Why does the right defend the wealthy class

Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Then drive a Honda. I like my fusion and my brothers f150. We get the a plan so its a no brainer for us. Ford is great. And my dad had a pension and hundreds of thousands of dollars and two homes working for Ford, so I see the value of paying your employees well.

I'm glad Toyota is here making a product and employing Americans and paying them a decent wage. Thank a union because if it were up to you and Toyota those zero education line workers would make how much?

Riddle me that.

I'm glad Toyota and Honda are keeping the big three on their toes.

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Speaking of my "former" mechanic, it was he that enlightened me on the low quality parts and engineering of American made cars.

Because of your dads "hundreds of thousands of dollars" that he made, American auto manufacturing companies had to make up that loss somewhere. That somewhere was parts.

It's funny that this subject came up as a former GF of mine posted a complaint about her GM car on FaceBook. She has a bumper-to-bumper coverage on her car that now needs brakes and rotors. The car has 21,000 miles on it. GM told her to F-off. An American car that needs brakes and rotors at 21,000 miles is normal wear and tear. They wouldn't cover the repair.

She was forced to take it to a private mechanic to get the problem fixed. It cost her over $800.00.

My Toyota now has 72,000 miles on it. When I had new tires put on at the beginning of the year, the mechanic there told me I had half of my break pads left, and everything else looked dandy. At the time, I probably had 65,000 miles on it.

I owned two Toyota's in the past ten years. Neither of them ever seen a tow truck.

United States[edit]
  • Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, Inc., (TMMK) is located in Georgetown. Engine manufacture - 2GR-FE and 2AR-FE. Vehicle manufacture and assembly - Camry, Hybrid Camry, Avalon, Avalon Hybrid, and Venza.

Do you have some kind of point behind this post, or am I supposed to guess?
I said right...not conservative.

I said even a lot of conservatives (who are confused).

Conservative values don't agree with this....

Yet the right does it.

"Conservative" and "right wing" are virtually synonymous. If not, then what do you believe the difference to be? What does "right wing" mean when you use it?

Not to me.

I consider the right wing those who use government to keep themselves in power in business along with the saps they dupe into joining their cause.

I admire true conservatives.

Those are not "right-wingers." They're simply unscrupulous businessmen. They're liberal Democrats, more than likely, but some of them may be the kind of Republican that funds RINOs like Kasich and Jeb Bush.

You still haven't explained what you mean when you use the term "right wing."

I think I have tried.

You keep telling me they are not "far right".

I say they are.

Let's drop these terms.

You've identified those you think are RINOS.

I guess we could start classifying others....and then figure out why they get classified that way.

But I am more concerned about those who believe they are following conservatives and are duped into defending these greedy unscrupulous businessmen.

What conservative has been making a concerted effort to free up small businesses ?

I can think of several off hand. I quite a few that has been trying to do just that.

But, the left says "if you deregulate, it will be the 2008 crash all over again!"

And that's a hard charge to defend against no matter how false it inherently is.

I think the big problem is that you seem to be confusing right-wing ideology, with a party. Republican is a political party. Right-wing is an ideology. An individual may identify himself as being something, but that doesn't mean what he identifies himself to be, is actually what he is.

For example.... I can buy a membership card to the national vegetarian association. Does that mean I'm a vegetarian? Well, I eat meat, and have steak dinners. Am I vegetarian? No, I mean yes, because I have a Vegan card.


Right? I have the card, therefore I'm a Vegan.... and I eat meat every day.

What's my point?

They are RINOs? No, Republican is a party. Republican is not an ideology.

Now it's true that *generally* Republicans are right-wing. But just because you run as a republican, doesn't mean you are right-wing. And just you are Republican, doesn't mean anything. Republican is a party, not an ideology.

Are there some Republicans that are left-wing? Absolutely.

Being Republican doesn't make you Right-wing. If you support subsidies and tax and spend, and protectionism, and government give-aways, then you are still Republican, but you are not right-wing.

So when you say far-right that supports those things..... You are saying a contradiction. The one is incompatible with the other.

It's like saying "There are Vegetarians that eat meat. I eat meat, and am a member of the Vegan society".... No.... these are mutually exclusives statements.

I'll go with most of this...with the exception that I would say that right wing is not conservative.

