Why does the right defend the wealthy class

China is communist, isn't it? Used to be. China. It isn't capitalist, it's communist, by it isn't but it IS. What IS CHINA, anyway? Used to know what who was what. China?

China was communist under which 60 million slowly starved to death, but now is switching to capitalism wherein 60 million people are buying cars. It is a capitalist miracle that instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty.
Here are some books on it:

"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"

In his new book titled Markets over Mao: The rise of private businesses in China, Lardy argues that even though SOEs still enjoy monopoly positions in some key sectors in China, such as energy and telecommunications, their role in the overall economy has diminished significantly over the years. Here are some of the facts he presents to back his thesis: in 2011, China’s state-controlled firms only accounted for about a quarter of the country’s industrial output; and their share in exports has dropped to about 11% today; in 2012, state firms were only responsible for about one-tenth of fixed investment in manufacturing. And in terms of employment, SOEs employed about 13% of China’s labor force in 2011, a dramatic decline compared with the 60% figure recorded in 1999.

U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...

  • Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

    www.businessweek.com/news/2010-07-03/u-s-s-startup-my... - Similar
    • The Myth of Asia's Miracle
      Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

I don't know what that has to do with our social systems heading for a brick wall.

Yeah, Democrats tell us not to worry. Our social safety nets are doing just fine. Sit back and don't pay any attention.

Well if they are doing just fine, why don't they pay the entire bill? And don't worry about what some CEO makes, worry more of the annual rip-offs that take place in Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery Sep 29, 3:46 AM (ET)

My Way News - Medicare's $30M ambulance-ride mystery

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients
By Greg Bengel, contributing writer

Doctors Refuse To Accept Medicare Patients

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year

Number of doctors refusing to see Medicare patients triples in one year
I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.

I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

Our poor are better off than the middle class are in Europe.

Where did you pull that shit out of?Name one poor person in France that would change places with a poor person in America.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.

That happens and is a subject worth discussing.
The moment you allow government to deny property rights to one group, they will be able to deny property rights to any group, including yourself. Look at Soviet Russia. Everyone thought that the communists would only take the property of the super wealthy..... when that wealth was gone, they started confiscating everything else. And when that was gone, forced labor in Gulags, was the natural result.

Same thing is happening in Venezuela. First they confiscated major international corporation property, then local corporations property, and now they are confiscating anything they want. When that runs out, who knows how far the socialist government in Venezuela will go.

I know people who are related to the wealthy class in Venezuela.

We've discussed Chavez on several occasions.

Their take:

What goes on there is not reported as it is.

They actually support what has happened and say that it has lifted many people out of poverty.

I am not defending it.

I am saying that I have counter claims from people who have relatives who are living it who say it is not what the press says it is.
Just like the haves here in America have a completely different opinion than the have nots.

I'm sure a rich communist would defend communism.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3
Liberals/Socialists/Progressives/Communists hate both the middle class and the working class because...

they HATE the "wealthy class".

Go back to school you stupid fuck. :slap:

If you look at my posting history...that isn't me.

I am not a progressive.

But the article raises an issue I've had for a long time. The wealthy class link up with the governing class and together they screw us.

There is tons of money in D.C. It's a huge rapefest.

I agree, The rich are writing the laws for the rich. It has been that way for a long time. Government agents get high paying jobs in the private sector so they favor the private sector in law & decision making.

The fault lie with government for allowing it.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.

Getting the lazy to support you is easy, just promise them they can be lazy and we will reward you for that.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Then drive a Honda. I like my fusion and my brothers f150. We get the a plan so its a no brainer for us. Ford is great. And my dad had a pension and hundreds of thousands of dollars and two homes working for Ford, so I see the value of paying your employees well.

I'm glad Toyota is here making a product and employing Americans and paying them a decent wage. Thank a union because if it were up to you and Toyota those zero education line workers would make how much?

Riddle me that.

I'm glad Toyota and Honda are keeping the big three on their toes.
I have to agree. I was in Venezuela last time in 2004, was seeing chavez using the country's resources to help some of the poorest people in that country. You can see the hillside shacks as you fly in to caracas. Some of the poorest people in western hemisphere. I was looking into buying real estate at the time. Some of the business class, realtors, agreed at least somewhat with what he was trying to do. We (we, meaning bushcheney and the american oil companies,) hated chavez because he increased the costs of oil extraction by foreign countries. Less profits for oil companies is what the hatred for chavez has been.

It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

Our poor are better off than the middle class are in Europe.

Where did you pull that shit out of?Name one poor person in France that would change places with a poor person in America.

All of them, numskull. For one thing, they could get a job if they were in America. At least they could before the age of Obama and permanent unemployment.
What is the most notoriously degenerate wealth flaunting segment of society left in the 21st century? That's right, it's Hollywood. Try promoting yourself as a republican in Tinsel Town and expect to get a job. Degenerate wealth is all about the democrat party.

