for office already, you demented pos.
No one said it was, but there are conservative policies and liberal policies. Giving special privileges to big business is a liberal policy, not a "right wing" policies. Your use of the term "right wing" is totally incoherent.

So go ahead and name the Conservatives in Congress.
Then list those who are NOT on that list that FoxNews claims ARE Conservatives.

What does FOX News have to do with anything being discussed?

Fox is the acclaimed voice of the Conservative.
Every Conservative I know, and that's plenty, listens to Fox as though in a catatonic state.
Now provide the list.

I'm sorry, but that's liberal horseshit.

Just stfu and run for office already, you demented pos.

What makes you think I want to run for office?
Business does not generally want to compete fairly. Adam Smith never had good words for business people. And many times business is the biggest supporters of left-wing ideology.

Again, labor laws and regulation is a left-wing belief system, and I know some too. You seem to be claiming "right-wing this and that" and then listing off stuff that is most generally left-wing in orientation.

Good with that.

Now, why does the right (even a lot of conservatives) defend big business.....?

Do they really think they are defending captialism ?

Again you haven't made the case yet.

Nothing you refer to is "conservative".

You say "the right" and then list off a bunch of left-wing causes supported by left-wingers.

I said right...not conservative.

I said even a lot of conservatives (who are confused).

Conservative values don't agree with this....

Yet the right does it.

You still haven't shown that. You can say it over and over until you die, but you have not shown this.

Where is the right or conservatives on things like Obamacare ?

The effort to repal has already died....the federal government talking about repeal....BFD.

Where is the RNC and where are the leaders of the GOP in keeing the issue highlited (and I am not talking about complaining about it) ? I mean quietly figuring out how to shut it down ?

Repealing a law is exceptionally difficult for a host of reasons. If there is one thing I would change in the constitution, that one thing would be that I would require a 40% vote to repeal a law, and a 60% vote to pass it.

That said, looking at how they voted on the repeal isn't the best measure, because there are tons of problems with repealing the law. Giving away goodies doesn't cause outcry from the public. Cutting off goodies, does. The moment they repeal that law, tons of politicians know that people will be kicked off their tax payer funded health care, will scream, protest, media blitz, and they will be blamed lose their jobs, and whoever replaces them will put the same goodies giveaway back in place.

If you want to know what the party really believes, look at how they voted on the law to begin with.

Congressional Bills and Votes

The house vote, only one single Republican voted for it. And Anh Cao was removed in 2011. (he backed out, but only because the Republican challenger would have smushed him over the Obama care bill).

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote

And not a single Republican supported it in the Senate.

So there's your right-wing position spelled out.

Now as far as the repeal....

The last Senate vote, every single Republican voted for the repeal. They simply did not have the votes to make it happen... yet.

But even if they do in the future, I think some Republicans will vote against a repeal.

You are expecting them to vote themselves out of a job. I'd love that. I would. But I accept reality. The reality is politicians like their cushy jobs, and they are not going to sacrifice their jobs for the sake of what is best for the country.

Would it not be great if they were selfless. But they are not. They are people... people who like their jobs.
No one said it was, but there are conservative policies and liberal policies. Giving special privileges to big business is a liberal policy, not a "right wing" policies. Your use of the term "right wing" is totally incoherent.

So go ahead and name the Conservatives in Congress.
Then list those who are NOT on that list that FoxNews claims ARE Conservatives.

What does FOX News have to do with anything being discussed?

Fox is the acclaimed voice of the Conservative.
Every Conservative I know, and that's plenty, listens to Fox as though in a catatonic state.
Now provide the list.

I'm sorry, but that's liberal horseshit.

Just stfu and run for office already, you demented pos.

Everyone small minded idiot on the left, trots out the "Fox News" whine. Nice of you to identify yourself.
Good with that.

Now, why does the right (even a lot of conservatives) defend big business.....?

Do they really think they are defending captialism ?

Again you haven't made the case yet.

Nothing you refer to is "conservative".

You say "the right" and then list off a bunch of left-wing causes supported by left-wingers.

I said right...not conservative.

I said even a lot of conservatives (who are confused).

Conservative values don't agree with this....

Yet the right does it.

"Conservative" and "right wing" are virtually synonymous. If not, then what do you believe the difference to be? What does "right wing" mean when you use it?

Not to me.

I consider the right wing those who use government to keep themselves in power in business along with the saps they dupe into joining their cause.

I admire true conservatives.

Those are not "right-wingers." They're simply unscrupulous businessmen. They're liberal Democrats, more than likely, but some of them may be the kind of Republican that funds RINOs like Kasich and Jeb Bush.

You still haven't explained what you mean when you use the term "right wing."

I think I have tried.

You keep telling me they are not "far right".

I say they are.

Let's drop these terms.

You've identified those you think are RINOS.

I guess we could start classifying others....and then figure out why they get classified that way.

But I am more concerned about those who believe they are following conservatives and are duped into defending these greedy unscrupulous businessmen.

What conservative has been making a concerted effort to free up small businesses ?
So go ahead and name the Conservatives in Congress.
Then list those who are NOT on that list that FoxNews claims ARE Conservatives.

What does FOX News have to do with anything being discussed?

Fox is the acclaimed voice of the Conservative.
Every Conservative I know, and that's plenty, listens to Fox as though in a catatonic state.
Now provide the list.

I'm sorry, but that's liberal horseshit.

Just stfu and run for office already, you demented pos.

Everyone small minded idiot on the left, trots out the "Fox News" whine. Nice of you to identify yourself.

Either that or Limbaugh, Hannity or Beck.

The left is in disbelief that there are actually real Americans out there that think conservatism. That's why they get so upset when they lose elections. Oh sure, there are conservatives. They are in their pickup trucks with the gun rack or on a yacht somewhere, but they are not the majority in this country. The majority in this country think like me--liberal. I know this because all my friends and family are liberals. Republicans are people who were once normal liberals until they became brainwashed by Fox and Limbaugh.

No......I don't understand that way of thinking either...
Republicans are people who were once normal liberals until they became brainwashed by Fox and Limbaugh.

No......I don't understand that way of thinking either...

Liberals are stupid and illiterate. They have no idea that conservatism started with our Founders, not Fox and Rush.
. . After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

dear, how stupid are you??? to make another billion you'd have to employ 10's of 1000's. That would be good not bad. Do you have the IQ to understand??
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
these greedy unscrupulous businessmen.

100% stupid of course. Under Republican capitalism the only way businessmen survive is too offer the best jobs and products in the entire world. If you doubt it what could be easier than starting a business with crappy jobs and products to sell. Let us know how you do.

See why we have to be positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance??
China is communist, isn't it? Used to be. China. It isn't capitalist, it's communist, by it isn't but it IS. What IS CHINA, anyway? Used to know what who was what. China?

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