And I think you mean conservative is an ideology.

If we meet there and agree, we have no argument.

But even conservatives get fooled.

I recently had this conversation with a young associate of mine at work. He is very ideological and conservative. I could tell he didn't like me bad mouthing big business.

About two months later he admitted he had thought long and hard about it and had come to the conclusion that I was correct.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Then drive a Honda. I like my fusion and my brothers f150. We get the a plan so its a no brainer for us. Ford is great. And my dad had a pension and hundreds of thousands of dollars and two homes working for Ford, so I see the value of paying your employees well.

I'm glad Toyota is here making a product and employing Americans and paying them a decent wage. Thank a union because if it were up to you and Toyota those zero education line workers would make how much?

Riddle me that.

I'm glad Toyota and Honda are keeping the big three on their toes.

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Speaking of my "former" mechanic, it was he that enlightened me on the low quality parts and engineering of American made cars.

Because of your dads "hundreds of thousands of dollars" that he made, American auto manufacturing companies had to make up that loss somewhere. That somewhere was parts.

It's funny that this subject came up as a former GF of mine posted a complaint about her GM car on FaceBook. She has a bumper-to-bumper coverage on her car that now needs brakes and rotors. The car has 21,000 miles on it. GM told her to F-off. An American car that needs brakes and rotors at 21,000 miles is normal wear and tear. They wouldn't cover the repair.

She was forced to take it to a private mechanic to get the problem fixed. It cost her over $800.00.

My Toyota now has 72,000 miles on it. When I had new tires put on at the beginning of the year, the mechanic there told me I had half of my break pads left, and everything else looked dandy. At the time, I probably had 65,000 miles on it.

I owned two Toyota's in the past ten years. Neither of them ever seen a tow truck.

United States[edit]
  • Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky, Inc., (TMMK) is located in Georgetown. Engine manufacture - 2GR-FE and 2AR-FE. Vehicle manufacture and assembly - Camry, Hybrid Camry, Avalon, Avalon Hybrid, and Venza.

Do you have some kind of point behind this post, or am I supposed to guess?

These are two of your quotes from the post that I quoted.

“My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did “

“Speaking of my "former" mechanic, it was he that enlightened me on the low quality parts and engineering of American made cars “

If you don’t see anything wrong with that statement,I’m afraid all hope is lost for you.Sad.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Then drive a Honda. I like my fusion and my brothers f150. We get the a plan so its a no brainer for us. Ford is great. And my dad had a pension and hundreds of thousands of dollars and two homes working for Ford, so I see the value of paying your employees well.

I'm glad Toyota is here making a product and employing Americans and paying them a decent wage. Thank a union because if it were up to you and Toyota those zero education line workers would make how much?

Riddle me that.

I'm glad Toyota and Honda are keeping the big three on their toes.

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Speaking of my "former" mechanic, it was he that enlightened me on the low quality parts and engineering of American made cars.

Because of your dads "hundreds of thousands of dollars" that he made, American auto manufacturing companies had to make up that loss somewhere. That somewhere was parts.

It's funny that this subject came up as a former GF of mine posted a complaint about her GM car on FaceBook. She has a bumper-to-bumper coverage on her car that now needs brakes and rotors. The car has 21,000 miles on it. GM told her to F-off. An American car that needs brakes and rotors at 21,000 miles is normal wear and tear. They wouldn't cover the repair.

She was forced to take it to a private mechanic to get the problem fixed. It cost her over $800.00.

My Toyota now has 72,000 miles on it. When I had new tires put on at the beginning of the year, the mechanic there told me I had half of my break pads left, and everything else looked dandy. At the time, I probably had 65,000 miles on it.

I owned two Toyota's in the past ten years. Neither of them ever seen a tow truck.
Same with my Fusion. Lets see who's last longer.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Then drive a Honda. I like my fusion and my brothers f150. We get the a plan so its a no brainer for us. Ford is great. And my dad had a pension and hundreds of thousands of dollars and two homes working for Ford, so I see the value of paying your employees well.

I'm glad Toyota is here making a product and employing Americans and paying them a decent wage. Thank a union because if it were up to you and Toyota those zero education line workers would make how much?

Riddle me that.

I'm glad Toyota and Honda are keeping the big three on their toes.