This is completely false. Hollywood is about ideas, not political persuasion. If you don't have them you don't work.
It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

Our poor are better off than the middle class are in Europe.

Where did you pull that shit out of?Name one poor person in France that would change places with a poor person in America.

All of them, numskull. For one thing, they could get a job if they were in America. At least they could before the age of Obama and permanent unemployment.
Oh stop it. Most states have GOP governors and at least in Michigan Snyder cut unemployment down from 6 months to 5.
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.

US is ranked no. 1 for uber wealthy individuals. Someone's gotta look out for em :)
What is the most notoriously degenerate wealth flaunting segment of society left in the 21st century? That's right, it's Hollywood. Try promoting yourself as a republican in Tinsel Town and expect to get a job. Degenerate wealth is all about the democrat party.

This is completely false. Hollywood is about ideas, not political persuasion. If you don't have them you don't work.
If only charleton heston reagan Clint eastwood or Chuck Norris could act.
Thom Hartmann: How America Killed Its Middle Class

Not a big fan of Alternet.....but this one makes a statement I think begs a question.

Piketty is right, especially about the importance of high marginal tax rates and inheritance taxes being necessary for the creation of a middle class that includes working-class people. Progressive taxation, when done correctly, pushes wages down to working people and reduces the incentives for the very rich to pillage their companies or rip off their workers. After all, why take another billion when 91 percent of it just going to be paid in taxes?

This is the main reason why, when GM was our largest employer and our working class were also in the middle class, CEOs only took home 30 times what working people did. The top tax rate for all the time America's middle class was created was between 74 and 91 percent. Until, of course, Reagan dropped it to 28 percent and working people moved from the middle class to becoming the working poor.


So, as we continue to let the rich just go nuts...what is it that isn't there to prevent them.

Why does the far right vote to protect the interest of the rich ?

The answer lies, in part, in the fact that the far left is no better. First, they suck off the rich like others.

Next, they won't make a rational case. They need conservatives to join them. And yet they, like some of the assholes on this board, do nothing but antagonize them.

And the rich just eat it up......


This thread originally got moved to Europe because I led in with an article about the European middle class.

But the comparison is bright as the day is long.

I bash the left.

I bash the right.

Regardless, this is a huge issue in my mind.

Now, if the left starts squawking about how the rich screw them over...I'd ask how they get away with it. They only get away with it because the government protects them.

The right yells...hands off. But this article flies in the face of that.

US is ranked no. 1 for uber wealthy individuals. Someone's gotta look out for em :)
Even though it is no longer such a symbiotic relationship. They don't need us anymore. They have other markets like china to sell to.

Only china insists if Pepsi is to be sold in china it has to be made in china. Great idea, huh?
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Then drive a Honda. I like my fusion and my brothers f150. We get the a plan so its a no brainer for us. Ford is great. And my dad had a pension and hundreds of thousands of dollars and two homes working for Ford, so I see the value of paying your employees well.

I'm glad Toyota is here making a product and employing Americans and paying them a decent wage. Thank a union because if it were up to you and Toyota those zero education line workers would make how much?

Riddle me that.

I'm glad Toyota and Honda are keeping the big three on their toes.

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Speaking of my "former" mechanic, it was he that enlightened me on the low quality parts and engineering of American made cars.

Because of your dads "hundreds of thousands of dollars" that he made, American auto manufacturing companies had to make up that loss somewhere. That somewhere was parts.

It's funny that this subject came up as a former GF of mine posted a complaint about her GM car on FaceBook. She has a bumper-to-bumper coverage on her car that now needs brakes and rotors. The car has 21,000 miles on it. GM told her to F-off. An American car that needs brakes and rotors at 21,000 miles is normal wear and tear. They wouldn't cover the repair.

She was forced to take it to a private mechanic to get the problem fixed. It cost her over $800.00.

My Toyota now has 72,000 miles on it. When I had new tires put on at the beginning of the year, the mechanic there told me I had half of my break pads left, and everything else looked dandy. At the time, I probably had 65,000 miles on it.

I owned two Toyota's in the past ten years. Neither of them ever seen a tow truck.
Again you haven't made the case yet.

Nothing you refer to is "conservative".

You say "the right" and then list off a bunch of left-wing causes supported by left-wingers.

I said right...not conservative.

I said even a lot of conservatives (who are confused).

Conservative values don't agree with this....

Yet the right does it.

"Conservative" and "right wing" are virtually synonymous. If not, then what do you believe the difference to be? What does "right wing" mean when you use it?

Not to me.

I consider the right wing those who use government to keep themselves in power in business along with the saps they dupe into joining their cause.

I admire true conservatives.