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Speaking of my "former" mechanic, it was he that enlightened me on the low quality parts and engineering of American made cars.

Because of your dads "hundreds of thousands of dollars" that he made, American auto manufacturing companies had to make up that loss somewhere. That somewhere was parts.

It's funny that this subject came up as a former GF of mine posted a complaint about her GM car on FaceBook. She has a bumper-to-bumper coverage on her car that now needs brakes and rotors. The car has 21,000 miles on it. GM told her to F-off. An American car that needs brakes and rotors at 21,000 miles is normal wear and tear. They wouldn't cover the repair.

She was forced to take it to a private mechanic to get the problem fixed. It cost her over $800.00.

My Toyota now has 72,000 miles on it. When I had new tires put on at the beginning of the year, the mechanic there told me I had half of my break pads left, and everything else looked dandy. At the time, I probably had 65,000 miles on it.

I owned two Toyota's in the past ten years. Neither of them ever seen a tow truck.
Toyota's Out-of-Control Gas Pedals, 2009 & 2010
The Takata Seatbelt Scandal, 1995

Thom Hartman is a weak minded fool... With no ratings.

Crazy brings out crazy very typical behavior of socialists.

Anyone one think Bernie sanders combs his hair with an egg beater after a night of binge drinking???
Now it's monday
second day of the new week and time again for republican/conservative working stiffs to defend the wealthiest people and corporations on the planet, while blaming America's economic downfall on the decent wages fought for by labor unions, and by poor people getting foodstamps and other little scraps thrown to them. Like Jay Gould sez, "I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half".
You are wrong.
Thom Hartman is a weak minded fool... With no ratings.

Crazy brings out crazy very typical behavior of socialists.

Anyone one think Bernie sanders combs his hair with an egg beater after a night of binge drinking???
But I already knew that. Thom hartmann's dumps are smarter than you.

The number of viewers has nothing to do with how accurate fox news reporting is or rush Limbaugh.

The right took over the media so won't let Randi Rhodes even compete with rush. Where she beat him they took her off the air. The media is a powerful tool.
"Conservative" and "right wing" are virtually synonymous. If not, then what do you believe the difference to be? What does "right wing" mean when you use it?

Not to me.

I consider the right wing those who use government to keep themselves in power in business along with the saps they dupe into joining their cause.

I admire true conservatives.

Those are not "right-wingers." They're simply unscrupulous businessmen. They're liberal Democrats, more than likely, but some of them may be the kind of Republican that funds RINOs like Kasich and Jeb Bush.

You still haven't explained what you mean when you use the term "right wing."

I think I have tried.

You keep telling me they are not "far right".

I say they are.

Let's drop these terms.

You've identified those you think are RINOS.

I guess we could start classifying others....and then figure out why they get classified that way.

But I am more concerned about those who believe they are following conservatives and are duped into defending these greedy unscrupulous businessmen.

What conservative has been making a concerted effort to free up small businesses ?

I can think of several off hand. I quite a few that has been trying to do just that.

But, the left says "if you deregulate, it will be the 2008 crash all over again!"

And that's a hard charge to defend against no matter how false it inherently is.

I think the big problem is that you seem to be confusing right-wing ideology, with a party. Republican is a political party. Right-wing is an ideology. An individual may identify himself as being something, but that doesn't mean what he identifies himself to be, is actually what he is.

For example.... I can buy a membership card to the national vegetarian association. Does that mean I'm a vegetarian? Well, I eat meat, and have steak dinners. Am I vegetarian? No, I mean yes, because I have a Vegan card.


Right? I have the card, therefore I'm a Vegan.... and I eat meat every day.

What's my point?

They are RINOs? No, Republican is a party. Republican is not an ideology.

Now it's true that *generally* Republicans are right-wing. But just because you run as a republican, doesn't mean you are right-wing. And just you are Republican, doesn't mean anything. Republican is a party, not an ideology.

Are there some Republicans that are left-wing? Absolutely.

Being Republican doesn't make you Right-wing. If you support subsidies and tax and spend, and protectionism, and government give-aways, then you are still Republican, but you are not right-wing.

So when you say far-right that supports those things..... You are saying a contradiction. The one is incompatible with the other.

It's like saying "There are Vegetarians that eat meat. I eat meat, and am a member of the Vegan society".... No.... these are mutually exclusives statements.

I'll go with most of this...with the exception that I would say that right wing is not conservative.

And I think you mean conservative is an ideology.

If we meet there and agree, we have no argument.

But even conservatives get fooled.

I recently had this conversation with a young associate of mine at work. He is very ideological and conservative. I could tell he didn't like me bad mouthing big business.

About two months later he admitted he had thought long and hard about it and had come to the conclusion that I was correct.

Then we have to determine what one means by "right-wing" huh?

The traditional view of the political spectrum, is bonkers. It doesn't make sense. It's not logical. How one can try and define political views that are entirely similar, like socialist and national socialist, and claim they are at opposite ends of the spectrum, is beyond fruity.

I subscribe to the alternative view of the political spectrum, which is based on the level of governmental control.


At the far left, is 100% total government control over every aspect of life. That would be the Communist, Moaist, Stalinist, Nazi, and so on.

On the ultra-right, we have zero government. Anarchy.

So when you say the far right supports government regulations that keep small business out...... That in and of itself, is a contradiction. If they support more government control, for whatever purpose, then they are not by definition, far right.

And again.... I still don't see what horrible things 'big business' has done. You keep saying "they are stabbing us in the back", but I do not see how having an airport, or buying land, is stabbing anyone.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.
Do you think Honda and Toyota factory workers are overpaid? I'm sure you do since they are all uneducated.

So we see what the right thinks about the big successful middle class we had from fdr till Gw got into office and sent all those jobs to mexico.

So don't complain the middle class disappeared on Obama's watch when your policies cost us all those high paying jobs.

Toyota and Honda workers only make what they do because Honda and Toyota fear unionization. They should thank the big 3

That's interesting. Then riddle me this: why do they make such a superior product than those union shops? My Toyota has bumper-to-bumper coverage for seven years or 100,000 miles. Union companies can't do that.
Then drive a Honda. I like my fusion and my brothers f150. We get the a plan so its a no brainer for us. Ford is great. And my dad had a pension and hundreds of thousands of dollars and two homes working for Ford, so I see the value of paying your employees well.

I'm glad Toyota is here making a product and employing Americans and paying them a decent wage. Thank a union because if it were up to you and Toyota those zero education line workers would make how much?

Riddle me that.

I'm glad Toyota and Honda are keeping the big three on their toes.

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

Speaking of my "former" mechanic, it was he that enlightened me on the low quality parts and engineering of American made cars.

Because of your dads "hundreds of thousands of dollars" that he made, American auto manufacturing companies had to make up that loss somewhere. That somewhere was parts.

It's funny that this subject came up as a former GF of mine posted a complaint about her GM car on FaceBook. She has a bumper-to-bumper coverage on her car that now needs brakes and rotors. The car has 21,000 miles on it. GM told her to F-off. An American car that needs brakes and rotors at 21,000 miles is normal wear and tear. They wouldn't cover the repair.

She was forced to take it to a private mechanic to get the problem fixed. It cost her over $800.00.

My Toyota now has 72,000 miles on it. When I had new tires put on at the beginning of the year, the mechanic there told me I had half of my break pads left, and everything else looked dandy. At the time, I probably had 65,000 miles on it.

I owned two Toyota's in the past ten years. Neither of them ever seen a tow truck.
Toyota's Out-of-Control Gas Pedals, 2009 & 2010
The Takata Seatbelt Scandal, 1995

Garbage. I've read that crap. It was garbage.
Why do Republicans defend the wealthy? Leaving aside the fact that the Democrats protect some wealthy people too (labor bosses, "green" companies, multinational corporations that support leftist immigration policies, etc.), here are some ideas: Maybe Republicans defend the wealthy because the wealthy employ tens of millions of people? Maybe because they don't want the wealthy to be subject to mob rule and legalized plunder? Maybe because they believe that you shouldn't be punished for being successful?
Why do Republicans defend the wealthy? Leaving aside the fact that the Democrats protect some wealthy people too (labor bosses, "green" companies, multinational corporations that support leftist immigration policies, etc.), here are some ideas: Maybe Republicans defend the wealthy because the wealthy employ tens of millions of people? Maybe because they don't want the wealthy to be subject to mob rule and legalized plunder? Maybe because they believe that you shouldn't be punished for being successful?

the "left" doesn't protect "labor bosses". democrats defend workers and unions.

saying it's about "labor bosses" is simply silly.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.