Those are not "right-wingers." They're simply unscrupulous businessmen. They're liberal Democrats, more than likely, but some of them may be the kind of Republican that funds RINOs like Kasich and Jeb Bush.

You still haven't explained what you mean when you use the term "right wing."

I think I have tried.

You keep telling me they are not "far right".

I say they are.

Let's drop these terms.

You've identified those you think are RINOS.

I guess we could start classifying others....and then figure out why they get classified that way.

But I am more concerned about those who believe they are following conservatives and are duped into defending these greedy unscrupulous businessmen.

What conservative has been making a concerted effort to free up small businesses ?

I can think of several off hand. I quite a few that has been trying to do just that.

But, the left says "if you deregulate, it will be the 2008 crash all over again!"

And that's a hard charge to defend against no matter how false it inherently is.

I think the big problem is that you seem to be confusing right-wing ideology, with a party. Republican is a political party. Right-wing is an ideology. An individual may identify himself as being something, but that doesn't mean what he identifies himself to be, is actually what he is.

For example.... I can buy a membership card to the national vegetarian association. Does that mean I'm a vegetarian? Well, I eat meat, and have steak dinners. Am I vegetarian? No, I mean yes, because I have a Vegan card.


Right? I have the card, therefore I'm a Vegan.... and I eat meat every day.

What's my point?

They are RINOs? No, Republican is a party. Republican is not an ideology.

Now it's true that *generally* Republicans are right-wing. But just because you run as a republican, doesn't mean you are right-wing. And just you are Republican, doesn't mean anything. Republican is a party, not an ideology.

Are there some Republicans that are left-wing? Absolutely.

Being Republican doesn't make you Right-wing. If you support subsidies and tax and spend, and protectionism, and government give-aways, then you are still Republican, but you are not right-wing.

So when you say far-right that supports those things..... You are saying a contradiction. The one is incompatible with the other.

It's like saying "There are Vegetarians that eat meat. I eat meat, and am a member of the Vegan society".... No.... these are mutually exclusives statements.
It's not that simple....

But the bottom line is that what we are hearing is not the full story.

I am not a fan of Chavez.

But, his efforts did allow for many to clear the oppression of the day.

Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

Our poor are better off than the middle class are in Europe.

Where did you pull that shit out of?Name one poor person in France that would change places with a poor person in America.

All of them, numskull. For one thing, they could get a job if they were in America. At least they could before the age of Obama and permanent unemployment.


Why does this Simpson image come to mind when i read one of your post?:biggrin:
Horseshit. Venezuela is poorer than it ever was. At one time Venezuela was on of the 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Just like America is the richest of the large countries in the world but we have much poverty here too. Always have, even in the 60's. A rich country that doesn't take care of it's poorest is nothing to brag about.

Our poor are better off than the middle class are in Europe.

Where did you pull that shit out of?Name one poor person in France that would change places with a poor person in America.

All of them, numskull. For one thing, they could get a job if they were in America. At least they could before the age of Obama and permanent unemployment.


Why does this Simpson image come to mind when i read one of your post?:biggrin:

Is it because you're an idiot?
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Then drive a Honda. I like my fusion and my brothers f150. We get the a plan so its a no brainer for us. Ford is great. And my dad had a pension and hundreds of thousands of dollars and two homes working for Ford, so I see the value of paying your employees well.

I'm glad Toyota is here making a product and employing Americans and paying them a decent wage. Thank a union because if it were up to you and Toyota those zero education line workers would make how much?

Riddle me that.

I'm glad Toyota and Honda are keeping the big three on their toes.

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Speaking of my "former" mechanic, it was he that enlightened me on the low quality parts and engineering of American made cars.

Because of your dads "hundreds of thousands of dollars" that he made, American auto manufacturing companies had to make up that loss somewhere. That somewhere was parts.

It's funny that this subject came up as a former GF of mine posted a complaint about her GM car on FaceBook. She has a bumper-to-bumper coverage on her car that now needs brakes and rotors. The car has 21,000 miles on it. GM told her to F-off. An American car that needs brakes and rotors at 21,000 miles is normal wear and tear. They wouldn't cover the repair.

She was forced to take it to a private mechanic to get the problem fixed. It cost her over $800.00.

My Toyota now has 72,000 miles on it. When I had new tires put on at the beginning of the year, the mechanic there told me I had half of my break pads left, and everything else looked dandy. At the time, I probably had 65,000 miles on it.

I owned two Toyota's in the past ten years. Neither of them ever seen a tow truck.

United States[edit]
  • Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, Inc., (TMMK) is located in Georgetown. Engine manufacture - 2GR-FE and 2AR-FE. Vehicle manufacture and assembly - Camry, Hybrid Camry, Avalon, Avalon Hybrid, and Venza.

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