That happens and is a subject worth discussing.

class warfare came from Marx and it remains a very successful and treasonous tactic that Democrats love to use. All you have to do is trick them into thinking the money the rich have would go to the middle class if it wasn't stolen by the rich.
Why do Republicans defend the wealthy? Leaving aside the fact that the Democrats protect some wealthy people too (labor bosses, "green" companies, multinational corporations that support leftist immigration policies, etc.), here are some ideas: Maybe Republicans defend the wealthy because the wealthy employ tens of millions of people? Maybe because they don't want the wealthy to be subject to mob rule and legalized plunder? Maybe because they believe that you shouldn't be punished for being successful?

the "left" doesn't protect "labor bosses". democrats defend workers and unions.

saying it's about "labor bosses" is simply silly.

Yes, the leftist president invites labor bosses to the White House most even after high union wages drove 30 million jobs off shore
Thom Hartman is a weak minded fool... With no ratings.

Crazy brings out crazy very typical behavior of socialists.

Anyone one think Bernie sanders combs his hair with an egg beater after a night of binge drinking???
Scrooge & Marley, Inc. - The True Conservative Agenda

There is nothing "normal" about a nation having a middle class, even though it is vital to the survival of democracy. As twenty-three years of conservative economic policies have now shown millions of un- and underemployed Americans, what's "normal" in a "free and unfettered" economy is the rapid evolution of a small but fabulously wealthy ownership class, and a large but poor working class. In the entire history of civilization, outside of a small mercantilist class and the very few skilled tradesmen who'd managed to organize in guilds (the earliest unions) like the ancient Masons, the middle class was an aberration. If a nation wants a middle class, it must define it, desire it, and work to both create and keep it.

Capitalism didn't create a middle class, democracy did.
As twenty-three years of conservative economic policies have now shown.

100% stupid and liberal as always. The govt has gotten bigger for 23 years so where are the conservative economic policies?

Tell us or admit to having a low liberal IQ.
Why does the left defend lazy uneducated non working rifraf? That must be why Dems are so popular, the slacker vote can't be discounted.

That happens and is a subject worth discussing.

class warfare came from Marx and it remains a very successful and treasonous tactic that Democrats love to use. All you have to do is trick them into thinking the money the rich have would go to the middle class if it wasn't stolen by the rich.
You're a fucking idiot. We were telling you what's wrong with the economy back in the early 2000's and you guys denied and lied. Now you are saying the exact same things Thom Hartmann was saying only now you are trying to blame it on Obama, or Pelosi or Reed. Thank god for the internet. You fucking fool.
As twenty-three years of conservative economic policies have now shown.

100% stupid and liberal as always. The govt has gotten bigger for 23 years so where are the conservative economic policies?

Tell us or admit to having a low liberal IQ.
Tax the poor, feed the rich. Isn't that a conservative policy? Send jobs overseas to where labor is SLAVE labor. Isn't that a conservative policy? Hire illegals to do jobs Americans won't do. Give the tax breaks to the rich and wait for it to trickle down. Grow military spending. Kill unions. PLENTY of Conservative policies have been passed the last 23 years.
Thom Hartman is a weak minded fool... With no ratings.

Crazy brings out crazy very typical behavior of socialists.

Anyone one think Bernie sanders combs his hair with an egg beater after a night of binge drinking???
Scrooge & Marley, Inc. - The True Conservative Agenda

There is nothing "normal" about a nation having a middle class, even though it is vital to the survival of democracy. As twenty-three years of conservative economic policies have now shown millions of un- and underemployed Americans, what's "normal" in a "free and unfettered" economy is the rapid evolution of a small but fabulously wealthy ownership class, and a large but poor working class. In the entire history of civilization, outside of a small mercantilist class and the very few skilled tradesmen who'd managed to organize in guilds (the earliest unions) like the ancient Masons, the middle class was an aberration. If a nation wants a middle class, it must define it, desire it, and work to both create and keep it.

Capitalism didn't create a middle class, democracy did.
Even with federal government schooling I know this is a republic not a democracy... Sadly turning into a socialist welfare state run by wack job progressives.

Embrace the suck

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